Wes Penre

Vince Black

The Force is Strong With This One
A few months ago, I finished reading the "Wes Penre Papers" on his website. Does anyone here on the forum have any experience with Wes or read any of his work? I'm not sure what to make of some of it; it's certainly thought provoking and some of it makes sense to me. His take on the Annunaki and their role in human history is interesting, especially since his beliefs go against a lot of Zecharia Sitchin's conclusions. I'd love to hear what others think of his work, good or bad.
Vince Black said:
A few months ago, I finished reading the "Wes Penre Papers" on his website. Does anyone here on the forum have any experience with Wes or read any of his work? I'm not sure what to make of some of it; it's certainly thought provoking and some of it makes sense to me. His take on the Annunaki and their role in human history is interesting, especially since his beliefs go against a lot of Zecharia Sitchin's conclusions. I'd love to hear what others think of his work, good or bad.

Hello Vince, I've just read the contents of the indexes of the five levels of Wes Penre's website (http://wespenre.com/site-index.htm). That's a lot of information. Since you finished reading them, could you tell us what you've found of valuable and worthwhile there?
Yes, please do, Vince. Does he describe what catalyst made him a seeker, and does he cite the sources of his writings? Perhaps he is just an ordinary second-hand researcher working alone? Anything you can offer about what drives Wes might be helpful.

I went to another area of his work that I thought might more easily offer a sense of what he believes and how deep it goes. He writes, too, about Illuminati; mind control; culture creation; UFOs and aliens, depopulation agenda, etc. Although he has concluded a lot that any might via simple, high-level research, and has tied it all to spiritual underpinnings, my initial reaction is that his writings are kind of "shallow," and a bit vague, not on "solid ground," and for this reason I was not drawn further into them. I could be wrong -- just a first impression. For example, the following, in which he states clearly that man is not "basically evil" but then describes evil as subjective. He says we appoint and accept our leaders (but is that really true when the vast majority of Earth's population don't vote, and what would non-acceptance of leaders look like?), but then says there is a power structure above the awareness of the ordinary citizen.

Is it that man is basically evil? Is it just human behavior? Lots of questions. When we look around, it may seem like man is basically evil, but that is not true. There is good and evil within us all; it needs to be there for our basic survival, and they are subjective terms in the sense that we can define good and evil in whatever way we want. What's good for one person, may be considered evil by another and vice versa. However, the society will eventually reflect the minds of their leaders, and if the leaders are implementing what the majority perceives as evil, the society will be evil as well, and people affected by a malevolent government will start acting like them. However, WE are the ones who appoint and accept our leaders, so ultimately the responsibility is yours and mine.

All this chaos, genocide, ethnic cleansing and the overall disasters have a genuine purpose. It is all very carefully planned by a few people, mostly men, behind the scenes, high up in the society, above any power structure that the ordinary citizen is aware of. It is a modern extension of an old theme to "take over the world". To those people, power, control and wealth is their true religion and they use any means they can to maintain their power and control, including murder and genocide.
i come back to wes penre. i discovered his publication below:
it is a text 115 pages long. i tried to download it, but the format is not agreeable to read. so, i suggest you have a look at the text on the net.
i find there is a lot of information in there, much of which is coherent with the cass, and some of it diverges. being a retired engineer having worked for space, i doubt his affirmation that man was not on the moon. to me, having lived this en direct, the moon missions were real, and the astronauts were told to f**k-off. the cass also confirmed the manned landing.
there are other divergences, but most affirmations sound credible.
i also suggest you visit his site:
which has a lot of information, eg the use of nicotine to counter the effects of the vaccine - laura-, antediluvian world, AI, grid, matrix, death trap, ra, ...
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