⚠️ Important notice about PayPal donations to FOTCM

I just tried to donate via Paypal using my credit card. I had two attempts to press the donate button after completing all the details. But I did ot receive any security,or one time pin number to enter off my phone. Nor did I receive any confirmation, or confirmation email. I do have a paypal account and was using this.
I need to know whether either of the payments went through.
You should be able to easily check your own credit card account to see if paypal charged you or not.
I just tried to donate via Paypal using my credit card. I had two attempts to press the donate button after completing all the details. But I did ot receive any security,or one time pin number to enter off my phone. Nor did I receive any confirmation, or confirmation email. I do have a paypal account and was using this.
I need to know whether either of the payments went through.

We didn't receive anything... :huh:
Last week when I paid for something via Paypal I was put through 7 different forms of security by them and my bank! I thought how ridiculous and what we can expect in the future as was a uk bank. But the payment did go through.
I will wait until 21st to send it then so that I can opt for the regular payment then it is on the correct date for me.
Many thanks
Hello, I would like to know if the bank account where I made a transfer last year is still the same? This is to make a donation to you by transfer.
Thanks for the response.
I just tried to donate via Paypal using my credit card. I had two attempts to press the donate button after completing all the details. But I did ot receive any security,or one time pin number to enter off my phone. Nor did I receive any confirmation, or confirmation email. I do have a paypal account and was using this.
I need to know whether either of the payments went through.
Also whether I can select a date of the 21st of each month, to enable me to budget, as that is when I receive my pension.
Many thanks

Edit: Spelling
I belive I had very simmilar problem like you with my debit card. I had to turn on 3D Secure in my internet bank account and also add cell phone number. (I don't have paypal account).

I don't know if you can donate with standard paypal account, but there is big chance that paypal update their procedures, and will require some type of veryfication before you send money.

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