When C's were 3D

Arbitrium Liberum said:
Maybe answer is that they not "were" on 3d density, but they ARE on 3d density, but also ARE in the 4th, 5th, 6th, 1st, 2nd and of course 7th at the same "time", just because there is no actually "time" as we sees it at the moment (as movement from point A to point B).

If the above is true, we might then speculate that what we do in any density/reality simultaneously affects all of our "other" existences in all other densities/realities. So it might be more important than we ever imagined to seek our highest order, complete our lessons and do the Work. It would not just be for the move from 3D to 4D, it might have ramifications throughout all the densities/realms.

andi said:
It helps me think of this concept of cycles and time in terms of Photoshop layers, or any layer used by us on the computer.
For example, the are infinite possibilities of how many layers can be created in photoshop. Changing something in one layer can become visible through all the layers and be part of the top layer even if it does not belong to it. Many analogies can be drawn from here.
So top layers are dependent on the bottom layers. At any time, all layers can be merged together; etc..

So if we are able to make changes to one layer (our 3D layer), it would be visible in the collective, and the entire "picture" would be redefined.

It begs the question if we are changing anything this go around (and for what all-encompassing result?) or just repeating the cycle "as it was and always will be...world without end..."
Welcome to the Forum, Mr Fordisto...You have a lot of reading ahead...lots of answers, knowledge galore....go to it
but when the wave arrives..those that will not pass to 4d will die? or just be somehow transported to that Earth thats being made now...and will they have the knowledge we have now or will be like cave man...?
they will just reincarnate into a new life as we did from previous lives.
adrifternow said:
so will die an reincanate ,but on other earth.

According to the channeled material that I have read so far (C's, Ra) it would be something like that. People who don't "catch" the wave, will reincarnate on some 3rd density planet, and will continue their lessons on 3rd density. According to "Ra" material, it would be on some other 3rd density planet and not on Earth because Earth will be 4th density planet in that time, and thus not suitable for 3rd density life. Also according to the "Ra" material, people who goes "through" the wave will get on 4th density Earth.

Of course, all of that is just theory for now, what will be in reality . . . who knows, stays yet to be seen.
Laura said:
I think that if they are "us in the future" then we, now, are them as 3D beings.

I agree to that.
But,if the C's are us in the future,that means we made it trough the 4th density?
That means the powers that be failed in their attempt to control us?
Or it means that negative-positive energy can not exist without the other and we are sort of a see-saw,we are negative energy and then eventually we will be positive energy and so on?
Are we then an eternal cycle?
alberto said:
Laura said:
I think that if they are "us in the future" then we, now, are them as 3D beings.

I agree to that.
But,if the C's are us in the future,that means we made it trough the 4th density?
That means the powers that be failed in their attempt to control us?
Or it means that negative-positive energy can not exist without the other and we are sort of a see-saw,we are negative energy and then eventually we will be positive energy and so on?
Are we then an eternal cycle?

Hi Alberto you can find the answer if you read the wave
alberto said:
Laura said:
I think that if they are "us in the future" then we, now, are them as 3D beings.

I agree to that.
But,if the C's are us in the future,that means we made it trough the 4th density?
That means the powers that be failed in their attempt to control us?
Or it means that negative-positive energy can not exist without the other and we are sort of a see-saw,we are negative energy and then eventually we will be positive energy and so on?
Are we then an eternal cycle?

Multiple possibilities, multiple simultaneous pasts, presents and futures. Remember the Tree of Life chapter of The Wave series to understand a bit more about this.

Maybe the Cs are the future selves of those who are currently choosing to align with the creative principle or the vertical axis of being, instead of non-being. Adding to that that each person must be having several future selves in 4th density, both STS and STO... And even in 6th density... as well as several past selves and present selves, so to say... who knows?

And also remember this:

Q: So, you are us in the future, we are you in the past - when you say this, are you "us" in the future in the sense of ALL
mankind, or in the sense of any particular group of mankind?
A: In between those limited options.
Q: Could you be more explicit?
A: No, because you would not "get it."
Q: When I post material on the website, those people who resonate to the material believe that this refers to them also. I
have been of the opinion that Unified Thought Form being must mean a very large group as represented in this density. I
know that we are dealing with limiting terms. But, is this applied to people who CHOOSE the Cassiopaean option?
A: Maybe it is best to say it applies to those who recognize the application.

And then this very obscure answer:

Q: When we asked you in the session on July 30th where you were from you said Corsoca, is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: Is that a planet?
A: No.
Q: What is Corsoca?
A: Point of energy confluence between realms that reflects locator when we were 3rd level.
I'd like to place three things alongside each other for a moment and do a little speculation. First some ideas as background. Regarding Rigel and Betelgeuse as supernova candidates:

Session September 5, 1998
Q: Am I going in the right direction?
A: You have begun to trek down the right path.
Q: (L) What would be the effect of cosmic rays emitted by a supernova that is in some proximity to the earth on the human body?
A: Genetic splice of strand.
Q: (L) How close would a supernova have to be to have this effect?
A: 2000 light years.
Q: (L) So that either of these stars in Orion that are potential supernova prospects could have this effect since they are approximately 1500 light years away?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Are we talking about effects that propagate with the speed of light, or effects that are superluminal and instantaneous?
A: Both, and slower as well.
Q: (L) What would be the effect that would be instantaneous?
A: Lesser.
Q: (A) Now this supernova that is supposed to explode soon, will it be soon in the sense of our SEEING it, that is the arrival of the light from this, or soon in the instantaneous sense?
A: Optically.
Q: (L) So, this supernova must have already occurred?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And where did this supernova take place?
A: No dice, baby!

And with these things alongside each other:

the anticipated expansion of Betelgeuse which has been in the news lately, next to ...

the Cassiopaeans' response of "... Star expanded... Now: "Shocker" For you. It hasn't become a cinder yet..." from November 1994 transcripts, concerning the place where the human race was originally seeded, alongside ...

the grand cycle and its closing ( more than one thing happening "simultaneously" ).

These together might give the possibility of D'Ahnkiar being the planet in the system of Betelgeuse ( or Rigel ), at the time of the realm border crossing, which is / was / will be facing its destruction when the star expands.

Any thoughts, other insights? I haven't seen speculation about this on the forum but can't read every page!
I was perusing this thread, and when I read the quotes from the C's, I stopped and pondered. Then an odd thing happened...my head exploded! Obviously I havent created enough of the correct *cicuits* in my brain to grok everything that was said. But, the lessons keep coming. ;)
The comment made by OneSoul and this entire thread got me to thinking, that Rigel and Betelgeuse are not the only supernova events that have been making waves recently. Although the C's mentioned that we were seeded on another planet, due to become a cinder, and we are also seeded on this planet at the same 'time' as we perceive it, could we in fact be seeded on many more planets, planets specifically in close proximity to expanding/fluctuating stars? The C's say, what happens here can effect the entire mulitverse in ways we could not perceive. I hypothesise this is because at all 'times', we are in fact seeded on an infinite number of worlds and densities, connected through our realm, and hence who we are and what we do on these infinite worlds/densities will reflect on all other aspects of our ever expanding whole, helped by the communication via Arkadiuz's Kairon's and the waves of the expanding/fluctuating Stars's acting as windows for this superluminal communication to pass back and forth. As has been mentioned already, those who have worked sufficiently to understand the concepts, and thus form the neural networks, which allow us to groove our channels into channels through which we can surf the tumultous waves the Kairon's produce, would, with those who share the frequency of this realm, help ourselves in our present, to merge with ourselves in the future/past to become one with the frequency realm of our ever expanding, infininte and endless present. Is this a collinear concept?
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