Video: African shaman performing levitation

Thanks Data for the debunking video. I was amazed by the fact that when the "Chriss Angel Mindfreak" video said, "NO Camera Tricks! NO Hollywood Effects! NO Editing Tricks!" I was prepared to just accept that. Astonishing, really. There I was ready to look for some other explanation of the illusion.

I can't remember where I heard this, but one of the best ways to understand an illusion of this sort is to bear in mind their aim: they're going to be doing it to entertain. That means that they're going to do it to the best of their ability, with all the resources at their disposal - which will include paid audience members (i.e. stooges or actors), and plenty of camera and editing tricks. Not to mention throwing a lot of money into the performance. So if that means hiring a crane from which they use wires to stage a levitation, then they'll do just that. As far as we're concerned, we'll just be looking for the simplest possible explanation - partly because we're trained to always look for the simplest solution. It's part of the scientific method, after all. Using a crane just seems so inelegant - so surely they wouldn't do that? Technical testing in a workshop beforehand of wires and harness - surely they wouldn't have wasted so much time doing that? And then add in editing footage, digital manipulation, and sheets of glass - well, surely they wouldn't do that, would they?

Well, yes they would. The banality of it all is actually staggering, when you know how it's done. That amount of energy, all those guys pulling on ropes, others acting as though they were amazed bystanders, all that work in editing suites afterwards, making sure nobody gets too close to what's actually going on, all the constant chatter over walkie-talkies to coordinate things. And none of this team ever lets on.

But then, why should they? We want to accept the simplest explanation, which will be 1. we've just witnessed a real miracle, or (if that won't do) 2. some one single way in which the trick was pulled off. But of course, there isn't a simple single way in which the trick was pulled off. They did all sorts of things. They put a lot of coordination of manpower, they thought of the most complicated way of doing things (not the simplest), they invested perhaps thousands of dollars into the trick, etc.

It's all quite reminiscent of the staged events on 9-11, imo.
I turned the sound off and just watched it. The camera work was annoying to me. Considering the nature of the event that was supposedly being documented, I thought the cameramen were either irresponsible, amateurs or 'in on it'...whatever the 'it' is.

Something odd about his midsection and how his lower body wobbles side-to-side while the upper torso stays relatively stable.

Also at the 1:07 mark, the wind appears to be blowing from his left to his right, yet the lower hem of his robe blows forward twice. Mysterious, or somekind of giveaway?

I also got the funny impression that he was balancing on the shoulders or the head of an 'invisible' man that was lifting him up from the ground. That would have certainly required him to keep his legs apart. :)
I wonder if a genuine shaman will ever perform a levitation just entertainment.
I think that here the levitation is far more convincing:
mkrnhr said:
I think that here the levitation is far more convincing:

This was hysterical. Thanks so much for the link. There are several more fun videos link to this one as well.
Bluestar said:
mkrnhr said:
I think that here the levitation is far more convincing:

This was hysterical. Thanks so much for the link. There are several more fun videos link to this one as well.

LOL, that was really funny :lol:. I kind of expected it to be funny when I clicked on it. Good old matrix motif, thanks.
Bluestar said:
Having seen American illusionists David Blaine & Chris Angel do similar levatating on TV, maybe it could be done. These two have done this in front of people on the street where no ropes can be possible. For your viewing pleasure a couple of youtubes:

Seems David Blaine experiences some pain afterwards.

The video link above - just curious but it sure looks like the Dallas Street where JFK was shot and the bottom of the grassy-knoll Blain lies down upon afterwards? :huh:

The matrix pong players; that was mood levitating – thanks! :lol:
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