Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Syria Launches Missiles On Golan Heights As US To Begin 'Surging' Defense Aid To Israel​

by Tyler Durden
Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 - 01:12 PM

(Just a few excerpts. Much more info and videos in article below)

"Update(1612ET): The Syrian Army has fired missiles toward the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights Tuesday evening (local), breaking reports indicate. The Israeli Defense Force have confirmed the attack:"

"This raises the risk of a broader conflict which spirals, given the earlier exchange of fire in northern Lebanon between Israel and likely Hezbollah positions. Al Jazeera senior correspondent Zeina Khodr writes on the significance of the Golan mortar fire from Syria:"

Rocket from Syria lands in Israel occupied Golan Heights- it was a matter of time before a message is sent to Israel from this front … "multi front assault possible".
"This came within an hour of President Biden in a speech confirming that the US will begin 'surging' defense aid to Israel."


"Update(1310ET): The Israeli army has reportedly issued an order for citizens to evacuate the Metula settlement, which lies just along the northern border with Lebanon. This after a salvo of some 15 rockets was fired from southern Lebanon in a suspected Hezbollah operation. "In response to the launches identified from Lebanese territory toward Israeli territory, IDF soldiers are currently responding with artillery fire," regional sources report. The IDF said it intercepted several of them, while most landed in open fields. Things are steadily escalating there:"

There is a lot of information and videos in the zerohedge article below:


Syria Launches Missiles On Golan Heights As US To Begin 'Surging' Defense Aid To Israel​

by Tyler Durden
Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 - 01:12 PM

(Just a few excerpts. Much more info and videos in article below)

"Update(1612ET): The Syrian Army has fired missiles toward the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights Tuesday evening (local), breaking reports indicate. The Israeli Defense Force have confirmed the attack:"

"This raises the risk of a broader conflict which spirals, given the earlier exchange of fire in northern Lebanon between Israel and likely Hezbollah positions. Al Jazeera senior correspondent Zeina Khodr writes on the significance of the Golan mortar fire from Syria:"

"This came within an hour of President Biden in a speech confirming that the US will begin 'surging' defense aid to Israel."


"Update(1310ET): The Israeli army has reportedly issued an order for citizens to evacuate the Metula settlement, which lies just along the northern border with Lebanon. This after a salvo of some 15 rockets was fired from southern Lebanon in a suspected Hezbollah operation. "In response to the launches identified from Lebanese territory toward Israeli territory, IDF soldiers are currently responding with artillery fire," regional sources report. The IDF said it intercepted several of them, while most landed in open fields. Things are steadily escalating there:"

There is a lot of information and videos in the zerohedge article below:

This HAS to be making Ukraine jealous. They have been the spoiled child for a long time now. Do we cut back on Ukraine aid and fund the new favorite child's war? Do we say damn the torpedoes and fund both with abandon? The war hawks are drooling, the MIC and some senior military want a bigger theater, I think they will get it.

Iran is not going to sit back and do nothing as Israel goes on the offensive. Now we also have a lame president, neck deep in scandals, facing Impeachment trials...does he want peace? I would say no, he wants as much chaos and mayhem as possible.
Yes, how can we forget that. Once again the Zionists resort to the tale of murdered babies. Another blast from the past:

The Great Lie of the Gulf war: How a false testimony changed the public view of the war.​

On October 10th, 1990, a 15-year old girl who provided only her first name, Nayirah, appeared before the United States Congressional Human Rights Caucus and gave a testimony which was then used by US Government and organizations as justification of the Gulf War.

In her emotional testimony, Nayirah claimed that after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait she had witnessed Iraqi soldiers take babies out of incubators in a Kuwaiti hospital, take the incubators, and leave the babies to die.
The effect was instanteous. Nayirah’s testimony was widely publicized. Hill & Knowlton (an American PR firm), which had filmed the hearing, sent out a video news release to MediaLink, a firm which served about 700 television stations in the United States.

That night, portions of the testimony aired on ABC’s Nightline and NBC Nightly News reaching an estimated audience between 35 and 53 million Americans.Seven senators cited Nayirah’s testimony in their speeches backing the use of force. President George Bush repeated the story at least ten times in the following weeks. Bush quoted Nayirah at every opportunity. Six times in one month he referred to “312 premature babies at Kuwait City’s maternity hospital who died after Iraqi soldiers stole their incubators and left the infants on the floor,” and of “babies pulled from incubators and scattered like firewood across the floor.” Her account of the atrocities helped to stir American opinion in favor of participation in the Gulf War.

As if it were a spell for a certain date, now October 10 the Zionists try to cast a spell on us with the babies beheaded by Hamas.
33 years to the day... and with "40 babies"?

That is freaky-deaky.

Kiev regime's hunger for weapons exacerbated by latest Israel-Gaza conflict​

Drago Bosnic,

[..]various sources are claiming that the IDF may be faced with a shell shortage crisis because the Israeli government reportedly agreed to covertly supply a big chunk of Israeli war reserves to the Kiev regime. And while Israeli officials have been careful not to antagonize Russia and keep denying any involvement with the Neo-Nazi junta, various reports by the mainstream media claim that Israel has agreed to transfer at least some American weapons and munitions (particularly 155 mm artillery shells) stored in Israel.

As a result, the Pentagon will now be forced to make a tough strategic decision. Either support the Kiev regime forces or the IDF. The former is much more dependent on the artillery component of its armed forces, while the latter relies primarily on air superiority. However, this is the first time since 2006 that Israel is launching a major land operation and it will need its artillery component more than ever before. Launching airstrikes on every single position held by Hamas is simply not viable, as it dispersed most of its troops all across the Gaza Strip. This is where artillery comes into play. The IDF will surely try to complete the operation as soon as possible, but it's difficult to determine how long it could last.

If the fighting ends up becoming a stalemate, Israel will need a constant supply of artillery munitions, which isn't a very good prospect for the Neo-Nazi junta forces. As the much-touted counteroffensive failed, the Kiev regime will soon need to go on the defense. If the Russian military decides to launch a counteroffensive of its own, the need for US-made artillery shells will be exponentially amplified, as the Neo-Nazi junta forces simply have no other way to hold their lines. Artillery duels against the Russian military became the staple of the confrontation when the frontlines stabilized in most areas of Ukraine. Moscow already had a major advantage even with this US/NATO support.

According to Business Insider, the Pentagon transferred more than two million 155 mm shells from its own stockpiles, but this was still only a fraction of what the Russian military was able to muster. However, even this was from old stockpiles and the production facilities were unable to match the Neo-Nazi junta's needs. In September, the US claimed that it would produce 100,000 155 mm shells per month by 2025. For comparison, it produced 14,000 in early 2023, a far cry from what the Kiev regime needs, as it spends up to 6,000 shells per day. The US planned to increase Ukraine-bound supplies to 300,000 shells, but these had to come from somewhere., 8 October 2023
Universo Paralello [the rave] was not originally intended to take place at the Re’im site, with organizers moving it to this location only two days before it started, when another site in southern Israel fell through.
Hamas would have therefore only found out about this switch at most 48 hours beforehand, and changed their 'years-long' planning accordingly...
For instance, JBP and RFK Jr. have been quick to express their support to Israel and its right to "defend itself". I find this disappointing. At least with JBP I would've expected him to acknowledge the complexity of the situation and the long history of wrong-doings and violence from both sides. Can't remember verbatim what he tweeted but it was something like "Giv'em hell, Netanyahu!". C'mon man, that's childish and silly!
I echo those sentiments. But given that JBP was wined and dined by Netanyahu, and even posted an interview with him on his Instagram, I didn't really have hopes for any other response. It's sad - and ironic - to see a man of his intellect being taken in by a living example of the very pathology he warns and preaches against.

Others pointed out earlier in this thread that the left tends to side with Palestine, while the right usually sides with Israel, and it seems to be true about the leading (and most vocal) figures of both sides fo the political spectrum. But although JBP's fans are for the most part anti-woke conservatives, JBP was absolutely roasted in the comments section for posting content with Netanyahu. So I guess the division may not be that clear-cut if a large chunk of JBP's fanbase is in the 'Free Palestine' camp.

But having read the discussion here I snooped around the content put out by the likes of Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro, also leading tradcons, and their comments sections largely seem to want to pray for poor Israel. Shapiro, leads the absurdity with statements of this kind:


I can't figure out the reason behind such vastly different responses to the same pro-Israel message coming from supporters of similar conservative figures. I wonder if it's because Peterson's supporters gravitate to him due to his overall 'clean your room and become responsible' message, and not just his anti-woke stance, while the likes of Walsh and Shapiro tend to gather support from those who oppose wokeness rather than seeking self improvement per se? I don't know, it's just my guess. But in the case of JBP, it's certainly been interesting to see that those who follow him for guidance have their eyes open wider than him.

And as for tradcons' Israel blindness, it looks like developing depth of expertise in one area isn't enough. One must not only go deep, but also go wide to avoid getting derailed, and leave no stones unturned in search for sacred cows. The leading tradcons seem to have failed at that.
Also reminded of "Putin killed my baby" and "Why the Syrian regime is killing babies".
Straight off the bat, they always get "kills babies" out there. Another one is "commits mass rape." The Russians were accused of it in Ukraine repeatedly in the first days and weeks, until it became a 'Western fact'.

Recall that all day Sunday and Monday, the whole world 'learned' that Hamas had 'raped and tortured anything in a skirt' at the rave near Gaza.

That was pretty much based on one image/video of one of the young women taken from the rave: Shani Louk, the 'bikini girl' in the back of a pick-up, who the media told us was being 'paraded' by Hamas through Gaza (after they had 'tortured/raped/killed' her, naturally).

Turns out, she's still alive. In a Gaza hospital. Her mother's trying to get her out and back to Germany. Alas, Gaza is now being blockaded and bombed, in no small part to... avenge the 'brutal murder-rape' of Shani Louk.

Her image was used to sear the following message into everyone's brain: "Hamas = ISIS" ⬇️

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The STS only have one playbook, when they get to the last page, they just turn it back to the beginning and start it all over again. As we can see they don’t even change/adjust the story that they used last time, and the same players are there to comply with the fabrication. Why, because they got the same book to proceed from. I’m sorry for the disheartening direction this is going in, stay level-headed as this storm is just about to get really atrocious. Haiku …
Organizers moved the Rave Party only 2 days before the attack

My husband just told me about an Italian source / video, in which it was revealed that the organizers of the Israeli Rave event was supposed to be held at a location much further to the south, away from the border of Gaza. But only two days before the event would take place, it was moved to the location close to the Gaza border (from what i understand, near a place called Re'im).

There are many grey areas surrounding the Hamas incursion into the music festival. Why were thousands of people allowed to gather just a few kilometres from the Gaza Strip?

Full story on Byoblu

Another interesting little piece adding to the whole, that this whole conflict/attack is a deliberate psyop/false and sacrifice, deliberately planned by the PTB introducing an "Israel 911" type of event.

REPORT: Evil Hamas Mastermind Behind the Israel Terrorist Attack Revealed and His Dark Message Before the Iranian-Backed Assault | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger just stoking the flames... good grief

REPORT: Evil Hamas Mastermind Behind the Israel Terrorist Attack Revealed and His Dark Message Before the Iranian-Backed Assault

An AFP report has revealed the Hamas version of Osama Bin Laden and the dark message he left for his followers just before the attack on Israel.

The mainstream media is now reporting that the man responsible for planning the terrorists’ genocidal slaughter in Israel is a one-armed, one-legged maniac who goes by Mohammed Deif, according to the Financial Review. He has been nicknamed “the cat with nine lives” because he’s dodged numerous Israeli attempts on his life.

The New York Post reports Mohammed Deif is actually the nom de guerre of Mohammed Diab Ibrahim al-Masri. He is the head of the Military wing of Hamas.

Moreover, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have already named him the architect of a wave of suicide bombings, including a massive surge in 1996 that killed more than 50 civilians.

According to reports Iran was funding and helped organize the deadly assault in Israel by Hamas.
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