...what in the heck is phi?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
...what in the heck is phi?

I have been wondering as many on the forum what could be the meaning of the 3-5 code. I know there is perhaps more than one meaning or different levels of meaning to what the C's have been trying to describe.

It was quite by “accident” that I may have stumbled onto part of the meaning of some of the clues that have been given in the transcripts and discussed in so many different threads. It is only because I have drawn from several different threads that I am starting this separate one for now.

The clue that led me to the new way of thinking about “phi” was in the forum thread:
Session 981114, Prime Numbers, the Pyramid, Dwelling of the mystics

In the above two threads (There are probably other threads on this session as well) following quote is an excerpt taken from November 11, 1995 F****, Laura, SV :

Q: (L) Medusa. Heads. 11. Is there something about the mythical Medusa that we need to see here?
A: 11 squared divided by phi.
Q: (L) By pi. 11 squared divided by pi. What does this result bring us to?
A: 33.infinity.
Q: (L) Well, we don't get 33 out of this... we get 3.3166 etc if we divide the square root of 11 by pi. Divided by phi... what in the heck is phi? Okay, if we divide pi into 11, we get 3.5 infinity, but not 33.
A: 1 times 1
Q: (L) Oh. You weren't saying 11 times 11, you were saying 1 times 1.
A: No.
Q: (L) 1 times 1 is what? 1.
A: 5 minus 3.
Q: (L) Okay, that's 2.
A: 2 minus 1.
Q: (L) Okay, that's 1. I don't get it. A math genius I am NOT. What is the concept here?
A: Look: 353535.

In the above session segment I noticed that the C's reference to “phi” did not compute for Laura. And I also identified with her statement “ A math genius I am NOT”. I kept thinking that there must be a logical answer to the C's value or meaning for “phi” to give the result of 33 to the equation 11 squared divided by “phi”.

I proceeded to find a standard meaning for “phi”. Of course being the genius I am :huh: I went to Wikipedia. There I discovered that there were more than 26 different definitions for the term “phi”.

There are lower case lower-case letter φ definitions and upper-case letter Φ definitions. Without going into all those definitions I saw that Laura was able to arrive at “3.3166 etc” for the answer to 11 squared divided by pi or “phi”.

I began thinking in reverse order which is often the nature of computer programers (my moniker is goyacobol). According to the C's 11 squared (121) divided by “phi” = 33.

Using an online scientific calculator I noticed that the answer to the equation was somewhere between 3.6 an 3.7. for the value of “phi” to arrive at the answer 33.

Eventually I experimented with different values and intuitively (I guess intuition may not be as valuable as psychic ability but...) I discovered that one possible answer might be “phi” = 3.666666666666666.

3.666666666666666 can also be viewed as 3.666,666,666,666,666. You might notice there are 15 sixes after the decimal point which is 666 repeated 5 times.

In other words 11 squared (121) divided by “phi” ( 3.666,666,666,666,666) = 33.

Yes, it is an answer that seems to work for this equation as far as I can see. So for the C's meaning of “phi” I arrived at 3.666666666666666. That is 15 sixes after the decimal point.

If this could be an answer to one piece of the puzzle or equation where does this lead or what is the symbolism being presented?

Well, the C's go on to talk about “A: Look: 353535.” This whole session mentions not only the number 33 but also relates it to 11 (Medusa) and finally to 353535.

The “phi” answer as I have seen it is 3.(666 repeated 5 times). Does this relate to 35 or 3. (666,666,666,666,666)?

Also in the above thread Session 981114, Prime Numbers, the Pyramid, Dwelling of the mystics

There is a quote from from session 941016:
Q: (L) What is the meaning of the number 666 in the book
of Revelation?
A: Visa.
Q: (L) You mean as in credit card?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are credit cards the work of what 666 represents?
A: Yes?
Q: (L) Should we get rid of all credit cards?
A: Up to you.
Q: (L) Would it be more to our advantage than not to
disconnect ourselves from the credit system?
A: Isn't just credit also debit.
Q: (L) Is that an affirmative.
A: How are you going to do this?
Q: (L) Well, do you have any suggestions?
A: World will soon have nothing but credit and debit have
you not heard of this new visa debit cards this is the future of
money as controlled by the world banking system i.e. the
brotherhood i.e. Lizards i.e. antichrist.

Considering the equation what does 11 squared represent? The answer is 121 but what does 121 mean? What is 11 (Medusa?) to the power of 2? Does 666 represent Visa?

I am just asking questions myself. I don't have all the answers and that is why I am sharing these thoughts.

Is There a also a Heximal connection?

Continuing to think in coding terms, it seems that in the same above thread, Session 981114, Prime Numbers, the Pyramid, Dwelling of the mystics, Skyfarmr may have discussed a very relevant subject concerning the “Heximal” number system when it comes to de-coding some of the numbers in which “the mystics dwell” so to speak.

To quote Skyfarmr:

I know it may appear that I may be obsessing about 11 multiples, but when they keep appearing I can't help but pull on the thread. I started checking out numbers in different bases and literally stumbled upon something that may just help whack the head off of Medusa....or maybe this just provides a mirror to look at her symbolically.

The website http://www.shackite.com/base-six/base-six.htm explains base 6 numeral system (heximal). The author claims it is "useful in the study of prime numbers".

An interesting link on Shackite's website leads to information about the Ndom language, spoken in Papua New Guinea. They also use a base 6 counting system (finger counting), there word for 6...Mer!
As in mer cubit, meridian, Merovingian, etc.

"Briefly, base six (or "heximal") is a number system that uses the number symbols 0 through 5 in each digit rather than 0 through 9. So the number that would be expressed as 6 in base ten[decimal] is expressed as 10 in base six. We count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, and so on."

heximal 11 (6x1+1) = decimal 7
heximal 22 (6x2+2) = decimal 14
and so on,
heximal multiples of 11 equal decimal multiples of 7
7 11, incidentally is the ratio of height to base of the Giza pyramid according to Fix.
Also, 11/7 is one half of pi.

In SHOTW, pg281, Laura quotes Albert Pike:
"I do not understand why the 7 should be called Minerva, or the cube, Neptune..."
Included in this section of the book is the discussion of Pythagoras and his symbolism.

if Minerva was associated with 7, which would = heximal 11, and Minerva according to Webster: " Roman myth the goddess of wisdom, technical skill, and invention; identified with the Greek Athena" ie. intellectual control? wasn't Athena the one who condemned Medusa to be a Gorgon,?

Neptune, the cube (6?), would "decode" to heximal 10. Webster defines Neptune: "Roman myth the god of the sea; identified with the Greek Poseidon". Cayce identified Poseidia with Atlantis (Atlanteans). ie. monetary control?

One more thing about 7 and 11; the ancient Roman calendar had September as the 7th month (Septa=7), since March (the month of the Spring Equinox) was the beginning of the year, makes a lot of sense. This would've made September 11, 7/11 rather than 9/11 under the Roman calendar. Interesting.

Am I just playing with numbers, here?... what the C's called a distraction? or could this be a way to decode masonic/biblical symbolism?

End Quote

All of these ideas got my wheels spinning I guess. I then started to look at other things that the C's said in some other transcripts such as the following exerpt.

The following exerpt is from Session 19 March 2001

Q: (L) Okay, we had a hypnosis session today. Did we do all that was necessary to blow off the locks?
A: Close.
Q: (V) Did we do what was necessary for now?
A: Close.
Q: (A) What percentage of what was necessary to do did we accomplish?
A: 49 percent.
Q: (V) Was 49 the right number?
A: Yes. Laura has open window in more keys. ["keys" as in sound?]
Q: (L) Did we utilize the clues from last night properly?
A: Yes. Now must look us up to talk to us.
Q: (L) Look us up as in the phone book? (V) Look them up in the mirror. (L) Is there...
A: Key FI 3 ["phi" 3?]
Q: (V) Key "phi 3?" You jokers! (L) What is phi 3? (V) Phi to the 3rd power? (L) A phi circle with 3
A: Route.
Q: (V) Is this phi 3 a path or something?
A: Open your.
Q: (V) Open "your" phi 3? (A) Now route is French for road, and "F" could be for France; and "I-3" could
be a number of a road in France.

End Quote

From the above session with my comments in parentheses:

(V) Was 49 the right number?( Is 49 being expressed heximal and equals 33 decimal?)
A: Yes. Laura has open window in more keys. ["keys" as in sound?]
A: Key FI 3 ["phi" 3?] (If the C's phi = 3.666666666666666 then phi x 3 = 11)
A: Open your. (Eyes? As in Snake eyes? 11? See Medusa?)

I am not suggesting that anyone become a snake with snake eyes but rather we may have to think like one (“be wise as serpents and gentle as doves”) in order to decipher the meanings of the number system.

Laura's conclusion in the Re: 3-5 code thread:

« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2010, 09:34:23 AM »

So far, my take on the 3/5 code, when taken in the context of the discussion where it was bruited, is that we have 3 centers until we work, at which point we can acquire access to two higher centers and become 5, or a "star."

Much gratitude goes to Laura, Ark, Skyfarmr and all the forum members who have inspired me to keep “questing” for the truth in these esoteric realms.

In closing, I would just like some “feedback” to see if 3.666,666,666,666,666 = “phi” makes any sense to anyone as used by the C's.

May the forum be with us,

goyacobol :)
In the above session segment I noticed that the C's reference to “phi” did not compute for Laura. And I also identified with her statement “ A math genius I am NOT”. I kept thinking that there must be a logical answer to the C's value or meaning for “phi” to give the result of 33 to the equation 11 squared divided by “phi”.

Well the only thing i know about that is that 33 is a very important number for the masonic (or illuminatti) group..
irjO said:
Well the only thing i know about that is that 33 is a very important number for the masonic (or illuminatti) group..
You may actually consider this chapter of the Wave series where the importance of 33 for these groups is discussed: http://cassiopaea.org/2011/02/18/the-wave-chapter-32-torah-kaballah-and-when-i-dream%E2%80%A6/
I watched very interesting documentary "The Revelation of the Pyramids" on Croatian TV based on book written by Jacques Grimault with so many mind-blowing geometric and historical relations,and "phi" (The Golden Number) was much mentioned. Since i am not any good in maths or similar i could not follow it thoroughly - when have a chance (better connectivity) i will look it again on you tube:

In mkrnhr's link, Laura says "using a matrix, one can establish vectors, which can then be used to calculate a scalar product, which is simply a number that can mean anything depending on how it is used". It probably means a lot of things because it's information theory. In the thread "Is Gurdjieff a Stoic", Laura mentions the stoics using an early form of information theory.

The 3 to 5 is part of Fibonnacci's Sequence where the the ratio of the last two numbers approaches phi as you keep going. Fibonnacci's Sequence is the sum of diagonals of Pascal's Triangle. The sum of the numbers in the rows of Pascal's Triangle are powers of 2. The digits of the rows (regrouping "digits" bigger than 9) form the powers of 11. The rows with the 2nd number being a prime have all the other numbers being a multiple of that prime (except for the ones that are at the beginning and end of every row). The "digits" of the rows (without regrouping) are the graded dimensions for Clifford Algebra, the algebra of information theory (they are the number of ways to grab c things from a group of 2^r things where c and r are the column and row positions (first column/row being zero).

Information theory is related to the Enneagram, Sephirot, Chakras, Zodiac, etc.; the personalities of the planet gods and the elements can be an information theory for personality. Laura mentions the Stoics getting forces (aether/fire) and inert matter via their early information theory and mathematical physics still does that more in a more formal way.

The Cs/Ra related the Chakras to the centers and densities. Gurdjieff related the centers to the law of 3 (3-6-9 in the Enneagram) and Laura related the densities to the Sephirot so there is likely different ways to relate things like centers or densities or whatever to information theory. So getting you stuck infinitely in information theory 353535... aka phi,phi,phi... (or even 3.666... almost a 3-6-9) via Medusa mucking up our Aquarius 11 Edenic spirit self (5 centers) down to Gemini 3 earthly physical self (3 centers) (11x3=33) repeatedly centers-wise 353535... as Laura talks about in mkrnhr's link. In Laura's sefirot description of the densities maybe it's different information (number)-wise. The Enneagram could be different still.
I looked it up as well. The math is incomprehensible to me, but I'm awed by the phi's relationship to the natural world and to beauty.


irjO, thank you for your interest in the number 33 and its relationship masonic (or illuminate) groups.

And thank you mkrnhr for referring irjo to an excellent chapter 32 of the Wave to iriO for more details on the meaning of 33 for various secret organizations.

Yozillia, I did watch your YouTube link _http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooy2LTJoMVM and it was extremely interesting so I saved the video. It talks more about "pi" and the golden ratio than "phi' as defined by the C's but that is my dilemma, trying to understand why the C's seem to be talking about something different.

webglider, I will do more research on your two links on these two concepts which I am also trying learn more.



goldenumber.net is referring to Φ as 1.618 but my main point is that the C's say it is 3.666666666666666 according to what I may have found.

May the forum be with us,

goyacobol :)

I think all the topics you touched on may relate closely with what I am trying to find. I have read about most you mentioned but you give me food for thought. For some topics I have not done much in-depth reading like Pascal's Triangle, Sephirot and Aquarius 11 Edenic spirit self (5 centers).

Information Theory really sounds interesting. I will definitely check that out.
You mention not to get stuck " infinitely in information theory 353535…aka phi,phi,phi".

Well, in a way this is my main reason for bringing up "phi" as the C's may be defining it. According to the C's version of "phi" as I have calculated it is: 3.666,666,666,666,666 period no infinity involved.

For someone more well versed in mathematics (which I confess I am NOT) this may be the way out of a loop.

I am hoping that someone may be able to use this as a stepping stone or find where it fits in the bigger picture. I will continue with my limited math ability to learn as much I as I can.

Thank you for the leads,

goyacobol :)
Just so you know, I wouldn't place too much emphasis on the 15 sixes you arrived at as that is due to the limits of the online calculator you have used. It actually comes out to 3 and two thirds, that is 3.6666... with an infinite number of sixes after the decimal.
goyacobol said:
Well, in a way this is my main reason for bringing up "phi" as the C's may be defining it. According to the C's version of "phi" as I have calculated it is: 3.666,666,666,666,666 period no infinity involved.

As Ask_a_debtor said it is actually an infinity of 6s though interestingly the Cs said 33.infinity and if you use 33.333... you would get exactly 3.63 which like 3.666... could imply a stuck on two centers infinitely too if that's what someone wanted. That's the point, you can use information theory which can work very exactly for something exact like physics but for something not exact in a math sense, you can play games with it quite easily.

Something like personality which the Enneagram and Zodiac get used for which is a little exact in that there's opposite personality traits and you can combine traits, etc.; there's still a little play you can do cause there's not complicated equations like with physics though even with physics there's some play you can do for intuition in areas that aren't well known. You kind of do toy models for models that are really much more complicated and patterns linking the toy model to the real big one can be helpful. Perhaps people who somehow know the bigger picture can leave clues in a small toy form like Astrology, Sephirot, Enneagram, Chakras, etc. but that can be rough since you don't know what the creator was putting in his toy.

The Cs will often not give you a very straight answer in order to get you to think about what you need to think about. Phi for math/information theory usually has a very exact value but sure someone could play with that in a toy model but maybe they didn't and it's just a coincidence or maybe it's just reiterating the overall don't get too stuck on this kind of thing; some things like this will have more clues show up if you just put it away for now.

Thanks for your answer it's funny but I actually was thinking about whether there was a limit on the calculator display this morning before I checked for replies. I was thinking I will look a little foolish for not realizing the digital limitation :-[ but hey, I am learning and that's what counts.

The only other thing that I am still wondering about right now is why the C's are saying "phi" is equal to "3 and two thirds" instead of referring to Φ as 1.618.

Thank you for catching the calculator display limit problem for me,

goyacobol :)

Claude Shannon's Information Theory is something I am going try to learn more about. Just reading some of the "Is Gurdjieff a Stoic" thread makes it sound like an important tool to use. I am glad you also agree with Ask_a_debtor about my 15 sixes being a little short on infinity :-[. Oh well, I am here to learn aren't I?

I think you are right about "some things like this will have more clues show up if you just put it away for now."

I guess you just can't go to the store and buy "infinite knowledge" on a stick ;D. I just have to keep learning.

Thanks for all the input,

goyacobol :)
35 is repeated 3 times (3 is prime)

353535...What are the first three prime numbers (1, 2, 3) (some people *cough wikipedia* do not consider one to be a prime number but i do so lets roll with it)

take the first, then the next two and then the next 3 numbers in that sequence and add them together.

3 8 13

Now I use the (B+A)/(B) (B is the larger value) phi equation as I have found that it is slightly more accurate

Ok now for the fun part.

*Working backwards from 13 to 3 in the sequence.

A=8 and B=13 which gives you (13+8)/13 = (21/13) = 1.61538 ( only off my .003) which is not far off from the published and well known 1.618 value. Plain old (13/8) = 1.625 (off by .007 from phi) hence why I use the (A+B)/(B) equation.

We are not done yet however; the C's use a value of 3.6666667

Ok now lets equate using 3 and 8.

A=3 and B=8

Now a little different than before (B+A)/(A) I think this is a Palendromal way to solve this i.e. palendromes are numbers like 2112, 3223, 5665 (read the same way forwards or backwards.) At least that is how it made sense in my head. In hindsight it doesn't appear to be a palendrome of the initial equation but humor me lol.

Anyways I just applied that line of thought to the equation above (not even sure if I did it correct or if one would ever consider palendromally switching an equation) and I got the numbers that are mentioned.

(8+3)/(3) = (11/3) = 3.666666667 <----indicative of infinity sixes

I couldn't really find this on the internet so I'm not saying it is right just food for thought. Hopefully I didn't overlook someone else that may have already pointed this out. I apologize if that is the case.

Another thing to note is that this little switcharoo does not work with 8 and 13 (2nd and 3rd terms in the sequence we created with 353535). So for some reason this works and that part at the beginning is necessary. As far as I can tell anyways.

What do you guys think?

I am glad you are as curious as many of us are about the 3-5 code. However there are several things you mention that do not compute for me.

One very odd thing you say is:

We are not done yet however; the C's use a value of 3.6666667

I do not know of anywhere that the C's use 3.66666667 if you know the session date for this quote please supply the reference for us.

I only tried to figure out what the C's meant for the meaning of "phi" not "pi" when I saw that Laura was having trouble with the term and it's value as formulated by the C's.

Using your mentioned value on 3.6666667 does not give an answer of 33 on a scientific calculator but an approximate 32.9999997. While we may be close to the exact number we are still off just a little. I was in error as mentioned by Bluelamp and Ask_a_debtor due to not realizing the display limitation of the calculator.

My answer was closer using 3.666,666,666,666,666 but it is still only an approximation. If you review the previous answer from Bluelamp you will see he is saying:

As Ask_a_debtor said it is actually an infinity of 6s though interestingly the Cs said 33.infinity and if you use 33.333... you would get exactly 3.63 which like 3.666... could imply a stuck on two centers infinitely too if that's what someone wanted. That's the point, you can use information theory which can work very exactly for something exact like physics but for something not exact in a math sense, you can play games with it quite easily.

Also your formulas don't make much sense to me but as I have said previously “ A math genius I am NOT” so excuse me if I am missing something.

Since the C's latest session has just been posted for Session 21 December 2012 I would rather spend my time on more important things at the moment. I wish you luck in your search for answers.

goyacobol :/
As well as (3, 5) being part of the Fibonacci Sequence, (1, 1), or Snake Eyes, is also in the sequence.

Mathematicians usually give the sequence is given as beginning with 0, e.g.

0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 . . .

and other times with 1, as Fibonacci originally gave it, e.g.

1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 . . .

Which is used seems to be more a matter of convention and ease of use for calculations than of one being correct and the other incorrect. This is explained more in the comments on this webpage:


Anyway starting from somewhere in the sequence, you can subtract one number from the following number, to find the preceding number in the sequence, which is similar to what the C's said: "5 minus 3" & "2 minus 1" are two examples, (leaving out one example in the middle, i.e. "3 minus 2".

So for example starting at 8 and 13, you can go "What's 13 minus 8? 5. What's 8 minus 5? 3. What's 5 minus 3? 2. What's 3 minus 2? 1. What's 2 - 1? 1. What's 1 minus 1? 0.

Phi is an irrational number, which means it cannot be expressed as a fraction. (A fraction being one whole number divided by another, e.g. 1/3). Trying to write it as a decimal, it would have an infinite number of decimal places. (Because if the decimal places stopped somewhere, e.g. after the 7th digit, then it could be expressed as a fraction such as 1234567/1000000). Not all numbers with an infinite number of decimal places though are irrational, for example 0.33333333333 . . . to infinity can be expressed as the fraction 1/3.

I think that any whole number, such as 121, when divided by any irrational number, will also produce an irrational number as the result, and not a number that can be expressed as a fraction. [By doing a proof by contradiction, or reductio ad absurdum.]

Although ratios between the early numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are only roughly approximately to phi, e.g. 5/3 is about 0.049 more than phi, and 8/5 is about 0.018 less than phi, by the time you get 40 numbers along into the sequence, the difference from phi is less than 0.000000000000001, and keeps getting closer. There is a table showing this here:

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