What are demons?


Jedi Master
I was trying to understad what are the demonds, for almost all unesplained things, there is an answer, an most of the time they were given by the C´s in a way or other, but what I didnt found was about demonds or those dark forces known as devil.

What are they? :evil:
Do they really exist?
In which density they exist?
Are those stories about them real?
Where do they come from?
Hi DreamGod, I think that in order to understand what Demons are, you need to first study the hyperdimensional reality that surrounds us and its "inhabitants". I found the following books very helpful in gainig greater awareness on the matter:

High Strangeness: Hyperdimensions and the Process of Alien Abduction - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Operation Trojan Horse - John Keel
Eight Tower / Cosmic Question - John Keel
The Mothman Prophecies - John Keel

If you do a search on this forum, you will find plenty of material and discussions on the hyperdimensional reality and it's denizens.
Hi Eboard10

I have read a lot of Laura´s material for a couple of years, the thing is that I want to know if this is just a manifestation of other dimension, or they are part of a higher density, because as far as I know they are not part of the 3D reality. I´ll give a re-read to the material to see if I can find somthing.

Thanks for your time :)
Have also a look at the Ra material besides the works already mentioned.
At this stage, I barely "believe" demons are what they are intended to be. It has to be study the etymology of it, and how it has been used by different cultures, as our present mainstream culture. But as I see, they can be disembodied entities, 4D sts entities, or even entities of a complete different nature, even unconscious parts of us.
More about 5D there: http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,29299.msg373498.html

Prometeo said:
At this stage, I barely "believe" demons are what they are intended to be. It has to be study the etymology of it, and how it has been used by different cultures, as our present mainstream culture. But as I see, they can be disembodied entities, 4D sts entities, or even entities of a complete different nature, even unconscious parts of us.
And in some cases merely the manifestation of epilepsy or other psychological disorders …

Especially in mediaeval times, such things could be hardly discerned and diagnosed properly. So the root cause had to be always the devil or demonic forces, interpreted by the church, justifying more evil actions.

I think the matter at hand is similar to the UFO and abduction phenomenon. Some people who claim being abductees tell indeed the truth or large portions of it in accordance of what they observed and experienced. Others were taken by secret military units, others simply make up everything, and so on. It varies and is much more complex than it appears at the surface. Why should it be different with demons/daemons?
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