Volcano eruption in colombia


FOTCM Member
hey guys i didn't see it posted anywhere else so here it is:
The Galeras one of the most active volcanos in colombia has had a slight explosive eruption on saturday february 14th at 7:10 P.M. , after this INGEOMINAS the agency in charge of the matter in colombia has declared red alert in Pasto which is the closest city to the volcano , Red alert as he explains here(in spanish) means that they're expecting an imminent eruption and as a cause of this they are evacuationg about 7000 people, but on the latest reports is stated that people are not leaving the zone despite the alert, acording to the disaster prevention agency director Luz Pulido:"people get scared with galeras but they get over it , they think that after this there's not gonna be any more eruptions. which is what happened last year" theres a video of about a year ago exactly to be seen right here there's another video of this years situation is not that good but is the only one i found here it is, i'll keep an eye on this..

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