Weight An Alien Influence?


A Disturbance in the Force
Hi there people,

Ive just signed up to this forum. I have been reading the Cassiopaean Logs for more or less 2 weeks.

I have been thinking...if the reptiles/grays are also influencing the way we eat.

Eating is a physical need. Our Souls do not require it.

No one wants to be over weight, or under weight, basically out from the so called "norm".

Being over/under weight makes most of us if not all who this effects feel unhappy, sad, guilty, all the negative feelings that the aliens want us to feel.

We are "sleeping" eaters.

For e.g, if i have eaten more than enough, i have learnt (some times if i can catch myself!) to stand still and FEEL if i am full... of course im full!-but i always become aware of my thoughts of wanting more. The taste. The idea. The so called need of want. INFLUENCES my people.

I believe what i am saying is correct, and would like to "awaken" others to this realization of who we are also feeding.

Thank you.

Losta Love.
welcome to the forum,

Please take some time to familiarise yourself with the forum, and associated material. The most appropriate way to read the 'Cassiopaean Logs' is to read The Wave, which will give lots of meaningful context, and hopefully provide you with much information.

I hope you will not think I am picking on you before you begin, but I'd like to raise a couple of points for clarification:

1. attempting to 'awaken' others, as many have found from bitter experience, does not usually give the results you would expect, can be a violation of free will unless they are asking, and paradoxically can even create a barrier to their natural process of awakening. It is often most appropriate to concentrate on one's own learning in order to be able to gain knowledge and discernment to better provide whatever help is genuinely required from those who are asking.

2. although eating is a physical need (rather than perhaps directly a 'soul need', whatever that is), the functioning of our brain (including our emotional state) which is our main 'instrument' of growth/learning relies heavily on our physical condition, so the two are certainly not disconnected. This has implications when you consider the many significant ways our physical bodies are damaged and toxified by the modern diet and environment. So, yes, it would make sense that our physical form is a target for those who wish to attack us and/or restrict our growth potential. It may make us into more readily available 'food' for hypothetical 4D entities that might feed on our emotional state, but it also makes us easier prey for mundane 3D predators such as the psychopathic beings who control our visible world through mass manipulation - the corruption of our food and medicine supply by large scale pharmaceutical and industrial influences are a well documented fact.
Hi Nomad,

So my impatient urge to help others is a little outta control :) But i do mean well.

I do understand that by helping and educating myself first and by being the "light" we are helping others enough merely by example.

My post was reffering to my (open for discussion, ok Vigilanty :lol:) idea that MAYBE the alien implants influence ones mind into over eating, therefore the individual gaining weight, thus making that person feel unhappy, sad, guilty etc.

Simply to do with the implants, mind control/influence.

I thought joining the forum would be a good way to learn. Networking right?

"Soul need". Excuse my newbe interpretations...

SunsetButterfly said:
Hi Nomad,

So my impatient urge to help others is a little outta control :) But i do mean well.

Hi sunset butterfly, I think once you have read the Wave in its entirety, Nomad's response will make more sense to you.

sb said:
I do understand that by helping and educating myself first and by being the "light" we are helping others enough merely by example.

True, and there is more to it than even that. Until we truly have worked on ourselves and know ourselves, we can't really Do anything at all - so it really does start with knowledge, which, when utilized, is protection and much, much more.

sb said:
My post was reffering to my (open for discussion, ok Vigilanty :lol:) idea that MAYBE the alien implants influence ones mind into over eating, therefore the individual gaining weight, thus making that person feel unhappy, sad, guilty etc.
Simply to do with the implants, mind control/influence.

While the current understanding is that implants are mainly for monitoring purposes, there is no question that we are all influenced, controlled and programmed to negative ends to increase the 'food' for our 'farmers', as it were. Implants certainly might play a part in this, it's not beyond the realm of possibility, I would think. A lot of this control and influence is linked to diet, through corrupted food supply and toxicity, which leads to our bodies and minds not working as they should - all by design, to keep us 'in our place'.

sb said:
I thought joining the forum would be a good way to learn. Networking right?

Yep - and part of learning is accepting the input of others as at least plausible, if not totally true, especially when it's a little uncomfortable to do so.

sb said:
"Soul need". Excuse my newbe interpretations...

No need to apologize - all that really matters here is a sincerity in learning and willingness to approach what is said with an open mind and to question one's own understanding. Not always easy, but always beneficial.

Let us know how reading the Wave series goes! :)
Hi all,

A reply to my own post...

I have just come to the realization that my above post may be of old news to Cassiopaean Forum members and users.

My rushing in and excitement must appear naive and loud.

I did not consider that this forum has been open since 1996?

See i have only but recently discovered the Cassiopaean Scripts. I have never heard the name Cassiopaean.

5 months ago, after purchasing an Internet Key (i have never had my own internet connection prior)
I had an instinctive urge to look up information about Egypt.

Egypt led my interests to the Incas, then to Incas underground tunnels, to underground cities, to the Atlantians, to Atlantians being aliens, aliens and the government, to the Illuminati and NWO and finally to David Icke, which at last led me to the to Cassiopaeans.

So in regards to my post "Weight An Alien Influence"? sorry if its been said and done already. :P

Goodniiiiite :P
SunsetButterfly said:
"Soul need". Excuse my newbe interpretations...

as Anart says, no need at all to apologise, you're communicating your current understanding, which is fine.

When I say "whatever that is..." I'm certainly not trying to belittle your post, I'm just making the point (perhaps not so clearly) that as 3D beings we cannot really have a full understanding of higher-levels of reality that are more or less invisible to us. There are various ideas about what a 'soul' might be, but we shouldn't think that we have the 'whole banana' :). We have to be careful to keep in mind that any ideas we have about "whatever that is.." are hypotheses based on our current (incomplete) data, that we cannot be certain about until we 'get there'. However, with sincere open-minded networking we may get closer to the truth.

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