Jedi Master
Maybe not in the sky but... thats weird
Probably this is not UFO. It is too close to be a UFO and shape is little odd like a black hat w.r.t other video's.Maybe not in the sky but... thats weird
Basically it's a mirage caused by the bending of light due to rapid air temperature variations with height over the water's surface.
It was a beautiful day with calm weather, until suddenly bundles of hay fell from the sky in Moszczanica (a district of Zywiec)," describes the portal. Where did they come from? The answer is simple. It is all the fault of the so-called dust devil.
The rain of hay in ZywiecThe rain of hay in Zywiec - Stanislaw Karcz / YouTube / Stanislaw Karcz
Mr Stanislaw recorded the flying hay in Zywiec and put the video on YouTube. As he described to the portal: "Tens of strange objects were falling very slowly from above the clouds, which in almost windless weather were coming from high above, from the northern direction, from the Magurka Range. It soon became clear that these "objects" were hay bundles. "Maybe someone will try to explain". - Mr Stanislaw asked under the video.
Dust devil cause confusion
"Only one phenomenon is able to lift the straw high into the air and put it into a characteristic rotational motion" - answer experts from the Your Weather portal. It is the so-called dust tornado or dust devil. What is it?
Dust devils are not associated with thunderstorms and can occur during sunny weather. The vortex picks up various small objects, including dust or just hay. As Storm Hunters explain, this phenomenon is common in deserts and steppes and is related to the heating of the surface.
See also: Autumn will displace summer in the last week of summer holidays
Dust devils can look truly spectacular.
Dust devils have also been observed on Mars. If you look closely, you can see one gliding in the background in the NASA gif below:
So today in the MSM news there was this articulation:
Youtube Movie
as far as hay may have fallen, I watched this video in slow motion 0.25 (on youtube) and either these are fast birds, or "faster hay blows" or "Something" else is flying there.
In these Minute:second - you can see very fast "objects" whatever they are.
What do you think about it?
Pilots of an American Airlines jet flying over New Mexico say they saw something fly directly over them that they cannot explain. The strange encounter happened over the northeast corner of New Mexico west of Clayton, New Mexico as the jet was cruising at 36,000 feet traveling around 460 mph. The unidentified flying object sighting was documented by the pilots when they radioed the Albuquerque Center according to The Drive. “Do you have any targets up here?” the pilot asked. “We just had something go right over the top of us – I hate to say this but it looked like a long cylindrical object that almost looked like a cruise missile type of thing – moving really fast right over the top of us.”
JACKSONVILLE, FL - On September 6, 2021 - (Labor Day), I was traveling on a Jet Blue flight from Boston, MA to Jacksonville, FL. Our plane departed Logan Airport on time at 10am....scheduled to land in Jacksonville, FL at 12:50pm. The weather was clear blue skies for the entire flight.
In full disclosure, I have been a licensed private pilot for 24 years, and a licensed drone pilot for 6 years. Typically when I fly commercially, I tend to book a window seat...on an exit row. On this flight, I was sitting in Row 12, window seat – exit row, on the left side of the aircraft. The jet configuration was two seats on the left, an aisle, and two seats on the right.
At approximately 12:35pm, we had just entered the “pattern” for landing at Jacksonville International Airport. The Jet was on a downwind leg (paralleling the runway). The Jet was heading due West, at approximately 2,800 feet in the air, traveling at roughly 240mph. I clearing saw JAX airport out of the left window. Everything at the airport was very clear. The runways, the jets, the terminal, control tower, etc.
I pressed my face against window looking west to see/gage when the pilot might turn left on the base leg of the pattern. Yes, I know it’s weird. As a pilot I tend to do that. Flying over this part of the pattern is a thick, heavy forest. In August, the leaves on the trees are very dark green.
As I looked out the window, facing west, I saw three bright white objects flying in the opposite direction. I didn’t know what they were. Big white birds, three drones, no way, but I couldn’t tell. As they got closer, they were three long cylindrical objects. They were in a triangle pattern. They were roughly 75 feet to 150 feet above the tree line. I was above the objects. I was completely stunned what I saw. It was crystal clear and their white fuselage stuck out against the dark tree line.
I could clearly see these “aircraft”. They were all white, I am guessing about the size of 2 or 3 cars (20 to 25 feet long)....maybe a bit longer. The width was about as wide as a car. They clearly had a rounded front fuselage, and a rounded rear – everything looked completely smooth. All three were the exact same size – and they were flying in a perfect triangle. These three had NO wings, NO rotors (blades), and absolutely NO exhaust. I could not see any windows.
The entire encounter lasted 10-15 seconds. As they passed our Jet Blue flight, the left wing blocked my view for a second. As they flew past the wing, I looked to the rear and followed them until they were out of sight. I was completely stunned! After the flight, the captain of our plane was standing in the aisle outside of the cockpit. I stopped and asked him if he noticed anything on radar right before he turned the base leg. He said he did not notice anything.
As I got into my vehicle, I was so upset that I pulled over and contacted the Jacksonville Control Tower. They took my information, and took a report. I told two people in the control tower what I saw. They probably thought I was nuts. When I got home, I also contact Naval Station Mayport. Since it was Labor Day, they had a skeleton crew working. I did leave 2 messages, one with a Lieutenant of Air Operations. To say that I am upset with what I saw is an understatement. Aeronautically speaking, what I observed is not possible. BUT I SAW IT! I hope I’m not cracking up.
((NUFORC Note: We spoke at length with the witness, and consider him to be exceptionally capable, and credible. PD))
While scanning the skies and filming an airplane...a bright light appear at a lower altitude.. when zooming in a UFO was observed traveling over tree top level at same altitude and speed...No FAA navigational lights were seen coming from it..
This #UFO #OVNI was filmed over Medellin, Colombia on 8th September 2021. Read more at our website:
During an international airshow in Ontario Canada, an extremely fast unidentified flying object passing the fighter jets. original source: video and photo editing by Behind The Scenes