Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Latest escalation in Middle East 'not war, but mass murder' — Erdogan

"The disproportionate use of force against the Gaza Strip, devoid of any moral grounds, may put Israel in a place globally that it does not want to be in. This conflict, being fought with disgraceful tactics, is not war, but mass murder," Erdogan said in an address to Turkish lawmakers that was aired by local TV channels."

"Erdogan accused the United Nations and other organizations of abandoning the Palestinian people,"

If things continue at this rhythm, it will be a genocide.
However, in the event of future terror attacks or a 9/11-type event on US soil, together with lockdowns, economic depression, and societal upheaval, I can see how the groundwork has been laid for some kind of an ultra-nationalistic backlash and a major swing to the far-right who were gunning for all-out war with the Muslim world.
Yep, I think you're absolutely on point. The west has never properly confronted the lie of 9/11 that set Judaism and Christianity against Islam, and it will continue to be used to prevent any kind of unity against the elite, for as long as people are unwilling to face up to it. Russia and the Orthodox Christian countries are the only hope for healing between religions and the beginning of a truly interfaith movement towards peace, osit.

It seems Elon Musk agrees with you, too:

Interesting prediction here by the founder of Hamas: "Israel will cease to exist by 2027."

And meanwhile, in China:
If things continue at this rhythm, it will be a genocide.
With World War 2 as the trial run for today and the Zionist plan back then of the genocide of Jews, today the Zionist plan appears to be the genocide of Palestinians. The plans don't make sense from a political left or right perspective or 3D perspective. From what the Cs said before, I think 4D STS fears a kind of human DNA, and the biolabs and genocide and probably covid are attempts at eliminating the feared DNA.
Exactly. Half of the population is made up of children - they have no manufacturing, no energy production, no real military training facilities or any real military institutions - The Gaza strip has been tightly controlled for decades and highly surveilled - What are they going to fight the IDF with? Some old AK-47s and makeshift rockets they smuggled components in and cobbled together? Maybe add in some rocks off the ground for good measure.

Versus what?

Israel has a near limitless defense budget, modern military hardware and munitions, cutting edge intelligence gathering systems, and now what's shaping up to be 2 whole US Carrier Groups which have unmatched conventional firepower. We know who runs the US/Israel power structure - There just aren't many people on the planet who seem to have a deep understanding what a Psychopath is - what they're capable of - especially when they gather into a group with real political power.

It looking like it's about to be a total bloodbath. If that's indeed what happens - will the whole world sit by, intimidated by the US/Israel power structure - or are they going to do something about it?
Europe will sit back. Russia has a lot on its plate and China doesn't get involved in such matters.

Only the Arab states can do something but they are bought out. Not sure Iran will want that kind of trouble either. Basically, if they want, they can flatten the whole of Gaza and use the latest provocation as justification.
I have a similar thoughts about the whole situation. Hamas is a Mosad "child". If the whole plan was just what we saw until now, then it is very stupid and naive. They probably knew that the Israelis would destroy Gaza after that with everyone inside. And they have still done what they have done.

So, I think that it was a Mossad operation at the core. As it looks, for now, only Izrael gets from the situation. They are destroying Gaza and killing thousands of Palestinians. Also, the USA was falling into "oblivion" after all that happened in Ukraine. Their military "greatness" was crushed in the eyes of the people. Many countries in Africa started to revolt against the colonization. It is like Russia gave them hope, an insight that the old cruel world can be destroyed and a new, better one can be created.

USA and Israel ( CIA, MOSSAD) have to "remind" people about their power and "greatness", so they created this attack, between Israel and Hamas so they can show how powerful they are and destroy Gaza and Palestinians.

For now, their plan is going ok. But what if something stops the USA from intervening, to finance Israel or any other wars in the world?
As Puma says, their puppets will be left alone in the chaos their masters created.

It can be anything big enough, like a cosmic event, a supervolcano eruption( Yellowstone), or an uncontrolled activation of a huge number of "programmed sleepers" that will commit a lot of terrorist attacks. If that happens while the country is preparing for elections and the PTB cancels the elections or creates a form of elections that will be obviously rigged, then these possible future events can be only a trigger for an inside chaos that will start.

If Israel is left alone, or Ukraine, very soon after that they will no longer exist.

I just wanted to share these thoughts.
Good points to ponder upon. I'll go even further with a hypothesis. First of all cui Bono from this conflict? To me, neither Israel nor Palestine are gaining anything worth the tragedy that is taking place now in their countries.

A crisis like this will benefit someone who knows how and is able to use it as a catalyst to sow the maximum amount of chaos, terror, death and suffering worldwide through a series of sequences of events, false flags, divide et impera manipulation games in order to reach many goals.

A few of these goals being to stop the rising of a multipolar world and the eschatological implications behind it, the mass suffering brought by this kind of scenario is an excellent transmarginal inhibitory programming of the masses thus leading them more easily towards a New World Order that will arise after thos crisis is over and the old world has been destroyed through the unleashed chaos.

The C's mentioned not too long ago that eventually they'll push too hard and all will come crashing down. This event it feels like a very important marker on different levels, the crossing of the Rubicon by "someone", there is no turning back. It feels like from now onwards things will get very, like very, very, very interesting.

Off course that's just hypothesis.
This event it feels like a very important marker on different levels, the crossing of the Rubicon by "someone", there is no turning back. It feels like from now onwards things will get very, like very, very, very interesting.
The interestingness will probably spill over many months, but alas, so will blood. The psychopathic curve has yet to be flattened.
Mother Earth and Space Daddy may grab the microphone at any moment. 😉
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Every day, Peterson posts something more unbelievable. I’ve tried to avoid saying to myself “I can’t believe it” every time he posts, because my aim is to always try to understand everything I possibly can. This Peterson thing, I cannot understand.

But what if something stops the USA from intervening, to finance Israel or any other wars in the world?

A brief timeline that came to mind: Israel escalates its attack on Gaza on many fronts, causing massive death and suffering. Eventually Hizb'allah and others (Syrians, Iraqis, Iraninans) enter the conflict. Things escalate. The US backs Israel with ACCs and missiles, but before they go too far, Russia diplomatically and physical stops further US involvement by way of its Air and Naval presence in Syria at the Khmeimim Air Base, Tartus etc. With US support largely neutralized, Israel is left to fight alone, and loses.
Every day, Peterson posts something more unbelievable. I’ve tried to avoid saying to myself “I can’t believe it” every time he posts, because my aim is to always try to understand everything I possibly can. This Peterson thing, I cannot understand.

View attachment 83142

He's lost the plot. Maybe never really had it, except in a narrow window of specific insight into the human condition. But broader global dynamics? Forget it. His emotionality is his undoing here. Macro-reality is too much for him.
A brief timeline that came to mind: Israel escalates its attack on Gaza on many fronts, causing massive death and suffering. Eventually Hizb'allah and others (Syrians, Iraqis, Iraninans) enter the conflict. Things escalate. The US backs Israel with ACCs and missiles, but before they go too far, Russia diplomatically and physical stops further US involvement by way of its Air and Naval presence in Syria at the Khmeimim Air Base, Tartus etc. With US support largely neutralized, Israel is left to fight alone, and loses.
But Israel has nukes?
So why would Hamas do it? To provoke Israel into a severe retaliation. Why?

Hamas, (or its forebears) has "done this" for 20 years. So why not? The missing part of the equation, IMO, is the fifth column of Israeli agents that facilitated the Hamas operation and made it successful beyond anything they (Hamas) expected. In addition, that fifth column contributed, quite possibly, to the majority of Israeli deaths. It's called taking control of someone's plan and running it off the rails to serve your own agenda that goes far beyond the plans of either overt party (Hamas and Israel) to the conflict.
One more strike group heading for the Mediterranean.

"NSC Spokesperson John Kirby confirms the USS Dwight D Eisenhower carrier strike group will be headed to the Mediterranean"

John Kirby is a disgrace on the level of Karine Jean-Pierre...they are professional liars (not good ones) if these matters weren't so serious it would be laughable. Every facet of this Administration is designed to mock and ridicule us. They get away with it because of a complicit media, who should be torching them into oblivion.

Sorry for that little rant, has nothing to do with the convo, but that guy just sets me off. Maybe hes Greenbaumed?
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