"what the hell was that all about"


A Disturbance in the Force
back in 1960 or 1961 my father took me fishing one morning.i was about 12 years old then.we went to our usual fishing hole. the fishing was slow that morning so we decided to go exploring and look for another spot. we drove about ten miles and turned onto a deadend road. halfway down the road I yelled to my father, we have got to get the hell out of here. my father was way ahead of me, he had already seen what I had seen. ahead of us halfway down the road on the left side there were two buildings with 30 to 40 people flowing out between these two buildings. they seemed to move in unison.(I will call them people). my father sped by the two buildings,slammed on the brakes and did a 180 turn and with the tires spinning and gravel flying we headed back the way we came. as we approached the two buildings on our way out one of the people closest to the road was close enough for me to give him a high 5 if I was so inclined. these people seemed to be divided equally between male and female. the females were wearing frontier type clothing that you would see on the"little house on the prairie" show.the males were wearing farmer type overall bibs. there was nothing ever threatening about them. there were no weapons displayed or any threatening manner on theirpart.(I thought years later) it was only as if they wanted to see us or meet with us. my father and I were in no frame of mind to just stop and say howdy, how are you doing?these people all had pig faces.not just kind of, sort of, but literaly pig faces. on the way home I don't think my father and I ever mentioned what had just happened.and for the next 40years we never discussed it. if we had ever sat down and discussed it, we would have asked each other " what the hell was that all about",arvydas
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