Vaccine Dangers enquiry,

Hildegarda said:
Hlat, in my experience, going to a pediatrician and talking to them about non-vaxing or an alternative vax schedule is like going to a McDonalds and demanding that they make you an organic KD meal. They are not equipped to provide it because it's not simply outside of their stated purpose, it's antithetical to it.

Fighting infectious diseases of children is the major stated purpose of pediatrics as a profession. This is the basis on which it was developed in the 19th century. In present time, the ruling philosophy in childhood-specific infectious illness is prevention. This means vaccines, and that means that, for a child under 2 or so, pediatrician's main role is that of a vaccine provider. If you didn't vaccinate your child and didn't have specific concerns regarding his/her health, there would be no reasons to go to that doctor at all.

Consider also that you are buying a service when you are going to the doctor. This one of the very few situations when a service provider feels within their right and even obligated to aggressively push their profit-based service on you. Yet, it is framed in moral and legal terms, designed to whip up your emotions and undermine your feeling of competence. What I mean is, the very relationship in which the doctor is putting pressure on a basically healthy individual to undergo a bona fide medical treatment is fundamentally flawed, and nowhere it is as obvious as in pediatric vaccinations.

You might want to reconsider why you feel you need an educated reply. A relationship where simply saying "no thank you" is sufficient may be better.

A family physician may be more amenable to going along with your anti-vax position. Family practitioners are also trained in treating children. They, however, do not have as big of a stock of vaccines to push through before they expire, and, as I understand, possibly less pressure from the insurers to have everyone in their practice up-to-date on their shots.

HOpe this all works out for you and your family,

The parts I bolded really resonate with me as I have had to do a lot of thinking about this having two children myself. I unfortunately got several of the first year vaccinations for my daughter because I did not feel educated about the subject enough to explain to her doctor why I didn't want them for her. Then it dawned on me that these are my children that I am responsible for, not her doctor. He is there to treat illness when necessary but I do not owe him an explanation. She did not have any of the second year vaccinations.

My son had his first set at two months because they had me so scared with him being a preemie that he would get something and I was suffering from some post-partum blues which really clouded my judgement :(. He got a really bad knot in his leg that lasted for three whole months despite compresses and rubbing. I decided right then no more. And it dawned on me there is really no reason to even go to well baby check ups if there is no concern for health.

I weigh my baby every few weeks and measure him, and he is hitting all his milestones on time/early. He has not been sick since birth and it's been quite some time since my daughter has had any illness. So why take them in at all? They literally do nothing but weigh, measure, push vaccines at well check ups most of the time.

I did not know where to post this information. I searched on thread with vaccine in the title, and found this old 2013 thread which would fit, but the information is important, at least this is what i think.
Just read the following post on twitter + all the other post on the same "twitter thread", it's official, from the CDC, a study of 1999 which was visibly buried until now. This information should be spread.

Good idea Evan.
There are a couple of posts, each time with 4 graphs/pictures, here are the pictures from the 3 following ones, total 12. There are 7 posts remaining, 6 more with 4 images and 1 with 2 (total 26 supplementary pictures). I do not know if it's useful to copy all of them here, at least here are a few more :



In the resources section of this website there is a file about vaccines.

Here is a website which gives you easy access to the inserts from the manufacturers of each vaccine or drug. Often just reading the side effects and ingredients is enough to say “No thanks!”

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