What are you listening to?

I have been mixing it up and trying to maintain a balance of positive soulful happiness (completely different genres), but more occasionally now I'm listening to different choral settings of the 'Lamentations of Jeremiah'. Traditionally this music is reserved for Holy Week in the Christian calendar, and describes the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BCE (Book of Lamentations - Wikipedia)

Some examples from the best (divinely inspired) composers include:




Lassus - Lamentations a 5. Lamentatio secunda, primi diei (2/9).

Although the words are in Latin, they still portray a sadness and solemness, and while it's describing a destruction there are still some glimpses in the chord progressions that are hopeful. The last time I properly listened to the Lamentations by different composers was in 2011. Within 3 months, there was a major cyclone in Australia (January, Cyclone Yasi), the Christchurch Earthquake (February, NZ), and the Japan Tsunami (March). It seemed to be progressing towards the hype of 2012, but for a period of time and particularly in starting a new year, to me it really felt like the world was getting a good work out before some kind of final blow. These times right now, it's not so much the physical destruction from natural events but the mental destruction of so many minds, from every corner of the globe. Physical cataclysms have been overcome many times previously, including the previously described destruction, but mental ones in this day and age we will see.

Personally this music is a reminder of the times and acknowledges the somber reality but maintains a spark of hope; that while there is still a spark in some people, they will not let that spark extinguish but will grow stronger, and lead others who share that same belief - that is what this music inspires in me.

Edit - Addition, I can also point to Spotify albums if that's appropriate. YouTube is easily accessible but by no means extensive.
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I highly recommend Netherlands Bach Society YouTube channel. Especially look for anything with Shunske SATO involved. Here are some of my favourites.
After i quit being professionally involved with music some years ago, i didn't listen to any music anywhere for at least a year. Now i started to listen again, but there is not much i can tolerate or want to, apart from Bach. Shunske Sato is a virtuoso and great interpreter.
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