Watch the skies and land and oceans

Regarding the fog and the stuff it leaves behind there seem to be basically three possibilities:

1) Spraying and testing of some kind of nano-dust as you described it.

2) Changing weather patterns and air pollution coming down to the ground.

3) Thinning of the veil letting through some weird stuff, maybe even on purpose.

Which explanation is most likely, I don't know. Maybe a combination of 2 or all 3 of these possibilities.
mabar made a post that shows an X post where the person says that the "fog" in Florida is from a volcano erupting in Mexico and the ash-fall is being brought north by winds.
I found an explanation of this phenomenon:

Causes – No wind, dry weather and high air pressure

Although the air temperature is not below freezing, other unfavorable meteorological aspects contribute to the increased air pollution in Serbia today – the absence of wind in most of the country, as well as high air pressure.

As air pollution experts have previously explained, it is especially intense during calm, dry and cold weather with elevated air pressure. In such conditions, the air is stable and does not move much vertically, which means that pollutants, such as dust, particles and gases that make up PM particles, which are the most dangerous pollutant in the air, remain “trapped” near the ground.

In addition, during winter days with high pressure, temperature inversions often occur, when the air near the ground is colder than the layers above. This inversion creates a “lid” that prevents pollutants from dispersing into the atmosphere.

The normal value of PM2.5 concentrations over a 24-hour period is considered unhealthy if the value is greater than 35.4 μg/m3. Citizens of Belgrade, as well as many other cities in Serbia, have been exposed to values of 300 to 315 μg/m3 in the last 24 hours.

But that still leaves us with a question: why is this rare event happening now all over the world?
mabar made a post that shows an X post where the person says that the "fog" in Florida is from a volcano erupting in Mexico and the ash-fall is being brought north by winds.
Well, this persistent fog over large areas is being reported all over the US and apparently in Europe too. The residue it leaves behind on the ground and in swimming pools does not look volcanic - maybe cometary dust may produce something weird like that with the partly organic molecules from comets.

In a time of the thinning of the veil Occam's Razor may not work that well anymore, though it is certainly good to rule out more mundane explanations first. According to the C's, the drone sightings were about 40% hyperdimensional and even the 3D drones were apparently not "just a military exercise" as some here claimed.
Well, this persistent fog over large areas is being reported all over the US and apparently in Europe too.

I think "all over the US and Europe too" gives a false representation of the situation.

The residue it leaves behind on the ground and in swimming pools does not look volcanic - maybe cometary dust may produce something weird like that with the partly organic molecules from comets.

That is one or two areas, which can be plausibly put down to volcanic ash.

In a time of the thinning of the veil Occam's Razor may not work that well anymore, though it is certainly good to rule out more mundane explanations first. According to the C's, the drone sightings were about 40% hyperdimensional and even the 3D drones were apparently not "just a military exercise" as some here claimed.

If you're suggesting that the reports of "strange fog" are somehow linked to a "thinning of the veil", how would explain how that might be happening?

It's not about "ruling out mundane explanations", because the alternative explanations are far from "mundane". If the suggestion that the fog is related to environmental changes that are related to an oncoming ice-age are true, then that portends changes in people's lives that FAR outweigh any machinations of the 3D or 4D elite, and may well go beyond any similar direct effects on people from a "thinning of the veil".

As for the drones, the claim is that 63% that were military drones were engaged in covering up the activity of the non-3D drones, which IMO, falls into a "military exercise" frame.
As for the drones, the claim is that 63% that were military drones were engaged in covering up the activity of the non-3D drones, which IMO, falls into a "military exercise" frame.
You seemed pretty adamant about ruling out the hyperdimensional ("it's the aliens") aspects of the drone sightings - for some reason assuming that disclosure or first contact could be the only reason why hyperdimensional craft would show up:

For all those here in the "it's the aliens" camp. Tell me how that plays out, in context of what the Cs have said about such a disclosure.

They said it would happen at a time when we were in dire need of outside help, and it would be provided by the "underground brothers" as "saviors". First, are we in dire need? Are things THAT bad? If so, then I think we got off pretty lightly. Secondly, surely such a revelation would upend the entire global order? We'd all have to rethink our places in the word and cosmos. Surely wars for domination would be put on the back burner. So are we expecting peace and prosperity to break out? An immediate end to the war in Ukraine, no more killings in Gaza, Israel reigned in etc. etc.

Also, if this is "alien disclosure", it's a strange way for them to go about it: anomalous drones flying over NJ and elsewhere for weeks, no communication from them or the govt. All they've achieved so far is to freak a lot of people our and really annoy them. Not exactly a positive start to "first contact". Surely they're smarter than that?

I'm still open to the idea that it is, at least in part, a psyop in the sense of subtly opening the collective consciousness to accepting the idea of a large number of strange craft in the skies, or as others have suggested, an attempt to muddy the waters in anticipation of an increased "thinning of the veil" where more such anomalous lights in the sky are expected. But beyond that I don't see the benefit.
You seemed pretty adamant about ruling out the hyperdimensional ("it's the aliens") aspects of the drone sightings - for some reason assuming that disclosure or first contact could be the only reason why hyperdimensional craft would show up:

My point, as is pretty clear from what I wrote, was that, IMO, this wasn't "first contact" as some here were tending to assume. As it turned out, it was 63% NOT first contact. Also, I said at end of that post

"I'm still open to the idea that it is, at least in part, a psyop in the sense of subtly opening the collective consciousness to accepting the idea of a large number of strange craft in the skies".

Which is pretty much what it was.

Staying open, looking closely at the facts, NOT indulging in confirmation bias, but instead thinking critically based on information we have gathered over 20+ years of Cs info and paying close attention to world events, provides a perspective on any given event that is more likely to be closer to the truth, than being "stampeded".
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I assumed that my position on that "drone" topic would have been obvious to most given what has been said in the sessions over the past few years. The idea of disclosure is a complicated topic (obviously) and my perspective on it is based on the long history of UFO lore, our awareness of the nature of the 3D powers and what their agenda is, plus the recent sessions comments.

On that point, here are the pertinent recent session comments, which may help to get a rough idea of what the general process of disclosure may look like. Basically, we should probably discard any and all representations of such from Hollywood movies.

(Gaby) Recently in the news it was reported that there have been over 350 reports mostly coming from military personnel, mostly within the past 2 years or so.

(Andromeda) UFO reports.

(Joe) Like an increase - a flap.

(Niall) Just in the last 2 years - since March 2021.

(L) A military UFO flap...

A: Main prep should be psychological and spiritual. As to appearance, nothing like what you would expect. Most will be done via proxies as invaders do not fit earth's FRV. [Review of answer] Some dramatic displays of power and control are possible.

(Joe) Who are the proxies most likely to be from our perspective?

A: Heads of government who are "plugged in" or replacements.

(Joe) The dramatic displays of power and control that are possible, who would they come from? I mean, who would be giving these dramatic displays of power and control?

(L) Dramatic displays coming from UFOs?


(Joe) They said most of it will be done by proxies, i.e. human beings, and there'll be dramatic displays of power and control.

(L) Yeah, but then we read the answer and then they threw that last part in afterwards. So, it was like an additional note on the topic. Well, people who've researched it know that they've turned off all the missiles at some place in Montana or somewhere years and years ago.

(Joe) Does that imply a generalized awareness of aliens among the human population at some point?


(L) Can you imagine what that's gonna be like? Even all of us sitting here, we've all been reading about it, thinking about it, and talking about it for 25-30 years. And yet, if and when they ever actually came out and said, "Hi guys! Here we are!" We'd probably all go into some kind of panic attack.

(Joe) I'd be gettin' my gun!

(L) Well, I mean, c'mon! We've been programmed all our lives to think such things don't exist. It's all just a conspiracy theory. But all the conspiracy theories have been coming true! OMG!

(Andromeda) I know. And even when you know about them, it's still jaw-dropping.

(Joe) But they said as well that it would be nothing like what you would expect. So, what we're expecting is like Hollywood: Independence Day, the mothership in the sky, that kind of thing. Probably it's not going to be like that. So, how would it manifest?

(L) Why would it not be like that?

A: Overt violation of free will thus generating sharp and inclusive opposition.

(L) So in other words, if they came out and announced they were invading, all the people would be upset and they'd unite together. Their unification would be sufficient to fend off or reject or otherwise negate the aliens' ability to enter our reality? Is that what you're saying?


(Joe) People wouldn't be receptive to them.

(L) So it's all gotta be done by stealth.

(Joe) How do you get around it then? How do you introduce the idea of the existence of aliens without presenting yourself...?

(Chu) By not making it look like an invasion.

(L) Here to help. Displays of power by stopping warlike activity, being the saviors of humankind or something like that...


(Joe) They'll present themselves as benevolent. It wasn't even that they were gonna be aggressive... It's more like how do they present themselves? Is it a ship?

(L) Well they can present themselves without presenting an invasion.

(Chu) Like miracles in the past or something like that? Angels?

A: Yes

(Joe) We'll just have to wait and see.

A: Weather and geological activity also involved.

(Chu) That one wouldn't grow awareness in aliens. People would just think it's a weather event.

(Scottie) Unless they come and save us from weather or geological events...

(L) So we have no idea what we're facing. And you can't help us out any more there?

A: To do so would violate learning directive. It is good that you know that prominent figures are already preparing the ground. Such as Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.

Q: (L) So, it's up to us to exercise our brains and our networking to put the picture together and to be aware that these people are not acting in our best interests. They may be hooked up with evil aliens who plan to take over our planet and who definitely want to reduce the population by a large number, they want to starve us, freeze us... All the things that we've been seeing that they're doing: they're just sweeping ahead with no concern whatsoever for what the human population wants or thinks. That in itself is peculiar.

(Joe) What was it about?

(L) About how the alien presence would be gradually introduced, and so forth?

(Joe) As aliens?

(L) Well, no, not necessarily as aliens.

(Joe) No. As what?

(L) Well, they said that they would be like survivors of a cataclysm that have lived underground, and are now coming out to save humanity.

(Joe) That's just as bad. I don't know how that's going to happen, but...

Q: (Keit) Do they require more people believing in them? Do they need more people believing in them?

A: Better to not believe.

(L) So in other words, their true nature still needs to be concealed.


Q: (Joe) Are they going to reveal themselves as some kind of descendants of a former civilization on planet Earth that went to some other planet and inhabited it hundreds of thousand years ago and now they're coming back? So they're technically humans.


(L) All right. So, is the fact that this is coming out now indicative of the fact that there is some impending human-ultraterrestrial dynamic that's gonna play out?

A: Sooner than you might expect!

(Joe) What might you expect?

(L) Well, I would figure two, three years or something like that. I was putting it off a little bit...

(Joe) Yeah. I think it has to at least break into the public consciousness in terms of it being a real thing. And at some point you can just have general acceptance of the idea that we're not alone. And then over a longer period, the details.

(L) Well, are ultraterrestrials or hyperdimensional beings that control our planet and our society and so forth, are they pretty much responsible for all the mass chaos that's going on in the world today?

A: Mostly, but certainly some is sheer human stupidity. Let the cleansing begin!

Q: (Joe) Does that mean the stupid people will be cleansed?

(L) God, one hopes...

A: Ultimately there will be a major transformation in consciousness.

Q: (L) So when that transformation in consciousness comes, does that mean that the stupid people will get some smarts by propinquity or association or osmosis or something?

A: Close.

Q: (Andromeda) Did we ever ask about what kind of form these aliens are gonna take when they present themselves? They did say something about trying to pretend that they're here to save the planet.

(Joe) But I think human as well.


(Joe) A bunch of Swedes?

(L) Well, if they're Nordics, that's not gonna go over well in a society that is being set up to hate anything white.

(Niall) But, diversity! [laughter]

(Joe) Will all the African people be very disappointed that there's no African representation amongst the aliens? [laughter]

(L) Geez... Okay. JEEP wants to know if the aliens are going to get introduced this year. JEEP, you know they're not gonna answer that question.

(Andromeda) Nice try!

(L) You're just trying to be tricky, aren't you? [laughter] Okay. Are aliens going to be introduced this year?

A: As far as we can see, they have already been introduced, just the people are not paying attention.
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New ground cracks in Ethiopian earthquake zone

Southern France goes into an off-and-on hard freeze at higher elevations as rain degrades the current snowpack.

⚠️ We have been told of numerous accidents in the mountains in recent days. The cause is the snow, which is certainly hard and causing outcry, but above all the lack of equipment, as in Cagire where two deaths were recorded in a few hours.

Yesterday, in Gavarnie, packed and frozen snow. A staggering number of people climbing up to the hotel in Air Max, Stan Smith, others just in a sweatshirt and even one in slippers and shorts!!!'People are putting themselves in danger...

I assumed that my position on that "drone" topic would have been obvious to most given what has been said in the sessions over the past few years. The idea of disclosure is a complicated topic (obviously) and my perspective on it is based on the long history of UFO lore, our awareness of the nature of the 3D powers and what their agenda is, plus the recent sessions comments. On that point, here are the pertinent recent session comments, which may help to get a rough idea of what the general process of disclosure may look like. Basically, we should probably discard any and all representations of such from Hollywood movies.
Now there is an explanation for the documentary series "Ancient Aliens". In Spanish the series is titled "ancient astronauts."

In every episode they repeat the same thing over and over:

Where have they gone?

Will they come back?:-D
According to this article, some labs testing "on both sides of the Atlantic are confirming the mysterious fog contains a consistent toxic cocktail of chemicals including barium, strontium—both carcinogens—and aluminum oxide, pathogens, and uranium.

Even more disturbingly, graphene oxide—known for its bioactive effects—has been detected."

So, it at least appears in some cases to mimic what has been claimed to be found in "chemtrails", if these lab results can be trusted.

Then there's this tweet:

So some alt-news sites are trying to tie this "fog" in with the chemtrail theories. I don't doubt personally some of this may be happening, but the scale of it seems too large to be due to government involvement. However, governments (and Anthony Fauci!) are being made to be the culprits instead of potential natural explanations in the media, again.
On Twitter there's a bunch of videos of strange lights in the sky:

This one seems to be the trail of a comet:
The origin will be whatever it is, but in all cases there are clouds and they are lights, so they are projections of light on the clouds, with an explanation that could go from the most childish, like a party or event with spotlights, to something broadcast by satellite by someone.

The latest video from Portugal are Elon Musk's Starlink satellites. I have seen them many times.
Although many sightings can now be dismissed as Starlink.

The following photo appears to be from Mexico in 2017, two years before the first Starlink launch.Captura de pantalla 2017-10-28 a la(s) 13.45.44.pngCaptura de pantalla 2017-10-28 a la(s) 13.43.22.png
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On Twitter there's a bunch of videos of strange lights in the sky:

This one seems to be the trail of a comet:

Those are pretty clearly lights reflected onto clouds. If you had read a few comments, by the poster himself, you would have seen that.

We can significantly cut down on not very useful posts in this thread with just a little bit of investigation before posting.
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