Very interesting warnings in Globe editorial

Clearly they can do anything they wish and have shown that they will. If there is even a sign of the people rising up all they need to do is round up those who they deem threatening leaders to Peace in America and lock them away. How do they do that? We all know how. They plant people in the peace movement organizaiton that will raise hell at some rally and show the American People what kind of disloyal and disrespectful people these are. They do not want peace they want to ruin America and cast it into chaos. So forth and so on... Same story, same techniques different names and places.

Just writing this makes my stomach churn. To think how long we have been asleep almost brings a tear to my eye and fear to my heart.

The beat goes on, the beat goes on
Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain
La de da de de, la de da de da
just finished reading the controversy of zion :) i know this has been covered (rightly so) in detail on the forum- but what struck me as particularly pertinent to the current anti-Iran rhetoric is the newspaper propaganda:
"the mob" was fed with news of an impending Egyptian attack on Israel.[...]..and in time this took on so definite a note that many casual readers, I fancy, must have thought that Egypt had already attacked Israel. [...]from the London weekly review, September 1956, a few weeks before the Israeli attack on Egypt):"We can be absolutely certain that the Arabs, encouraged by Russia, will attack Israel. This is now beyond all doubt and should form the basis of our calculations".

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