What's the weather where you are?

IMHO, the clash of densities was observed yesterday afternoon at this local.

Sheets of rain accompanied this event, and the thunderclaps were some of the loudest and longest ever experienced at this L&L.

The ground shook and rattled, and I felt the rolling sound vibrations of the thunder run through my body.

The heat is still holding in the east this evening, which is reinforcing the stormy activity of the cold front between the Pyrenees, the Massif Central, Burgundy and the Grand Est. The peak intensity of this stormy deterioration is reached between 8 and 10 p.m.

(L) You know, we were giving up on you? We already got started, so we're just going to pick up where we left off. We're going to ask our first question. We already did our introductions. Alright, so... My first question is... You guys don't get to ask questions yet! That's your punishment for being late. [laughter] I want to know what caused the crash of the Air Algerie flight number AH 5017? I would like to know what caused that crash?

A: Multiple elements were involved here. First there was a vortex of electric charge which quadrupled the power of the thunder stroke. Second, due to the vortex, there was a breach of the realm curtain. This induced EM effects which disoriented the pilots. Expect more of this sort of thing around the planet in future.

Q: (Pierre) Why was there a vortex of electric charge?

A: The current is grounded, thus more current "flow". Read Pierre's book!

Q: [laughter] (Pierre) Interesting recommendation.

(Kniall) Did you hear about this book?

(Andromeda) What about that thunderstorms that we had here the other day that was pretty intense?

A: Another vortex, except not so intense at ground level.

Q: (L) There was a question I wanted to ask, but it jumped out of my head... Yeah, we had a circular storm, and all of the thunder and lightning was like a ring, or a cyclonic motion around us and around all of France. I saw it on the radar the few times I checked.

(Pierre) And this grounding, it's due to more dust in the atmosphere. So you can retain more electric charge locally, so there's more disbalance and discharges.

(L) Does this have anything to do with the noted extreme quietness of the sun when it is supposed to be extremely active? It's supposed to be at a solar maximum, and the sun's disc was completely blank for several days.

A: Yes, as we said, the system is grounding.

Q: (L) You mean the solar system is grounding?

A: Yes.

Q: (Alana) Is this sort of thing going to happen more?

(Perceval) Yeah, that's what they said: "Expect more of this sort of thing around the planet in future."

Sheets of rain accompanied this event, and the thunderclaps were some of the loudest and longest ever experienced at this L&L.
From your session excerpt, I note EM shockwave effect on pilot brains below:

A: Multiple elements were involved here. First there was a vortex of electric charge which quadrupled the power of the thunder stroke. Second, due to the vortex, there was a breach of the realm curtain. This induced EM effects which disoriented the pilots.
We have to pay attention and remember this for airplane accidents regards pilot error, pilot disorientation. Lots of these happened, where normal air show maneuvering was trifle matter before, but our changing density and EM environment causes rogue waves apparently, evidenced by lots of smaller plane crashes: disoriented pilot brains, apparently.

Just like how computers - chock full with low voltage electric circuits - can be fried from solar flares' electric shocks, I think, because the human brain operates on weak electric signals, our bio-electric brain circuits can be function-disturbed, disoriented by strong EM waves, EM explosions. Probably EM bombs, nukes and nuke-like asteroid impacts sending forth such strong EM shock-waves should also cause such disorientation in human brains.

Atmospheric environment - where airplanes travel - apparently is very rich in such ionization anomalies, thunder thus possible density breach anomalies, from where exo-realm EM shockwaves may come through, like "extra-dimensional solar flares" can apparently reach our realm / 3D Earth.
I think, these work the same way as strong solar flares, CMEs. If these can fry electronics, I think there is good possibility that they can disorient pilots brains running on weak bio-induced electricity.
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This second type of EM shockwave flooding through a realm-breach, - different wavelength and or power? - while not frying electronics, but "fries" / disorients human brain signals, brain-waves. On the surface same can happen, Missing-411 people are reported to be disoriented suddenly. Mobile-radiation sensitive people, while walking or trekking in regions, I think, are more suspect to such anomalous disorientation events.

IIRC, its customary in Russia for people to claim headache because of geomagnetic events.
Today is the last day of winter here in NSW Australia, but for the past week it’s almost been like summer with temps getting up to 29 degrees Celsius! That’s about 12 degrees above average for this time of year. Other parts of Australia have had a cold front and high, damaging winds, while Sydney is under threat of bushfires due to high temps and wind. Very bizarre weather, for sure.

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