We are every where


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
I have been following this site for a few months now and at first felt pretty isolated in my endeavor. Apart from touching base with this forum I was certain that no one that I was associated with was looking through the same window as myself. Spending most evenings on the forum, practicing EE and checking out the SOTT website my immediate relations were not so interested in this quest.
Now for the past 2 weeks I have been practicing EE pretty much every day and whether this is related or not I am not certain but have realised that I am actually surrounded by like minded people. From my hairdresser to my local vet, people are sharing their interest in and understanding of the bigger picture as I see it. I was just looking in the wrong places. My friends and some of my family seem to see me as a bit of an 'extremist' with all my talk of World Order, Ice Ages and Aliens. I'm sure they don't take my conversation starters seriously and they certainly never whet my appetite with the like.
SO I guess I am posting this for anyone else who may be feeling estranged from their immediate relationships. Maybe I was looking in all the wrong places. And maybe I don't need to banter tho those closest to me, but rather do the work for the works sake. And maybe the people closest to me are here for a reason. Maybe, if I continue with EE, eat accordingly and stay open to learning more we will all benefit from the journey. Is that the meaning of STO?
Thats what's on my mind.
That's pretty much how we see it. Why would you want to push things you have learned onto others who are not ready for these lessons yet?

Not everyone is ready to see what you see and by trying to get them to see these things, you are denying their free will to learn the lesson they have to learn and that they are ready for.

The basis of this forum is the Work. Have you read anything about the 4th Way and Gurdjieff? In Search of the Miraculous, by Ouspensky, is a good start in learning about both.

Part of the Work is setting up a strategic enclosure and to practice external consideration.

Also, the Work is meant to be done in our every day life, surrounded by those we live, work and play with.

Learning to lose our self-importance and sacred cows is very hard to do, but is really important if you want to clean your machine.

What's really great, is that you are already beginning to "see" this. My, the EE program really does help us to start seeing things more objectively, among a whole lot of other great benefits. :)
Of all the people I physically know, J_, my mailman, my husband, my neighbor and long time friend, my dentist and friend of 15 years, the three ladies I went to college with thirty + years ago, the ladies I use to work with (which were all right wing fundies), my family, my other four closest friends, about six other casual friends, not one, not one other person that I am in contact with at the moment physically believes we have an alien presence, some believe "there may be some intelligent life way out there somewhere maybe", none believe anything is going on at Area 51, Roswell never happened, it was a weather balloon, 911 was exactly what Fox News says it was, and on and on and on it goes.

Sometimes I feel like the last human on earth among "the pod people".

Almost every single person except three believe exactly the feces we as a species have been fed.

I will say, my doctor in our last examine, when I gave him a book for Christmas (The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy book by Jim Marrs/didn't want to rattle him too much with Laura's insightful books quite yet, starting him out slowly) did say that he thought there was more going on than we are led to believe but he can't figure it out yet, but I definitely am not "unstable" mentally, he says I am clear thinking, smart as hell and if anyone can think outside the box, it's me. :)

I wanted to give him Laura Knight-Jadczyk's "Secret of The World" but I felt he just isn't ready for that yet.

I have two internet friends that know something is not quite "right" in the matrix.

And of my three sons, only the second, middle child always knew something was wrong, he first warned me years back and he is or was or became - something happened to him that now whether it's brain damage from drugs, although he says he only did pot, something has scrambled his brain to the point where I can't get a straight story out of him anymore.

Sometime around the age of 20 something happened and I could never get a straight answer out of him, since that time.

My second son is interesting because he has an extremely high IQ, off the charts and can listen to any music, pick up any instrument and play it. That is up until he was around 20 - than something happened.

My own opinion, for most people, getting too close to the truth = danger if you don't know how to protect yourself.

Look at how many UFOlogists and microbiologists have met “fatal accident/suicides”.

One of my most cherished books is “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu that and Charles Fort’s “Book of the Damned”.

I do think humanity is owned and operated by an unseen hand. I haven’t a clue as to who the “owners” are or their ultimate agenda.

Do we really have space brothers out there that love and want to protect us? Don’t know; suspect not, I personally think we are pretty much on our own baby.

And the law of the jungle, eat or be eaten is as valid in all the multiverses as it is right here on earth.

One thing I have learned and really re-read this sentence over and over and over again……………..People in general come to their own conclusions when they are ready to and not one second before. You can implant ideas but do so at your own risk, because most people are very stubborn and most people really aren’t ready to take that red pill.

It has been my experience that most people either cannot or will not wake up from their slumber in this “reality” we call the matrix.

To try to wake someone up before they are ready is to “upset” them and they may do one of two things, one (and I have found this mostly the case) cut you off and label you as a “loony tune” or two, keep the implanted idea in the back of their mind and when the time is right think a little more on it.

Personally I have found that to direct people to books I have read is the best way to “seed” them. But then again, my forte is not talking; I find it hard to get my ideas across adequately and seem to piss people off.

Again, most people are very stubborn when it comes to core beliefs. People like to think they are open minded and all but when it comes down to it, my experience has been that most people keep drinking that Fox News, Corporate Kool aid down by the bucket full.

I am fairly well read, not near the extent that say many other here are but like in Paul Waldman’s book, “Fraud” George W. Bush was caught in black and white, we have documented, on film 262 lies this moron has uttered, blatant out and out lies and there are still people out there that will (a lot of people) out there that will tell you he was a good honest President.

We have had generals, astronauts, ex Presidents, not your average fruit cake lunatic crazy but really reputable people come out and say, yes, I’ve seen a UFO and it’s speed and maneuverability was beyond that of anything our currently technology has and yet many people still chose to believe “they are not here”.

Bill and Melinda Gates have a tens of billions of dollars “seed vault in Svalbard, Norway. Do they know something we don’t? Surely they don’t have this “deep underground seed vault” for parties and entertaining value – me says something big is up and coming.

The major works of art and literature are being “stored away” in vast deep salt mines funded by a small group of the world’s elite that stole most of these treasures during WWII.

I feel like the guy in John Carpenter’s movie, “They Live” wearing the sun glasses and everyone else refuses to put the damn things on.

Yes they are here; they’ve been here since we were dumped out of the gene splicer with the intention of being slaves.

No, you are not crazy or dementia is not setting in, you are awake and aware and living among a majority of humans that chose to or cannot wake the muck up.

Some books that I have read that I found interesting – I have bought and own these books, and have another 950 now on a thumb drive (god hope no EMP happens, I’d be like that guy in the Twilight Zone movie without his glasses) – that is why I also buy hard copies.

• High Strangeness, All the Wave Books, Amazing Grace and The Secret of the World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
• 911 The Ultimate Truth by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
• Song of The Greys and The Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls by Nigel Kerner
• All of Jim Marrs’s books
• All of David Icke’s books
• All of Richard Doland’s Books
• The Threat by Dr. David Jacobs
• The Secret History of Extraterrestrials by Len Kasten
• All of Jacques Vallee’s books
• Seven of Maximillien De LaFayette’s books
• Slave Species of God by Michael Tellinger
• Dark History, The Secret History of NASA by Richard Hoagland
• Underground Bases and Tunnels by Richard Sauder
• Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobaczewski with a forward / comments by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
• The World Grid by David Hatcher Childress
• Warning by Art Greenfield
• Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper (1st book given to me by a friend that started my whole awakening)
• The Energy Grid – harmonic 695 – The Pulse of the Universe by Cathie Bruce
• Thanks for the Memories by Brice Taylor
• Chasing Phantoms by Carissa Conti
• Book of the Damned by Charles Fort
• The Gods of Eden by William Bramley
• The Day After Roswell by Corso
• Silent invasion by Ellen Crystal
• Deception Point by Dan Brown (Fiction)
• Final Warning – David Allen Rivera
• Earth’s Forbidden Secrets by Maxwell Igan
• Witness To Roswell by tomas j. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt
• The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum (fiction)
• Matrix of Power by Jordan Maxwell (Any video of him is well worth looking at)
• Alice In Wonderland and Alice Through The Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll (fiction)
• And about 1,000 other books.
• I would strongly recommend checking out the books Ms. Knight-Jadczyk rates highly as she, to me, appears to be a walking library of information.

Again, I can’t stress enough, personally I suspect, I don’t proclaim to know but I think possibly many of the people populating our planet are under some serious mind control and what appears to be “reality” is simply a stage show.

You cannot wake anyone up from the matrix until they, themselves are ready and unfortunately most either won’t or can’t wake up.

You can seed someone.

You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make them drink………….that saying says it all period.

As the C’s have said and this is most important, “Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers”.

Read, learn, explore.

TPTB, whoever the real man / woman / it, is behind the curtain are working their hardest to divide, distract and dumb us down (again).

Lastly, you are not alone. Being awake and having taken that red pill is a bitch, no other way to describe it.

And the more you explore the deeper and more twisted the rabbit hole gets.

As http://quotations.about.com/od/moviequotes/a/matrixquotes.htm
Thanks guys. I have much to learn and I fear my time is short for the journey. I have the next week off of work and have the first 5 of Laura's wave series to read, so this is a start. I must admit I am a little bit scared to read about UFO's. I already spend sleepless nights contemplating everything I am learning from this site alone. But I am pretty sure that if I just start with what I have to digest this week then the path chosen will continue to lead to more learning and accepting the truth.. and maybe it won't be so scary.
I know I need to be informed and will continue. Any recommendations for books are appreciated, thanks Water Bearer, this is a comprehensive list. And Nienna, I keep seeing Gurdjieff being mentioned in many posts. I will explore his(?) work as well.
batty76 said:
Thanks guys. I have much to learn and I fear my time is short for the journey. I have the next week off of work and have the first 5 of Laura's wave series to read, so this is a start. I must admit I am a little bit scared to read about UFO's. I already spend sleepless nights contemplating everything I am learning from this site alone. But I am pretty sure that if I just start with what I have to digest this week then the path chosen will continue to lead to more learning and accepting the truth.. and maybe it won't be so scary.
I know I need to be informed and will continue. Any recommendations for books are appreciated, thanks Water Bearer, this is a comprehensive list. And Nienna, I keep seeing Gurdjieff being mentioned in many posts. I will explore his(?) work as well.

Just want to mention this in case you were not aware of this. We have a recommended book list that has some books you may be interested in, including book on the 4th Way.

Also, starting with the Wave series is, I think, the best way to be introduced to what we are dealing with here.

Go at your own speed. read as slowly as you like, give yourself time to digest what you read. Remember, Knowledge Protects, Ignorance Endangers. So ever though you are a bit scared of UFO's, knowing the truth about them gives you the knowledge that you will need to combat that fear.

Enjoy your reading experience. And remember, we hare here for you if you need to discuss anything.
your discussion makes me think that sometimes I feel this loneliness I mean a physical loneliness (because we can discuss here, we are not alone). When I re read the Wave, I can read "work in network", "group of 7 persons" (Wave 1, P389 of french version; The secret story of the world P776 of french version) and my questions could be : do we have to look around to find members of our group ? maybe we have to be "ready" (and "magnetic" could be a synonym here) to find those person ? or maybe we will be in the right place at the right moment ? or maybe it is all of this : to do our Work in order to purify the machine, to reconnect us, and to be magnetic and look for The members ... Maybe this is confused but that is what I was thinking in reading this thread.
Thanks Caroline,
I have just read Riding the Wave (and am nearly through Soul Hackers) and I was wondering the same. I mean, I have started to come into contact with a couple of people who seem to be on a similar path to me, although this is a difficult subject to broach. And, how do I actually start making some sort of intimate contact with people so that I may find my 7? I'm not at the 'exchanging numbers' stage of a relationship with anyone who I might find alliance with. And now I am reading the books I question that even more!
I just attended a wedding of 140 people and I spent most of the time willing someone 'like me' to chat to. But I just don't think that its a first date kind of conversation "so, how about those Lizzies?.. are you ready for the battle?".... check out the NUT in the corner kind of comes to mind
Yes! you're right and I'm on the same state of mind / experimentation (it's very frustrating actually to not talk about all of this things bubbling in our head). Now I'm reading Gnosis of Mouravieff (exoteric cycle) and I've found some clue that i wanted to share with you (already given by Laura in the Wave series so I let you read of course) : he seems to say that, yes, we have to do the work on ourself (discernement between negative or positive influence that interact in your life, making the Right choice according to your Real "I" and not the false "I" who is unstable, variable...) in order to developp our magnetic center (litteraly as we are "energy") and then to "attract" the good personn (in the same magnetic field I would say) all around us... Yes it's a hard work (but a really exciting challenge actually), so, if you feel alone, I'm here to discuss ! :)
cs21 said:
your discussion makes me think that sometimes I feel this loneliness I mean a physical loneliness (because we can discuss here, we are not alone). When I re read the Wave, I can read "work in network", "group of 7 persons" (Wave 1, P389 of french version; The secret story of the world P776 of french version) and my questions could be : do we have to look around to find members of our group ? maybe we have to be "ready" (and "magnetic" could be a synonym here) to find those person ? or maybe we will be in the right place at the right moment ? or maybe it is all of this : to do our Work in order to purify the machine, to reconnect us, and to be magnetic and look for The members ... Maybe this is confused but that is what I was thinking in reading this thread.

This is not just for your, Caroline. But for all of those who have the same desires.

What has been found to work the best is to Work on oneself. Do the things that are asked for by Laura, Ark and the Crew. Doing those things that are in front of you to do. When you are ready and have done the Work on yourself, have helped when asked, the Universe will put opportunities out there for you.

I know that it's lonely, you want someone to talk to about the topics that you have learned about. But there are not that many people who are ready for this material. And that is what the forum is for. Networking with like-minded people. Wanting to have others to talk to face to face, while understandable, it is, basically, internal consideration.

Maybe it would help if you read about internal consideration, strategic enclosure and conscious suffering.

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