Vietnam man handles three decades without sleep

Well, since you ask, ~ahem~, according to the C's, and according to life experience, a souled individual NEEDS to sleep - to recharge the draining of energy by those pesky OPs that the lower centers love so much. Since this gentleman has not slept in over 33 years, with no discernable physical or psychological consequences, it would suggest that he has no higher centers that need to be recharged with sleep. Another possibility, of course, is that he is fully souled and so advanced that he does not allow any draining of his higher centers to occur, which would be really cool, if true. Either way, the regenerative process that is sleep for most of us, simply is not for him. Now, that doesn't mean that OPs in general don't need sleep, I"m just saying that it would make not having sleep less detrimental if you didn't need to recharge your energy centers. Then again, I could be completely off track and simply talking to myself via an internet forum. =)
Sleep, eating and drinking really annoy me. I wouldn't mind being able to stop doing it... well... I suppose I could stop doing it, but I prefer to eat and sleep over feeling tired and hungry :P

I was wondering about staying awake for a whole year the other day, and thought to myself "nahhhh no one could do that". But 3 decades? LOL. Ok. One of the things I was wondering was, I get strange feelings, thoughts, ways of looking at things when I'm very tired. I start to think of the situation us humans are in, and things start to seem more "real", such as being on a planet surrounded by trillions of stars, and not knowing where we are or what we are, etc. Anyway, I was wondering how that feeling would progress after a year of being awake, because a few times I have stayed up for a couple of days. Its always strange, but once I literally had to run to bed, because being awake got too "intruding", I started to become very anxious and scared of "matter", of being awake, it was horrible. So, I wonder how someone could deal with that - I felt as though I was going mad! I suppose it could just be me though, lol :/
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