What's going on in Africa...

Les valeurs occidentales arrivent en Afrique !
Construire un hôpital ? Un puits supplémentaire avec de l'eau potable ? Production alimentaire?
Non, il est préférable d’introduire des codes QR pour accroître le contrôle sur la quantité négligeable d’eau disponible.
Oui, le Nigeria met en œuvre le programme du WEF visant à introduire un code QR pour obtenir des avantages de base.
Western values are coming to Africa!Build a hospital? An additional well with drinking water? Food production?No, it is better to introduce QR codes to increase control over the negligible amount of water available.Yes, Nigeria is implementing the WEF program to introduce QR code to obtain basic benefits.
From here in french (picture from X):

Russian Deputy Defense Minister in Niger to strengthen military cooperation


In Niger, the military authorities received the Russian Deputy Minister of Defense, who is also the new head of the Wagner Group. This is the first official visit by a member of the Russian government since the July 26 putsch, with the aim of strengthening military cooperation between Niger and Russia, at a time when the authorities in Niamey are turning their backs on their Western partners in this field.

Published on: 04/12/2023 - 21:04

After being received in Bamako on Sunday December 3, the Russian delegation led by Deputy Defense Minister Yunus-Bek Yevkurov was received in Niamey on Monday December 4 by General Abdourahamane Tiani.

According to the Niger authorities, the key event was "the signing of documents to strengthen military cooperation" between Russia and Niger.

The documents were signed by Niger's Minister of Defense, Salifou Modi, and his Russian counterpart, Yunus Bek Yevkurov, with great fanfare and in the presence of several high-ranking members of the military junta. Nothing has been revealed about the content of these military cooperation agreements, which in the past were essentially limited to the training of intelligence officers and, above all, Nigerien pilots.

With the security crisis, Niger is also buying more and more military equipment, weapons, ammunition and combat helicopters from Russia. The new document could also provide for the arrival of Russian instructors.

Will Niger call on the Wagner group? Opinions are still divided within the junta. But this first visit by a Russian minister to Niamey since the putsch reinforces Moscow's presence in the Sahel. At a time when the American ambassador to Niger is still presenting a copy of her credentials to the Niamey authorities, and when the European Union has been notified, on the same day, of the end of its military partnership with Niger, with six months for its Eucap Sahel Niger mission to leave the country. A further act of rupture by Niamey with its Western partners.

This decision comes a few days after the repeal of the 2005 immigration law, largely drafted with EU support, and just over two months after securing the departure of French troops from Niger."

"Guinea Bissau: President Embalo dissolves opposition-dominated Parliament, a new crisis on the horizon "

Au Niger, la France est le dindon d’une farce géopolitique
Par Jean-Michel Lavoizard - Le Niger n’est plus qu’un terrain d’affrontement indirect entre les États-Unis, la Chine et la Russie.
À l’approche des festivités de fin d’année, la France remporte le prix géopolitique du « dindon de la farce ». En effet, les médias publics rapportent que les États-Unis renforcent leur relation avec la junte qui a renversé, le 26 juillet dernier, le Président du Niger alors en exercice, Mohamed Bazoum.
La chaine publique Radio France Internationale souligne laconiquement l’apparente contradiction selon laquelle « Malgré leur condamnation du coup d'État perpétré fin juillet, les Américains avaient envoyé une diplomate en poste à Niamey. Kathleen FitzGibbon était arrivée dans le pays mi-août. […] Samedi 2 décembre, elle a franchi une nouvelle étape en remettant les copies figurées de ses lettres de créance aux autorités. Un geste apprécié par la junte. » Faut-il être aveugle, incompétent ou de mauvaise foi, ou les trois, pour s’étonner de l’évolution d’une situation si mal gérée par la France, largement responsable de ses causes et de ses conséquences ?
Le rejet de la France comme catalyseur d’une sourde colère
En septembre 2022, dans cette tribune, alors que le Premier ministre par intérim du Mali, lors d’un discours marquant au siège des Nations Unies, avait retoqué pour son ingérence le ministre des Affaires étrangères français, nous avions constaté que le Mali a un atout face à la France : il agit en tant que souverain dans son pays, alors que la France intervient depuis l’étranger comme redresseur de torts. Nous avons également noté que les populations africaines n’aspirent pas à la stabilité quand celle-ci n’est qu’immobilisme social et accaparement, par une minorité protégée, des richesses du pays au détriment de son développement. La paix n’est pas l’absence de guerre, et le fossé entre les « élites » et les populations ne cessait de s’aggraver. Celles-ci attendent de leurs dirigeants qu’ils redistribuent une part décente des ressources nationales et des aides internationales (« après détournements », comme on dirait « après impôts ») et qu’ils leur assurent un coût de la vie supportable, l’accès à des soins médicaux et à une éducation dignes de ce nom, secteurs sinistrés en Afrique quoique perfusés d’argent international.
À ce sujet — Réquisitoire malien contre les autorités françaises : l’effet boomerang d’une politique d’ingérence
Le mois suivant, au lendemain d’un putsch au Burkina Faso, nous avions témoigné ici que, vu d’Afrique, on assiste à l’enchainement inéluctable de « printemps africains » qui se succèdent depuis une décennie dans les pays francophones, soulèvements populaires dont les causes (mauvaise gouvernance, désespérance, ingérences) et leurs conséquences (insécurité, précarité, révoltes) sont évidentes. Aucun pays n’était désormais à l’abri. Et que le rejet de la France n’est pas la cause profonde de ces « événements », mais le catalyseur d’une immense frustration et d’une sourde colère envers des dirigeants défaillants et prédateurs soutenus par elle, ou perçus comme tels. Ce serait d’ailleurs exagérer l’importance, décroissante, et l’influence, déclinante, de la France comme puissance politique et économique.
Lâchée par ses alliés africains et bernée par les États-Unis
Dès le lendemain de la prise de pouvoir au Niger par les putschistes, le 26 juillet dernier, nous avions anticipé avec raison que « l’ultime ultimatum » de la France aux putschistes ne serait pas suivi d’effet. Lâchée par ses alliés africains, pourtant premiers intéressés, son bluff sans suite faute de volonté ni de moyens, n’a fait que la discréditer un peu plus sur la scène internationale. Le psychodrame affligeant qui a suivi l’entêtement de l’État français, où la diplomatie de long terme a été sacrifiée à une politique étrangère fébrile et contreproductive, s’est achevé avec l’expulsion humiliante, dans des conditions imposées, des troupes françaises, sous protection préventive, depuis Abidjan, du prestigieux 2e Régiment Étranger de Parachutistes (2e REP). Quarante-cinq ans après la bataille de Kolwezi, la pilule est amère.
Ainsi, la France est le dindon d'une mauvaise farce géopolitique, lâchée par ses alliés africains et bernée par les États-Unis, son pire allié en Afrique. La leçon de Dien Bien Phu a été oubliée. L’œuvre macronienne de déconstruction de la France sur son sol, et de déclassement à l’extérieur par des élites hors-sol, est en marche forcée. Comme ailleurs, le Niger n’est plus qu’un terrain d’affrontement indirect entre trois puissances internationales, les États-Unis dominants, la Chine omniprésente et la Russie, déjà présente et conquérante.
In Niger, France is the turkey of a geopolitical farceBy Jean-Michel Lavoizard - Niger is no longer anything more than an area of indirect confrontation between the United States, China and Russia.
As the end-of-year festivities approach, France wins the geopolitical prize for “farce turkey”. Indeed, public media report that the United States is strengthening its relationship with the junta which overthrew, on July 26, the then President of Niger, Mohamed Bazoum.The public channel Radio France Internationale laconically underlines the apparent contradiction according to which “Despite their condemnation of the coup d'état perpetrated at the end of July, the Americans had sent a diplomat stationed in Niamey. Kathleen FitzGibbon arrived in the country in mid-August. […] Saturday, December 2, she took a new step by handing over the figurative copies of her credentials to the authorities. A gesture appreciated by the junta. » Do we have to be blind, incompetent or in bad faith, or all three, to be surprised by the evolution of a situation so poorly managed by France, largely responsible for its causes and its consequences?The rejection of France as a catalyst for dull angerIn September 2022, in this forum, while the interim Prime Minister of Mali, during a landmark speech at the United Nations headquarters, rebuked the French Minister of Foreign Affairs for his interference, we noted that Mali has a advantage over France: he acts as sovereign in his country, while France intervenes from abroad as a righter of wrongs. We have also noted that African populations do not aspire to stability when this is only social immobility and monopolization, by a protected minority, of the country's wealth to the detriment of its development. Peace is not the absence of war, and the gap between the “elites” and the populations continued to worsen. They expect their leaders to redistribute a decent share of national resources and international aid ("after embezzlement", as we would say "after taxes") and to ensure a bearable cost of living, the access to medical care and education worthy of the name, disaster areas in Africa although infused with international money.On this subject — Malian indictment against the French authorities: the boomerang effect of a policy of interferenceThe following month, the day after a putsch in Burkina Faso, we testified here that, seen from Africa, we are witnessing the inevitable sequence of "African springs" which have followed one another for a decade in French-speaking countries, popular uprisings whose causes (bad governance, despair, interference) and their consequences (insecurity, precariousness, revolts) are obvious. No country was now safe. And that the rejection of France is not the root cause of these “events”, but the catalyst of immense frustration and dull anger towards failing and predatory leaders supported by it, or perceived as such. This would also be exaggerating the decreasing importance and declining influence of France as a political and economic power.Abandoned by its African allies and fooled by the United StatesThe day after the takeover of power in Niger by the putschists, on July 26, we rightly anticipated that France's “ultimate ultimatum” to the putschists would not have any effect. Abandoned by her African allies, who were the first interested parties, her bluff without follow-up due to lack of will or means, only served to discredit her a little more on the international scene. The distressing psychodrama which followed the stubbornness of the French state, where long-term diplomacy was sacrificed to a feverish and counterproductive foreign policy, ended with the humiliating expulsion, under imposed conditions, of French troops , under preventive protection, from Abidjan, of the prestigious 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment (2nd REP). Forty-five years after the Battle of Kolwezi, the pill is bitter.Thus, France is the turkey of a bad geopolitical joke, abandoned by its African allies and fooled by the United States, its worst ally in Africa. The lesson of Dien Bien Phu has been forgotten. The Macronian work of deconstruction of France on its soil, and of downgrading abroad by elites above ground, is in full swing. As elsewhere, Niger is nothing more than an area of indirect confrontation between three international powers, the dominant United States, omnipresent China and Russia, already present and conquering.
Could fit in many other threads...

Death toll rises after explosion and fire at Guinea fuel depot​

Foreign rescue and aid workers, along with the UN and volunteers, rallied Tuesday to help victims of the explosion and fire at Guinea's main oil depot on Monday that killed 18 people, injured 212 others and prompted concerns about fuel supplies.

Issued on: 20/12/2023 - 04:56

Des pompiers sur les lieux d'un incendie sur un terminal pétrolier de Conakry, le 18 décembre 2023.
Firemen monitor the fire after a blast at an oil terminal in Conakry, Guinea December 18, 2023.

Volunteers collected food donations for those in need after the blast at the state oil company's main depot in the Kaloum district of the capital, Conakry, near the port.
The explosion, whose cause is still unknown, wreaked damage to buildings over a radius of more than one kilometre (0.6 miles).
Windows were shattered in several buildings in the port area, including a modern district which is home to banks and insurance companies.
"Despite the efforts by medical teams, we lament four new deaths today, bringing the total to 18," the government said in a statement.
"Of the 212 people treated by health workers, 127 have returned to their homes and 85 people are still hospitalised, including four in intensive care," it said.
Dozens of people came forward to help in whatever way they could.
Accountant and business manager Mariame Diallo said she was going around shops collecting donations and taking them to a drop-off point at a mosque.
"We are in the process of collecting everything that goodwill brings us," said Abdouramane Sylla, another volunteer.
"We have a vehicle loaned by the city hall to transport this material."
International help was also on hand.
A 24-member team of Senegalese rescuers, including 15 military doctors and eight firefighting specialists, arrived late Monday, Senegal's defence ministry said, adding that further teams would follow.
A French assistance and support team is on ground in the country, France's foreign ministry said on social media.
And the United Nations said in a statement it was providing tents, water tanks, mobile toilets, medicines and other essential supplies.

Anxious residents​

After authorities urged people to stay home Monday, some workers headed out on Tuesday, but others feared another explosion.
The fire was brought under control on Monday, authorities said, but smoke continued to billow from the disaster site as firefighters continued to work Tuesday.
"I'm waiting to see how the day is going to go before going over there, because my office is a few minutes from the port and from the fuel depot centre," Lamine Diallo said.
In central Conakry, offices, banks and insurance offices remained closed, and the district around the port is deserted after residents fled.
Service stations are temporarily closed across the country over concerns of fuel shortages, and many people avoided taking their cars, though the government said Tuesday that fuel supplies had resumed across the nation.
The government "wants us to believe that there will not be a fuel shortage, which I doubt," lorry driver Souleymane Traore said.
The government said it was carrying out an assessment of fuel needs and supplies.

The fire was brought under control Monday afternoon but smoke was still rising from the site. Soldiers were preventing traffic entering the area.
A legal investigation has been opened to establish the cause and responsibilities of the incident.
Guinea has been ruled since September 2021 when a junta led by Colonel Mamady Doumbouya overthrew civilian president Alpha Conde.
Doumbouya has promised to hold elections and restore civilian rule by January 2026"

And from here in french, excerpts:

Deadly fire in Guinea: 3-day national mourning, downtown Conakry paralyzed

The head of Guinea's ruling military, Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, announced on Wednesday evening a three-day national mourning period in tribute to the victims of the deadly explosion and fire at the country's main fuel depot in Conakry. The capital's city center was still paralyzed on Wednesday following the tragedy which occurred on Sunday night. "In the face of this painful ordeal, I declare a three-day national mourning starting Thursday" in tribute to the 18 people killed and more than 200 injured in the disaster, said Colonel Doumbouya, who overthrew President Alpha Condé, who had been in power for more than 10 years, in a speech on Guinean public television in September 2021.

Of 212 people admitted to health facilities, 127 have returned home, while 85 are still hospitalized, including four in intensive care, the government said on Tuesday evening. It also announced the resumption of diesel supplies in the country, although the restriction on tankers was maintained. On Wednesday morning, drivers and motorcycle cab drivers invaded filling stations in several localities to demand gasoline. As a result, most service stations remained closed for fear of being attacked, AFP noted, leading to a sharp rise in the price of petrol on the black market.
The emergence of multipolarity will contribute to such things for a while.
A military crisis is brewing between Mali and Algeria
Mali summoned its ambassador from Algeria for consultations in Bamako on December 22 on the principle of reciprocity, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mali. The decision was a response to the increased tensions between the two countries this week.

Earlier, two days ago, the Algerian ambassador to Bamako was summoned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mali due to "unfriendly actions" and "interference" of Algeria in the "internal affairs" of Mali. Meetings of the Algerian ambassador with Tuareg separatists without the participation of the Malian authorities caused particular indignation in Bamako. The situation was also aggravated by the meeting in Algeria on December 19 of President Abdelmajid Tebboun with the famous Malian religious and political figure Imam Mahmoud Dikko, known for his open criticism of the Malian authorities.

Mali has protested in response to recent "unfriendly actions" committed by the Algerian authorities under the guise of participating in the peace process in Mali. Algeria is the main mediator in the peace process in northern Mali, following an agreement signed in 2015 between the Malian Government and armed groups, mainly Tuareg, known as the Algiers Agreement. It is known that Algeria is ready to provide assistance to Malian formations, since the agreements between the authorities and local tribes were violated by Bamako – Malian troops attacked local formations contrary to existing agreements.
Между Мали и Алжиром назревает военный кризис
For reference
Remadji Hoinathy: 'In Chad, France doesn't seem to understand anything other than preserving stability'
The Chadian anthropologist believes we need to go beyond the 'mechanical perception,' which has put his country 'on a knife edge,' meaning it 'could topple over at any moment.'

I guess the moment had come.


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Africa at war with WHO?...
Wonderful Africans! They gave us lessons during Covid, most countries treated, cured with Ivermectin, Hydroxychloriquine, Artemesia Annua, didn't confine, didn't force to wear muzzles, didn't impose the pass of shame.
And now, a coalition of African scientists warns of a strengthened WHO. The pandemic treaty and WHO reform could lead to the arbitrary confinement of Africa. Behind WHO reform plans lurks "colonialism", says the group.
The group argues that confinements are an "unscientific instrument" that causes "considerable damage", particularly to countries with weaker economies. Economically weaker classes would hit a confinement well and hard. Especially for Africa, with its informal structures, containment is by no means a useful instrument.
"First step of freedom": After the "cowboy landing", the US delegation failed to secure meeting with the country's leader General Abdourahamane Tchiani, to negotiate a renewal of the military agreement, so there will be no US boots on the ground in Niger.

“Niger regrets the intention of the American delegation to deny the sovereign Nigerien people the right to choose their partners and types of partnerships capable of truly helping them fight against terrorism,” Abdramane said. The spokesman added that the American delegation has behaved in breach of diplomatic protocols, and did not even inform the hosts about the agenda and the date of their arrival.
Senegal is Senegal, I wish them all the best, but I must admit that Macron is more interesting in this situation for me. There is a version that he is so belligerent lately because of the desire to take revenge on Russia for losing positions in Africa. That he will now want to fight Russia even more?
France is suffering a fiasco in Senegal. A pro-Russian candidate wins the presidential election
The Reuters news agency, citing data from the National Autonomous Electoral Commission of Senegal, reported that opposition candidate Bassir Diomaye Fai won 53.7% of the vote in the presidential elections held in Senegal the day before.

Diomaye Faye's main competitor, representative of the ruling coalition Amadou Ba, received 36.2%. The agency notes that these data are preliminary and were received after the counting of ballots at 90% of polling stations. The official results of the elections have not yet been made public.

Meanwhile, the current President of Senegal, Macky Sal and Amadou Ba, have already congratulated Diomaye Faye on winning the first round of the presidential election.

Presidential elections were held in Senegal on Sunday. 19 candidates took part in them — more than in the entire history of the country.

Opposition leader Usman Sonko, who was released from prison last week, supported the candidacy of Faye, who was released with him. The court's verdict prohibits Sonko himself from participating in the elections.

Other candidates include Amadou Ba (who served as prime minister from 2022 to 2024), former Prime Minister Idrissa Seck (2002-2004) and Khalifa Sall, the former mayor of Dakar. The current President, Maki Sali, is prohibited by the constitution from being elected for a third term, and previously he unsuccessfully tried to postpone the elections until the end of the year.

"An opposition candidate seeking to break agreements with France and establish relations with Russia won the elections in Senegal. The collapse of France's colonial empire in Africa continues. Hence the pathetic growl of Macron, who squandered the entire legacy of the French colonialists," said blogger Boris Rozhin.

"Good news is coming from Senegal. Fellow Negroes held elections and the winning candidate pointed to the door with a calloused, overworked hand to the French, which plunged the French president into a state of despondency. The African comrades choose Russia as a partner. It's good!" — said the author of the telegram channel "Club Service".
ФÑанÑÐ¸Ñ ÑеÑÐ¿Ð¸Ñ ÑиаÑко в Сенегале. Ðа вÑбоÑÐ°Ñ Ð¿ÑезиденÑа Ð¿Ð¾Ð±ÐµÐ¶Ð´Ð°ÐµÑ Ð¿ÑоÑоÑÑийÑкий кандидаÑ

Сенегал Сенегалом, я им желаю всего хорошего, но меня признаться в этой ситуации больше интересует Макрон. Существует версия, что он такой воинственный а последнее время из-за желания мести России за потери позиций в Африке. Что он теперь еще больше захочет воевать с Россией?
Africa press review, April 5:
Jeune Afrique: Diomaye-Sonko, an unprecedented pairing to lead Senegal
Actualité: DR Congo: who is Judith Tuluka?
Midi Madagasikara: Îles éparses: a distant claim on the regime's political agenda
La Nouvelle Tribune: Benin: record price hikes for basic necessities
Aujourd'hui le Maroc: Green hydrogen: France and USA first to bid for Morocco's Offer
Even more news: subscribe free of charge to the TASS Information Service in French (Терминал ТАСС)
The Afrika Korps is starting to act.
Russian military specialists have arrived in Niger

Russia continues to increase its military presence in Africa. A team of specialists has been sent to Niger to train the local army. They have already arrived in the capital of Niamey.

Reports on the intentions of the Niger authorities to invite Russian military specialists began to arrive last autumn. The situation in this country is quite tense, there are a number of radical Islamist groups operating there, including the Islamic State terrorist organization banned in Russia. In addition, military bases of the United States and France are located in Niger, which are in unfriendly relations with the new authorities of the country.

The first group of our military specialists has been delivered to Niamey Airport. An Il-76 transport aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces was used for the transfer. The video of the Russians' arrival in the capital of Niger was published in the telegram channel of the Afrika Korps, a structure that defends the interests of our country in Africa.

Recall that in recent years, Russia has been actively strengthening its position on the African continent. And it all started with the appearance of the Wagner Group specialists in the CAR in January 2018, who managed to strengthen the army of this country and returned power over its territory to the legitimate government of President Touadera.
РоÑÑийÑкие военнÑе ÑпеÑиалиÑÑÑ Ð¿ÑибÑли в ÐигеÑ
Africa press review, April 12:
Le Pays: Kagame and Blinken clash over the Rwandan genocide: be careful not to awaken old demons!
L'Économiste maghrébin: commemorating Martyrs' Day: remembering the legacy of the struggle for freedom
Journal du Cameroun: Cameroon-telephony: Paul Atanga Nji gives operators 60 days to transmit the number of SIM cards sold in crisis zones.
L'Opinion: Morocco has the highest average monthly wage in Africa
La presse de Tunisie: irregular sub-Saharan migrants: The complexity of the migration phenomenon makes it difficult to combat
Even more news: subscribe free of charge to the TASS Information Service in French (Терминал ТАСС)

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
In Niger, hundreds of demonstrators waving Russian flags demanded the withdrawal of US troops.
Nigerians staged a protest against the presence of US troops in the country just days after Russia sent its military equipment and trainers.
Around a thousand US troops are stationed at a remote base in the Niger desert, from where they use drones to track down extremist groups in the country and throughout the region.

Russia is strengthening in Africa.
President of the CAR Touadera: the Russian military base may appear in the east of the country

The Central African Republic is considering the eastern region of the country for the deployment of a Russian military base, which will ensure the security of the republic's borders. This was announced on April 19 by the President of the CAR Faustin-Arcange Touadera.

"I believe that the eastern region can be used for this, which is very extensive, which is located at a very great distance, and where there are many negative forces. This could help secure the borders, help cover our forces, and ensure security in these areas. I think that it is during the development of our cooperation with the Russian Federation that we will analyze this situation," he said in an interview with RTVI, speaking about the possibility of deploying a Russian military base in the country.

The President of the Republic said that the CAR, with the help of Russian instructors, has trained more than 10 thousand young servicemen.

"We decided that we need to focus not only on military training and the like, but we wanted to educate truly patriotic forces who love their country. And we are working with Russian instructors in this direction, and everything is going well," he said.

According to him, the CAR is interested in cooperation with the Russian Federation in the field of hydro and solar energy. He did not rule out that investors in these areas will be able to visit the country.

"We know that the Russian Federation has technologies in the field of hydropower that are suitable for our conditions. I think it's important. We can cooperate on this issue," Touadera stressed.

In addition, the CAR sent invitations to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to visit the Central African Republic.

"Of course, we want President Putin to visit the Central African Republic one day. By the way, we even sent invitations for him and for Minister Lavrov," the leader of the republic added.

"We need a Russian military base"
The CAR's Ambassador to the Russian Federation Leon Dodon-Punagaza — on cooperation with Moscow, the peace initiative on Ukraine and the investigation of the assassination attempt on the head of the Russian House
In January, the Russian Embassy in the Central African Republic reported on the discussion of the creation of a Russian military base in the country. At the same time, the agency did not specify information about the number of the contingent and the exact dates of its arrival in the CAR. In turn, the Russian Ambassador to Bangui, Alexander Bikantov, noted that the appearance of a Russian military base in the CAR will help solve security problems in this country.

Later, at the end of March, Bikantov said that Russia and the Central African Republic were discussing the location of a Russian military base in the country. He added that it is "still difficult to talk about specific deadlines."
Президент ЦАР указал на возможность появления военной базы РФ на востоке страны

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