What you think about June 26 2011


The Living Force
Hi all, I found this link and since my parents living in Berlin, I make me worry.
Is this going to happen or is it just a wild imagination of few people in the Internet?
This is German side _http://26-06-2011.de/
also this short movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqxEVtjsoYQ&feature=player_embedded
The point is that they are thinking that the government planning a False Flag attack in Berlin Germany
in the Olympia stadium on June 26, 2011.
Sorry it is all in German.
tonosama said:
Hi all, I found this link and since my parents living in Berlin, I make me worry.
Is this going to happen or is it just a wild imagination of few people in the Internet?
This is German side _http://26-06-2011.de/
also this short movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqxEVtjsoYQ&feature=player_embedded
The point is that they are thinking that the government planning a False Flag attack in Berlin Germany
in the Olympia stadium on June 26, 2011.
Sorry it is all in German.

Tonosama, this forum is international and run in English. Would you care to provide us more detail in English? That's not the first time when you post a link and expect the forum to do all job for you.
Just a general comment that predictions like these - tied to a specific date - have an abysmal track record. In fact, one sure sign (from my perspective) that a prediction is fear mongering is that it mentions a specific date. What I do find astonishing is how easily the human mind is led long when fear is involved.
anart said:
Just a general comment that predictions like these - tied to a specific date - have an abysmal track record. In fact, one sure sign (from my perspective) that a prediction is fear mongering is that it mentions a specific date.

Well, and what if that's the Simpsons who gave the date?

I mean, really, how can that guy be taken seriously?


Simpsons Symbolik zum atomaren Anschlag am 26.06.2011 um 19:00 Uhr im Berliner Olympiastadion

[Simpsons' symbolism of a nuclear attack on 06.26.2011 at 19:00 at the Berlin Olympic Stadion]

1) 2 and 6 = 26


2) 6


3) 7 and (3/4) = 7 (i.e. 19:00)


4) 6 and 11 = 6/2011


EDIT: fixed pictures and spacing
I've now overflown the website.

they think that a nuclear explosion is planned in the Olympia stadium on June 26, 2011 at 19:00 in the evening in Berlin (on that spot and date is the
opening game of the football world championship for womans).

they show many examples of subliminal messages in movies, music etc. that supposedly anticipate this event.
to be honest I don't know what to make of this, but it really reminds me of those subliminal messages before 9 11.

two examples of those subliminal messages:
- a Song from Joe Cocker where he sings: "First We Take Manhatten Then We Take Berlin"
- in this Official Nike-Commercial about this world championship (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FUyeHWFnU4&feature=player_embedded)
there are supposenly weasel words for example the last sentence is: "Ok world, watch out: We're taking over!"
...... and many more examples. some even more exactly

they show official warnings for an attack on berlin in the mass media the last years (I list here some of them):
-12.01.2008: Al-Qaida supposed to plan a attack on Berlin
-4.10.2010 Fox News: Al-Qaida allegedly planing attacks in Berlin
-20.11.2010: Is Al Qaida planing a terrorist attack in berlins heart?
-Al-Kaida threatens to use atom bombs if Bin Laden would be murdered

and this:
lawyer Torsten van Geest requested on VG Berlin a interim injunction because of an possible terrorist attack in the Olympia stadium in berlin
(concretely van Geest postulates that Mrs. Angela Merkel should conformable to the official oath tell the public about the danger before
26.06.2011 )

and a lot more.

I live in germany and this makes me concerned if there is really somethingt up to it ?
is it just fear mongering for no reason or is there really something going on .

Edit: date
Hey don't forget...

The world was ending on May 21, 2011

:oops: He meant:

On October 21st, the world will be destroyed by fire.!.!.!

edit: Hello Pashalis. We are hardly ever privy to the truth. I hope nothing does happen...

edit: remove the word "slaves". Inappropriate.
Well, since that is the time of the Taurid meteor shower, who knows? Maybe a Tunguska like event somewhere that can be written off as a terr'ist attack so the natives don't get too restless? Anything is possible, but the future is open.

If there IS something like a Nuke in Berlin then you can bet that the PTB is behind it, not al Qaeda or any other similarly mythical group.
Laura said:
If there IS something like a Nuke in Berlin then you can bet that the PTB is behind it, not al Qaeda or any other similarly mythical group.

well of course. these guys from the website know that this Al Qaeda thing is just a excuse.

- in this Official Nike-Commercial about this world championship (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FUyeHWFnU4&feature=player_embedded)
there are supposenly weasel words for example the last sentence is: "Ok world, watch out: We're taking over!"

did you noticed something else in that commercial ?
well I'm currently listening to a interview with this lawyer (Torsten van Geest) and he mentions something else in that video.
look at the aquarelle sequens in the video on 0:49 until 0:51.

Geest says: you can cut this aquarell in I think twelve single pictures and what you see is that
those football playing woman first look with neutral
faces and you see the 19 and only the 19 on the back of the shirt of one woman .
then suddenly the face expression of the womans start to change into panik faces and they run away with
hands up.

and really it seems to be like that.
I take some screenshots to show you some parts of that aquarell (maybe somebody can play this video in slowmotion and can bring all this pictures up?)
and after that aquarell scene it is dark and a firework explodes (0:56)
Thanks, Pashalis :)

Pashalis said:
I've now overflown the website.

they think that a nuclear explosion is planned in the Olympia stadium on June 26, 2011 in Berlin (on that spot and date is the
opening game of the football world championship for womans).

they show many examples of subliminal messages in movies, music etc. that supposedly anticipate this event.
to be honest I don't know what to make of this, but it really reminds me of those subliminal messages before 9 11.

two examples of those subliminal messages:
- a Song from Joe Cocker where he sings: "First We Take Manhatten Then We Take Berlin"

First Manhattan then Berlin - Leonhard Cohen prophezeite schon 1988 den 11.9. und 26.06.
[First Manhattan then Berlin - Leonard Cohen predicted 9/11 and 6/26 in 1988]

Leonard Cohen ist Freimaurer (wie die meisten Popstars) und Insider. Er erwähnt manchmal seine Freimaurer-Zugehörigkeit in interviews.
[Leonard Cohen is Freemason (like most pop stars) and insider. He sometimes mentions his Masonic affiliation in interviews.]
"I would love to be a great film maker, it’s a wonderful notion. I would also like to be a great mason, but I would like to find areas inwhich I can summon energy." (Quelle) Cohen's Loge ist die Ionic Composite Lodge No. 520, Los Angeles, und er war 1993 "WM" dieser Loge.

Leonard Cohen himself is quoted (link not working):“I’m not sure of what it means right now because I had this long voyage from Chicago. I think it means exactly what it says. It is a terrorist song."

It's a message from Satan and the ambiguity is to cloud it and mess with your mind.the key passage is: You loved me as a loser But now you're worried that I just might win You know the way to stop me But you don't have the discipline. That means you could say no to war and greed and call for God at any point but you are too asleep to do it. Too lost. Too indifferent. Too poor discipline.The purpose is twofold. One to make you afraid, to make you give up and surrender to evil. Two is as a warning to those with ears to hear that they need to connect with God while there is still time (Satan doesn't necessarily know about the second reason). this world will fall and only those with faith will make it. I know most of you will not be able to accept that but I didn't say it would be easy. only that it would be the truth. Rolling Stones has a similar song."

Lyrics on the same page. By the way, the above seems to be stolen from this site: _http://www.songmeanings.net/m/song/71607/
without providing the source. Perhaps because they were speculating about different events back then?

Just a theory about this 1988 great song, but facts are facts:

1.- 1989 First African-American elected mayor of New York City: David Dinkins
2.- 1989 Berlin wall demolition, december

isn't it clear?

Here is what Cohen actually said:

Toronto November 1988 Concert and backstage FM Interview
Oh comrades you're very kind and very warm but kind as you are and warm as you are, it will not deter me from my appointed task. Which is to take Manhattan and then Berlin and any other cities and do with them as I will.

Backstage Interview

I’m not sure of what it means right now because I had this long voyage from Chicago. I think it means exactly what it says. It is a terrorist song.
I think it's a response to terrorism. There's something about terrorism that I've always admired. The fact that there are no alibis or no compromises. That position is always very attractive. I don't like it when it's manifested on the physical plane - I don't really enjoy the terrorist activities – buy Psychic Terrorism. I remember there was a great poem by Irving Layton that I once read, I'll give you a paraphrase of it. It was 'well, you guys blow up an occasional airline and kill a few children here and there', he says. 'But our terrorists, Jesus, Freud, Marx, Einstein. The whole world is still quaking...

Pashalis said:
I live in germany and this makes me concerned if there is really somethingt up to it ?
is it just fear mongering for no reason or is there really something going on .

I understand your concern, but as always it's knowledge that protects. Can you find anything in German without this spin added by Philip Mikas who owns that site? I don't think he is a reliable source. Have a look:


Here is another his website: _http://cellularcosmology.com/

P said:
well of course. these guys from the website know that this Al Qaeda thing is just a excuse.

What did you mean exactly? Could you elaborate a little bit and be more specific?
Pashalis said:
did you noticed something else in that commercial ?
well I'm currently listening to a interview with this lawyer (Torsten van Geest) and he mentions something else in that video.
look at the aquarelle sequens in the video on 0:49 until 0:51.

Geest says: you can cut this aquarell in I think twelve single pictures and what you see is that
those football playing woman first look with neutral
faces and you see the 19 and only the 19 on the back of the shirt of one woman .
then suddenly the face expression of the womans start to change into panik faces and they run away with
hands up.

and really it seems to be like that.

It IS creepy. Here you can see the same in slow motion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj3LqMB01R4
here are the screen shots from the Nike-Commercial :











Edit: and a lot of "Bang" pictures also
It IS creepy. Here you can see the same in slow motion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj3LqMB01R4
just saw it. yes creepy
Possibility of Being said:
P said:
well of course. these guys from the website know that this Al Qaeda thing is just a excuse.

What did you mean exactly? Could you elaborate a little bit and be more specific?

sorry that sentence should have been that way:
well of course. these guys from the website seem to know that this Al Qaeda thing is to distract from the real sources behind it (aka false flag).
does this clear this up ?
and by the way from the interview I'm currently listening with this lawyer (Torsten van Geest) it seems that he is not connected with
this website _http://26-06-2011.de/

Edit: the interview with the lawyer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-tjPRhGj3g&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
Laura said:
Well, since that is the time of the Taurid meteor shower, who knows? Maybe a Tunguska like event somewhere that can be written off as a terr'ist attack so the natives don't get too restless? Anything is possible, but the future is open.

This makes me think of the excerpts you quoted from the Odyssey thread from Louden's book about the apocalypse motif:

Anu’s mediation of Ishtar’s wrath in this council implies three possible
degrees of apocalypse, presented in descending order. Ishtar’s initial threat
to unleash the dead so that they eat the living would probably result in the
destruction of all or most human life, a full-scale apocalypse:

If you don’t give me the Bull of Heaven . . .
I shall set my face toward the infernal regions,
I shall raise up the dead and they will eat the living,
I shall make the dead outnumber the living!
Gilgamesh VI.iii9

Full-scale apocalypse is also extant in Noah’s flood (itself modeled on
the earlier Mesopotamian myth of Utnapishtim/Ziusudra), and Hesiod’s
earlier races (of Gold, Silver, and the first Bronze race).

Anu’s concern that the Bull would cause seven years of famine in Uruk,
which would perhaps destroy the population, represents a middle degree
of apocalypse, the destruction of an entire city

On no account should you request the Bull of Heaven from me!
There would be seven years of chaff in the land of Uruk.
Gilgamesh VI.iii

This middle degree, the destruction of a whole city (often leaving a lone
survivor, “the one just man,” discussed in Chapter 13), is the most common
degree of apocalypse in ancient myth, manifest not only here in Anu’s
concern for Uruk, but in the myth of Troy, in the myth of Sodom and
Gomorrah, in Ovid’s Baucis and Philemon (Metamorphoses 8), in Poseidon’s
initial wish to punish the entire city of the Phaiakians (Od. 13.152), and
in many others (cf. Works and Days 240–1; discussion at Louden 2006:

Anu here mediates Ishtar’s wrath, persuading her to adopt the lowest of
the three levels of apocalyptic destruction. Her subsequent annihilation of
several hundred people instead of the majority of the race, or the whole
city, is a significantly lower degree of destruction, which I call a contained

Sometimes these dates these folks pick have some special significance in cosmic terms. I'm thinking back to all the hoopla they made about the alignment with Comet Elenin and how instead of a complete pole shift, as some of them were predicting, we got a Tsunami in Japan that's now spewing radiation all across the Northern Hemisphere. Still a big deal, but nowhere on the scale they were expecting. Or how the Joplin tornado occured (right in the middle of the 'bible belt') on the same day as the predicted 'rapture' event? The end is always sometime somewhere, it seems...

Were these examples of some 4th Density dynamics that folks picked up on but didn't understand all the negotiating factors between the 'gods', so everything came out different than they expected? Or am I giving them too much credit and these folks were really just the tools of 4D trying to stir up fear? Maybe a little of both?

Then again, maybe I'm mixing apples and oranges here and the apocalypse motif has nothing to do with physical apocalypse...
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