Venezuelan Gov't announced new coup was thwarted


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I've seen this news coming out here and there in trickles. It's really odd that there's not more news or information about this.

What have you all seen and/or heard?

It's in the NYT here. Venezuela has been under more or less permanent economic siege since 1999. I think there were 3-5 foiled coup attempts while Chavez was still alive. Color revolution aka regime change has been in operation there for a couple of years. So this news is kind of 'so what else is new?'

That and the fact that the Western media is anti-Venezuelan, so it's predisposed to either

a.) not report on it,
b.) not take it seriously, or
c.) gloat about it and wish its success
Had a look at this headline and article on the site, telesur - 'Evidence Reveals Canada, UK Involvement in Venezuela Coup Plot' - video of the alleged collaborators included.


snip said:
Cabello also said that a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and a member of the U.K. diplomatic core in Venezuela, had been involved in plans, including seeking information on airport capacity in case of emergencies.

According to Venezuelan intelligence, the computers seized to military detractors revealed maps from the places where the opposition was plotting to carry out attacks, including the Miraflores presidential palace, and the headquarters of teleSUR in Caracas.
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