What is currently going on at the SOTT news HQ

Laura, maybe you could try a little experiment. I have read that ASPARTAM seems to be an excellent ANT repellent and/or killer of the ants nest. Although I wanted to see this with my own eyes, I have refused such grue some experiment. After all, they do not enter our house, and can not really be considered as a plague. However, you people seem to have a different situation at hand.

The dry nutrasweet powder seems to work more as a repellent, and the ants avoid it as hell. But once the powder is moistened, they too seem to be tricked into believing to actually eat something like sugar, and will call for their buddies who at first will come by the hundreds. From the accounts I have read, after two days they will be gone, completely and won’t be coming back for years. If you than succeed to explore the nest, you will find it empty and dead.

In case you do consider having that nefarious stuff in your house, make sure to label it with a shiny red skull and bones icon.

With molds I have had good experience with colloidal copper which I make myself by performing an electrolysis (12 V) between two copper dishes. The lower dish I fill with distilled water. On top of that comes the second dish while direct contact is avoided with strategically placed cotton balls.
Third_Density_Resident said:
I am going to be buying quite a few more SOTT books very soon, so I hope this helps.

Meanwhile, I noticed quite a few discarnate entities lurking in your house. :P
You also might want to watch out for wall-demons... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jfcpa_x4Lg
Color said:
anart said:
Since Namaste brought it up, anyone can also donate at any time right on the SotT page - at the very bottom of the page, there is a 'Subscribe' button - it takes you here - http://www.signs-of-the-times.org/signs/signs_subscribe.php
I wanted to ask this for a while now, so here's a chance:
Is there any other way to make a donation (monthly subscribe)
and to order/buy a book, since I'm not using any credit cards? Is there a way to do it via internet banking,
to transfer the money on your account (I have € account and online banking)?
I'll ask the guys and see if you can get them through the French Red Pill Press. Hang on...
Serivas said:
mark said:
Got a link to YOUR podcast?
Wait... what? It's a perfectly valid inquiry, I believe the gist of what he's commenting on is that there hasn't been any podcasts lately. Lately as defined by a good 5 or 6 months! How exactly do you need to maintain and regularly publish a podcast to determine the status of another anyway?
It was a simple nudge to consider not complaining ;)
Laura said:
I'll ask the guys and see if you can get them through the French Red Pill Press. Hang on...
Thank you, please do that, since I'm not comfortable asking friends to give them money
and then using their credit card to make a payment... Actually, I don't know anyone here
using it for online shopping, it's still not a common thing around here, so it's a tricky thing to ask someone to do it :-/
If there's a way to make it possible via bank account, it would be really great... Thank you :)
To answer the original question; Podcasts will be back, we promise, hopefully sometime before the end of year, and better than ever for sure.

Third_Density_Resident said:
I am going to be buying quite a few more SOTT books very soon, so I hope this helps.

Meanwhile, I noticed quite a few discarnate entities lurking in your house. :P
yeah, that guy in the blue spacesuit wasn't there when we took that picture. ;-)

The gentleman in the space suit looks like he has put in a good day.

It is unfortunate that your chateau has been a problem for you. I looked at many of your photos and noticed some very strange things, in reference to #87, where it seems to be some kind of material mixed with the structure, almost something poured on the floor. I had a French client once who told me in France they used a poured on material to level floors commonly used for tile. Is that what all that stuff is? You can see one of the lathe slats in the ceiling below the floor but the joist and floor boards look like they are covered in dirt. Oh, termites? That’s dirt?

I didn’t realize termites were so bad in France if that is the case. Is all of Europe that way? They definitely were in my home just a few years ago here in Florida and I now have to replace the kitchen floor, actually just the plywood that is nailed to the floor joist. This is an old house but yours looks to be over 100 years old or more.

I have in the past told a few people who I have worked for they had termites and within a year, there was extensive damage. They fly out of the soffits in January every year just like clockwork and if you happened to see this occur, you have an infestation. Now I believe the Formosan subterranean termite is spreading across the U.S. and is now found quite often in the Florida area.

As Donald mentioned, old house are notorious for lead paint, I guess that goes for moisture too, which is very detrimental to a home’s integrity. Wherever water goes, nature seems to follow even if it’s your house.
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