I just figured that if Puck's written piece created some misunderstandings and confusion on this forum, then the misunderstandings would probably be multiplied 10-fold in other places. And thanks guys, all I can think of right now is that a lot of great points have already been brought up in the thread so maybe just add those. Maybe explain that the same people that deny gay rights today were denying african americans rights in the past, and in fact were responsible for slavery. It's the same people denying Iraqis and Afghanis the right to self-sovereignty and the millions of civilians that have been killed the right to live. Not to mention the insane amount of overseas military bases denying those countries the right to not be threatened and influenced by the presence of another nation's military at all times. It is the same people that are denying the general population the right to make up their own minds about things like 911 and instead tell them what they should think and who to blame with no evidence. It is the same group that denies us the right to keep the original meanings of words and instead twists the meanings to suit their needs (like freedom and democracy). It is the same group that denies us the right to think critically and objectively by crippling mass education and controlling the media.
And maybe just keep listing all the effects psychopaths have on our society and phrase it as the "denial of rights". And then maybe add that fighting for all of those rights is important, but as is increasingly obvious, while one hand giveth the other taketh away. It is not enough for good people everywhere to just fight for those rights, we must address the problem at the source - the psychopaths that continue to create new ways to limit and deny the rights of each individual, while at the same time proclaiming how "free" we are just to keep us believing it.
Anyway those are just some thoughts, and I think Vulcan's title suggestion is great, or maybe you could include that question as part of the essay itself, like if it follows the more specific question in the title. I think all the ideas mentioned in this thread could probably be incorporated, as they are all great points. Good luck!
Edit: Just found the doublespeak thread. You could include a bunch of examples from that about twisting of meaning if you want. I think that most words/phrases in that thread could be made into very effective posters and/or flyers, where a word or phrase is shown and then its real and ponerized definitions. Then at the end something like "Want to know how this happened? Check out SOTT.net"
And maybe just keep listing all the effects psychopaths have on our society and phrase it as the "denial of rights". And then maybe add that fighting for all of those rights is important, but as is increasingly obvious, while one hand giveth the other taketh away. It is not enough for good people everywhere to just fight for those rights, we must address the problem at the source - the psychopaths that continue to create new ways to limit and deny the rights of each individual, while at the same time proclaiming how "free" we are just to keep us believing it.
Anyway those are just some thoughts, and I think Vulcan's title suggestion is great, or maybe you could include that question as part of the essay itself, like if it follows the more specific question in the title. I think all the ideas mentioned in this thread could probably be incorporated, as they are all great points. Good luck!
Edit: Just found the doublespeak thread. You could include a bunch of examples from that about twisting of meaning if you want. I think that most words/phrases in that thread could be made into very effective posters and/or flyers, where a word or phrase is shown and then its real and ponerized definitions. Then at the end something like "Want to know how this happened? Check out SOTT.net"