Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

There's a convoy from Egypt that will apparently contain medical supplies and humanitarian aid, but who knows what else may go North into Gaza if these trucks manage to make it through.

The neocons tried to drive a wedge between Russia and China, and this only brought these two civilization-states closer together. Then they tried the hilarious plan of 'let's take down Russia first, China second!' - and failed badly, moving Russia and China closer than ever, depleting their ammo stocks, and outing the combined military strength of NATO as weak in the process.

There's already been some vocal support for Palestine from a number of Arab countries and their leaders. Now there's a planned convoy from Egypt, and a few strikes into Israeli-held positions here and there from Syria and Lebanon. Who knows? It could be that in an attempt to destabilize the Middle East, the PTB end up bringing some powerful Arab Muslim nations together against Israel + Uncle Sam + NATO + the West more generally. I think there's a chance of something like this happening. The key change that makes this a possibility is rise of the multipolar world and decline of US hegemony. Africa is a case in point. We're long past the Libya days when NATO can bomb with impunity.

If Gazans start getting killed in the tens of thousands, will Iran, Lebanon, Syria, etc., and their covert armed groups just sit back and watch it happen? I could be very wrong, but I just don't see that happening. I think this may be why the US decided to park a battle carrier group in the region - it doesn't have much to do with Palestine per se, it's a show of power to tell the Arab nations to stay out of it, and remind them who's boss of the region.
I was thinking something along similar lines. Depending on how nasty this invasion gets into Gaza, this could potentially cause ME nations to come closer together and work against Israel - what form that takes I don't know. For sure the two carrier groups there are for intimidation, to remind the ME countries who's boss and who has the biggest guns. The C's said at one point that the fate of America was similar to that of Germany at the end of WW2 - hated by most all countries and peoples.
True. So why would Hamas do it? To provoke Israel into a severe retaliation. Why? Either Hamas is not working for Palestine, or they expect that Israel's coming war will enrage the Arab world and force their governments to intervene against Israel (this guy I follow on YT argues that). But if the latter, then Hamas is also not really working for Palestine, because that plan involves sacrificing thousands if not millions of Palestinians. And who is to say that Israel's 'deep state' didn't want exactly that - taking the gloves off against all Muslims, even if that also involves sacrificing several Israeli lives? Considering Israel knows Uncle Sam will be right there at its side.
Just throwing this out there... Put your mind back to 70 AD. If the rebellion against Rome had no chance and it meant triggering a severe Roman retaliation and the sacrifice of thousands of Jews, why would the Zealots do it?
I don't know how reliable the Voltaire Network is, but I think it's pretty good. Thierry Meyssan has published a rather interesting article on what's happening in Israel, in which he shows how everything is not as simple as it seems and shows us a rather complicated framework of groups and internal struggles between them in Palestine, a rather negative portrait in fact and rather confused. It's so complicated to see clearly, the only thing that's certain is that the Palestinians will suffer again and again.

What I like about Meyssan is that his articles are cold, stoic despite the density of the subject. For this subject is dense, denser than one might think.
He says:

The bloody conflict in geographic Palestine comes after 75 years of equally murderous injustice. Under international law, Palestinians have the right and duty to resist Israeli occupation, just as Israelis have the right and duty to respond to the attack on them. It is everyone’s responsibility to help resolve the injustices suffered by both groups, which does not mean supporting the cruel vengeance of some of them.​

On the other hand, support for the Palestinian and Israeli peoples must not lead to amnesty for their respective leaders for the crimes they have committed, or for the great powers that have manipulated them.​

Put your mind back to 70 AD. If the rebellion against Rome had no chance and it meant triggering a severe Roman retaliation and the sacrifice of thousands of Jews, why would the Zealots do it?
To garner sympathy and create new martyrs perhaps? As it turned out, (if I remember correctly), there was not much sympathy for the Zealots or the Jews after the rebellion. As was mentioned in "From Paul to Mark", one reason the Gospel of Mark was written was to put some theological and social distance between the Zeolots and the Pauline Christians.

The PTB may find their usual tricks and deceptions wearing thin more quickly this time.
Maybe it was already posted, not sure, but here's another example of a Hamas fighter saying that they are not harming women and children, and that this is according to Islam commandments.

We know that there clearly were casualties among woman and children, even if the information about "40 dead babies" in Kfar Aza is bogus, could this be another indication that the attacking force was comprised of different militant or mercenary groups? While the "core" Hamas group were Muslim who chose to spare lives of women and children.

Yesterday I also saw news about talks within Hamas about releasing some of the hostages, or that it was a mistake to take women and children as hostages at all.


"Hamas leaders split over the capture of women and children": There is no unity within Hamas on what to do with the hostages - and whether everyone should have been grabbed indiscriminately.

"There has been a split among senior Hamas leaders over the decision to seize the women and children. One faction wants to release some Israeli hostages to undermine international support for Israel's planned counteroffensive, Middle East intelligence officials say. But the prevailing view in Hamas generally is that taking Israeli hostages builds credibility among Palestinians and the wider Arab world, and they can be used as bargaining chips for future prisoner swap deals. Some in the Hamas leadership have now decided that it was a mistake to capture women, the elderly and children, including infants. And have begun to probe the Egyptian government in an attempt to negotiate a deal in which some women and children would be released in exchange for Palestinian women prisoners held by Israel. But it is unlikely they will succeed in convincing most other Hamas members. Hamas and the smaller Palestinian organization Islamic Jihad claim to be holding 130 Israelis. Israel has confirmed that more than 900 Israelis have been killed and 2,400 wounded, but has so far refused to release the number of missing."

And here are two screenshot of the news here and here that show that the "40 beheaded babies" story was a Western media invention/exaggeration. Maybe even this one particular journalist. Maybe she was told exhagerrated information by one of the soldiers and ran with it. Probably Israel saw some problem with maintaining the story, so they decided to deny it.



Also here's a footage (in Hebrew) of an Israeli news report from Kfar Aza. And although they do mention a lot of bodies, there is no mention at all of any babies.

Here's some data how much ammunition Hamas militants had. They were extremely prepared:

So far, more than 3,000 different weapons have been located that have not been used at all, including anti-tank missiles (including Cornet missiles with a range of 5-8 km), various charges, including standard calibres, spray grenades, PK machine guns, commando knives, cartridges full, ammunition boxes with 7.62 rounds for Kalashnikov rifles, explosive drones, low-powered missiles, powerful anti-tank mines, wire for charges and more.

Here's an opinion by a Russian archaeologist (although he appears to be more than that and has relations or access to Wagner forces in Syria and other similar individuals) about Syria supposed retaliation:

Don't get too excited. Not yet.
Syria and the Syrian army have not been involved in anything yet. There are areas where there are many Iranian proxies or Hezbollah - they are either poorly controlled or almost uncontrolled. And the situation is even more complicated for Damascus, if the enemy was there - there is no responsibility for it at all. On the contrary, they can be stigmatized once again. And here, after all, they are allies. But I repeat, the Syrians will not get involved directly. They have enough problems as it is. There is someone to get involved without them.

Here's footage of a fight between Tzahal forces and Israeli plice in Ashdod. Apparently it was a case of a friendly fire and there are two dead.

And here's a footage of a ground operation. Israelis have entered Gaza. (Correction made: Anata and Beit Ummar, which is near Jerusalem).

And here's a strange story, unfortunately only in Hebrew. Apparently there are 20 girls who served as observers/spotters on the border with Gaza in the location of the attack, and no one knows where they are. Or to be exact, Tzahal doesn't supply any answers regarding them to their families. Apparently there is some information about who was kidnapped or killed.

But there are still other strange things. For example, apparently 5 of the girls were taken by a helicopter, supposedly transferred somewhere, but no one knows where the helicopter landed. Where they are now. I am not sure if there is really any conspiracy there, it is just an example of a chaos and nervous parents that have no idea where their children are, and Tzahal doesn't supply any answers.

This is how the observers/spotters workplace looks like:

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As a general comparison, a litle report from Russia, (Tass), where else do we find common sense?


Middle East conflict prone to spreading — Kremlin spokesman​

Dmitry Peskov emphasized the importance for the sides to "show restraint"

MOSCOW, October 11. /TASS/. The current crisis in the Middle East is dangerous because of its potential to spread and spill beyond the current borders of the Arab-Israeli conflict, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday.
"The situation is more than alarming. It is potentially dangerous because of its ability to spread and go beyond the current zone of the Arab-Israeli conflict," he said in a comment for ‘Moscow. Kremlin. Putin’ TV show on Russia’s Channel One, published by journalist Pavel Zarubin on his Telegram channel.
He emphasized the importance for the sides to "show restraint."

Commenting on public calls to "bomb Iran," heard in the United States amid the latest round of tensions around the Gaza Strip, the spokesman said that "it is very important now <…> to keep these hotheads with no habit of having a mind of their own, away from political decision-making."

"Only those with a genuine political will to engage in the reconciliation process, with skills and potential required for this reconciliation process, should be involved,"
he added.

The latest round of tensions in the Middle East was sparked by the October 7 attack of Hamas militants on the territory of Israel. According to the latest reports, clashes and shelling have left some 900 Palestinians dead and more than 4,500 wounded, and over 1,000 Israelis dead and over 3,400 wounded.
Hamas said its attack was in response to the Israeli authorities’ actions against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. Israel has announced a state of readiness for war and for a complete blockade of the Gaza Strip."

And yesterday, saw an AD on YouTube (when have you see this before??? :huh:), by an Israël's official agency, a very emotional AD putting the emphasis on women's tragedy during these events in Israël... Communicationwise they really are everywhere!
Just throwing this out there... Put your mind back to 70 AD. If the rebellion against Rome had no chance and it meant triggering a severe Roman retaliation and the sacrifice of thousands of Jews, why would the Zealots do it?

I don't know! Maybe they hoped the rebellion would spread like wildfire and somehow come out on top? Maybe they trusted Yahweh would give a hand? I suppose the point is that not every decision is entirely rational, even involving large groups of people. But what I find most interesting is that you bring up the historical parallel. Different actors and time, but same place and similar dynamic (with some possible deception and intrigue elements added).

And just saw this post... oh the irony!

Wow, indeed!
Has the possibility been mentioned that those people dressed as IDF soldiers at the concert checkpoint who massacred the concert goers were Mossad and other Israeli agents, not Hamas?

It was actually the first thing that came to my mind when I read about it, but at the same time, isn’t HAMAS also infiltrated by the Mossad? That could be a high possibility.
Tucker Carlson was a bit more intelligent than many other right-wing commentators, coming from a person who would still support Israel, of course.
While still saying that Israel has the right to defend itself, he talks about the consequences if there's escalation and asks for a more moderate and nuanced perspective, although concentrating on defending the US, improving the US internally and increasing defence systems. He and his guest have some blind spots, but I think that their view is still better than saying 'go get them'.

That was worthwhile watching. It is an accessible more objective take on what’s happening in Israel for the hard core conservatives (like my husband, so I will share it with him). Even though Tucker and Vivek have some blind spots as @Yas mentioned.

I had been unimpressed by Republican presidential nominee Vivek Ramswamy when I have listened to other interviews with him. But here, rather than sounding like an campaigning autobot, he seems to be expressing his own reasonably informed views and concludes that US leaders should be working for the interests of their own country and pursuing war with Iran is simply not this. Also that foreign policy is affected by corruption in American politics which comes down to big money.

Tucker finishes by saying that all of the war mongers in US politics, and he knows them all, not one of them has a normal sex life.
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I know it seems contradictory, but Mossad psychos have no problem 'sacrificing' fellow Jews for 'the cause', while Jewish/Israeli collective mythos is strongly bound by the maxim to 'leave no one behind'. It's what kept 'the tribe' extraordinarily cohesive over the millennia. What they never seem to learn, poor sods, is that their leaders are their own worst enemies. But then, that applies to pretty much all populations.
Yes and mercenary psychopaths are in it for their own sick pleasure. Requiring horrific atrocities of them would be an easy sell.
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