Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

I can't last 1 minute on X without getting any kind of upset with people's comments, it's like the original COVID reaction all over again but on a different subject.
What is disappointing is that people who I thought had at least 2 neurons working, can't really see the overall picture of what really is happening, this situation shows you how people really are programmed. And I could debate all day long with them, but I wish Palestine really wins something or somebody assist them and Israel really gets to be exposed for what they are, so I can repost that on the face of some people out there (to put it nicely)
It might sound like an emotional reaction, which it is! I'll admit it makes me upset, but I'll try to not let this gain something out of me, depending on how this develops this could be a hard lesson for millions of people.
Generally I don't like to comment of certain topics because I'm not Geopolitical Analyst, in this case I would like to share my senses about the situation:
1. First, looks like to me a kind of desperate tactic from the PTB.
2. It Reminds me a 9/11 inside of Job,
3. Also I'm thinking in a possible provocative call to Rusia?
3. It's clear that the plans with the Ucraine Attack, didn't satisfy their initial plans as they thought, ( wishful thinking) at this point in time. Think, Putin were smart enough :cool2: to give an respond, so their plans failed.
4. Also something in the line of using religions to create a big movement in Europe, I had seen massive immigrations of Muslim people in Europe, and today I saw a news in RT, that the people from Yemen, and Kuwait, were celebrating the attack from Hamas to Israel . And it took my attention in the way how they could use one "god" against other. . Can't think about the Muslims vrs Jews reactions. 🤔🤔🤔
Just came across RT and Sputnik publishing information on the possibility that the weapons being used by Hamas were trafficked via Ukraine, so I think it is possible that this bit of information will either get buried... or who knows, maybe it is used as a way to withdraw from Ukraine altogether.

Also a former Donestk Police chief said pretty much the same thing about it.

In the official's words, it was Israel, together with its NATO partners, who, until recently, transferred various types of weapons to Kiev. They, among other things, were resold by Ukrainian soldiers and military officials "to various terrorists around the world in quite large and totally uncontrolled quantities," he added.

"Ironically, Israeli soldiers are now being shot at with their own weapons and with weapons that were once transferred to Ukraine from NATO," Gaguin stressed.

In his opinion, in the same way weapons can end up in the possession of other radical organizations whose representatives are located in European countries and in the USA.
The grip that little Israel has on the psyche of the West is amazing to behold. That tiny country's only purpose has been a stumbling block to a more reasoned view of the world. Perhaps from the 'patriarchal religions' performance through history comes the left's view of an evil, malignant patriarchy. All men are evil, but we can still strive against what has been at least partially forced upon us. Resist through will and greater knowledge. It seems painful lessons are in store for us all, may they be mitigated. I pray for mercy, especially to those who have shown mercy to others, but also for everyone where there is still some hope. The others will destroy themselves.

Am I the only one wondering if Russia had a hand in this? It seems strange they're not being given credit, when they get blamed for almost everything these days.
Is this a joke? Please tell me that I'm stupid and don't understand jokes.

Это шутка? Скажите мне пожалуйста, что я тупой и не понимаю шуток.
The Palestinian ambassador to the UK, Husan Zumlot, has refused to condemn the Hamas incursion on Israel, saying the Palestinian people have been "occupied, colonised, besieged for so many years" and are "fighting for their lives".Mr Zumlot described the Gaza Strip as the "biggest open air prison on earth" and said 13 million Palestinians have been subject to "systematic oppression" for more than 100 years.

It's all too perfect. Hamas attacks a peace concert? "Hey, Let's do the dumbest thing possible!" No way the Israeli war dogs would enjoy taking out some peaceniks and blaming Hamas. And right as there are macro geo-economic ruptures starting to manifest in the credit/debt markets, financial system and oil markets. Nothing to see here but an attack by dehumanized mad dogs hell bent on self extermination against innocent unsuspecting victims. Poor Israel. "We were just standing around minding our own business holding some flowers and chillin'." Makes total sense.

While that concert may have been styled as a "peace concert", it was just a "burning man" type event. I mean, who in their right mind would go and dance and drug it up 3 miles from a fence holding 2 million people in the world largest open-air prison?

Festival-goer Adam Barel told Haaretz that everyone at the rave had been aware there was a chance of rocket fire in the area - but the gunfire was a shock.

The German girl in the back of the pickup seems strange. She was likely already dead, along with 260 others at the concert, so why take her body? Maybe because she seems to have had an Israeli military history? Obviously Anyway, the whole thing is giving me Vegas concert vibes.

Along with the repeated reference to this being "Israel's 911", the whole thing stinks.

And I'd just remind of this:

With a cadre of well-trained, Arabic-speaking Israeli informants who are indistinguishable physically from the Palestinian population, Shabak has little problem gathering intelligence on a people whose every movement is regulated by hundreds of check points and by total Israeli control on their borders. These infiltrators prey on Arab innate hospitality and friendliness. The Palestinians call them “musta’ribeen”, i.e., “those who appear to be Arabs”. Palestinians are not surprised when someone, somewhere comes up to them and says: Got you!
Transcript from one of the festival survivors about what happened:

"I was there at the festival, there were rockets so people got nervous and everyone started to leave, We drove towards the main road, where we saw many cars standing in what looked like a traffic jam, at the end there were policemen and soldiers forming a roadblock and blocking the road. This was not a police checkpoint, these were terrorists impersonators. They waited until there were a lot of people standing in traffic then pulled out a machine-gun and started spraying the cars with bullets, at least 300 dead.
With "Palestinian militants" still occupying up to six urban areas in Israel, it's pretty clear (to me anyway) that this is a combination of Israeli operatives among the Palestinians and coordination with Israeli mil/intel to 'stand down' the normal Israeli response.
Here's a good summary of the oddities of the HAMAS attack on Israel by one the Russian TG channels. It shows clearly a very high chance of Israeli forknowledge of such an attack, if not a deliberate planning and orchestration of the whole thing:

What oddities accompany the Hamas attack on Israel: a Military Chronicle breakdown

Each circumstance is important both individually and as a set of questions to Israel's security system.

Oddity #1 - Israel was unaware of the preparations for the attack.

Gaza is a narrow piece of land of (Военная хроника) 365 square kilometers. It was thought to be bugged and watched by the Israeli army and intelligence services up and down, but the attack revealed that this was not the case. Supposedly, Hamas had developed a system for coordination and communication that excluded electronic contact, and somehow the Palestinians managed to hide everything from Israel's intelligence agencies.

Oddity #2 - Israel failed to prevent the attack.

Shortly before the October 7 strike on the checkpoints and major cities, Hamas was bringing in MLRS, ground forces, paragliders and other equipment in an organized manner. The preparations and first steps went unnoticed, no preemptive strike was launched.

Oddity #3 - the alarms on the border did not go off.

The electronic systems on the border, which Israel has invested billions of dollars to build and equip, have proved useless. The numerous cameras and sensors also failed to detect and stop the Palestinian attack, as did the combat patrols, which for some reason were simply not around. Palestinian drones were quietly able to hit automatic machine guns and sensor turrets, and Hamas assault teams quietly blew up the fence and crossed the border. No one is trying to attack them. Hundreds of IDF soldiers have been killed right in the camps, in barracks, and sleeping because of a failed alarm system.

Oddity #4 - Hamas tactics.

Contrary to popular belief, the Palestinians did not bypass IDF fortifications and bases. They aggressively stormed (Военная хроника) both checkpoints and bases where armored vehicles were located. However, Hamas did not use tanks - apparently due to the low skill level of the attackers or lack of necessity. It is still unclear where the sentries, the guards on duty and the covering forces were at that time.

Oddity #5 - the readiness of combat equipment.

The Israeli Merkava Mk.4 tank destroyed by a copter drop was hit in one of the most unprotected areas - the top. The Trophy active defense system appears to have been disabled. In the footage of the tank destruction and the capture of the crew, it is clearly visible that the vehicle's gun is shrouded. This suggests that the crew did not prepare the vehicle for combat and counted only on intimidation, which is not only a gross violation of instructions, but also simply stupid in such an attack.

Oddity #6 - panic in border towns.

All localities, especially in a region like the Gaza Strip, should have plans in place in case the conflict escalates. But there was no organized warning or evacuation. The local security forces were so small and poorly armed that they were quickly eliminated by the Palestinians.

Oddity #7 - the difference in coordination between the IDF and Hamas.

Until about noon on Oct. 7, the Israeli government had little response to the fighting. It is Saturday morning, Shabbat in the country. Only at 2-15 p.m. did security forces begin to round up reservists and organize retaliatory raids. However, the death of Yonatan Steinberg, commander of the Nahal Infantry Brigade, indicates a hasty response by what forces they could at least somehow muster at once. It appears that Nahal's intervention in the fighting against Hamas was initiated by the brigade commander and was not the result of a direct order from the General Staff.

Meanwhile, the IDF is expected to launch a military operation inside neighborhoods in the Gaza Strip over the next two days. However, operations in open terrain and in residential areas are different. An attempt by Israeli ground troops to enter the Palestinian enclave will almost certainly be accompanied by a high death toll on both sides.

Here's for comparison and for the record rebuttal of the above by a Russian speaking Israeli that it was a combination of Sukkot/Shabbat/relaxed holiday atmosphere/negligence, and Lebanon/Iran using the opportunity for their own purposes.

But this person does mention important point that there is zero benefit in all of this for Gaza. Meaning, that from this perspective there are also oddities and careful planning, just that Iran is to blame.

There's nothing surprising or incomprehensible about this bloody story. It's been coming for a long time.

It is enough to look at the calendar and know some Israeli traditions. So, on the calendar is the holiday Sukkot, the last day of the holiday - plus the Sabbath. That's it, you don't need to look at anything else.

In short, the first and last days of Sukkot = holidays. All the more so on the Sabbath. Already mass dismissals of personnel, already full relaxation = and Israelis on holidays allow to go to rest from bases all who can and who can not. Tradition.

But that's half the trouble. The trouble is that usually on holidays they expect mischief not from the Gaza Strip, but from the Palestinian Authority proper, from Ramallah and around. That is why serious experienced units from the Gaza border region were transferred to the center of the country in advance. Everything went well in the center

But in fact, on Shabbat morning there was a wild shortage of personnel in the border region. With a large number of armored vehicles and weapons. But even that would have been all right. As it has always been. Alas, two factors coincided, which could have been foreseen at least at the level of the district headquarters.

First, there is now a successful and extremely serious process of normalizing relations with our Arab neighbors. In recent days, there has been talk of concluding some kind of agreement with Saudi Arabia! Which does not please Iran, which dreams of becoming the leader of the Islamic world.... And that was Iran's official position. And the fact that Hamas in Gaza is essentially a tool of Iran now is no secret. One could expect some kind of movement, since our neighbors are very sensitive to the power of Israeli strikes on Gaza. But if such a possibility was discussed at the top, no hint of it reached the lower levels.

However, another factor coincided - a huge music festival for four thousand people was authorized on the border with Gaza. Forgetting that Hamas has not gone anywhere and forgetting what Hamas is.

It could have been worth it. But what all the experts have failed to point out is that unlike earlier conflicts with rocket fire, Hamas is now essentially on a path to total assured suicide. Because what it has done will not allow any serious Israeli politician to sit in a chair before the massive ground operation of revenge is over. For Israel, 600 dead civilians is like Pearl Harbor for the United States, reconciliation is out of the question. And this moment nobody could calculate, usually Hamas was wildly afraid of crossing the boundaries that would be followed by a limited land operation, they have experience. Now they were not afraid.

That is, there was only one explanation: it was necessary to strike Israel such a blow that the Israeli army would forget its favorite humanism and storm Gaza in the best traditions of the Guards regiments at the storming of Berlin. Then a sharp deterioration in relations with its Arab neighbors is guaranteed.

How Hamas was persuaded to commit such harakiri = still unknown. But the Hamas leaders are now almost all sitting in Lebanon and risk little there.
I can't last 1 minute on X without getting any kind of upset with people's comments, it's like the original COVID reaction all over again but on a different subject.
What is disappointing is that people who I thought had at least 2 neurons working, can't really see the overall picture of what really is happening, this situation shows you how people really are programmed. And I could debate all day long with them, but I wish Palestine really wins something or somebody assist them and Israel really gets to be exposed for what they are, so I can repost that on the face of some people out there (to put it nicely)
It might sound like an emotional reaction, which it is! I'll admit it makes me upset, but I'll try to not let this gain something out of me, depending on how this develops this could be a hard lesson for millions of people.
That's exactly what I was thinking this morning. It reminds me of people going nuts about COVID.
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