What happened to my oldest sister?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alchemie
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SeekinTruth said:
hesperides said:
Thanks God your sister is alive, Alchemie, but still what a bitter pill to swallow! I extend my deeper sympathy to you :hug2: and like someone said above, may this shock be an opportunity for even a little positive change to occur in your family, although it may need some time.

I hope you have a good relationship with your elder sister at least. It seems you are pretty left on your own because of the way you are describing your family that seems to affect more or less every member. I hope you will keep us informed :), and btw your english is perfectly understandable!

I'll second that. Thanks for the update, Alchemie, and take care of yourself.

How is your nephew doing now? That must have been an awful shock to him, not knowing anything about his mum, only that there was this burnt-out car. He is only 12 years old. :(
SeekinTruth said:
hesperides said:
Thanks God your sister is alive, Alchemie, but still what a bitter pill to swallow! I extend my deeper sympathy to you :hug2: and like someone said above, may this shock be an opportunity for even a little positive change to occur in your family, although it may need some time.

I hope you have a good relationship with your elder sister at least. It seems you are pretty left on your own because of the way you are describing your family that seems to affect more or less every member. I hope you will keep us informed :), and btw your english is perfectly understandable!

I'll second that. Thanks for the update, Alchemie, and take care of yourself.

Thirded. It's good news she is alive. Maybe it will lead to a positive change within your family. Take care :hug:
Alchemie, I'm glad your sister is ok. Sorry to hear about these events. Take care of yourself and family. :)
3D Student said:
Alchemie, I'm glad your sister is ok.

Same here! That's a relief!

Alchemie said:
It is hard for me to write detailed texts in english, sorry. I want to make language courses in English and Russian, if it is financially better in the future with us. My English is so bad, how to learn it in an state school.

Don't worry, your English is good enough for us to understand you most of the time, so do not hesitate to post in that language. As you know, many of us here are not English speakers so no one is going to judge you for not speaking like a native. :)
I hope she and your nephew are doing ok!! And you too. It must have been very traumatic for everyone.
I phoned today evening again with my sister M., because I wanted to know clearly whether our oldest sister deliberately intended suicide. She said no.
She said that O. was sacked twice on the same day from our father out of the house, including clothes. The problem here was, that O. should only temporarily living with the parents, but she was already four years there. In the years they have mutually annihilated emotionally and mentally. Oh, this is such a long story to explain this correctly ... . My nephew is uprooted properly (as we all) and he notice this whole crap.
In any case, father felt under pressure now to have O. out of the house, because the parents want to have our youngest brother out of the assisted living back. But the problem is, that T. need for his mental well-being necessarily a healthy distance from our parents. ... Let's see, what else will happen (which drama). By the action of O. the establishment will hopefully realize that they underestimate the familiar constellation.
I had sent the most important information about T. and the parents by letter. And they also had conversations with a friend of T. and other siblings. So, I would somehow describe it as professional incompetence, if they still do not understand the situation.
Back again to our eldest sister. She had effected after the estimate, a kind of cry for help with the aggressive action. Such self-destructive acts like she has already made ​​several times in her live (eg cutting herself veins in a conflict with her ex-husband; or has been together with a lover who had murdered her almost before the eyes of her two year-old son ....) . I wonder if she is not only extremely emotionally blind, because of the abuses in her childhood, or slowly get,toot, psychopathic traits of our mother? Our mother tried, too, suizid, before T. was born. There exists a trauma-chain over generation here. And our mother was extremely traumatised by her father, who was ruined/broken by his slave life at a Cossack / Muslim family.
O. is the oldest, and has certain experienced physical assault from our mother (eg to beat to meat), which spared us. But we have all experienced our own tragedies.
Unfortunately, I do not good rapport with my family. I have with my twin sister most contact, and since the birth of my second nephew, also regular contact with my older sister M.. Funnily enough the boy is only 2 months older than my daughter. But we are completely different way, because I have decided for the strenuous, but constructive trauma work.

All this stirs me, but it no longer brings out of the Constitution. I'm developing slowly the roots, which were tried to destroy since I was born.
When I look at my daughter, and look (hereabout)to our new home, then I know that I finally run my own life. This gives me a lot of strength/energy.

The beautiful photo below show the sunset today. I am glad that we are here, and have managed to move from the Hellish Abyss.

Ich habe heute Abend nochmal mit meiner Schwester M. telefoniert, weil ich eindeutig wissen wollte, ob unsere älteste Schwester vorsätzlich Selbstmord vorhatte. Sie sagte Nein.
Sie meinte, dass O. zweimal am selben Tag von unserem Vater aus dem Haus rausgeschmissen wurde, samt Klamotten. das Problem war hier, dass O. nur vorrübergehend bei den Eltern wohnen sollte, aber sie bereits 4 Jahre dort war. In den Jahren haben sie sich gegenseitig emotional und psychisch aufgerieben. Ach, das ist so eine lange Geschichte, um das richtig zu erklären... . Man muss dazu bedenken, dass mein Neffe richtig entwurzelt ist (wie wir alle) und den ganzen Mist mitbekommt.
Jedenfalls fühlte sich Vater unter Druck, jetzt O. aus dem Haus zu haben, weil die Eltern unseren jüngsten Bruder wieder aus dem betreuten Wohnen zurück haben wollen. Aber das Problem ist, dass T. für sein psychisches Wohlbefinden unbedingt eine gesunde Distanz zu den Eltern braucht... . Mal schauen, was sich noch für ein Drama anbahnt. Durch die Aktion von O. wird die Einrichtung hoffentlich merken, dass sie die familiäre Konstellation eventuell unterschätzen.
Ich hatte der Einrichtung die wichtigsten Informationen über T. und die Eltern per Brief zugeschickt. Und sie hatten auch Gespräche mit einem Freund von T. und andere Geschwister. Also, ich würde es irgendwie als berufliche Inkompetenz bezeichnen, wenn sie die Sachlage immer noch nicht verstehen.
Zurück noch mal zu unserer ältesten Schwester. Sie hatte nach der zeitigen Einschätzen, eine Art aggressiven Hilferuf mit der Aktion bewirkt. Solche ähnliche selbstzerstörerischen Taten hat sie schon öfters in ihrem Leben gemacht (z.B. Adern aufschneiden bei Konflikt mit ihrem Ex-Mann; oder ist mit einem Liebhaber zusammen gewesen, der sie fast vor den Augen ihres 2- jährigen Sohnes ermordet hatte.... ). Ich frage mich, ob sie nicht nur extrem emotional blind ist durch die Misshandlungen in ihrer Kindheit, sondern langsam selber psychopathische Züge von unserer Mutter übernimmt? Unsere Mutter versuchte auch Suizid, bevor T. gezeugt wurde. Es besteht hier eine generationsübergreifende Trauma-Kette. Und unsere Mutter wurde extrem durch ihren Vater gequält, der durch sein Sklavenleben bei einer kosakischen/moslemischen Familie kaputt gemacht wurde.

Sie ist die Älteste, und hat gewisse körperliche Übergriffe von unserer Mutter erlebt (z.B. bis zum Fleisch verprügeln), die uns erspart blieben. Wir haben aber alle unsere eigene Tragödien erlebt.
Leider habe ich generell keinen guten Draht zu meiner Familie. Ich habe mit meiner Zwillingsschwester am meisten Kontakt, und seit der Geburt meines zweiten Neffen, auch regelmäßiger Kontakt zu meiner älteren Schwester M. . Witziger weise ist der Junge nur 2 Monate älter als meine Tochter. Wir gehen aber komplett verschiedene Wege, weil ich mich für die anstrengende, aber konstruktive Trauma-Arbeit entschieden habe.

Das alles wühlt mich auf, aber es bringt mich nicht mehr aus der Fassung. Ich entwickle nämlich langsam die Wurzeln, die mir seit meiner Geburt versucht wurden, zu zerstören.
Wenn ich meine Tochter ansehe, und mich in unserem neuen Zuhause umsschaue, dann weiß ich, dass ich endlich mein eigenes Leben führe. Das gibt mir sehr viel Kraft.

Die schönen Fotos unten zeigen den Sonnenuntergang von heute. Ich bin froh, dass wir hier sind, und geschafft haben, uns vom Höllenabgrund fortzubewegen.

I am also glad that you have moved from that "Hellish Abyss." That's a lovely picture. Keep strong and hugs for you and your daughter. :)
It seems like you and your siblings have been through an awful lot but you made that choice to live a life without the trauma.
Those generations of emotional wounds can end with you Alchemie. The photo works wonderfully to represent that choice.
Really sorry to ear about the ordeal you've been trough Alkemie, I'm sorry for your nephew too, it should be hard for him to live trough all this.
Reading your posts I get the impression that you and your brother and sisters are working for a new form of relation? How much can you disclose about your family and personal understanding of the situation to them? I'm asking because I imagine everyone of your family feeling really alone in that situation and letting them know that, in this struggle, they aren't,probably might help a bit?
I had some Ah Ah moments talking to my brother and my sister about what I discovered about our family, and what have they, we could even give feedbacks to each others about better approach to the different situations and how to better react to our parents loops. Just my thought..
A book that's helping me it's "the Narcissistic Family", Don't know if you had the chance to go trough this..
Wish you all the best to you and your daughter for this end of the year and a great beginning. :flowers:

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