When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping...


The Cosmic Force
for music :D

My poor 'ol Nomad Jukebox finally bit the big one, so I went got a shiny new ipod classic with 160 gigs of space for nothing but music I've been working very hard lately, so I decided I deserved a treat. :lol:

Well, a girl just can't get a shiny new ipod without shiny new music to go on it, so I'm cruising this board to see what other members are enjoying. I like all kinds of music, but I'm especially partial to groups like Bond, Balkan Beat Box, Gaelic Thunder, Lesiem, etc. I think the iTunes store might have every song ever published. I can tell right now I'm gonna go broke at 62 cents a song ;)

Anyone else like upbeat songs in languages you don't understand?

Edited to add: I got so excited I put this post on the wrong board. Would a mod PLEASE move it to music? I'm sorry, my ears are so full, my brain's running slow :lol:
You may enjoy the work of Manu Chao -

wikipedia said:
Manu Chao (born José-Manuel Thomas Arthur Chao on June 21, 1961), is a French folk singer of Spanish origin (Basque and Galician). He sings in French, Spanish, English, Arabic, and Portuguese and occasionally in other languages. Chao began his musical career with Hot Pants, a French band that combined several musical styles and languages. With friends and his brother Antoine Chao, he founded the band Mano Negra in 1987. He became a solo artist after its breakup in 1995.

I'm a fan of his first solo album Clandestino.

Also I would suggest typing the bands you like into Pandora and seeing what it comes up with as similar music. I've found many new bands that way.
Guardian said:
for music :D
Edited to add: I got so excited I put this post on the wrong board. Would a mod PLEASE move it to music? I'm sorry, my ears are so full, my brain's running slow :lol:

Done as requested. :)
Ask_a_debtor said:
You may enjoy the work of Manu Chao - [/i].

Thank you... I like them :headbanger: "Les Wampas" is playing now. Is it my imagination, or are different songs in different languages? French, Spanish?

There is a real funny commercial called "Learn English" that made the rounds awhile ago. WARNING...it has VERY VERY BAD language...which is the point.


I laughed 'til I almost fell out of my chair...'cause that could so easily be me. Bebobbing down the street, jammin to tunes when I don't have the slightest clue what they are actually saying. :lol:
Hi Guardian,

If you like music where you don't understand the words, get hold of a band called "Ekova". They aren't around anymore, but I think you can get them on Itunes. Try some of the remixes too. "Starlight in Daden" is wonderful. You can find it on YouTube for a tryout. Love the rest of your bands too, especially Balken Beat Box.

You should also check out some Sigur Ros, an Icelandic band. Here's a sample - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLTT3aQshPk - hope you enjoy! :)
If you like songs where you don't understand the words, check out Adriano Celentano's number here:

It is composed of complete nonsense words that are how English sounds to foreigners.

Here it is with subtitles:

Check this one out too if you like that:
herondancer said:
Hi Guardian,

If you like music where you don't understand the words, get hold of a band called "Ekova". They aren't around anymore, but I think you can get them on Itunes.

It was in the catalog, but when I clicked, it was "unavailable" :(
Heimdallr said:
You should also check out some Sigur Ros, an Icelandic band. Here's a sample - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLTT3aQshPk - hope you enjoy! :)

You know, I get the feeling it's not going to take me as long to fill 160 gigs as I thought it would. :lol:
Laura said:
If you like songs where you don't understand the words, check out Adriano Celentano's number here:

It is composed of complete nonsense words that are how English sounds to foreigners.

ROFL ...too funny. It sounds like some of my Central American friends trying to speak English :lol:
Do you know this, don't u?

Las Ketchup - Asereje


More incomprehensible lyrics

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