Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Exactly. Half of the population is made up of children - they have no manufacturing, no energy production, no real military training facilities or any real military institutions - The Gaza strip has been tightly controlled for decades and highly surveilled - What are they going to fight the IDF with? Some old AK-47s and makeshift rockets they smuggled components in and cobbled together? Maybe add in some rocks off the ground for good measure.

Versus what?

Israel has a near limitless defense budget, modern military hardware and munitions, cutting edge intelligence gathering systems, and now what's shaping up to be 2 whole US Carrier Groups which have unmatched conventional firepower. We know who runs the US/Israel power structure - There just aren't many people on the planet who seem to have a deep understanding what a Psychopath is - what they're capable of - especially when they gather into a group with real political power.

It looking like it's about to be a total bloodbath. If that's indeed what happens - will the whole world sit by, intimidated by the US/Israel power structure - or are they going to do something about it?

Also, on the point that the PTB don't care about either the Jews or the Palestinians, the 1929 Palestine Riots and the Arab Revolt of 1936-1939 (with most of the casualties being on the Palestinian side) have both been shown to have been instigated by the Mufti of Jerusalem Amin al-Husseini who while claiming to be working for the Arab cause was being sponsored and funded by the British, all the while the British were encouraging and working on establishing what became the State of Israel. All of which goes to show that they'll play both sides against each other to further their agenda.
Interesting, the Zionists only see what they want to see and they see a great victory over Palestine, especially because they have the backing of the US, however, it backfires on them. But why. Is it because of a cosmic event?, which is why the US cannot intervene, it was immediate, without warning. Kaboom would say the Cs. An event of biblical proportions, for which the US cannot intervene and leaves Israel alone to fight the Arabs. Remote viewers see something tragic in the US coming soon.
I have a similar thoughts about the whole situation. Hamas is a Mosad "child". If the whole plan was just what we saw until now, then it is very stupid and naive. They probably knew that the Israelis would destroy Gaza after that with everyone inside. And they have still done what they have done.

So, I think that it was a Mossad operation at the core. As it looks, for now, only Izrael gets from the situation. They are destroying Gaza and killing thousands of Palestinians. Also, the USA was falling into "oblivion" after all that happened in Ukraine. Their military "greatness" was crushed in the eyes of the people. Many countries in Africa started to revolt against the colonization. It is like Russia gave them hope, an insight that the old cruel world can be destroyed and a new, better one can be created.

USA and Israel ( CIA, MOSSAD) have to "remind" people about their power and "greatness", so they created this attack, between Israel and Hamas so they can show how powerful they are and destroy Gaza and Palestinians.

For now, their plan is going ok. But what if something stops the USA from intervening, to finance Israel or any other wars in the world?
As Puma says, their puppets will be left alone in the chaos their masters created.

It can be anything big enough, like a cosmic event, a supervolcano eruption( Yellowstone), or an uncontrolled activation of a huge number of "programmed sleepers" that will commit a lot of terrorist attacks. If that happens while the country is preparing for elections and the PTB cancels the elections or creates a form of elections that will be obviously rigged, then these possible future events can be only a trigger for an inside chaos that will start.

If Israel is left alone, or Ukraine, very soon after that they will no longer exist.

I just wanted to share these thoughts.
The half-naked girl for some reason decided that the rules did not concern her. No, honey, whether you're wearing clothes or not, but be kind - get in line like everyone else.
You know what they say... "One porn star's terrorist is another porn star's freedom fighter."

33 years to the day... and with "40 babies"?

That is freaky-deaky.
Turns out, she's still alive. In a Gaza hospital. Her mother's trying to get her out and back to Germany. Alas, Gaza is now being blockaded and bombed, in no small part to... avenge the 'brutal murder-rape' of Shani Louk.
These give me the impression that the media has been taken by surprise by this as much as the general public. The MSM are scrambling to do their jobs like good little lie factories, but there doesn't seem to have been any egregious hinting via 'unnamed intelligence sources' before the attack. It's suggestive of a very tightly-controlled, highly secretive and compartmentalised operation. Hamas were probably manipulated into this by being given details of a 'holiday' when all the Israeli border guards were likely to be 'distracted', with particular groups of psychos within both Hamas and IDF given 'special orders' to perform gruesome killings like the rave massacre. The higher-level planners probably thought, quite accurately, that the media was ponerized enough to generate sufficient division and emotional turmoil on their own.

Just throwing this out there... Put your mind back to 70 AD. If the rebellion against Rome had no chance and it meant triggering a severe Roman retaliation and the sacrifice of thousands of Jews, why would the Zealots do it?
Good point. Belief is a powerful motivator, and generally informs the motivations of the bulk of participants in a secondary ponerogenic union.
The only source I can find for the media claim of “40 dead babies” in Gaza seems to come directly from anonymous IDF soldiers on site. Soldiers whose motto is “by way of deception”.

40 dead babies was a number also used by officials to describe the Kuwait “incubator” hoax, which was used to justify the first Gulf war.

Given the PTB’s penchant for numerology, it reminds me of the ”40 days and 40 nights” Moses spent on Mt Sinai, as well as the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the desert.

Pattern recognition run amok, or some kind of weird symbolism there?
Do you remember Bill Ryan? He was or is part of Project Avalon. Well, you have to take it with a grain of salt, but it's interesting what he had to say a few years ago about an insighter who'd taken part in an important meeting (with politicians) in London city and where they'd talked about a long-term project that would lead to attacking Iran with an atomic bomb. This project is called The Anglo-Saxon mission and apart from a nuclear attack on Iran, the subject of the meeting was also about controlling the world's population with a pandemic, the subject of China also, would be part of this event as well as the certainty of a natural catastrophe. Of course, you have to take this with a grain of salt, but there's a lot of talk these days about attacking Iran, Israel's dream. Here are the key points of the interview and the audio script if you're interested.

There is a planned Third World War, which will be nuclear and biological. Our source believes that this is on track to be initiated within the next 18-24 months.
It is planned to begin with a strike by Israel on Iran. Either Iran or China will be provoked into a nuclear response. After a brief nuclear exchange, there will be a ceasefire. The world will be thrown into fear and chaos - all carefully engineered.
The extreme state of tension will be used to justify heavy social and military controls in all western first world nations. Plans are already in place for that.
During the nuclear ceasefire, there is planned to be a covert release of biological weapons. These will initially be targeted against the Chinese. As our source chillingly told us, "China will catch a cold". Biological warfare will spread further, to the west. Infrastructure will be critically weakened.
This is intended to be just the beginning. After this, a full nuclear exchange would be triggered: the "real" war, with widespread destruction and loss of life. Our source tells us that the planned population reduction through these combined means is 50%. He heard this figure stated in the meeting.
This horrific scenario has been planned for generations. The first two world wars were part of the set-up for this final apocalypse - as is the centralization of financial resources that was precipitated with the equally well-planned financial collapse of October 2008.

As if all this were not enough, our source speculates this is all set against the backdrop of a coming "geophysical event" - the same kind of event as was experienced by our ancestors approximately 11,500 years ago. If this event occurs - not necessarily expected in 2012, but sometime in the next decade - it would destroy civilization as we know it, dwarfing even the effects of a nuclear war.

I asked the question to our source: If there's an expected catastrophe, then why initiate a Third World War? His answer, for the first time to me, made terrible sense.

The real goal, he explained, is to set up the post-catastrophic world. To ensure that this "New World" [note the term] is the one the controllers want, totalitarian control structures need to be in place when the catastrophe occurs - with an excuse that the populace will accept and demand them. Martial law in the right, carefully chosen countries before the catastrophe occurs will enable the "right" people to survive and prosper in the post-catastrophic world, and the beginning of the next 11,500 year cycle. What may have been carefully planned on a covert global scale, for the last several generations, is nothing less than who will inherit the Earth.

Who are the "right" people? The white Caucasians. This may be why the name of this project is The Anglo-Saxon Mission. Hence the justification for the planned genocide of the Chinese people - so that the New World is inherited by "us", not "them".

Our source was not informed about the planned fate of the second and third world countries such as those in South America, Africa and Asia. But he presumes that these would be allowed to fend for themselves and probably not survive well - or maybe not at all. The totalitarian military governments of the western, white, people are set to be the inheritors.

This is a plan so evil, so racist, so diabolical, so huge, that it almost defies belief. But it all aligns with what many commentators, researchers and whistleblowing insiders have been identifying for some years now. For me personally, it's the clearest picture yet of why the world is the way it is, and why the secrets are protected so fiercely: it may be all about racial supremacy. The Fourth Reich is alive and well.

Astonishingly, our source was not pessimistic. He stressed, as do we and many other researchers and commentators, that consciousness is awakening rapidly all over the planet and that THESE PLANNED EVENTS ARE NOT INEVITABLE. If ever there was a reason to work closely together to raise awareness of the real threat to us all, this is it.

Watch this video, listen carefully to the strong message of hope and encouragement, and spread it far and wide. We plan to create subtitles in many languages - including Chinese. We stand for the potential magnificence of a united humanity that knows no racial boundaries or distinctions. Whether or not the catastrophe occurs - and many, including ourselves, maintain that it will not - we must co-create our own future, claim our power, and do whatever we can to alert people to the dangers around us... so that we can be stronger together, for the sake of our descendants and for the heritage of all living beings on Planet Earth.

The link to the audio script:

O...M...G, I think she actually thought I was being serious! :lol:


The real goal, he explained, is to set up the post-catastrophic world. To ensure that this "New World" [note the term] is the one the controllers want, totalitarian control structures need to be in place when the catastrophe occurs - with an excuse that the populace will accept and demand them. Martial law in the right, carefully chosen countries before the catastrophe occurs will enable the "right" people to survive and prosper in the post-catastrophic world, and the beginning of the next 11,500 year cycle. What may have been carefully planned on a covert global scale, for the last several generations, is nothing less than who will inherit the Earth.
Except that there's no way such totalitarian control structures would survive a full nuclear and biological war, let alone cometary bombardment as well afterwards. If this is some real "secret plan", it's a pretty bad one. It sounds more like it's been been cobbled together from a few different sources and re-presented as some "insider perspective". It's certainly no big secret that the empire has been out to get Iran and China for a long time.

Project "Avalon"... the "Anglo-Saxon Mission"... 🤨 Sounds like an MI5 psyop aimed at the UK domestic population, specifically the conservative-leaning demographic.
Between the video of NYC and Israeli Defense Minister's comments - It's mask off - If people can't see what the objective here is....
Sept 24, 2001
Q: (L) Well we plan to. What is going to happen with the Middle-eastern situation; this Afghanistan or whatever?
A: Herding of population to much finer order of control.
Q: (L) What is the purpose of this control; this increasing control.
A: Preparation for war in Palestine.

Q: (L) But nobody has said anything about having a war in Palestine. They’re all talking about having a war in Afghanistan. How does Palestine fit in here?
A: It is the ultimate objective of Israel.
Q: (L) Why would they want to have war in their own country? Well, aside from the fact that they’ve been having a war in their own country for a long time. I guess they want to bring it to a final conclusion. What is going to be the result of this plan?
A: Destruction of Jews.
Q: (L) Well obviously this is not what THEY are planning, is it?
A: No.
Q:(L) They are planning destruction of Palestinians, right?
A: Yes.
Wow, I'd forgotten that. It's a pretty clear-cut answer to the 'why' of 9/11. If it holds up in 'the current timeline', so to speak, then the last two decades of 'Islamic' terrorism and 'directed' mass migration have all been in service of this 'aim'. (Specifically, towards getting as many people as possible to see 'all Muslims' as 'evil', thus engendering full-throated support for genocide against the Palestinians.)

The tragedy, then, of well-meaning people like Jordan Peterson egging on Netanyahu to "go get 'em!" is that he's wishing for the destruction of the very people he thinks he's helping 'save'.
You do realise that writing in all capitals makes it seem like you are shouting, yes? You don't come across as a particularly serious person, writing like that.
Juste pour vous remercier tous sur le Forum de Laura de remettre les choses à leurs places...
Je mes suis laissée avoir avec les 40 bébés décapités et j'en était malade mais à force de prier cette nuit, ce matin, je vois plus clair, c'est aussi grâce à vous... Que deviendrions nous sans ce précieux Forum... Nous serions TROMPES comme tous les autres...
Infinie reconnaissance à Laura, aux Cassiopéens, au Divin Esprit Cosmique et à vous tous...

Just to thank you all on Laura's Forum for putting things in their place...
I let myself be fooled by the 40 decapitated babies and I was sick about it but by praying last night, this morning, I see more clearly, it's also thanks to you... What would become of us without this precious Forum. .. We would be DECEIVED like all the others...
Infinite gratitude to Laura, to the Cassiopaeans, to the Divine Cosmic Spirit and to all of you...
If Gazans start getting killed in the tens of thousands, will Iran, Lebanon, Syria, etc., and their covert armed groups just sit back and watch it happen? I could be very wrong, but I just don't see that happening. I think this may be why the US decided to park a battle carrier group in the region - it doesn't have much to do with Palestine per se, it's a show of power to tell the Arab nations to stay out of it, and remind them who's boss of the region.

I think that they will have no choice but to engage in the conflict. There respective population have for generation been programmed to see Israel as the great evil, as well as the U.S. so to do otherwise (stay on the side line), I think, would precipitate a strong reaction again the leader those Muslim country that fail to react to the slaughter of the Palestinian. It would be, I think, simply suicidal for those government and leader of the Arab (Muslim) world.

The power plant in the Gaza Strip will completely shut down within hours due to fuel shortages. This means that all life-support systems of the city will stand up, there will be no water, no centralized electricity, food will go stale, air-conditioning systems will stop, there will be no operations in hospitals (if only on diesel/generators - but where to get fuel?), sewerage will "bloom" in two days and then expect epidemics in a month.
To make the picture clear: in Gaza it's +28 during the day, with a 5-12% chance of precipitation. It will be a hell boiler for two million people.

And this by Yuriy Baranchik (Candidate of Philosophy, specialist in philosophy of language, modern security policy in Eurasia, new technologies of political communications):

Not only specific new facts (see above), but also analysis of the first days of the next Palestinian-Israeli conflict show that the "failure" of Israel's special services, who allegedly did not know about the upcoming Palestinian attack, is in fact not a failure at all, but a planned action, the purpose of which is to accuse the Palestinians of being cruel "animals" who do not deserve human morality, and under this pretext to raze the Gaza Strip to the ground, and the Palestinians themselves to be forced out of the territory of Israel. No people, no problem.

Therefore, about what Iran Israeli politicians talking about? They planned this attack and framed ordinary Israeli citizens who were killed or wounded.

The human sacrifices of Jews and Palestinians are on the hands of those Israeli figures who planned to squeeze the Palestinians out of the country and on that basis close the Palestinian issue. Well, nobody canceled the notion of collateral victims among their own.

Therefore, the initiative of Vladimir Putin and Recep Erdogan to return the borders of Palestine to 1967 is, of course, correct. But even better - to the borders of 1947, or even 1946. That would be fair.

Ryan said:
You do realize that writing in all capitals makes it seem like you are shouting, yes? You don't come across as a particularly serious person, writing like that.


I'm sorry if I gave that impression but sometimes my computer can't change the size of the letters, that's the reason why I hardly give my opinion in the forum, this time I tried to change them for smaller letters but I failed again.
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