Weird/Entertaining Dream.

luke wilson

The Living Force
Well last night I had a rather weirdly entertaining dream.

It was an invasion kind of dream.

It all started like this, you know sometimes, when there are thick clouds and the suns rays punch a hole in the clouds it looks like a tube of light coming down. Well, that is how it started. I was gripped by fear staring at the sky and this tubes of light were coming down in certain locations from the sky. I knew, omg, it's aliens and those are there ships and sure enough, it turned out to be HUMONGOUS SHIPS the size of whole cities. Was terrifying stuff.

Anyways, next thing I know. I am in a train in a train station staring out my window by my seat. Next thing I know, this train drops from the sky and into the empty railway track next to the train I was in. Really, a train dropped from the sky. Like it wasnt there and now it was there. I get out of the train I was in and go out and these guys from these other train are, HUUUUUUUUUGE. Like OMG. Not just taller, wider aswell.

Right I start to walk going to a different platform and I make the mistake of looking one of these huge guys who was standing there with his friends straight in the eyes. Well, this guy was an aggresive person because he didnt like it and said, 'DONT LOOK ME IN THE EYES.' I immediately put my head down and kept walking until I got to my platform. I look behind and next thing I know, he is coming after me and his friends are cheering him on.

At this point I start running. Like I jump onto the tracks and over some sets of rails, get back onto the next platform and do the same. All I know is I dont want this guy to catch me and he isnt giving up. I notice I am not fast enough and that, jumping onto the tracks isnt the safest thing to do. Nonetheless, am in full flight running for dear life. I get onto this one track and I see a train coming full speed. Am thinking am gonna make it, my legs are saying no I aint gonna make it. For some weird reason I think of the matrix when neo jumped over the track and think I can do it. Man, this was a moment of pure comedy. I jumped but I was soooo slow, the train came and went before I actually got over the track, that I got to the other side of the track safely without being smashed to bits. NEO was faster than the speeding train. Well I just happened to be slower. So slow it's beyond apprehension that the train actually came and went while I was in mid flight heading towards the rails, that I saw the windows flash by and the train go.... - I actually remember thinking, 'what the hell' that was reeeeally weird and funny aswell and I would have laughed if I wasnt in a state of pure fear...

Anyways, am still running away from this psycho hellbent on catching me... This time I've cleared all the tracks and am back up where people are walking but still on the train station. Infront of me, is a wall type thing like a balcony. Over that, is a huge drop because the station is on a hill/cliff thing overlooking a city. Am running straight for the wall. Why? Because I know what I am going to do. JUMP! Am thinking, this crazy guy chasing me surely wont jump also...

Anyways, I run and I get there and I jump.

Dream ends!
Oh just remembered what happened next.

That dream ended but I didnt wake up!

Next thing I knew, I found myself in the same train station and there were 2 types of people. Normal people and these other huge people. They were scary no more, it's like we had got used to each other and were kind of co-existing.

Anyways, I was in the train station looking for my train home.

I didnt know which and I had a really hard time trying to figure it out. I remember asking the conductors and they told me to look at these boards that said where each train was going. I did and none seemed to fit where I wanted to go because I was not satisfied. Infact I got into abit of a panic so I called my mom and asked her to come get me.

She refused and said I should figure it out then hang the phone up.

So, alot of the trains were going long distance and I knew I didnt want to go long distance. So I found a train that was going to another train station in the city. I figured what I needed to do was get to another train station because I didnt like the one I was on. Then hopefully I could find my train home. I had a really terrfying feeling of being lost. I dont think I even knew where home was....

Anyways I got into the train and I got off on the 1st stop. This was a really weird place I got off... I walked out the tiny train station and this place was run-down, the people there looked like they were living in deep povery. It wasnt even people being poor. It was just how they were, they loooked like, forgotten people. Like there was an active world going on, in the city where i'd just come from where everything was bustling and the people there were vibrant and energetic, almost healthy and this people compared to that, looked like they had been left to die at there own pace.

I remember looking at this one short frail old lady whose face, was, ugly dragging this cart along like she was foraging for like cans and stuff. Then opposite this road there was like a huge pile of this pink dust stuff.... That place really made me feel like I was losing my life force and will to live.

Anyways, I got up at this point so didnt finish the dream.

Just wanted to share..

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