What's Wrong With The Bees?

This may not be a direct link http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=9414.0 that is bee specific, but having read that and then coming across this topic and remembering what I've read and in reference to the bee's in the past, there seems to be a strange coincidence here.

What if the Bee's were more capable of awareness so far as sunspots are concerned? If they, the bee's, are headed south could it be due to something about to change up north? Then there are those strange clouds on the edge of space, which I guess are becoming a more common phenomena.

As I was reading about a half hour ago in the link above there were a few statements/answers from the C's that kind of gave me pause. This is totally (or is it) imaginative speculation but this cut away from 18 march 2000 seemed to be screaming Al-Gore and An Inconvenient Truth to me:

Laura, the C's (not to dis-include anyone who was present) said:
Q: So, it could be that fast?
A: Oh yes, and faster when in response to global"warming."
Q: When you put "warming" in quotes, you obviously mean warming in more than just an ordinary sense? Is that correct?
A: And/or not really "warm."
Q: Whitley Strieber and Art Bell have published a book about a "global superstorm." Is any of the information they have given in this book fairly accurate?
A: Derived from non-human sources known for stark accuracy, when convenient.
Q: What makes it convenient at the present time for them to be "starkly accurate?"
A: Fits into plans.
Q: Plans for what?
A: Do we not know already?
Q: In other words: world conquest and the takeover of humanity?
A: Not as simple.
Q: What would make my statement more accurate?
A: Call it amalgamation.

It's very interesting. This isn't to imply anyone should be thinking "An Inconvenient Truth" by any means. It's just something that came to me while reading that series of quotes. The bee's seem, potentially, to be headed south. There's the diminishing/lack of Sun spots/solar flares. It is strange also that the Bu.Sh. regime was denying global warming and then when it was convenient, switched from implying that things were the same as ever to global warming the first year when the average temp dropped .7C in 2007. It really seems (to me) there's a tie between the bee's heading south and temperature reduction.
Metamorphosis said:
What if the Bee's were more capable of awareness so far as sunspots are concerned? If they, the bee's, are headed south could it be due to something about to change up north?

Yes, seems possible but just to clarify; my current understanding is that the migration is not due to the cold per se, but rather due to the lack of food supply during the winter months, which of course still relates to the sun.

Maybe this isn't too much of a stretch but i wonder if the Lowering of our FRV has something to do with it beyond EMF?

Bees are capable of “sonication,” the ability to shiver their muscles so quickly they emit vibrations powerful enough to knock pollen out of a flower, compact soil in their nests and scare the heck out of enemies like rattlesnakes. The bees become, in the words of sonication expert Stephen Buchmann, “living tuning forks.”1 Amazingly, these vibrations involve the wing muscles without the wings moving at all—the muscles are actually detached from the flight mechanism to create the buzz.

And also:

Honey bees (Apis mellifera) in house-hunting swarms perform vibration signals (dorsoventral abdominal vibration (DVAV)) of 18.05 ± 0.45 Hz for 1.36 ± 0.23 s throughout the house selection process. These signals are performed by a specialized subset of bees, most of whom never perform recruitment dances to nest sites. Individuals repeatedly vibrate others. The patterns of vibration signal performance are consistent with the hypothesis that it serves to activate bees for take-off, but may also activate bees to scout for nest sites.


Sounds that vibrate at the same frequency are said to resonate together, since their individual vibrations resound in the same rhythm. Is it plausible that frequencies have lowered to such an extent the bees cannot resonate any longer?
Thanks Laurel, the link about Lowering FRV was very interesting. The other information - I had no idea Bee's could do that with their muscles. It reminds me of Ultra Sonic welding, though they're likely not in the same ballpark, comparatively.

Laurel Wrote:
Sounds that vibrate at the same frequency are said to resonate together, since their individual vibrations resound in the same rhythm. Is it plausible that frequencies have lowered to such an extent the bees cannot resonate any longer?

This is implying that humans, who's FRV's are going south, so to speak, could be causing the bee's to want to get away from human populations? Kind of shooting in the dark cause I'm not sure If that is what your implying. If yes, it does make sense, given the state of humanity.
Metamorphosis said:
This is implying that humans, who's FRV's are going south, so to speak, could be causing the bee's to want to get away from human populations? Kind of shooting in the dark cause I'm not sure If that is what your implying. If yes, it does make sense, given the state of humanity.

Yes, that is what i am wondering.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me on that Laurel. Guess I was re-pointing out the obvious in what you had said. Think I was taken aback by seeing, err well, feeling a kind of strange awareness at the interconnectedness of these things. Not just in reference to bee's interconnectedness between themselves and their surrounding, but the human species and the connection, or lack thereof with ourSelves and our surroundings. A light came on. :)

Had quite a few more thoughts I wanted to share but it's getting late and the thoughts are kind of falling out faster than I can type them currently. Thanks all, the links and what's been posted here left me with some interesting pieces to work at focusing on while holding together some of the other fragments I've acquired. G'nite
a Quote from Albert Einstein?!. : "if the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe,then man would have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man."

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