Water as a crystal


The Force is Strong With This One
In arbitrary state, water is amorphous and can take on itself any form. We know that water can mimic any substance on earth. It has unique properties because it is liquid and at the same time it is crystal. As such it has no defined structure, the organization and structure can continuously shift or be intelligently shaped to reflect the properties of anything.

We utilize crystals for many things already. We have crystals that we use as personal helpers ,or amulets, which need to be charged and then for some time retain the charge. But we also utilize properly cut crystals for measurement of time. In every quartz clock there is quartz crystal that is tuned to the frequency of 32768 Hz. That is, it makes 32768 oscillations every second. Simple divide by two circuit is then applied 15 times and the result is a pulse that is send every second to the clock movements.

Technically, any material could be utilized as an oscillator or transmitter. But practically, only materials with low losses are suitable. Due to their very stiff structure, crystals like to naturally oscillate. Pure crystals can achieve high energy magnification. The higher the purity of the crystal, the less losses are present in the crystalline structure and the higher the magnification. It is not unheard of values in millions range for high quality crystals. This means that with the energy input of 1 unit per cycle, the crystal can ultimately accumulate energy of 1 million units, which can be utilized in any way. The strength of the crystal structure also depends on the purity. Higher purity crystals have stronger structure as the impurities tend to weaken the crystalline bonds. This is important, because over-stressing the crystal leads to fracturing.

In water this is of no concern, because water being liquid has self-healing properties. As soon as fracture occurs, the water molecule is split into its gaseous components, namely hydrogen and oxygen, which are due to buoyancy always separated from the water volume and the crystalline structure is in this way always maintained in perfect condition. The purer the water is, the better crystal it makes.

We amassed substantial amount of knowledge. But knowledge as such is useless unless it is properly utilized. The result of utilization is something of practical value, that can be used by anyone and can improve drastically the way we live. Imagine a world where you don't need to ingest or inject drugs or chemicals into your body. Instead the information is transmitted directly to the water in your body. Imagine a world where there are no diseases, because as soon as any deviation is detected a cancelling signal can be transmitted, to any location in your body, and the disease would be eliminated. Obviously it is not this world, but different world which needs to be created. A world that is based on knowledge and understanding.
Hi @N34 - interesting post, although the motivation for it (or maybe the conclusion?) escapes me somewhat - care to elaborate?
Hello nicklebleu,

Of course. The motivation is always the same. To help. The healthcare in this world is mostly a sick joke. The drugs that are sold for profit are more probable to maim, or kill, than to help. People are not treated as humans anymore. Therefore here an alternative is proposed for those who are interested.

It is healing technology based on homeopathy, but taken to the next level. It can be said that it is homeopathy on steroids. In simple terms, water because it is part of the body can be utilized to not only transmit information, or status of the body, it can also receive any kind of information. Therefore direct communication with the body is possible. As such it is possible to remedy any illness only by transmitting information directly to the body. It is also possible to diagnose almost anything once we learn the communication protocol. As information is really just vibration, we can utilize crystal structure to read or write the information. The technology is really simple and easy to understand so it should be fairly straightforward to develop.

For us, who are working on this, the understanding is present, that this world is merely a school for those who asked for lessons to learn. We respect that. The technology is not intended for this world and normally only after graduation we would work on it. But there was perception of standstill, walking on the same spot, lack of progress, waiting. Therefore a decision was made to not waste time and go ahead and maybe have a head-start. The knowledge is mostly present, but needs to be utilized. What challenges and discoveries await is mostly unknown.

That, what would take one person 100 years to research and develop, can take like-minded group of people, that are on the same page only couple of years. The progress in such case is exponential. Therefore the work is shared, from us, for us, so to speak. Maybe it can even help many of us, while waiting, who knows.

This is very exciting area of research. Water is one of the most underestimated and misunderstood substances in this world. Crystals, same. Initial research has been done, and will be presented in next posts. Afterwards, it is uncharted territory - any help is welcome.
I think you can share and complement your thoughts about it here:
What makes a crystal, crystal. First of all, crystals have very peculiar properties due to their structure. Crystal structure is very highly organized, almost as if someone carefully arranged the building blocks of their structure one by one in particular order. This makes the structure extraordinarily stiff. Even slightest elastic displacement causes rise to extreme forces that are carried by the structure. At that time, due to inertia, the atoms oscillate imperceptibly at the atomic level. Because of the microscopic displacements, losses are also almost nonexistent. In most materials the loss is due to excessive friction due to large displacements. Not so in crystals. Crystals oscillate completely freely, and as a result can pick up even the faintest of signals. Not only that, properly tuned crystal can also magnify signals that are traveling through the crystal from even the deepest space. Drawback is, the structure does not support plastic deformation, as the entire crystal is one big grain, so excessive force leads to fracture and destruction. Crystals have preferred direction of growth. Even though crystals can oscillate in different modes, longitudinal mode along the growth direction is preferred due to low losses.

Water in its ordinary state is amorphous and behaves as if composed of huge amount of tiny crystals each with different orientation. For what we know, even the water molecule itself can be called a crystal. If a pulse would be sent to water in this state, it would be split and dissipated in many directions and no clear signal would be detected. Therefore it is important to learn how water can be polarized.

Water molecule is composed of single oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. The net charge of the water molecule is neutral, but because of asymmetric arrangement of the atoms, the elastic energy is not uniformly distributed. The oxygen atom is slightly negative, while both the hydrogen atoms are slightly positive (1). Normally the water molecules are not arranged in any particular order. They are free to move in any direction and free to rotate, looking as if dancing and making pirouettes (2). But once a polarizing field is applied, due to their asymmetry, they will align with the field and organize themselves into long lines (3). At that time, the water can be used as a crystal, as while there is tension applied, the molecules act almost as a string that is being tensioned and now it can support oscillations. For now, we are only interested in simple uniform polarizing field made of two conductive plates. Ultimately, water can be organized into any structure, given that appropriate fields are utilized.

It seems to be fairly easy to make water crystals, but there is slight problem. Water being conductive, as soon as potential is applied across the water, current starts to flow. The current represents rigid body motion, which we are not interested in. It is losses. But moreover, the current causes dissociation of water into gases and disturbs the crystal structure. This would introduce noise in the very feeble signals we are trying to read. It is important to establish clear communication channel. Thus the first challenge is to find a method that can polarize water without any disruption.

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