The Cosmic Force
I know these Facebook quizzes are silly, but sometimes they come up with some disturbingly accurate descriptions.
Evidently, I'm from "Arcturus" aka the "Guardian of the Bear" I thought that was kewl ...but I have to admit I don't exactly feel "extremely evolved"
Arcturus is the fourth brightest star in the night sky, in the constellation Bootes about 36 light years from Earth, and its name is roughly translated to mean "Guardian of the Bear". Beings from Arcturus are of 5th dimensional consciousness who are expert energy workers and light healers. Arcturus is a portal between the 3rd and 5th dimensions, the realms of physical and spiritual reality. If you are of Arcturian origin you are an extremely evolved and love motivated being with strong healing powers and a desire to help humanity in every way you can.
Evidently, I'm from "Arcturus" aka the "Guardian of the Bear" I thought that was kewl ...but I have to admit I don't exactly feel "extremely evolved"
Arcturus is the fourth brightest star in the night sky, in the constellation Bootes about 36 light years from Earth, and its name is roughly translated to mean "Guardian of the Bear". Beings from Arcturus are of 5th dimensional consciousness who are expert energy workers and light healers. Arcturus is a portal between the 3rd and 5th dimensions, the realms of physical and spiritual reality. If you are of Arcturian origin you are an extremely evolved and love motivated being with strong healing powers and a desire to help humanity in every way you can.