Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

With "Palestinian militants" still occupying up to six urban areas in Israel, it's pretty clear (to me anyway) that this is a combination of Israeli operatives among the Palestinians and coordination with Israeli mil/intel to 'stand down' the normal Israeli response.

It also looks like somebody added an extra surprise to this uprising, forming "police checkpoints" (that again), and gunning down hundreds of young people. Who do we know that regularly engages in such a thing?

Problem is, it always muddies the waters to make reasonable conclusions impossible. It's hard to support an uprising that guns down young civilians, especially women who are seen as more valuable. And you can't have a discussion about false flags because normies' brains just aren't wired that way.

The result is just an awful, unfixable mess of chaos, which is exactly what 'they' want.
Transcript from one of the festival survivors about what happened:

With "Palestinian militants" still occupying up to six urban areas in Israel, it's pretty clear (to me anyway) that this is a combination of Israeli operatives among the Palestinians and coordination with Israeli mil/intel to 'stand down' the normal Israeli response.

Within seconds of me seeing what had happened on Saturday, seeing that woman’s lifeless body on the back of the truck and hearing that the ‘Palestinians’ were firing indiscriminately at the Israelis in the settlements, the first thing that went through my mind was that this is straight out of the CIA playbook of how to sow terror in a population.

But I didn’t factor in the origins of Hamas, and I wasn’t aware of what Joe talks about above. And I just put it down to, “I guess they just had enough and they’re treating the oppressor as horribly as possible in retaliation.”

But this all makes perfect sense, now. If it walks like a western intel agency, and quacks like one…

The other thing which was noted early on Saturday by commentators was the incredibly high quality of the videos and the overall media/PR campaign. It was pointed out that the Hamas videos got out so quickly, and yet, by the time they did, they already had the faces of the militants and others in the videos blurred out.

Brings back memories of Islamic State.
Another eyewitness report from a survivor of the rave massacre:

Camera in hand, partygoer captures escape from rave where Hamas killed 260 Israelis

Times of Israel, 9 October 2023
“We saw people on bicycles getting away, saw abandoned cars, cars full of bullet holes. I remember one specific car, the person in the car was in the front seat with a hole in their face. They had tried to get away and they couldn’t and they were shot in their car,” said [Shye] Weinstein.

He said they only slowed to drive around corpses, who were lying face down on the ground scattered on the road. He said the dead included soldiers. He described passing IDF checkpoints as well as two men on the side of the road with black balaclavas and military gear with machine guns, possibly special forces, he said.

Every time a car passed us I was sure it was Hamas. Every time we saw what looked like soldiers up ahead we didn’t know if it was IDF or Hamas… We only slowed down for checkpoints and bodies,” said Weinstein.
Anyway, the whole thing is giving me Vegas concert vibes.

Along with the repeated reference to this being "Israel's 911", the whole thing stinks.
Since yesterday the media's been using the term "multi-site terror attack" to describe the overall event. As far as I'm aware, we're the only ones to have ever used that term... to describe the 2017 Las Vegas 'mass shooting' and the 2019 Christchurch 'mass shooting', both of which had US (and likely Israeli) intelligence fingerprints all over them:

I can't last 1 minute on X without getting any kind of upset with people's comments, it's like the original COVID reaction all over again but on a different subject.
What is disappointing is that people who I thought had at least 2 neurons working, can't really see the overall picture of what really is happening, this situation shows you how people really are programmed. And I could debate all day long with them, but I wish Palestine really wins something or somebody assist them and Israel really gets to be exposed for what they are, so I can repost that on the face of some people out there (to put it nicely)
It might sound like an emotional reaction, which it is! I'll admit it makes me upset, but I'll try to not let this gain something out of me, depending on how this develops this could be a hard lesson for millions of people.

Well, since yesterday I was wondering if as for covid, should we here in the forum show some caution and start using, as for covid, a strategic enclosure for the war in Israel. If this war is the start of the war that ww2 was the Banc d'essai (test bench) should we look back to history and look at how dissident were treated then. For covid, they used fear to manipulate the mind of the population but in the case of this war, programming as been ''downloaded'' in the public for a very long time or this Israelite state would't have survived for very long.

I like to have your opinion, should we show some caution vis à vis this conflict. Is it WISE to speak our mind to a mostly programmed public that as never (for most of them) carried any research on the Israelite and Palestinian conflict, who got most of there ''knowledge'' from the legacies media. :huh:
This was shared on RT:

Iran is not involved in the Hamas attack on Israel, the Iranian Permanent Mission to the UN told Amwaj. media.

They called reports of Tehran's involvement “attempts by the Israeli government to justify the failure” of its military.

Putin's spokesman Peskov said:

❗️Situation in Israel is on an escalation path, there is a risk of third countries getting involved - Peskov

And this from Israel:

A senior political and security official - a dramatic escalation is expected in the offensive operations on the part of Israel in the coming hours.
Transcript from one of the festival survivors about what happened:

This carnage at the rave has been troubling me as well. We are led to believe Hamas fighters came in lightly armed, on foot and on hang gliders, yet somehow they produced this utter devastation:


Cars at the rave in the perhaps hundreds left crushed, mangled and burnt to a crisp. Perhaps they used bulldozers, stolen tanks, incendiaries... but why spend so much effort on a bunch of cars...? I suppose it does leave a powerful statement... but one has to wonder...

BBC TV News particularly highlighted a case regarding one girl taken as being of German origin... just saying....
Since yesterday the media's been using the term "multi-site terror attack" to describe the overall event. As far as I'm aware, we're the only ones to have ever used that term... to describe the 2017 Las Vegas 'mass shooting' and the 2019 Christchurch 'mass shooting', both of which had US (and likely Israeli) intelligence fingerprints all over them:

Searching on Google, I found only one answer that matchs with almost the same term "multisite terrorist attacks", back in 2015 (about attacks in France on 13 November 2015):

Capture d’écran 2023-10-09 120643.jpg

The link from The Lancet, as the other is the same study:

I don't know if the fact that it's about France makes any sense from a global point of view.
They're talking about 11/09, so maybe they also "want" to make/induce a connection with the terrorist attacks in France...
While that concert may have been styled as a "peace concert", it was just a "burning man" type event. I mean, who in their right mind would go and dance and drug it up 3 miles from a fence holding 2 million people in the world largest open-air prison?

Which begs the question, who in their right mind would plan and organize a rave so close to the fence... unless of course you knew that something was planned for that day and you just happened to want a massacre of the young and beautiful innocent (plus hostages - all young women - of course - MeToo taken to the next level of fear programming).

The MSM media narrative implies that Hamas just happened to stumble upon this event and took cruel advantage of so many people gathered in one place, out in the open, giving them a bloodbath ... yet why is there footage of para gliders traveling the full 3 miles so as to seemingly target the event with such devastating fire power... are we to believe they just cooked up the murder and hostage plan on the spot...?

As BBC TV News put it:

We don't yet know what's happened to all those who came in these cars to party to celebrate…. but the brutality of the attack, the terror of it, will now be seared into the psyche of a Nation.

The nation intended being all those watching in the UK and around the world online.
Brings back memories of Islamic State.

Indeed, and yet as we mentioned on the show yesterday, ISIS was a group (funded and trained by Western intel) that sought to appropriate the lands of others based on a religio-historical claim to those lands. Precisely the mentality that brought about the state of Israel and the current situation. So ISIS has far more in common, ideologically-speaking, with Zionism than with Palestinian aspirations, which are exactly the opposite.
Iran is clearly somewhere nearby.
An officer of the Iranian elite Al-Quds unit is seen near the border with Israel
According to Iranian journalist Hayal Muazzin, General Ismael Kaani, commander of the elite unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps "Al-Quds", is currently in southern Lebanon, in the region bordering Israel. This information raises concerns about the possible expansion of the current conflict between Israel and Hamas.

The appearance of a high-ranking Iranian general in such proximity to the epicenter of the current conflict may indicate a potential increase in Iranian support for anti-Israeli forces in the region. Such a scenario could exacerbate an already tense situation, especially given that Al-Quds is known for its actions against Israel and for supporting groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas.

If Iran really joins the war, it could escalate into a huge conflict, in which, in all likelihood, Syria will also be involved because of its geographical location.
Офицер иранского элитного подразделения "Аль-Кудс" замечен недалеко от границы с Израилем

Looking at all the "accidents" described above, one can no longer believe in a real accident.
Israel accidentally bombed its captured soldiers
One of the key leaders of the Palestinian group Hamas announced that they, in cooperation with Islamic Jihad (a terrorist group whose activities are banned in the Russian Federation – ed.), are holding 130 Israelis abducted during attacks on Israeli settlements located near the Gaza Strip. According to the source, there are Israeli military personnel among the hostages, several of whom were killed as a result of Israeli air strikes on the territory of the enclave.
Details on this matter were not clarified, however, the fact that Israel hit its captured soldiers indicates that the bombing of Gaza is carried out uncontrollably, which can have serious consequences for the IDF, especially against the background of a wave of criticism of the Israel Defense Forces due to the missed attack of several thousand militants.
Израиль случайно разбомбил своих пленных военнослужащих

Иран явно где то неподалеку.
Глядя на всё вышеописанные "случайности" в настоящую случайность уже не верится.
I heard a siren that sounded a couple of kilometers away.

And now actually what sounds like thunder for the past hour or so

[ We know what combat planes sound like- It ain't that ]

October has certainly become real interesting, real quick
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