
Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
Who knows what happened to Kila? :shock:
She has not posted since April and her FB account is gone too :huh:

maybe she has gone tipi living for the summer and has no net access ,I hope , if you are reading this ,Kila, tell us if you are ok
Just some speculation - her posting ended after the C's session where breastfeeding was discussed. As I recall the idea of late infant/toddler breastfeeding and attachment parenting method seemed to be a sacred cow for her. Maybe she's just taking some time out to reconsider this, or maybe she just decided to move on? I'm not sure.
RyanX said:
Just some speculation - her posting ended after the C's session where breastfeeding was discussed. As I recall the idea of late infant/toddler breastfeeding and attachment parenting method seemed to be a sacred cow for her. Maybe she's just taking some time out to reconsider this, or maybe she just decided to move on? I'm not sure.

Seems that way to me too. There were some things she had a pretty hard time accepting, and perhaps it came to a choice of whether to recognize a source of her suffering or deny it. It's possible she's taking time, but it's also possible that seeing wasn't what she really wanted at the moment.
I thought about her recently as well. I hope she is well.

rrraven said:
Who knows what happened to Kila? :shock:
She has not posted since April and her FB account is gone too :huh:

maybe she has gone tipi living for the summer and has no net access ,I hope , if you are reading this ,Kila, tell us if you are ok
Quote from: rrraven:
Who knows what happened to Kila?
She has not posted since April and her FB account is gone too

Yes, i also hope for the best as well.............safe and sound.
I had been thinking of her lately too! I think I learned things from her interactions here on the forum, and hope she could sign in again.
I think Kila had way too many sacred cows and way too much ego invested in those sacred cows. Frankly, she was tiresome like a narcissistic child constantly demanding to be the center of attention.
Laura said:
I think Kila had way too many sacred cows and way too much ego invested in those sacred cows. Frankly, she was tiresome like a narcissistic child constantly demanding to be the center of attention.

I agree. I don't think she had really joined the forum to learn, but rather, to give the image of the "eternal Cinderella" (and get pity), and then teach us all lots of things. Never mind that what she tried to teach had obviously brought about terrible results in her life. Go figure... :/
Hopefully she saw those terrible results as opportunities for growth. I feel that we are lead down a path that events unfold as they should but then the path ends and this is where knowledge and discernment come in handy - you have to choose what to see and what path to take - I feel it helps to be humble at points in our lives events unfold and opportunities for growth present themselves but at that moment it is up to us to choose whether or not to take the right path or to let the elevator of problems go down deeper and deeper. Could be totally off but I think that’s where free will comes in - at the end of the path when the moment comes for us to make a decision.
Yes I noticed the sacred cows, and investment of the personality and ego in them. They can be a real hindrance to growth! Here is hoping that I personally try to be aware of those in myself. I tell myself I love Truth above everything, and so that means NO sacred cows! I must be ready to alter or trash any preconceived notion if the data warrants it.

Yes Menna, perhaps she is in a position to experience tremendous growth yet! I hope so, but it is in her hands. People in the forum invested a lot of energy to give her some help.
Yes, it seemed that her final postings were a frantic gathering of any articles she could find from various, questionable researchers, to prove her point. All without even trying to look at what others were trying to show her about her sacred cows and faulty thinking. She just could not accept the fact that her thinking could be faulty. She was very consumed with trying to defend the way she did things that she just couldn't see how her life and actions were the reflection of her faulty thinking.

It seemed to me that she was trying very hard to convert people to her skewed way of thinking. We see this quite often so it really isn't something new. People come here with a full cup and have no room to see things in an objective manner. Nor to look at other alternative views. And once they may have had a glimpse that they are not seeing things as they are, they put all of their energy into ways to defend and keep their way of seeing things, even to the point of trying to twist the thinking of others.
Nienna EluchPosted on: July 28, 2010, 07:40:31 AM
It seemed to me that she was trying very hard to convert people to her skewed way of thinking. We see this quite often so it really isn't something new. People come here with a full cup and have no room to see things in an objective manner. Nor to look at other alternative views. And once they may have had a glimpse that they are not seeing things as they are, they put all of their energy into ways to defend and keep their way of seeing things, even to the point of trying to twist the thinking of others.

The more that one realises the ideas laminated about this condition, the more aim remained about it in the short exert from the movie, "Revolver". It's not hard to understand the limitation's that are entertained by this type of behavior, or how it breeds, in the mind when not confronted. Also are the blocks, that act like locks it produces. Equaling no growth or nourishment for the soul. Through denial.

Thank you RyanX, Shane, Laura, Ailén, Menna , Breton, and Nienna Eluch, for the bounty, that is food for thought, on this dilemma.


Jake vs himself



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