Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

I just want to point out that in some pre-fame lectures, JBP mentions that he has some close friends who are Jews. I can’t remember which lectures. I think the context was about I.Q. I think these friends were pretty successful intellectuals and business men.

So don’t assume that Peterson was naïvely groomed by Schapiro and Bibi. I think JBP has had some sort of deep admiration for the Jews in the club, and perhaps a desire to be part of the club, for a very long time.
So don’t assume that Peterson was naïvely groomed by Schapiro and Bibi. I think JBP has had some sort of deep admiration for the Jews in the club, and perhaps a desire to be part of the club, for a very long time.

Here's an example:

His notions about Jews preferring liberalism is really ridiculous, considering Israelis ultra nationalistic nature.
Just throwing this out there... Put your mind back to 70 AD. If the rebellion against Rome had no chance and it meant triggering a severe Roman retaliation and the sacrifice of thousands of Jews, why would the Zealots do it?
I don't know! Maybe they hoped the rebellion would spread like wildfire and somehow come out on top? Maybe they trusted Yahweh would give a hand?

Well, it all goes back to Armageddon and Dominionism.

In the case of the Zealots, they ostensibly did it to trigger the return of the Jewish Messiah who would come back from the sky with an army of angels, or whatever, and crush the Romans.

The Zionists and the Fundamentalist Christian Right in the US have a deal to do the same thing - facilitate the destruction of Israel to bring about Armageddon, the final battle and the last judgement.

Again, this is all the ‘ostensible’ religio-political basis. Psychopaths only really care about money and power, preferably derived from sadism. So who knows exactly how much the human PTB really believe all the religious BS.
N'allez pas croire que sur les télés israéliennes, tout le monde est d'accord avec ce que vous disent nos politiques.... Ecoutez 10 secondes, Avi PRIMOVI, ancien porte-parole du ministère israélien des affaires étrangères.
Ne jamais oublier que c'est ISRAËL qui a créé le HAMAS !

Don't think that on Israeli TV, everyone agrees with what our politicians tell you.... Listen for 10 seconds, Avi PRIMOVI, former spokesperson for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Oui Israël viole les droits humanitaires, mais tous les gouvernements occidentaux, des politiques, des commentateurs de réseaux sociaux et de nombreux médias, s'en lavent les mains !
Israël annonce un siège complet de la bande de Gaza. Il n’y aura plus de nourriture, d’eau, d’électricité et de gaz. Pour le Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies, le projet est clairement contraire au droit international.
Donc ? L'ONU attend quoi pour envoyer des troupes pour arrêter ce génocide ?
Yes, Israel violates humanitarian rights, but all Western governments, politicians, social media commentators and many media outlets wash their hands of it!Israel announces a complete siege of the Gaza Strip. There will be no more food, water, electricity and gas. For the United Nations Human Rights Council, the project is clearly contrary to international law.SO ? What is the UN waiting for to send troops to stop this genocide?
On est à sec au niveau "théories du complot", autant en rajouter une... Le 27 septembre l'administration Biden autorisait les Israéliens à venir aux US sans visa....
Quand on connaît la difficulté administrative pour rentrer aux US, c'était déjà très surprenant.
Quand on constate quelques jours plus tard, le nombre d'Israéliens fuyant vers les US, on se dit que Biden a eu du nez ! Non ?
We're dry on the "conspiracy theories" level, so we might as well add one... On September 27, the Biden administration authorized Israelis to come to the US without a visa....When you know the administrative difficulty of returning to the US, it was already very surprising.When we see a few days later, the number of Israelis fleeing to the US, we say to ourselves that Biden was on the right track! No ?
Des milliers de personnes manifestent ce soir à Amman, capitale de la Jordanie en soutien à la Palestine.
Thousands of people demonstrate this evening in Amman, the capital of Jordan, in support of Palestine.
Interview de John Ratcliffe, ancien directeur du renseignement national des États-Unis qui vient de passer sur les télés US :
John Ratcliffe explique l'échec des services de renseignement. Apparemment, chaque président établit une liste de priorités sur lesquelles il souhaite que les services de renseignement se concentrent.
Ratcliffee explique que lorsque Joe Biden est entré en fonction, il a modifié sa liste de priorités en abandonnant le terrorisme et les terroristes pour faire du changement climatique sa priorité numéro un. Sa deuxième priorité est le terrorisme intérieur chez les catholiques, les parents qui se plaignent dans les conseils d'administration des écoles et, depuis peu, les partisans de Trump...
Priorités plus qu'étranges non ?

Interview with John Ratcliffe, former director of national intelligence of the United States who has just appeared on US television:John Ratcliffe explains the failure of the intelligence services. Apparently, every president makes a list of priorities that he wants the intelligence community to focus on.Ratcliffee explains that when Joe Biden took office, he shifted his list of priorities from terrorism and terrorists to making climate change his number one priority. His second priority is domestic terrorism among Catholics, parents who complain on school boards and, recently, Trump supporters...More than strange priorities, right?
Interview de John Ratcliffe, ancien directeur du renseignement national des États-Unis qui vient de passer sur les télés US :
John Ratcliffe explique l'échec des services de renseignement. Apparemment, chaque président établit une liste de priorités sur lesquelles il souhaite que les services de renseignement se concentrent.
Ratcliffee explique que lorsque Joe Biden est entré en fonction, il a modifié sa liste de priorités en abandonnant le terrorisme et les terroristes pour faire du changement climatique sa priorité numéro un. Sa deuxième priorité est le terrorisme intérieur chez les catholiques, les parents qui se plaignent dans les conseils d'administration des écoles et, depuis peu, les partisans de Trump...
Priorités plus qu'étranges non ?

Interview with John Ratcliffe, former director of national intelligence of the United States who has just appeared on US television:John Ratcliffe explains the failure of the intelligence services. Apparently, every president makes a list of priorities that he wants the intelligence community to focus on.Ratcliffee explains that when Joe Biden took office, he shifted his list of priorities from terrorism and terrorists to making climate change his number one priority. His second priority is domestic terrorism among Catholics, parents who complain on school boards and, recently, Trump supporters...More than strange priorities, right?
Definitely ...
Une chaîne de télévision privée israélienne affirme que le Hamas a décapité 40 bébés. La nouvelle se répand comme une traînée de poudre à travers le monde, et tout le monde reprend la Fake News !
Ils propagent de la désinformation et ils nous accusent de le faire. Un comble
A private Israeli television channel claims that Hamas beheaded 40 babies. The news spreads like wildfire across the world, and everyone takes up Fake News!They spread disinformation and they accuse us of doing it. A height
Interesting developments in Scotland. The Scottish Parliament has rejected flying the Israeli flag or projecting it onto parliament buildings (as most other western nations have been doing).
There was controversy after a green MP, Maggie Chapman, had the temerity to tweet supposed 'support' for Hamas - in reality she was just another voice expressing the reality of the Palestinian situation…


Holyrood’s authorities have also rejected lighting the building in the blue and white colours of Israel, copying similar messages of solidarity on landmarks including the Palace of Westminster and 10 Downing Street.

They said that the parliament did not have the facilities required and its unusual architectural shape makes it difficult to illuminate.

The SPCB rejected the moves during a meeting on Monday after a proposal was tabled by Dr Sandesh Gulhane, the Scottish Tories’ shadow health secretary.

A Scottish Parliament spokesman said: “A request was received to fly the Israeli flag. The SPCB considered the request and approval was not given.

“In this case there was a majority view and no vote took place.”

SPCB members were consulted over the plan “by correspondence” as Holyrood is in recess. The spokesman initially said there was “no division” vote by members, but later withdrew this statement.

Dr Gulhane told The Telegraph: “I’m disappointed with the decision not to fly the Israeli flag over the Scottish Parliament because it was never about taking sides.

“It was an opportunity to join others around the world and here in the UK to show solidarity with the victims and condemn the terrorists.”

There has been much criticism over the Scottish Green Party stance on this issue, but the PM, Humza Yousaf, has not joined in.

Apparently he has family members now trapped in Gaza

Meanwhile, Mr Yousaf, revealed that his parents-in-law are alive but have only a day’s worth of supplies left while trapped in Gaza.

The SNP leader said that the situation facing Elizabeth and Maged El-Nakla, the parents of his wife, Nadia El-Nakla, was “dire” and called on the UK to use its influence over Israel to push for a ceasefire so that civilians can escape.

Elizabeth and Maged El-Nakla had travelled from their Dundee home to visit their daughter’s 93-year-old “elderly and frail” grandmother, with their trip coinciding with the Hamas attacks on Israel.

The SNP leader’s brother-in-law, a doctor, also lives in Gaza with his four children, including a two-month-old child.

“My mother-in-law tells me they’re alive, which is what we were hoping to hear,” Mr Yousaf said. “Beyond that, I’m afraid the situation is dire.

“They had a terrible night. Rockets were falling all around them, the house was shaking, the children were screaming most of the night.

“They have, according to my mother-in-law, one day of supplies left. They’re terrified to try to go out to any market, given that they’ve all been told to stay indoors."
Paul Craig Roberts:

The Hamas Attack on Israel Is Puzzling

The Hamas attack has something of 9/11’s flavor. Just as every aspect of the US National Security State failed simultaneously on September 11, 2001, Israel’s security system, including the Iron Dome the US constructed for Israel, simultaneously failed. Mysteriously, the Hamas fighters entered Israel on the ground and through the air and on the sea without being detected. Mysteriously, large quantities of weapons entered Palestine through Israel without being detected. This is too much convenient failure to be believable. It will be interesting to see if anyone in Israel is held accountable for the total security failure. In the US no one was held accountable for the security failures on September 11, which should have told us a lot.

Not knowing, we can but speculate. We have a motive. Israel can now steal the rest of Palestine. Another motive might be that Israel can expand the conflict into a wider war and succeed this time in grabbing the water resources of southern Lebanon. It could even get nastier with Israeli moves against Syria and Iran. Oil prices could go sky high causing world disruption. A victorious war and the end of the Palestinian problem would free Netanyahu from his legal and political problems. There is a lot to think about.

But let’s move on to the security failure that made the attack possible. Why would Netanyahu enable Hamas to attack Israel by standing down Israel security? It seems a nonsensical suggestion, but isn’t as it creates the conditions in which Israel can absorb all that remains of Palestine, just as 9/11 created the conditions for the neoconservatives to launch the wars they had planned in the Middle East.

The difficult question is why would the Palestinians bring on their own destruction by attacking Israel when Hamas has no prospect of defeating Israel? Again, we can only speculate. It could be an Israeli operation from start to finish. Israel infiltrates Hamas, just as the FBI infiltrates Trump supporters and patriotic groups now called domestic terrorists. The Israeli agents play up Israel’s abuse of the Palestinians. Netanyahu helps them along by blowing up the sacred Mosque. The agents come up with an attack plan made possible with weapons from Iran and devices from Iran to jam Israeli security. They go about this carefully, relying on the decades of anger and hurt and the prospect of release from impotence to crowd out Hamas’ reason.

I don’t say these speculations suffice as the explanation. But I would not be surprised if these speculations, if investigated, would prove to be closer to the truth than whatever official narrative emerges.

Also not being fooled - from globalresearch:

Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting A False Flag? They Let it Happen? Their Objective Is to Wipe Gaza Off the Map?

Early Saturday October 7, 2023, Hamas launched “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” led by Hamas’ Military Chief Mohammed Deif. On that same day, Netanyahu confirmed a so-called “State of Readiness For War”.

Military operations are invariably planned well in advance (See Netanyahu’s January 2023 statement below). Was “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” a “surprise attack” ?

U.S. intelligence say they weren’t aware of an impending Hamas attack.

“One would have to be almost hopelessly naïve to buy the corporate state media line that the Hamas invasion was an Israeli “intelligence failure”. Mossad is one of, if not the, most powerful intelligence agencies on the planet.”

Did Netanyahu and his vast military and intelligence apparatus (Mossad et al) have foreknowledge of the Hamas attack which has resulted in countless Israeli and Palestinian casualties?

Was a carefully formulated plan to wage an all out war against Palestinians envisaged prior to the launching by Hamas of “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm”? This was not a failure of Israeli Intelligence, as conveyed by the media. Quite the opposite.

Evidence and testimonies suggest that the Netanyahu government had foreknowledge of the actions of Hamas which have resulted in hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian deaths. And “They Let it Happen”:

“Hamas fired between 2-5 thousand rockets at Israel and hundreds of Israeli are dead, while dozens of Israelis were captured as prisoners of war. In the ensuing air response by Israel, hundreds of Palestinians were killed in Gaza.” (Stephen Sahiounie)

Following the Al Aqsa Storm Operation on October 7, Israel‘s defence minister described Palestinians as “human animals” and vowed to “act accordingly,” as fighter jets unleashed a massive bombing of the Gaza Strip home of 2.3 million Palestinians…” (Middle East Eye)

This was not a “surprise attack”

A double false flag?!! How stupid do they think we are - (don't answer that!)

Israel Didn't See a Hamas Strike Coming. The U.S. Could Be Next, McCarthy Warns

The mass terror strikes in Israel this weekend should serve as a "wake up" call for Americans, according to former House speaker Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.), who told the Washington Free Beacon in a wide-ranging interview that the chaos at the U.S. southern border could set the stage for a similar type of terror attack.

"We should wake up ourselves. We could have the same thing happen next week to us," McCarthy said. "We caught more people on the terrorist watchlist in February than we caught in the entire administration. We could have cells sitting inside of America right now."

McCarthy’s warning comes as Israel and its Western allies reassess their intelligence prowess on the heels of Hamas’s weekend invasion that caught the Jewish state off guard and left over a thousand killed and hundreds more wounded. Analysts are calling the attacks Israel’s 9/11, echoing a time when U.S. intelligence agencies completely failed to detect a shock al Qaeda operation that killed nearly 3,000 Americans.

Mike Rivero:

McCarthy (who is rumored to be trying to regain the speakership) is pushing the fear factor. 9/11 was a shock only to ordinary Americans. Likewise, we now know that Egypt sounded the warning of an attack by Hamas ten days before it happened. Is the government planning a new 9/11 to scare us into more war? If so, blame the open border!

Oh, and just to be clear:

Israel Says It Has No Evidence Iran Was Involved in Hamas Attack
If Israel is left alone, or Ukraine, very soon after that they will no longer exist.

Up to this point Israeli troops have faced people who literally throw rocks at their tanks and Hamas rockets are easily destroyed by their defense systems. Hamas has made it easy for Israel to destroy the lives of civilians who are not really an opponent to their military might and who surely just want to be left alone. What will happen when they have to face elite armies?
Kadyrov supported Palestine, proposed creating a coalition and sending Chechen fighters as peacekeepers to restore order:

▪️I appeal to the leaders of Muslim countries - create a coalition and call on those whom you call friends, Europe and the entire West, so that they do not bomb civilians under the pretext of destroying militants.

▪️We support Palestine. And we are against this war, which, unlike other conflicts, can develop into something more.

▪️I was in Israel myself. And our peaceful delegation experienced first-hand attempts at overt provocation. Therefore, I call for a stop to both the war and any form of escalation of the situation. If necessary, our units are ready to act as peacekeeping forces to restore order and counter any troublemakers.”
Kadyrov suggests he will send his Chechen forces to Gaza. I’d like to see Israel’s TikTok dancing soldier girls against these guys.

I think that under this scenario of a war against a coalition of Arab countries, better trained, combat experienced and better armed armies and without the help of the USA, Israel will be forced to use its nuclear weapons, which will irremediably cause their annihilation.

Meanwhile, the U.S. will face its own day of reckoning. (Revolution and cometary bombardment)
Session Date: September 3rd 2008

A: USA heading for destruction!
Q: (L) Okay. Why do you introduce tonight's adventures with "US is headed for destruction"?

A: Passed the point when anything could possibly be done to change the outcome.

Q: (L) What is this outcome?

A: Increasing inner turmoil. Review what happened in Germany.

Q: (L) Well, what happened in Germany in what period?

A: Towards the end of the war. Hitler's madness and the hatred of the world towards Germany.

Q: (L) Wasn't a pretty picture, was it? (J) In Germany, the rest of the world bombed Germany...

A: Yes. Expect it in the USA ultimately.

Q: (J) Would that be nuclear bombs?

A: And more.​
Is it going to be a very bloody revolution?

A: Yes.

Q: (Galaxia) On both sides?

A: Yes.

Q: (Galaxia) More for the evil side, or more for the good side?

A: Wait and see.

Q: (Perceval) Is it gonna be more concentrated in one particular area of the globe, for example in the US, as opposed to world-wide?

A: Yes. We have mentioned a 5D city on a hill.

Q: Is the war drama merely a play being put on to keep us all distracted and in a state of fear?

A: More or less.

Q: Yet, you said the United States would be bombed, and on another occasion you said there would not be a nuclear war.

A: "Bombs" are not all "nuclear." And, there are "natural bombs."
Had postponed errands to do, so was absent from forum most of yesterday. Consequently, a lot to catch up on in this thread - composed previous post then held till caught up. These two from yesterday also held, lest already posted:

IT BEGINS: Iraqi Forces Issue Stark Warning: U.S. Will Become a Legitimate Target if It Intervenes in Palestine

In a recent meeting with Iraqi tribal leaders, Hadi al-Amiri, the leader and secretary-general of the Badr Organization, an Iranian-backed Shiite militia and political party based in Iraq, issued a stark warning to the United States.

He declared that Iraq would target the U.S. if it intervened alongside Israel against Palestinians, according to reports from Iraqi news media outlet Shafaq and Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).

Amiri emphasized that the new Iraq is firmly aligned with the Palestinian cause.

“The achievements in Palestine, which were beyond the reach of all Arab armies, are being realized. The new Iraq stands by the Palestinian cause, and we will not waver in our support,” he said.

He criticized other Arab leaders for abandoning the Palestinian cause, leaving only the Islamic revolution and resistance factions to support it.

Israel starts raining internationally banned white phosphorus bombs on Gaza: Report

The Israeli regime has started using internationally banned white phosphorus in its bombing of the Gaza Strip, a report says, as the regime continues to target residential neighborhoods in the densely-populated Palestinian territory.

The Monday report by the Arabic-language Al Alam news channel said the Israeli regime’s military had fired white phosphorus shells over residential areas in Gaza earlier in the day.

The use of white phosphorus shells for direct targeting of enemy positions is illegal under international law as the practice can amount to war crime and cause widespread fatalities.

Israel admitted to “using munitions containing white phosphorus” during its 2008-2009 war on Gaza but the regime denied violating international law by insisting that such weapons were not fired into areas populated by civilians.
It’s the Madness …

What is causing this war, it’s the madness. Why are they lying about parts of it, it’s the madness. Why is the news promoting it and spreading the false information about the it, it’s the madness. Why are people on the street defending Israel, it’s the madness. Why are people on the street supporting Hamas, it’s the madness. Why are they saying Iran is supporting Hamas, it’s the madness. Why are they saying that Iran is funding Hamas through the 6 billion given to them by the US, it’s the madness (They haven’t even received the money yet). Why is Biden fully supporting the Zionist regime, it’s the madness. Why is anyone totally believing this, it’s the madness. Why are people not believing that any of this is true, it’s the madness (my son is one of them). Why are people not even realizing what is going on, it’s the madness.

On another front. Why are they trying to stop the use of oil product, it’s the madness. Why are they trying to take away my natural gas, it’s the madness. Why are they thinking that we can run everything on electricity without the use of oil products, it’s the madness. Why do they think that everybody needs to drive an electric vehicle, it’s the madness. Why are they thinking that we can live on solar and wind for this electricity, it’s the madness. Why are people around me thinking that credit is the way to go, it’s the madness. Why are people more interested in their favorite sports team than what is going on in the world, it’s the madness. Why are people giving money to these morons, it’s the madness.

Why am I going crazy seeing all this going on in front of me, it’s the madness and it is starting to get to me.

I used to call this the stupid factor but now I consider it all the madness that is infiltrating this reality, and I don’t see a good ending for many because of this madness. I can keep going on about this but that would be madness in itself. Haiku …
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