Watch the skies and land and oceans

Those are pretty clearly lights reflected onto clouds. If you had read a few comments, by the poster himself, you would have seen that.

We can significantly cut down on not very useful posts in this thread with just a little bit of investigation before posting.
The poster seems incredulous, not affirmative. Look like reflection on clouds yeah but I really wonder how it can be done at this speed. Comments suggest lasers, but it does not have the usual lasers "flavour". The other point is the stretch of this "show". Seems to be on very large scale. So for me the intention is not self-evident and reporting here that such lights can be seen doesn't seem so out of place to me. We just discuss it.
I assumed that my position on that "drone" topic would have been obvious to most given what has been said in the sessions over the past few years. The idea of disclosure is a complicated topic (obviously) and my perspective on it is based on the long history of UFO lore, our awareness of the nature of the 3D powers and what their agenda is, plus the recent sessions comments.

On that point, here are the pertinent recent session comments, which may help to get a rough idea of what the general process of disclosure may look like. Basically, we should probably discard any and all representations of such from Hollywood movies.

This assessment is also kind of confirmed in MT's writings. FWIW.

The negative guys, on the other hand, play the game in terms of domination, subjugation and absorption of other consciousnesses into "One." . But, they too, understand that the rules of the game posit that in order for them to truly "absorb" into their being these other "consciousnesses," that the "other" must choose to become part of their "self-aggrandizement." An unwilling "food" is, in essence, not "nutritious" so to say. If the consciousness does not choose, it becomes a "poison" to the consciousness that seeks to "eat it." And so they must promote "Oneness" in a very particular way.

Note that both sides acknowledge "Oneness," but in very different ways.

So, we have to understand here that the true Negative Realm agenda is to "eat consciousness." So, this actually prevents an overt "take-over" in literal, physical terms. If an "invasion" was detected, this would mean that the veil would be lifted and all would see the "man behind the curtain" and would be disgusted and turn away. Just as in the "Wizard of Oz," those Ruby Slippers have to be obtained VERY CAREFULLY!

The whole text where Laura "condensed" MT's series of articles is well worth of (re)read.

This is drawn from a series of articles written by a fellow named Michael Topper, who uses the nom de plume "Marshall Telemachus" or even "Mother Terasu" and others. After producing a great deal of material, most of which was published by Val Valerian in his series of Matrix books, he sort of disappeared from the scene.

The series is long and complex, and the complex language usage makes it almost inaccessible to the average reader. I am sure that this was intended, because it is hard work to read it. There is no free lunch in the universe. In this series, he gives away incredible secrets of reality; but you still have to work to "get it."

I have here synopsized and condensed a portion of two sections of this series with great effort to assure that I have retained the content intact.
Unusual fog covers Cancun and Playa del Carmen (Mexico, original article in Spanish)
La Jornada Maya
December 31, 2024 07:59

Playa Del Carmen, QR. An extraordinary haze surprised the inhabitants of Cancun and Playa del Carmen yesterday morning. This phenomenon is more common on the highways in the south of the state and rarely forms with intensity in urban areas.

Because of this, a Flair airline plane from Vancouver, Canada, had some difficulty landing at Cancun's international airport, but made it on the second attempt. Images of the hotel zone amidst the haze went viral on social networks.

“A cold air runoff and the interaction with humidity from the western Caribbean favored these fog banks throughout the state. During the morning, solar radiation heating raised the clouds and now they are of weak vertical development,” explained Antonio Morales Ocaña, meteorologist of the Civil Protection Secretariat of the municipality of Solidaridad, whose capital is Playa del Carmen.
Screen Shot 2025-01-03 at 8.28.52 PM.png
Now there is an explanation for the documentary series "Ancient Aliens". In Spanish the series is titled "ancient astronauts."

In every episode they repeat the same thing over and over:

Where have they gone?

Will they come back?:-D
Freddy Silva, the researcher of ancient civilisations on similar lines to Graham Hancock, talks about 'the shining ones' that he meets over and over in the myths and legends of ancient peoples around the world, and how those magical beings reconstructed human civilisation after the destruction of the Younger Dryas period. I can't remember off the top of my head whether at any point he raises the possibility that they were aliens, I seem to recall that he presents them as the surviving members of the great ante-diluvian civilisation. But all the information the C's have given us suggests another hypnothesis. History seems to be about to repeat itself: natural, cosmic disaster, followed by extra-terrestrial 'disaster capitalism'.
The poster seems incredulous, not affirmative. Look like reflection on clouds yeah but I really wonder how it can be done at this speed. Comments suggest lasers, but it does not have the usual lasers "flavour". The other point is the stretch of this "show". Seems to be on very large scale. So for me the intention is not self-evident and reporting here that such lights can be seen doesn't seem so out of place to me. We just discuss it.

The poster said that he was sure it was lights, but just wondering where they came from. Others quickly said it was testing of the lights for the NYE London event. If you had read that you could, at the very least, have presented that for context. Personally, after briefly perusing the comments/exchanges, I would not have posted it here since the NYE lights explanation seems to fit well.
This assessment is also kind of confirmed in MT's writings. FWIW.

The negative guys, on the other hand, play the game in terms of domination, subjugation and absorption of other consciousnesses into "One." . But, they too, understand that the rules of the game posit that in order for them to truly "absorb" into their being these other "consciousnesses," that the "other" must choose to become part of their "self-aggrandizement." An unwilling "food" is, in essence, not "nutritious" so to say. If the consciousness does not choose, it becomes a "poison" to the consciousness that seeks to "eat it." And so they must promote "Oneness" in a very particular way.

Note that both sides acknowledge "Oneness," but in very different ways.

So, we have to understand here that the true Negative Realm agenda is to "eat consciousness." So, this actually prevents an overt "take-over" in literal, physical terms. If an "invasion" was detected, this would mean that the veil would be lifted and all would see the "man behind the curtain" and would be disgusted and turn away. Just as in the "Wizard of Oz," those Ruby Slippers have to be obtained VERY CAREFULLY!

That's a great explanation of it.
The poster said that he was sure it was lights, but just wondering where they came from. Others quickly said it was testing of the lights for the NYE London event. If you had read that you could, at the very least, have presented that for context. Personally, after briefly perusing the comments/exchanges, I would not have posted it here since the NYE lights explanation seems to fit well.
OK for the missing context, my bad.

Looking at the video carefully, the light spots are more spread out when it's near the camera so it seems to be generated by simple spotlights and there's a repetition in the pattern. But I'm still surprised by the absence of vapour trail, especially if it's over London witch have inevitably dust in the air. Perhaps the perspective.

I gave a look at New year London event videos but it's all about fireworks. So perhaps it's a teaser? (the video is said to be from the 29)

The only video I was able to found with spotlights pointing to the sky:

And this is the "Nest laser show" in London in 2019, we can clearly see the vapour trails:

Finally I found something very similar from January 11 2019:

It looks like it's coming from a stadium, perhaps the sky act as a mirror but I don't know for sure. I would really like to have the real technical explanation.
I've seen these laser projections on low clouds on numerous occasions. Sometimes you can see the beams, and sometimes you can't, it depends on the weather conditions. The other factor is the sensitivity of the camera taking the images/videos (aperture diameter, "ISO" level, exposure time, etc.). The beams are fainter so if the camera is set to the video mode, it may not be sensitive enough to register the beams (the overall image is darker and only very bright sources appear). My guess is that a video taken with a cellphone will not show the beams, only the reflections on the clouds.
There's likely a long process that precedes any tipping point that is reached in terms of various significant earth changes.

Few people are aware of that process because it happens 'silently', and doesn't directly impact the planet or population, at least not in a way that causes alarm, although those paying attention might notice the stages and signs.

There have been many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in recent years. More than usual? Hard to say. What is "usual"? There's also likely a lot of undersea/sea floor activity that is mostly unseen, although still has significant impacts.

Anyway, my point is that perhaps over recent years, the atmosphere has been being loaded with all sorts of chemicals from outgassings and eruptions etc. and the recent "fog" that people have been noticing, including with a chemical smell - some say like "sulfur" - is evidence of this process reaching a tipping point where it now starts to have visible indirect effects on the planet and people.

And many people, at least on twitter, blame the government. :umm:
There's likely a long process that precedes any tipping point that is reached in terms of various significant earth changes.

Few people are aware of that process because it happens 'silently', and doesn't directly impact the planet or population, at least not in a way that causes alarm, although those paying attention might notice the stages and signs.

There have been many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in recent years. More than usual? Hard to say. What is "usual"? There's also likely a lot of undersea/sea floor activity that is mostly unseen, although still has significant impacts.

Anyway, my point is that perhaps over recent years, the atmosphere has been being loaded with all sorts of chemicals from outgassings and eruptions etc. and the recent "fog" that people have been noticing, including with a chemical smell - some say like "sulfur" - is evidence of this process reaching a tipping point where it now starts to have visible indirect effects on the planet and people.

And many people, at least on twitter, blame the government. :umm:
People in my town don't have that problem.

We've had fog from time to time due to abnormally high temperatures both in the sea and in the atmosphere, but our air is always polluted by heavy metals and coal burning.

The city is next door (literally) to a steel mill and a coal-fired power plant.

There's a neighborhood in my town where within two or three days of leaving a car parked on the street, it has a finger-thick layer of yellowish powder on its paint.

So frankly, having had deadly air since I was a kid, the new age fog thing isn't a big concern around here.:-D
Anyway, my point is that perhaps over recent years, the atmosphere has been being loaded with all sorts of chemicals from outgassings and eruptions etc. and the recent "fog" that people have been noticing, including with a chemical smell - some say like "sulfur" - is evidence of this process reaching a tipping point where it now starts to have visible indirect effects on the planet and people.

This reminds me of content from 'Worlds in Collision'.
The Collapsed Sky

The rain of meteorites and fire from the sky, the clouds of dust of exogenous origin that drifted low, and the displacement of the world quarters created the impression that the sky had collapsed.

The ancient peoples of Mexico referred to a world age that came to its end when the sky collapsed and darkness enshrouded the world.1

Strabo relates, in the name of Ptolemaeus, the son of Lagus, a general of Alexander and founder of the Egyptian dynasty called by his name, that the Celti who lived on the shores of the Adriatic were asked by Alexander what it was they most feared, to which they replied that they feared no one, but only that the sky might collapse.2

The Chinese refer to the collapse of the sky which took place when the mountains fell.3 Because mountains fell or were leveled at the same time when the sky was displaced, ancient peoples, not only the Chinese, thought that mountains support the sky.

"The earth trembled, and the heavens dropped . . . the mountains melted," says the Song of Deborah.4 "The earth shook, the heavens also dropped at the presence of God: even Sinai itself was moved," says the psalmist.5

The tribes of Samoa in their legends refer to a catastrophe when "in days of old the heavens fell down." The heavens or the clouds were so low that the people could not stand erect without touching them.6

The Finns tell in their Kalevala that the support of the sky gave way and then a spark of fire kindled a new sun and a new moon.7

The Lapps make offerings accompanied by the prayer that the sky should not lose its support and fall down.8

The Eskimos of Greenland are afraid that the support of the sky may fail and the sky fall down and kill all human beings; a darkening of the sun and the moon will precede such a catastrophe.9

The primitives of Africa, in eastern as well as western provinces of the continent, tell about the collapse of the sky in the past. The Ovaherero tribesmen say that many years ago "the Greats of the sky" (Eyuru) let the sky fall on the earth; almost all the people were killed, only a few remained alive. The tribes of Kanga and Loanga also have a tradition of the collapse of the sky which annihilated the human race. The Wanyoro in Unyoro likewise relate that the sky fell on the earth and killed everybody: the god Kagra threw the firmament upon the earth to destroy mankind.10

The tradition of the Cashinaua, the aborigines of western Brazil, is narrated as follows: "The lightnings flashed and the thunders roared terribly and all were afraid. Then the heaven burst and the fragments fell down and killed everything and everybody. Heaven and earth changed places. Nothing that had life was left upon the earth."

In this tradition are included the same elements: the lightnings and thunderings, "the bursting of heaven," the fall of meteorites. About the change of places between heaven and earth there is more to say, and I shall not postpone the subject for long.

1 Seler, Gesammelte Abhandlungen, II, 798.
2 Strabo, The Geography, vii, 3, 8.
8 A. Forke, The World Conception of the Chinese (1925), p. 43.
4 Judges 5 : 4-5.
5 Psalms 68 : 8. On periodic collapses of the firmament see also Rashi's commentary on Genesis
11:1, referred to in the Section, "World Ages."
6 Williamson, Religious and Cosmic Beliefs of Central Polynesia, I, 41.
7 See Section, "The Darkness," note 8.
8 Olrik, Ragnarok (German ed.), p. 446.
9 Ibid., p. 406. The tradition was told by the Eskimos to P. Egede (1734-1740).
10 L. Frobenius, Die Weltanschauung der Naturvolker (1898), pp. 355-357.
11 Bellamy, Moons, Myths and Man, p. 80.
We have lot of news of lot of low clouds, if not to the extent in the above from Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision. Is this fog on the ground due to clouds with specific chemical makeup?

In this context, rolling clouds and other weird phenomenon is interesting. Some process making clouds rollup and what happens to the chemicals or similar material if that doesn't fit into the rollup? They have to fall down with some moisture. In these smelling fog video's all are not observing rolled clouds. I guess there are other pattern there.

We know that the contents from "religious" texts are overlap of observations from many events passed down from previous generations, collected and hijacked by the religious institutions of last 2000 years.
People in my town don't have that problem.

We've had fog from time to time due to abnormally high temperatures both in the sea and in the atmosphere, but our air is always polluted by heavy metals and coal burning.

The city is next door (literally) to a steel mill and a coal-fired power plant.

There's a neighborhood in my town where within two or three days of leaving a car parked on the street, it has a finger-thick layer of yellowish powder on its paint.

So frankly, having had deadly air since I was a kid, the new age fog thing isn't a big concern around here.:-D

Wow, that's pretty rough. Sorry you've had to live through that. But thanks for sharing, because it puts the recent "fog" hysteria in context. Like who is to say that shifting climate patterns have not caused the 'chemical fog' that some have been experiencing, where the air in places like yours, which experience it regularly, has shifted to other areas that previously never experienced such things. Just one idea.

People are so atomized, subjective and parochial in their perspective that they think that anything 'new' that they perceive MUST also be 'new' to everyone else on the damn planet. And there's rarely ever any questioning of their perspective or investigation into how it may not be 'new' and/or may be linked to broader dynamics.
OK for the missing context, my bad.

Ellipse, and anyone else for whom this may be useful: part of the underlying ethos of this forum is to come to a more objective view of what goes on in our reality. That goal is not served by actively looking for confirmation of things we believe, regardless of how accurate we think out beliefs are (and here I'm talking mainly about the beliefs based on the Cs cosmology, because that is, after all, the source of most of our beliefs).

Instead, we should always and everywhere be looking to DISPROVE our beliefs. NOT because we want to get rid of our beliefs necessarily, but because;

a) we should not ever 'believe too hard' because we must always stay open, and

b) by actively attempting to disprove our beliefs and challenge our tendency towards confirmation bias, we give ourselves a far better chance of being left with whatever real, close-to-objective, evidence there may be to support our beliefs.

So it's whether or not we just 'want to believe' or if instead we want to KNOW.

If we just want to believe, then we'll have a tendency to jump at any and all evidence that tends to confirm our belief, and we'll never know if our belief is true or not.

If we want to know, then we will always question our assumptions, never rely on our first "blink", and always stop and think and question and research and at the very least come up with more than one possible explanation for any given topic. We will, do that extra legwork in advance of posting here on the forum, because in that way we add to the quality of our posts and thereby increase the quality of the body of information on this forum.
People in my town don't have that problem.

We've had fog from time to time due to abnormally high temperatures both in the sea and in the atmosphere, but our air is always polluted by heavy metals and coal burning.

The city is next door (literally) to a steel mill and a coal-fired power plant.

There's a neighborhood in my town where within two or three days of leaving a car parked on the street, it has a finger-thick layer of yellowish powder on its paint.

So frankly, having had deadly air since I was a kid, the new age fog thing isn't a big concern around here.:-D
Likewise in my town. We have a huge nickel smelting plant on the western border of the town, and when we get a westerly blow through, the thick black industrial residue gets blown over the town. The air quality here is indeed very poor. One thing I've noticed over the years is the very high rate of thyroid and respiratory problems. Clearly related to the industrial pollution, though not officially acknowledged (we joke that the local meteorological service is sponsored by the nickel plant!).

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