What is the best way for a hamster to live?


Padawan Learner
Right now I have a friend living with me, I like to call her bella off of the movie beauty and the beast.
I have a serious problem because I did not realize when I bought her that my boyfriend would have such a phobia of her
to the point where he will not allow me to let her roam the house or out let her out of her little cage-house when he is around
which is most of the time, he will not even allow me to buy a circumferenced fence to allow more space for her to explore in to put in the house.
We do not have a backyard either.
Do you think letting her out in the wild would be better for her growth? She is pretty much prey to almost anything out there.
I have tried to find her a better home but no luck, and many other people will just cage her also, she needs to explore I know
that much.
I guess I could wait for when I move into a bigger place but even then she will have to be locked up in a room because of my bf, if he would allow that. AND by the time I get a place with a backyard she will probably be dead.
-Do I let her be free in the wild desert so that she can explore and possibly grow, simultaneously allow for the chance of all the predatorial threats in that desert to eat her up and spit her out

Is having the likely chance of her getting eaten worth her exploration and survival-freedom?

Or is having her safe but not much exploration and foot-width-freedom better for her?

Does anyone have any other ideas that could help her?

I think if you have a boyfriend that is terrified of a little rodent, you have bigger problems on your hands.

If you really tried, I bet you could find someone who wanted her/him. Craigslist, local pet stores, someone would be willing to care for it, if that's what is necessary. Might take some time, but someone out there in your general area is probably wanting one.

I think the issue of domestication is a tough one, because we have involved ourselves in their destiny so to speak. What to do now is complicated, with just about any animal. Should I spay my pets, and have their genitals/reproductive organs mutilated, because it suits my interests? I think letting it out in the wild is problematic, because it did not have the opportunity to learn from it's parent(s) how to survive in the wild, so it stands little to no chance. Not to mention it's not going to be released in what would be it's normal habitat. It's like crossing the rubicon with any given animal, there is no turning back.

What about one of those balls, where it is completely contained? It can roam around, but can't "attack" your boyfriend (lol). I think some comprise will be necessary, and if he really loves you, he will be willing to work towards that, if only baby steps at a time. I would say be firm with him, and some gentle "pushing" from you will be necessary if you love both of those creatures :P
I think it would be best for your hamster for you to tell your boyfriend that it is not his decision when the hamster gets out of her cage. An animal's well being should not be determined by the fear of a human being and he needs to get over his fear and stop forcing others to conform to it. fwiw.
I agree with Anart entirely! The man who will make me give one of my animals does not exist... for me. It is your house? you are the king of your space. You decide. If you start giving away what you like and love, what it will be later? Do you love your hamster? Or it is for you just a thing that you can throw away?

What you can do, if you decide to follow the desires and orders of your boyfriend, you can bring your hamster to a animal store, with cage and food and surely they can find a house for him.

Sorry if I sound... angry. I don't understand people who are afraid of little animals like hamsters and force others to take decisions just for them. I find them egoistical and egocentric.

Edit: I read again my comment and I find I was a little rude. I am sorry. Please, celestialvisionz, accept my apologies. It was not my intention to moralize and I think I was moralizing you. You decide what you think it is the best for you and for the hamster. But whatever you decide it is important to know the reason of your decision and the why of it.
Ignis,intimu s-
You are correct in saying that I have a bigger problem with my boyfriend and his phobia, it does not seem right of him to be so cruel to bella in this manner in the extent that he goes through to condemn her every movement because of his fears he constantly thinks that she is going to eat him, somehow she will find a way to do it he proclaims to me almost every other day. She looks like a rat and he is not so fond of rats and their appearance just like most people out there but he takes it to another level where it becomes a disturbance in the life path of bella(which is just a theory) I do not know what life path she should be on for certain, all I know is that I do not think it is wrong of me to protect her in all that I can and help he as much as I can. Its also the formity of her, he finds it hatefully repulsive to a rather high degree. This is all of what he has communicated to me.
I have talked to my bf today about seeing a professional about this and we will see what happens from there.

Most people place hamsters in cages just like they do with most pets or animals they do not eat, I do not think this is the best life for her, she can have a better life free and safe, ergo this makes it rather hard to find a person on craigslist or anyone for that matter that would have such an animalistical philantrhopy.

No I do not think that spaying any pet to get their reproductive organs murdered is fair for the 2d's at all, because in my senses, that is just a common sense of love that should speak to and through people.

I can only let her roam with the ball when my bf is not here in the house. You do not understand how much he detests bella for her being in the form of a hamster.

I tried many communications/ experiments with him and none have worked so I gave up which was not a positive thing for me to do untill today when I communicated with him about it again. I will know soon if he can be helped with a doctor of phobia.

Not my house, not my rules, not my life. I do not want her to go to another house or store or any other place that will just cage her like I am now, the sole purpose I got her was for her to have a better life than that of any hamster out there in the world to give her this freedom and love which I probilitize would help her most, it was not to entrap her in a small space like so many people in the world do with their "pets".

There are many reasons this could be happening to my bf- him having this phobia, he could have a disorder, a disease, a psychological problem, a basic caring capacity for all things deficiency, and its understandable to be frustrated with people who do not think like you or me, but it does not make it right for us to condemn a person of such nature and I say condemn because you were hateful about my bf to the extent of condemnation which is normal because it is hard for us to put to words when strong emotions are in control and we speak unclearly and not truthfully most of the time when we do not control these emotions to a balance, he too is learning just like me and you, EVEN those psychopaths where some of them do not strive to learn, that is their choice, yes they might hurt people so that is where segregation comes in. Yes my bf tends to use his egotistical ways, do I think its right, no, but I do not condemn him as a person for this for he too is on his own path just like everyone out there in the spaces. Trying to control him and how he should be even if I do think it is the most MORAL, right and JUST of all, is not right of me either, what I would be doing to him, he is already doing to bella, all I can do is suggest to him and or adapt, study with research and ask for help.
ci, if you can't give this animal decent care then please find it another home and quickly. A local pet store should be able to help you. Domesticated hamsters cannot live on their own in the wild, so please be responsible enough to find it another home. Quite frankly, I do think it's ridiculous that you would allow any one to determine how you treat your own animal and for that reason, I think the animal would be better off elsewhere, with someone who actually puts its needs first.
celestialvisionz said:
I have a serious problem because I did not realize when I bought her that my boyfriend would have such a phobia of her to the point where he will not allow me to let her roam the house or out let her out of her little cage-house


Not my house, not my rules, not my life. I do not want her to go to another house or store

could I clarify: how long have you had Bella? and how long have you been in the relationship with your boyfriend? you and him live together, correct? in whose house?

Another thought: almost every untimely death of a small pet (hamster, mouse) that I remember of have heard of among my acquaintances had to do with the said animal roaming around the house and getting stuck, shut in, or accidently roughly handled in the process. Perhaps there my be other ways to let her run around, like one of those cages with connecting tunnels?
You all do not seem to be understanding what I am trying to convey
I will try to clarify bit more.
Bella is a hamster an animal that deserves the best life ever,
this means a pet store is not the best place for her because,
she might be sold to someone that keeps her in a cage/tunnel cage
and she will be locked in a cage for the whole time within any pet store
or animal shelter out there, I am doing better for her than what they can
do at the time being but what I am trying to elaborate is that what most of
you mention for the benefit of bellas life is not much of a benefit for her at all
because she will be in a cage and be in a manipulative controlling environment especially
if I send her to any kind of corporation, and most people live on societies normal
rules in life and would find that truly helping out a hamsters life is irrelevant.

I will just try and make her life as good as I can for now.

Hildegarda- Thank you for your information
So what is your solution? You seem to care for Bella, what will you do? If you put Bella in the nature, giving her freedom, she will die. Hamsters are little rodents that need to be in a cage, better if the cage is huge with a lot of space with toys to play and move. Hamsters are raised like that, they are not able to live outdoors, their destiny is to live indoors in a cage. It is dangerous to leave an hamster free at home, they can chew electrical wires and be electrocutated- When we buy an hamster we know that their lives are like that, it is sad but for them it is natural if you care and love them and play with them. They are very gentle rodents.

What I tried to tell you the other day is the importance to be oneself, with yourself and with anybody. I am sorry, again, of my rudeness, I can understand that some people are afraid of rodents. But my point is that everyperson has to have a "room of oneself", a space where I am free, an untouchable space, an intimate space. It is for me the basic of a relation in a couple, specially in a couple. Privacy is this space where I am entirely free even if I love someone. I think many problems that couples have today is that they don't have this room for themselves.

If it is impossible to keep Bella you have to decide what to do with her, and the best solution is finding a new home where they will be able to care of her.There are many people on this planet who cares about animals, and who love rodents, like you. So if you love Bella try to find a new family for her and the best way is to go to a animal store that usually they love animals and know people who love animals, or you can go to your vet and give the word that you wanted a new family for your hamster. They surely will find a good people for her.
Get rid of the boyfriend. Take some small animal care classes and keep the hamster.
Agreed. The control this man is exerting on you about the hamster reflects the control/abuse he is imposing
on you mentally and emotionally. Let your concern about the hamster be a wake up call to the negative
influence he is also having on you. Save the hamster ASAP by finding her a new home--look for small animal rescue
groups in your area as well as pet stores, vets, etc., then follow through and save yourself.
good luck,
Yes, a pet store would likely hand her over to be snake food or to some kid who will neglect her. But if you find you can't look after this little animal, find a rescue group. But I agree with others, boyfriend is using this hamster for control issues and he needs to go.
Yes everyone I know my boyfriend has control issues, he is working on this with himself just like I am sure all of you out there are working on yourselves also- this is how I rationalize it because none of us are perfect for we all or most of us on here strive for self improvement.

Bella on the other hand I guess will stay with me and hopefully enjoy the space and playtime I can give to her.
I will still try to find better homes for her in the process of this journey, in the meantime if any of you have any
other helpful advice it is much appreciated and thank you all for sharing.
It's great that you love her so much and want to provide the best you can. Maybe you can create a little play area for her around the cage. I have pet rats and have created a secure play area for them using panels of this plastic (the stuff they make election signs from). I use those plastic ties to secure the panels to each other and then tape the bottom to the floor. Really easy or you can buy a playpen from a pet supply. That way little Bella could get more space and run around but still not scare your boyfriend. (You can get the panels at Home Depot near the lumber department.)
a quick search .. here are some great images of playpens for hamsters

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