Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

I haven't been participating on the forum much lately, but I was just thinking the other day before this situation broke out, and now it's even more apparent to me reading through this thread - The group of people who have gathered here, we are rather resistant to the brainwashing that exists throughout our world - something inside us drives to us question everything, and to keep on this path until it makes sense - This general issue of Israel, I think that programming is one of the longest ongoing and most thorough throughout the world, so it's no surprise to me see that so few people can really see the situation in Israel as it is.
I haven't been participating on the forum much lately, but I was just thinking the other day before this situation broke out, and now it's even more apparent to me reading through this thread - The group of people who have gathered here, we are rather resistant to the brainwashing that exists throughout our world - something inside us drives to us question everything, and to keep on this path until it makes sense - This general issue of Israel, I think that programming is one of the longest ongoing and most thorough throughout the world, so it's no surprise to me see that so few people can really see the situation in Israel as it is.
You bet! We are very lucky to have this forum to see what it is behind the veil. It helped us during the plandemic situation, oh my, I can not imagine myself without this group during the Covid. I am myself also so grateful. :flowers:
Organizers moved the Rave Party only 2 days before the attack

My husband just told me about an Italian source / video, in which it was revealed that the organizers of the Israeli Rave event was supposed to be held at a location much further to the south, away from the border of Gaza. But only two days before the event would take place, it was moved to the location close to the Gaza border (from what i understand, near a place called Re'im).

Another interesting little piece adding to the whole, that this whole conflict/attack is a deliberate psyop/false and sacrifice, deliberately planned by the PTB introducing an "Israel 911" type of event.

The majority of people on the planet have been vaccinated, so they're covidians and have a bit of trouble thinking for themselves. That's a point for them, for their vomitory misleading propaganda. And since 9/11, there's a new generation, so they don't know what really happened. That's how and why everything starts all over again. Fortunately, we're protected by a little knowledge.

As you say: despicable.
With you on this line of thinking Artex. This operation was meticulously planned and surely had an intent beyond just striking back - namely to lure the Persians into the pass of Thermopylae if you get my meaning. Once the Israelis move into the urban maze of Gaza all bets are off and the territory becomes a great leveler. Hostage taking chances increase, casualty rates rise, intractable circumstances take over. The Palestinians can fight with nothing to lose - the Israeli's with everything to lose, especially the morale of the population and the impact on watching TV audience baying for a simple clean bloody conclusion of 'justice'. Atrition may well be something the Palestinians have now learned from watching Russian tactics in Ukraine - and they are it seems successfully tempting the Israelis to fall for it on their terms. And seeing what they pulled off to date, who knows what they have also long prepared in under ground tunnels and down alley ways throughout Gaza...

But the Palestinians are not an army, specially trained in urban warfare; 50% of them are children. And the outcome of attrition warfare is determined by who has the most equipment, the most food, the most fuel, the most money, the most support, the best technology.

I’ve heard other commentators putting forth this argument, comparing a potential Palestinian resistance to the Vietnamese against the U.S. But the Gaza Strip is tiny, it’s inhabitants have no movement, no medicine, no food or energy. Whatever stockpiles of arms Hamas have cannot outlast the Israeli military.

Palestine has no chance.
But the Palestinians are not an army, specially trained in urban warfare; 50% of them are children. And the outcome of attrition warfare is determined by who has the most equipment, the most food, the most fuel, the most money, the most support, the best technology.

I’ve heard other commentators putting forth this argument, comparing a potential Palestinian resistance to the Vietnamese against the U.S. But the Gaza Strip is tiny, it’s inhabitants have no movement, no medicine, no food or energy. Whatever stockpiles of arms Hamas have cannot outlast the Israeli military.

Palestine has no chance.
Exactly. Half of the population is made up of children - they have no manufacturing, no energy production, no real military training facilities or any real military institutions - The Gaza strip has been tightly controlled for decades and highly surveilled - What are they going to fight the IDF with? Some old AK-47s and makeshift rockets they smuggled components in and cobbled together? Maybe add in some rocks off the ground for good measure.

Versus what?

Israel has a near limitless defense budget, modern military hardware and munitions, cutting edge intelligence gathering systems, and now what's shaping up to be 2 whole US Carrier Groups which have unmatched conventional firepower. We know who runs the US/Israel power structure - There just aren't many people on the planet who seem to have a deep understanding what a Psychopath is - what they're capable of - especially when they gather into a group with real political power.

It looking like it's about to be a total bloodbath. If that's indeed what happens - will the whole world sit by, intimidated by the US/Israel power structure - or are they going to do something about it?
Meanwhile, also in NYC :shock: :

I’ve heard other commentators putting forth this argument, comparing a potential Palestinian resistance to the Vietnamese against the U.S. But the Gaza Strip is tiny, it’s inhabitants have no movement, no medicine, no food or energy. Whatever stockpiles of arms Hamas have cannot outlast the Israeli military.

Palestine has no chance.

True. So why would Hamas do it? To provoke Israel into a severe retaliation. Why? Either Hamas is not working for Palestine, or they expect that Israel's coming war will enrage the Arab world and force their governments to intervene against Israel (this guy I follow on YT argues that). But if the latter, then Hamas is also not really working for Palestine, because that plan involves sacrificing thousands if not millions of Palestinians. And who is to say that Israel's 'deep state' didn't want exactly that - taking the gloves off against all Muslims, even if that also involves sacrificing several Israeli lives? Considering Israel knows Uncle Sam will be right there at its side.
Meanwhile, also in NYC :shock: :

True. So why would Hamas do it? To provoke Israel into a severe retaliation. Why? Either Hamas is not working for Palestine, or they expect that Israel's coming war will enrage the Arab world and force their governments to intervene against Israel (this guy I follow on YT argues that). But if the latter, then Hamas is also not really working for Palestine, because that plan involves sacrificing thousands if not millions of Palestinians. And who is to say that Israel's 'deep state' didn't want exactly that - taking the gloves off against all Muslims, even if that also involves sacrificing several Israeli lives? Considering Israel knows Uncle Sam will be right there at its side.
Between the video of NYC and Israeli Defense Minister's comments - It's mask off - If people can't see what the objective here is....

Sept 24, 2001
Q: (L) Well we plan to. What is going to happen with the Middle-eastern situation; this Afghanistan or whatever?
A: Herding of population to much finer order of control.
Q: (L) What is the purpose of this control; this increasing control.
A: Preparation for war in Palestine.

Q: (L) But nobody has said anything about having a war in Palestine. They’re all talking about having a war in Afghanistan. How does Palestine fit in here?
A: It is the ultimate objective of Israel.
Q: (L) Why would they want to have war in their own country? Well, aside from the fact that they’ve been having a war in their own country for a long time. I guess they want to bring it to a final conclusion. What is going to be the result of this plan?
A: Destruction of Jews.
Q: (L) Well obviously this is not what THEY are planning, is it?
A: No.
Q:(L) They are planning destruction of Palestinians, right?
A: Yes.
Stepping back, when interfacing with one's rightist colleagues who may be overly influenced by the so called right's pro-Zio stance, it might help to inform them on a little history.

Like, the Palestinians were once CHRISTIANS, yes Eastern Orthodox, but CHRISTIANS. It was primarily the "Christian" West who ignored what happened to them after the supposed WWII European traumatized "Jewish" newcomers (who could do no harm) ruthlessly removed them from and disrupted their homeland. This radicalized them to turn to Islam over the decades.

Ask Srs. Evangélicos why they did not come to the aid of fellow CHRISTIANS and allowed the marginalization and desperation of their fellow Christians with no option but to turn to Islam and resistance tactics?
Between the video of NYC and Israeli Defense Minister's comments - It's mask off - If people can't see what the objective here is....
What is going to be the result of this plan?
A: Destruction of Jews.
Q: (L) Well obviously this is not what THEY are planning, is it?
A: No.
Q:(L) They are planning destruction of Palestinians, right?
A: Yes.

Interesting, the Zionists only see what they want to see and they see a great victory over Palestine, especially because they have the backing of the US, however, it backfires on them. But why. Is it because of a cosmic event?, which is why the US cannot intervene, it was immediate, without warning. Kaboom would say the Cs. An event of biblical proportions, for which the US cannot intervene and leaves Israel alone to fight the Arabs. Remote viewers see something tragic in the US coming soon.

I can't figure out the reason behind such vastly different responses to the same pro-Israel message coming from supporters of similar conservative figures. I wonder if it's because Peterson's supporters gravitate to him due to his overall 'clean your room and become responsible' message, and not just his anti-woke stance, while the likes of Walsh and Shapiro tend to gather support from those who oppose wokeness rather than seeking self improvement per se? I don't know, it's just my guess. But in the case of JBP, it's certainly been interesting to see that those who follow him for guidance have their eyes open wider than him.

And as for tradcons' Israel blindness, it looks like developing depth of expertise in one area isn't enough. One must not only go deep, but also go wide to avoid getting derailed, and leave no stones unturned in search for sacred cows. The leading tradcons seem to have failed at that.
I've had a similar thought about it, and for us here is a really good warning, just because the right seems to be making tons of sense in a lot of issues lately, it doesn't mean that they have no ideological possession. I think a lot of the Shapiro and Walsh followers did so by default and didn't really think their way into agreeing with them, they simply wanted to oppose the left politically, so they picked up all their blindspots.

I think the Peterson followers weren't looking for a political guidance, so they allow themselves to agree with him on cognitive issues, but to disagree with him politically, because for all he says, he can clearly be ideologically possessed, nobody's perfect.

As far as the left protesting in favor of Palestine, I'm not sure.. they are demonstrating because they demonstrate about just about anything, with the same understanding of the issues, they tend to demonstrate when it's cool and it's in and it's the current thing. So, it's not so much that they care about Palestinians, as much as they care about being seen as compassionate for the oppressed, so I am not holding my breadth for any sincere empathy there. But also, they placed themselves on the opposite side of the right, by inertia.

the left does its thing and the right does the opposite by default, not a lot of critical thinking that I can see.

True. So why would Hamas do it? To provoke Israel into a severe retaliation. Why? Either Hamas is not working for Palestine, or they expect that Israel's coming war will enrage the Arab world and force their governments to intervene against Israel (this guy I follow on YT argues that). But if the latter, then Hamas is also not really working for Palestine, because that plan involves sacrificing thousands if not millions of Palestinians. And who is to say that Israel's 'deep state' didn't want exactly that - taking the gloves off against all Muslims, even if that also involves sacrificing several Israeli lives? Considering Israel knows Uncle Sam will be right there at its side.
Sadly, I think this is a very likely scenario, Bibi has been having trouble internally and a war is just what he needed to tighten the grip on power. I suppose we won't know why the timing of it? Perhaps, the horizon looks like a defeat in Ukraine would see the multipolar world shaping up even further, and with the relations getting smoother among all the Arab nations, recently with Iran and Saudi Arabia for instance, or Syria back in the Arab League, this is perhaps an attempt to sow chaos in the region and maybe reignite some of these old conflicts so as to prevent the Arab block from remerging, to keep them divided?
Interesting, the Zionists only see what they want to see and they see a great victory over Palestine, especially because they have the backing of the US, however, it backfires on them. But why. Is it because of a cosmic event?, which is why the US cannot intervene, it was immediate, without warning. Kaboom would say the Cs. An event of biblical proportions, for which the US cannot intervene and leaves Israel alone to fight the Arabs. Remote viewers see something tragic in the US coming soon.​
I was also thinking about this possibility, that perhaps this is all contrived, and they have this masterplan to achieve whatever... and it backfires horribly. Imagine grooming Hamas for decades and then you launch an operation that is designed to look like an awful act, with their help, and Hamas then goes off script and carry out a real one with perhaps capturing nukes or something, or not even.. maybe capturing nukes is part of the plan but they botch it and it ends badly.
taking the gloves off against all Muslims, even if that also involves sacrificing several Israeli lives? Considering Israel knows Uncle Sam will be right there at its side.

It could be said they are tempting the Arabs into intervention. A war for the disruption of the oil/energy markets and plunging the world into deep financial chaos after the ME has shown some signs of unity.
There's a convoy from Egypt that will apparently contain medical supplies and humanitarian aid, but who knows what else may go North into Gaza if these trucks manage to make it through.

The neocons tried to drive a wedge between Russia and China, and this only brought these two civilization-states closer together. Then they tried the hilarious plan of 'let's take down Russia first, China second!' - and failed badly, moving Russia and China closer than ever, depleting their ammo stocks, and outing the combined military strength of NATO as weak in the process.

There's already been some vocal support for Palestine from a number of Arab countries and their leaders. Now there's a planned convoy from Egypt, and a few strikes into Israeli-held positions here and there from Syria and Lebanon. Who knows? It could be that in an attempt to destabilize the Middle East, the PTB end up bringing some powerful Arab Muslim nations together against Israel + Uncle Sam + NATO + the West more generally. I think there's a chance of something like this happening. The key change that makes this a possibility is rise of the multipolar world and decline of US hegemony. Africa is a case in point. We're long past the Libya days when NATO can bomb with impunity.

If Gazans start getting killed in the tens of thousands, will Iran, Lebanon, Syria, etc., and their covert armed groups just sit back and watch it happen? I could be very wrong, but I just don't see that happening. I think this may be why the US decided to park a battle carrier group in the region - it doesn't have much to do with Palestine per se, it's a show of power to tell the Arab nations to stay out of it, and remind them who's boss of the region.
And in other news, the EU has accused X of spreading misinformation:

EU accuses X of disseminating "illegal" content on Hamas-Israel war, Musk responds

Brussels did not rule out imposing fines in case the platform does not comply with EU rules.

The European Commission on Tuesday gave X a 24-hour deadline to respond to Brussels' accusations that the platform is used to disseminate "illegal content and disinformation" regarding the new wave of hostilities between the Palestinian Hamas movement and Israel.

In a letter, published by the EU Commissioner for the Internal Market, Thierry Breton, reference is made to the EU's Digital Services Act (DSA) which sets out "precise obligations on content moderation". Breton also emphasizes that X must be "very transparent and clear about what content is allowed" on the platform, while not ruling out the imposition of fines in case of non-compliance with the DSA rules.

In parallel, the official alluded to "public interest policy changes" that caused confusion among "many European users." In doing so, Breton seems to point to a change X introduced last weekend that influences whether the platform decides to leave certain posts visible to all despite posts violating its policy rules.

"Public media and civil society organizations reported en masse about cases of false and manipulated images and facts circulating on its platform in the EU, such as repurposed old images from unrelated armed conflicts or military images that actually come from video games," Breton argued.

For his part, Musk responded that the network is sticking to the policy, where everything "is open and transparent." "An approach that I know the EU supports," the tycoon indicated and asked to mention specific infringements. In response, Breton argued that users themselves reported on the dissemination of "false content and glorification of violence."

Notice the instances they cited, Videogames and false images from previous conflicts... remember when the EU did not do anything when the video game images were being used by Ukrainians? So, this is probably the other angle of whatever is transpiring, further online control.
Ask Srs. Evangélicos why they did not come to the aid of fellow CHRISTIANS and allowed the marginalization and desperation of their fellow Christians with no option but to turn to Islam?
A little anecdote, when I was a teenager I knew a family of Christian Palestinian refugees. Once there was a discussion between one of he sons and his father (it was common knowledge that Hamas was created by Israel and financed through Egypt, before the internet). The father was very critical of Hamas, but the son replied: "Yes but at least they're doing something". Those who remember the first Intifada may remember that at that time, Palestinian women didn't wear the veil, that came later. During the 90's, jihadists, notably of the Muslim Brotherhood[TM] variety or what would become El Ciada[TM] later, were very critical of Palestinians whom they viewed as secularized and fake muslims. A famous preacher from Saudi Arabia declared something like "What matters in Palestine is the holy place, to hell with Palestinians".
I guess the architects of the "clash of civilizations" had to do something about the state of affairs, or at least the perception of it.
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