What's on your mind...? Just questions...

If I could add to what Belibaste posted, it would be to continue with the self-observation. I found that creating a list of the things or situations that seem to have the worst or most impact on myself was a great starting point. I started looking at these situations, one at a time, and would try to find everything possible that might be connected. I found on many occasions that when focusing on one specific situation, my self-observations would lead back to or tie in to other situations. I began to see how so many things were interconnected to the same events in my past. Most of my programs or little i's were/are connected to the same few events or types of events. In other words, many of the problems I had, and still have are derived from the same repeated situations that I can now connect with how my parents acted at that time. Many times the actions of my parents were exactly the same on numerous occasions. Without doing the work and looking at them in an objective manner, I would have never been able to 'see' the effect and connection on how I was acting or reacting now. Each time you discover something, it builds on what you have learned before, and you just keep building and learning, one step at a time.

My only other thought is that you are doing the right thing when it comes to networking with others here. I made the mistake of not networking and trying to do all this on my own. It does not work well at all, and I wasted a lot of time trying to do it alone. FWIW

[quote author=Cyrus Wallace]
(If there is any soul on my body)[/quote]

[quote author=Cyrus Wallace]
But, If I'm souless, an OP or a Physchopath... [/quote]

[quote author=Cyrus Wallace]
Is there the possibility that being souless is the reason of this constant "Stucking" in my search of knowledge?

[quote author=Cyrus Wallace]
I guess that having or not a soul, will no stop me to find out what's going in here.[/quote]

[quote author=Cyrus Wallace]
I would like to know if I'm souless or not, that is one step of my self-discovery. [/quote]

[quote author=Cyrus Wallace]
If I'm souless, that could be the end of my inner struggle knowing my purpose here.[/quote]

[quote author=Oxajil]
But do we even know if 'souls' even exist? And what if it turns out that you don't have a soul?[/quote]

From the Cassiopaean Transcripts:

Q: (L) I would say that the chief thing they are saying is that
the really good ones - you could never tell except by long
observation.  The one key we discovered from studying
psychopaths was that their actions do not match their words.
But what if that is a symptom of just being weak and having no
will? (A) How can I know if I have a soul?
A: Do you ever hurt for another?

Q: (V) I think they are talking about empathy.  These soulless
humans simply don't care what happens to another person.  If
another person is in pain or misery, they don't know how to
A: The only pain they experience is "withdrawal" of "food" or
comfort, or what they want. They are also masters of twisting
perception of others so as to seem to be empathetic.  But, in
general, such actions are simply to retain control.

It is my understanding thus far from the information (hypothesis) on the forum regarding organic portals and souled individuals (double humanity – adamic / pre-adamic) that you are what you are. But when I searched for “soul” using the search function, to locate the section from the transcripts I quoted above, I came across this old threat which differs a bit from my current understanding:


[quote author=anart]
Again, every human being on this planet is an organic portal until they choose to do the Work to not be one any longer. I don't know for certain that I have a soul, though I hope that my efforts may help me develop one[/quote]

I’m aware that Gurdjieff said that no-one has a soul until they grow one, and I also remember someone somewhere on this forum saying something to the effect that Gurdjieff probably said that to create a sense of urgency in his students and to provide an “incentive” to do the Work.

I’ll have to go back to the threads regarding OPs. Anart, did you employ the same tactics as Gurdjieff, or is it a matter of new revelations that keep coming through the transcripts and other related research and thus causing the hypothesis to take new form as the information is gathered?
Erna said:
anart said:
Again, every human being on this planet is an organic portal until they choose to do the Work to not be one any longer. I don't know for certain that I have a soul, though I hope that my efforts may help me develop one

I’m aware that Gurdjieff said that no-one has a soul until they grow one, and I also remember someone somewhere on this forum saying something to the effect that Gurdjieff probably said that to create a sense of urgency in his students and to provide an “incentive” to do the Work.

I’ll have to go back to the threads regarding OPs. Anart, did you employ the same tactics as Gurdjieff, or is it a matter of new revelations that keep coming through the transcripts and other related research and thus causing the hypothesis to take new form as the information is gathered?

Hi Erna,

My statement could have been made in a more clear way.  I could have probably phrased it as, 'every human being on this planet is, for all intents and purposes, an organic portal...'.

My point was that even those with a seed of a soul are no different from an organic portal as long as they are 'asleep' - as long as they are run wholly by their programs and reactions - as long as they cannot 'Do'.  There is no practical difference between an OP and a sleeping potentially souled individual, since as long as one is 'sleeping', they are a machine.

Until I started to begin to awaken (and I am not there yet!) - I was a complete machine - no different, really, from an OP - in action, intent, experience - to awaken is to Be - and to be able to actually Do - neither of which is something an OP, or a 'sleeping' potentially souled individual can experience.

The only difference might lie in the fact that a potentially souled individual has the opportunity to, or capability to, be more, if they so choose, and actually do the Work. However, with that said, it is also my understanding that all there is is lessons and this too applies to OPs. OPs are also either evolving or devolving, as it were - and I think that no effort is wasted in this enormous school - especially disinterested efforts that aim to benefit others as well.

I hope that clarifies it.  As far as whether or not I have an individuated soul (or that potential) - I'm still not prepared to say unequivocally that I do - I only know that I am driven to Work every day to try to become 'Real' - and to help others do the same in any way I can, if they so choose. 

I hope that clarifies my take on it a little bit more - and as always, this is just my current understanding.  :)
I understand what you mean Anart. Yes, it clarifies it for me. The none-soul thing just didn't sit well with me :( Although that in itself is probably meaningless since I'm fast asleep.

I'm still in the very early stages of reading the material of what this forum is actually about. Took me a while. Decided to follow someone else on the forum's advice and start with ISOTM instead. I'd better get back to it  ;)
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