At 12:24pm today I felt an earthquake here in grand rapids michigan, my roomie said he did not feel it , sitting next to me!
( he is on prescription meds)
I was only 7 miles due west of the epicenter. The block building I was in shook tremendously, but after inspecting the building for over an hour there seems to be no damage. The last quake that was this strong was a M 4.6 in 1947-
Very interesting since there is no fracking close to the epicenter. I checked the helicorders in neighboring states. I registered rather strong in Erie, PA to the east and Beattyville, KY to the south-
I was running errands in my truck and did not experience anything. But a gas station attendant here in North West Ohio did say he felt the tremors. The emergency sirens fired up here at noon thirty though. I thought strange because of the beautiful sunny day and siren testing usually happens on the 1st Wednesday of the month. Hmmm...
At 12:24pm today I felt an earthquake here in grand rapids michigan, my roomie said he did not feel it , sitting next to me!
( he is on prescription meds)
Felt it here in Ada mi too. Glad to see there is another from the gr area here. Might throw you a personal message sometime if that's cool with you. :)
My son felt it at Central Michigan University in Mt Pleasant (he was on the toilet when he felt it shake ). I was driving, so didn't feel a thing. My Mom, 2 hours south of Central, heard a loud rumbling noise. At first she thought it was a semi truck idling outside. She heard it for about 30-40 seconds (long enough to go look out the window and see there wasn't a truck). Then her friend called and told her it was an Earthquake!
My father in law called us about it, a few minutes after it happened. He said it woke his wife up from her nap, and the house shook, but took no damage. They're in Kalamazoo.
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