Hey there
@MJF ....Funny you're laying all this information out because I have been doing the same, elsewhere. I got tired of the Catholic bashing, when ppl know little of how and why the Church is in the state it's in, today. And that Protestant faiths had their own major corruptions during the 1800s, in the form Christian Zionism, which has had huge negative impacts on the world and the USA. (I'll get to that later and a new corruptions of today) Also, scandals, of all types, are not limited to the RC Church.
Looking at the world today, with all its debauchery and inversions, one understands that a large part of humanity has suffered and become debased as a result of turning away from religion....mind you I say some of humanity.
You gave some of your background; I shall provide some of mine. It was early this month, when I saw videos of the bloodied bodies, where
at least 50 people were killed and others injured after gunmen attacked a Catholic church in Nigeria's Ondo state during a Sunday mass, that I decided to present similar and same material as you are. Gunmen had fired at worshippers and detonated explosives at the church.
I have not practiced Catholicism for many years, but I do and have found wisdom within the religion. In a way, I still identify as Catholic because that is the culture and family I grew up in. We were taught to not mock or devalue any other's faith/religion. We were not sent out to evangelize Catholism. This is not what I experienced from ppl of other Christian sects. My parents told of crosses being burnt on their lawns because of being RC. My grandfather, a Scotch-Irish Protestant, father was in the KKK; he forced my grandpap to participate. Much to his father's dismay, he married my Irish Catholic grandmother; the family was raised in the RC church.
Growing up, my family moved every 2 years; mostly, these were heavy Catholic areas, but not all....It was in these areas that I was mocked for being Catholic by the children of other Christian sects; including being introduced to the secretary of school, for enrollment, as a fish eater. Even as a young child, it seemed strange to me to be labled. These were the impressions I had as a youth...Water off a duck's back, though, as I was taught to handle such things.
Now, what I wish to bring up is, why was it the Catholic Church that had to be infiltrated and corrupted from within.
First, one could look at the billion or more worldwide membership the Church had.
Second, the Church, still in my lifetime, was a moral anchor for Christians, in the sense that they held a huge sway over movies and programs of the media world. Their doctrine was firm on marriage, homosexuality, abortion, etc...
Catholic hospitals were free to those in need. Indeed, charity and care was given to all, no matter what belief or unbelief.
And lastly, the Church condemned free-masonary (which they saw as a jewish affair); no catholic was permitted to join and would be excommunicated if they did:
Since 28 April 1738, a series of Popes have condemned free-masonry, which they called the "Synagogue of Satan"�, in ten encyclicals. They excommunicated the Christians who adhered to it. But nonetheless free-masonry intruded into the Church and even arrived at her highest point. During his nunciature in Turkey, for instance, the late John XXIII was admitted in 1935 "into the Sect of the Temple"� and received the name of "Brother John"�, as Pier Carpi claims in his book "Prophecies of John XXIII"�, page 52.
Roman Catholicism vs. Judeo-Masonry
"...you must labor and diligently take care that the faith may be preserved amidst this great conspiracy of impious men
who attempt to tear it down and destroy it."
(Mirari Vos, Encyclical of Pope Gregory XVI, August 15, 1832 A.D.)
"...the roots of modern apostasy lay in scientific atheism, dialectical materialism, rationalism, illuminism,
laicism, and Freemasonry; which is the mother of them all..." (
Pope Pius XII, May 23, 1958 A.D.)
Papacy and Freemasonry, a Speech by Monseigneur Jouin, December 8, 1930:
Papacy and Freemasonry, those are the two powers active throughout the world and each is seeking to dominate it. The solution of the struggle taking place between them is, at the present moment of the utmost importance; for we are face to face not only with the crossroads of history but also with a radical transformation of humanity itself. Either Roman Catholicism will lift us up again to the level of Christian civilization or else Judeo-Masonry will drag us down the path of barbarism and decadent paganism. The whole world oscillates between the two: Christianism and Paganism. On December 8th, 1892, Pope Leo XIII wrote to the Italian Episcopal Hierarchy: "It is necessary to fight Freemasonry with those weapons of divine faith which in past ages vanquished paganism."
This is the final battle, Roman Catholicism vs. Judeo-Masonry. Read the Traditional Pontifical statements condemning the evil sect of Freemasonry, as outlined by the famous Monseigneur Jouin.
"The Phenomenon Of Jewish Infiltration Into The Clergy"
Excerpts from the book: The Plot Against The Church, by Maurice Pinay, 1962
Disclaimer: This book is cited for specific historical research purposes, and is not in any way, an endorsement for the text in whole. -TCW
"The phenomenon of Jewish infiltration into the clergy has existed as proven since the beginnings of Christianity and was constantly one of the main dangers which Holy Church, not only in the one or other land, but in the entire Christian world, saw facing it." ...
"Through this Christianity was to be destroyed, and simultaneously in secret other sects were founded, which wished to master all Europe, abolish the existing order and destroy Holy Church. Jewry thus restricted itself not only to organising one sect, one revolutionary movement, but caused secretly several, differing from one another, to arise. The ideologies and principles were different and suited to satisfy the taste of all. If one did not agree with the programme, the dogmas or the confessions of faith of one sect, then perhaps the others would convince him. And if one sect failed, another would triumph.
At all events they supported each other mutually in secret, even if also following apparently opposing and. incompatible programmes. Thus Jewry began to apply another of its tactics: not to trust to the victory of one single organisation, but to found many organisations with different and even contrasting ideologies, which did justice to the most diverse wishes and opinions. The Jews do the same today. They found Christian-democratic parties, extreme Right parties — without the name playing a role —, Centre parties, socialist, anarchistic and Communist parties, as well as Freemasonic, Theosophical and Spiritualist organisations, Rotary Clubs, Boy Scouts Organizations and many others. It would require too much space to mention all those which — as well-known writers have proved — are controlled by international Jewry. Thus the Synagogue can control men of the most different tendencies and ideologies, watch over Christian and gentile peoples and drive onward their plans for world rule.
...The Jewish-Spanish Encyclopaedia mentions the attitude of the Church to the mediaeval heresies and confirms the assertions of priests and writers of most different epochs, who made the assurance that “the Jews were the fathers of the heresies.”
END The Plot Against The Church, by Maurice Pinay, 1962
Pope Francis, the 1st jesuit pope, is not the only anti-pope. Vatican 2 was the nail in the coffin of the Church...from the TCW:
During the Conclave after the death of John XXIII, white smoke announced the election of a Pope. (Interestingly Fr. Mouraux is speaking about the 1963 Conclave here and white smoke seen. Of course most true Catholics know about the famous 1958 white smoke where "Cardinal" Siri was elected Pope and 100% accepted. Pope Siri walked into the 63 Conclave the Pope de jure and walked out of the conclave the (hidden and persecuted) Pope. -TCW) Today it is known that Cardinal Siri, a spiritual friend of Pius XII, had just been elected with a majority of votes. But what happened afterwards? It is not known exactly. It is however certain that (in 1963) ***Cardinal Tisserant, in disregard of the Rules of the Conclave, left the locked rooms, went into town where he had a secret meeting with the dignitaries of the Lodge Bâ'nai Bâ'rith (Free-masonry lodge, founded in 1953 in the USA) which is mostly reserved to Jews***. Some hours after his return to the Vatican, another white smoke announced the election of Cardinal Montini. At his coronation as Pope Paul VI, several American newspapers accused him of being a member of the Lodge Bâ'nai Bâ'rith - a photograph served as proof - (which is in my possession; the author).
John Paul II had abolished the excommunication which for 145 years had hit the Catholics belonging to free-masonry. On 2 March 1984 he received in official audience the ***Lodge Bâ'nai Bâ'rith***. The speech which he addressed to them is a startling confirmation of all that has been written before. [...] ***Addressing himself to the worst enemies of the Church,*** John Paul II calls them three times, during his amiable speech "my dear friends"�. After emphasizing the "fraternal interest"�, he continued: "We are called up to unite us"�. And this reunion is not just an ordinary one, but of "Brothers"�. In order to underline its deepness and religiosity, John Paul II cited Psalm 132: "Oh! Qu'il est bon, qu'il est doux pour des freres unis d'habiter ensemble."� (Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.) In any case, this brotherhood is for him a source of pleasure: "I am truly happy to receive you. I do thank you. (...) I am grateful to you."� These statements are not the expression of a fleeting sentiment, no, they manifest the "close relations of his visitors to the (so-called) Commission for the Religious (!) Relations".
In conclusion, a "normal" consequence among "Brothers"� which in itself is already blasphemous: "We are called up to unite us in a gesture of gratitude towards God."� [END]
As promised a history of Christian Zionism, which the RC Church rightfully turned down. It is also the source of the corrupted belief in the rapture:
How Scofield Twisted the Bible to Accommodate Christian Zionism
Foreword: This post is long. It is long because Christian Zionism is based on a multitude of lies. The bigger the onion, the more the layers we are forced to peel off.
Unfortunately, as we will now see, Fundamentalism was itself infiltrated and hijacked, consistent with the Rothschild strategy of funding both sides of wars. Fundamentalist churches were targeted to enlist their support for the Zionist agenda. The two principal agents in this scheme were John Nelson Darby (1800-1882) and Cyrus Scofield (1843-1921). What Darby planted, Scofield watered and disseminated. The theology they developed served the agenda by making several claims:
These doctrines, whose main outcome was “Christian Zionism,” might seem boring to atheists and agnostics, but they are nonetheless exceedingly relevant to the state of the world. They are espoused by celebrity-status theologians like Hal Lindsey, Pat Robertson and John Hagee, in the best-selling Left Behind book series, and are prevailing views in many conservative evangelical churches. Without these ideas being sweepingly disseminated, there might have been no Israeli state created in 1948, no 9/11, and no Middle East wars.
Zionist seizure of Palestine could not have occurred without the consent and cooperation of the world’s Christian community. Given the centuries-old conflict between Jews and Christians, it was necessary to remold Christian theology to accommodate the Rothschild plan. Cyrus Scofield and his reference Bible came on the scene for this express purpose.
THE ABOMINATION AND BLASPHEMY OF CHRISTIAN ZIONISM Zionism (Picture credit unknown) Foreword: This post is long. It is long because Christian Zionism is based on a multitude of lies. The bigger the…
You could also watch this video on it:
Here is the newest non-RC corruption I have seen:
**PRIDE 2022:
A ministry tied to the Presbyterian Church is "Queering the Bible" to celebrate LGBT pride this summer.
'The PCUSA project Unbound: An Interactive Journal of Christian Social Justice is kicking off the new series "Queering the Bible" with a 16-part study of the Gospel of Mark that will run through July 22.'
A ministry tied to the Presbyterian Church USA is Queering the Bible to celebrate LGBT pride this summer