What globe? Flat Earth and Flat-Earthers

3D Student said:
Proof of what, could you provide a reference? Although a photo doesn't "prove" anything, it would be helpful for the discussion. :)

I think the image was posted for humour. There's a flat shadow (a line) on the moon. I thought it was funny :P
Alana said:
3D Student said:
Proof of what, could you provide a reference? Although a photo doesn't "prove" anything, it would be helpful for the discussion. :)

I think the image was posted for humour. There's a flat shadow (a line) on the moon. I thought it was funny :P
Haha, more like Photoshopic proof!
Mr. Premise said:
Alana said:
3D Student said:
Proof of what, could you provide a reference? Although a photo doesn't "prove" anything, it would be helpful for the discussion. :)

I think the image was posted for humour. There's a flat shadow (a line) on the moon. I thought it was funny :P
Haha, more like Photoshopic proof!

Sorry, disregard my comment. That picture didn't show so my point is moot. :P
Flat earthers should watch video by the name: "Proving the Earth is not Flat - Part 2 - The Stars". Part one is good with the explanation of the horizon and the Earth curvature, but the second part sum up how our view of the stars is perfectly explained by the heliocentric globe model, and how all flat Earth models fail to fit what we see.

Windmill knight said:
Laura said:
Now, if you wanted to build a model of the solar system starting from the 41 cm circumference globe, the Moon would be a 10 cm/4 in ball floating 12 metres/40 feet away from the earth. That is something you can model. Use a globe and a baseball and measure off 40 feet. You will probably have to do it outside. However, if you want to bring the sun into this model, you would have to have a ball with a diameter equal to the height of a 14 story building 5 kilometres/3.1 mi away.

Here's a cool video of a model that was built of the solar system respecting the proportions:


This video gives a very good perspective on the scale of our solar system. I find it interesting that they chose to have the lights on each planet's orbit travel in a counter-clockwise direction around the sun. I think if we choose UP as being towards Polaris, the North Pole star, then the planets should orbit in a clockwise direction around the sun. (osit)
DougEE said:
Windmill knight said:
Laura said:
Now, if you wanted to build a model of the solar system starting from the 41 cm circumference globe, the Moon would be a 10 cm/4 in ball floating 12 metres/40 feet away from the earth. That is something you can model. Use a globe and a baseball and measure off 40 feet. You will probably have to do it outside. However, if you want to bring the sun into this model, you would have to have a ball with a diameter equal to the height of a 14 story building 5 kilometres/3.1 mi away.

Here's a cool video of a model that was built of the solar system respecting the proportions:


This video gives a very good perspective on the scale of our solar system. I find it interesting that they chose to have the lights on each planet's orbit travel in a counter-clockwise direction around the sun. I think if we choose UP as being towards Polaris, the North Pole star, then the planets should orbit in a clockwise direction around the sun. (osit)

Are you sure you haven't got that the wrong way round DougEE?
In the video the lights are going clockwise, but it's well known that the planets orbit the sun in a counter-clockwise direction.
Peam said:
DougEE said:
Windmill knight said:
Laura said:
Now, if you wanted to build a model of the solar system starting from the 41 cm circumference globe, the Moon would be a 10 cm/4 in ball floating 12 metres/40 feet away from the earth. That is something you can model. Use a globe and a baseball and measure off 40 feet. You will probably have to do it outside. However, if you want to bring the sun into this model, you would have to have a ball with a diameter equal to the height of a 14 story building 5 kilometres/3.1 mi away.

Here's a cool video of a model that was built of the solar system respecting the proportions:


This video gives a very good perspective on the scale of our solar system. I find it interesting that they chose to have the lights on each planet's orbit travel in a counter-clockwise direction around the sun. I think if we choose UP as being towards Polaris, the North Pole star, then the planets should orbit in a clockwise direction around the sun. (osit)

Are you sure you haven't got that the wrong way round DougEE?
In the video the lights are going clockwise, but it's well known that the planets orbit the sun in a counter-clockwise direction.

Thanks Peam, yes I got my clockwise/counter clockwise switched. The point still being why they would choose to make their lights travel opposite to how we normally perceive the planets to orbit (counter-clockwise).
Laura said:
Has this been posted? Pretty cool:


Familiar image at 2:50...


Flammarion engraving: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flammarion_engraving
Laura said:
Has this been posted? Pretty cool:

Interesting video, especially the crossword puzzle which was quite an interesting thing!

The problem I have experienced with flat earthers is approaching them even with an understanding attitude - where I ask information to learn, gets met with a religious fervor-like beat down as soon as I express doubt in their theories. It makes me wonder about the times the C's spoke about violating your own free will, whether through obsession or drugs- it's a positive feedback loop that reinforces a reactionary/closed anticipatory kind of logic. Is this a characteristic of the fight or flight/amigydala part of the brain?
I was thinking a bit more about this...

At a certain point, are the Flat Earthers even wrong? -I mean, yes of course they are, but...

For all their immediate daily purposes, their world is flat.

Just as for 3D humans, "Time" is a functional reality.

We might just as well get flustered and upset with people who insist on wearing wrist watches and measuring their days in linear (flat?) terms. But that argument has been won already by culture at large, so what's the point?

How tightly we cling to the immutability of our previous perceptions probably indicates how ready we are to move on up through the Densities and where we are on that climb. "Human" is obviously a spectrum and not a point on the journey.

The Flat Earthers will modify their views over the course of enough human lives, putting distance between themselves and their experiences as goats and mice and rabbits. No need to rush them along, though the friction they encounter among other, older humans who have seen further and learned more seems entirely natural to the process.

The debate is fine to have, just to give test to the claim, but getting angry and forceful is pointless in many cases.

With some people, I can see more rabbit and cat than I can human, and it's a little heart-breaking. It inspires a desire to be patient. It must be scary trying to come to terms with so many new perceptive powers when your instinctive coping toolkit is completely out of date.
At a certain point, are the Flat Earthers even wrong? -I mean, yes of course they are, but...

For all their immediate daily purposes, their world is flat.

I have suspected for some time that this Psy Op works on multiple levels.

So to keep it Simple.

Our world is 3 dimensional,
( I recently heard the Phrase , being on "3 D Lockdown",

the 4th Dimension is Time, and peoples ability to measure in this dimension varies from person to person.

the 5th Dimension speaks of a world very Different , where ordinary space may be bypassed, in a Time stream very different from ours.

Now let us go back and Ask what kind of spirit or person lives in a
2 Dimensional environment ?

It is also of Note that the flat earthers make a big thing of denying a gravitational Force.

In my opinion Gravity is one of the forces that is both Physical and MetaPhysical.

Gravity attaches to SIN,
and is one of the Tools by which KARMA can take effect.,
If a person has comitted an outrageous Crime , we may spaek of the Gravity of his crime,
or that his Conscience is Weighed DOWN,
So back , or rather DOWN to the Flat Earth question,

What kind of entity profits from trying to deny Gravity ?

What kind of entity or spirit can find an advantage in preparing peoples minds with a FLAT Earth Outlook ?

If a spirit were rasied from Below ,
what did its surroundings look like just before it was Raised ?
In his recent interview with Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson discusses flat earth a little and they bring up an interesting point: flat-earthers are kind of eating their own tail, spinning downwards and finding themselves in their little prison that gets smaller and smaller.

Now, in light of our speculation that flat earthers might be OPs, I thought this was an interesting metaphor - as I understand it, OPs need an authority, or something that 'borrows' them a soul so to speak. Now as times get more and more chaotic, long-held beliefs are shifting and there seems to be less and less structure, some of them might just lose it and start to question everything, but because they have no 'higher compass', they start eating their own tails with such nonsense as flat earth theories... Don't know, just some thoughts fwiw.
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