"Western governments are terrified of their people today..."


The Living Force
Here's an excellent article on "American Thinker" well worth a few minutes of reading. Here's an excerpt:

The Power of the Powerless Is Real
By J.B. Shurk
February 20, 2022

One of the most challenging obstacles working against ordinary citizens in the West is the self-satisfying presumption that Western institutions and philosophies are inherently immune from the rise of totalitarianism...Western governments are terrified of their people today. They are terrified of what their people believe, or else they wouldn't feel compelled to criminalize thoughts as "hateful." They are scared to death of what their people might say to each other, or else they wouldn't engage in mass surveillance and blatant censorship. They are fearful of free and fair elections, or else they wouldn't work so hard to manipulate and undermine them. And they are absolutely petrified of a future where cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies free their citizens from the consolidated control imposed by central banks and spendthrift treasuries. If discouraged and demoralized Westerners doubt that they have more power right now than their governments could ever possess, then take a hard look at the obscene lengths to which those governments have gone in order to maintain and preserve their jurisdiction. Embracing tyranny under the sickening pretense of "preserving democracy" betrays just how weak these governments have become!

In the North Cyprus Newspapers Today. It has been simmering all week, naturally. New laws preventing anyone saying anything against politicians, so they can do no wrong, nor be called to order. Obviously I better not give my opinion, except that there has been problems even forming or keeping a Government in place at the moment!!
The article is self explanatory.
I know there are many countries where such political censorship exists. But in this case it goes against the constitution, and is always the road to nowhere as we know in Political Ponorology. Hope other events prevent this spreading aka the virus. Will see what dung results from the latest Davos primates.


The government brought up changes in 3 laws and took steps to narrow the scope of freedoms. If the legislative changes are passed by the parliament, many comments and criticisms in both the media and social media will be considered as "criminal".​

RE-DESIGN- Special

The government brought up changes in 3 laws and took steps to narrow the scope of freedoms. If the legislative changes are passed by the parliament, many comments and criticisms in both the media and social media will be criminalized.

Drafts envisaging amendments to the Penal Code, Protection of Private Life and the Confidential Area of Life and Proficiency Publications were presented to the public in the Official Gazette.

It was requested that the opinions and suggestions regarding the drafts be submitted to the Presidency of the Assembly in writing within twenty days.

The amendments made in all 3 laws aim to add social media and internet sites to the scope of the laws.

With the amendment to the Penal Code, vague concepts such as creating "discontent" or "coldness" against the President will be criminalized. The President can file a lawsuit alleging that he has been "made a mockery". Many criticisms or comments on social media and media will be criminalized.

According to the new regulation in the Penal Code; Those who publish all kinds of "messages" regarding "mischief" publications will be deemed to have committed a serious crime and will be sentenced to up to 5 years in prison.

According to the change in the same law; "Provoking an attempt to illegally try to change the sovereignty of the TRNC state" will also be considered a serious crime.

According to the same legal amendment, "publishing false news with the intention of creating fear and anxiety among the public" will be considered as a "mild crime".

"Breaking the friendship" between Turkey and the TRNC will also be a crime according to the law. According to the law, disturbing the peace between the TRNC President, the Ministers of the President of the Republic of Turkey, the ambassadors or state officials will also be considered a crime. In addition, any text, sign, official figure, emblem, picture can also be a cartoon. According to the law, such broadcasts will be considered a crime both in the media (mass media) and social media (information systems). In other words, the media and social media will be covered.

In the amendment to be made in the Mufsidane Broadcasting Law, "inciting hatred, discontent and dissent towards the President, the state, humiliating, humiliating and mocking the President and the state" was regulated as a crime, but the content of this was left ambiguous.

With the amendment to be made, if a crime is committed according to this law, those who commit this crime will be deemed to have committed a "grave crime" and the broadcast in question will be referred to as a "prohibited broadcast" and a ban order will be given for the broadcast.

According to this law, those who commit crimes can be fined up to 12 times the minimum wage and sentenced to up to 5 years in prison.

The Draft Law on Protection of Private Life and Confidential Area of Life (Amendment) has a similar justification with the Draft Penalty (Amendment) Law.

In other words , this amendment, which aims to protect private life on social media and the internet, also includes some regulations.

According to the legal amendment, the concept of social media in the old law will be further expanded and its content will be detailed.

What does the amendment to the Penal Code include?

Social media 'message' is also a serious crime! 5 years in prison!

The general rationale of the Penalty (Amendment) Draft Law states that unsupervised broadcasts, news and/or speeches made in information systems, mass media and social media should not be in violation of the privacy rule of private life regulated by Article 19 of the Constitution, and the freedom of existence of human beings will be eliminated. It was noted that the bill aims to reorganize some definitions and elements in the law according to today's informatics and technological conditions .

What will the change in the law bring?

- Those who make secret alliances and broadcasts with malicious intent will be deemed to have committed a crime .

- The scope of the publications in question is referred to as "any kind of publication" .

- In the content of these publications, " information systems" and mass media are referred to as social media and media.

- Anyone who publishes any message regarding these "mischievous" publications will be deemed to have committed a felony and be sentenced to up to 5 years in prison.

According to the legal amendment, the following will be included in the scope of the crime:

- Provoking an attempt to make an attempt to illegally alter the sovereignty of the TRNC state

- To incite hatred, discontent and dissent towards the President and the state, to humiliate, humiliate and mock the President and the state.

Publishing untrue news with the intention of creating fear and anxiety among the public. (Those who do this will be committing a minor offense)

- To encourage the citizens of the TRNC to violence. (Those who commit this crime can be imprisoned for up to 12 months)

It is a crime to criticize the President and Ambassador of Turkey!

"Breaking the friendship" between Turkey and the TRNC will also be a crime according to the law. According to the law, disturbing the peace between the TRNC President, the Ministers of the President of the Republic of Turkey, the ambassadors or state officials will also be considered a crime. In addition, any text, sign, official figure, emblem, picture can also be a cartoon. According to the law, such broadcasts will be considered a crime both in the media (mass media) and social media (information systems). In other words, the media and social media will be covered.

According to the law, "cursing" in public, in the media and on social media will also be considered a crime, and those who commit this crime can be sentenced to 3 times the minimum wage and up to 1 month in prison.

Blaming a religion and insulting that religion will also be considered a crime and committing this crime will be considered a minor crime.

Müfsidane Publications (Amendment) Draft Law

"Serious crime, banned broadcast"

It was stated that the amendment to be made in the Law on Proficiency Publications concerns malicious social media and media publications regarding the privacy of private life.


- In the amendment to be made in the Mufsidane Broadcasting Law, "inciting hatred, discontent and discord against the President, the state, humiliating, humiliating and making fun of the President and the state" was regulated as a crime.

- With the amendment to be made, if a crime is committed according to this law, those who commit this crime will be deemed to have committed a "grave crime" and the broadcast in question will be referred to as a "banned broadcast" and a ban order will be given for the broadcast.

- According to this law, those who commit crimes can be fined up to 12 times the minimum wage and sentenced to up to 5 years in prison.

The general rationale for the Müfsidane Publications (Amendment) Bill includes the following statements:

“Today, the unstoppable technological actions that occur as a result of the penetration of information systems into all areas of our lives necessitate the redefinition of the concepts in our business and social lives. It is considered necessary to amend some articles of the law based on the meaning of this new definition, starting with the redefinition of the concept of 'successful intention' in the Müfsidane Publications Law, which was written about a century ago with this intention.

All broadcasts, news and/or speeches made in information systems and/or mass media and/or social media out of control and/or in a way that cannot be controlled and/or with unavoidable bad intentions are referred to as 'privacy of private life', which is regulated under Article 19 of the Constitution. It is essential that it does not violate the rule.

In the light of the above reasons, this draft amendment has been prepared in order to protect citizens against malicious acts made by malicious broadcasts and/or speeches and/or all kinds of messages, as well as social media channels, information systems and/or mass media.”

Draft Law on Protection of Private Life and Confidential Area of Life (Amendment):

The definition of social media has been expanded: "Any message is within the scope of the law!"

The Draft Law on Protection of Private Life and Confidential Area of Life (Amendment) has a similar justification with the Draft Penalty (Amendment) Law.

The bill aims to rearrange some definitions in the Law on the Protection of Private Life and the Confidential Area of Life according to today's information systems and/or technological conditions.

In other words , this amendment, which aims to protect private life on social media and the internet, also includes some regulations.

According to the legal amendment, the concept of social media in the old law will be further expanded and its content will be detailed.

In the new regulation, "social media" will be regulated with the following narrative: "The environment in which all kinds of messages created using digital media, technologies, information systems and mass media that allow social media users to create media content individually or in groups and share written audio or visual content are published"

“The button was pressed to silence the society”

It was stated that the society was tried to be silenced with the bills that envisage changes in the Laws of Punishment, Protection of Private Life and the Confidential Area of Life, and Proficiency Publications, and this situation caused harsh reactions from many segments.


- Bar Association President Hasan Esendağlı:
“Those who wrote, perpetrated and implemented this are fascists, reactionaries and cowards! We will react to that.”

- Lawyer Öncel Polili: “It is now seen that harsher practices to punish those who speak will come into effect”

- Press-Sen: “We will be against the Penal (Amendment) Law”

- CTP Chairman Tufan Erhürman: “ If you think that you can protect the reputation of the "President" with legally lame words such as "discontent", "coldness", "making a joke", and with the threat of crime and punishment, you are very wrong! Reputation cannot be established like this, nor can it be protected like this!

- Condemnation and warning of three bills from the Cyprus Turkish Journalists Union:

“Freedom of expression and thought will be restricted, our struggle will be tougher if the laws are not withdrawn”

The reactions to the Council of Ministers' submission to the Parliament by making changes in the Law on the Protection of Private Life and the Confidential Area of Life, Chapter 164, Penal Code, Chapter 154, and the Law on the Protection of Private Life and the Confidential Area of Life, have grown like wildfire...

The prominent figures of the society who spoke to YENİDÜZEN about the laws that restrict the freedom of expression and that are thought to create pressure in the society, lashed out at the said laws.

Various actions on the subject are on the agenda…

Hasan Esendaglı, President of the Bar Association:

“Those who wrote, perpetrated, and implemented this are fascists, reactionaries, cowards! We will react to that.”

Bar Association President Hasan Esendağlı reacted harshly to the law and said that those who prepared the bill were fascist and reactionary.

Noting that the Bar Council Council will meet on Monday, Esendağlı said, "We will definitely react to this, we will have action, we will meet on Monday regarding the content of this action." said.

Esendağlı, who made a harsh statement on social media, said, "While we are waiting for all articles that penalize thought and expression to be cleared from the law, look at the bill sent to the TRNC Assembly in May 2022!!! The examples you have received are not complete. Let's not prolong it. Both the perpetrator and the implementer are fascist, reactionary, cowardly!” used the phrases.

CTP Chairman Tufan Erhürman:

“Reputation cannot be established in this way”

CTP Chairman Tufan Erhürman, who evaluated the Penal Code Amendment Draft, said, "Liberties in this country are not toys that you can use to secure your reputation that you cannot achieve through democratic methods, with the threat of crime and punishment."

Evaluating some of the expressions in the amendment bill, Erhürman said, "Which "legal scholar" came up with such a phrase, I am curious! made his comment.

Erhürman, who underlined that legally 'rabble words' cannot be respected and protected, said in his social media post:

“Draft Penal Code Amendment: "To incite hatred and/or to create discontent and/or discord against the President and/or the State established by the Law, and/or to humiliate and/or humiliate and/or mock the President and the State. "

"State established by law"! I wonder which "legal scholar" came up with such a phrase!

But that's not the point of course! The main issue is the reputation of the "President"! If you think that you can protect the reputation of the "President" with legal ramblings such as "discontent", "coldness", "making fun of" and the threat of crime and punishment, you are very wrong! Reputation cannot be established like this, nor can it be protected like this!

But the most important thing is this: You will know that freedoms in this country are not toys that you can use to secure the reputation that you cannot achieve through democratic methods, with the threat of crime and punishment. The curiosity of authoritarianism has no ground in these lands, you cannot create it! The Assembly does not make these laws happen to you in the street, and the street in the Assembly! You will be left with the shame of having brought it! Tell us!”

Lawyer Öncel Polili emphasized:

“It is now seen that harsher practices to punish those who speak will come into force”

Speaking to Kanal Sim, Attorney Öncel Polili stated that it is not difficult to say that there is no improvement in these bills. Stating that lawsuits are started frequently due to such articles of law, Polili said that the courts acquitted those who were prosecuted. "Therefore, it is now seen that tougher practices to punish those who speak will come into force," said Polili.

Press-Sen: “We will be against the Penal (Amendment) Law”

Press-Sen stated that it will oppose the “Penalty Amendment Law” sent to the Parliament by the government.

In his written statement, the President of Basın-Sen Ali Kişmir criticized the government for the laws brought to the Parliament, describing it as "becoming good to Ankara and imposing the laws on the society".

In such a period when the people are going through an economic bottleneck, Kişmir said, "We, as a union, want to live in a country where our society and intellectuals can use their freedom of thought and expression to the fullest. That's why we are and will be against any attempt to disrupt this," he said.

Condemnation and warning of three bills from the Cyprus Turkish Journalists Union:

“Freedom of expression and thought will be restricted, our struggle will be tougher if the laws are not withdrawn”

The Cyprus Turkish Journalists Union reacted to the Penalty (Amendment), Protection of Private Life and Private Areas of Life (Amendment) and Informative Publications (Amendment) Bills, which the government approved and sent to the Parliament; He argued that these changes showed that an oppressive administration was aimed.

In its written statement, the KTGB Board of Directors said, "While we are making efforts to remove the obstacles to freedom of expression, we are concerned and strongly condemn the new government's taking steps to further restrict the freedom of thought and expression in our country."

While there are many problems waiting to be solved in the country, it is claimed that the new government's attempt to put new obstacles in front of the society to express its thoughts shows that the new government is not at peace with the society, but aims an oppressive administration that destroys the environment of punishment and criticism. It was noted that there would be a strong reaction.

In the KTGB statement, it was reminded that after the early general election, the opinions and proposals regarding the removal of the penal clauses against freedom of thought and expression from the laws were conveyed to the authorities and said, "It is clear that it is not a coincidence that the reshaped government made the opposite of our demands."

While the ideal examples of freedom of thought and expression were expected to be implemented in the country, the KTGB described the bills as "prohibitive, reactionary and oppressive" and emphasized that it did not accept the amendments envisaged in the three laws.

The statement included the following:

“These steps are taken knowingly that abstract concepts such as 'discontent' will be criminalized, state and government officials will sue every word they dislike, and the way will be opened for further deterioration of social peace. Our expectation from the government is that if it is to move forward with this understanding, it will clearly reveal its intention to silence the society or take a step back from this initiative that further restricts freedoms.

It should be known that the Cyprus Turkish Journalists Union, which is the red line of freedom of expression, has a duty to show its struggle on different platforms and harder if the government does not withdraw these laws.”

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