Who am I? What am I? Why am I?

The Gunslinger said:
Thanks Bo for sharing this project with us. I find myself able to relate to a lot of the things mentioned in your post. It has given me a little more inspiration and ammunition in this battle for my soul. As of late I have not been able to Do much - just observe. I drive an hour to work everyday and it's a good time to practice that self remembering exercise. It's funny how little we can self-remember, and I am always shocked when I realize that I remember that I forgot to self remeber! It's like having "spiritual narcolepsy", just dozing off (not that I was ever "awake" in any real sense) suddenly at any given time of the day.

I think this is very good. Observing is the first step to objective knowledge and I think your driving to work everyday and practicing your self remembering is a good idea. When I do this I try to sense (for example) the contact of the steering wheel with my hand as I grip it, sensing its temperature, sensing the feel of the clothes on my body, sensing my foot and the pressure of my foot on the brake, the feel of the seat, the feel of the air from the window, the tension in my body, the tension in my shoulders and so on. This I think is the kind of awareness to cultivate and grow.

It’s not really a mental thing, it's more like a ‘making contact’ with what I'm doing and experiencing at the moment. I found that there is the ‘action’ of self remembering (the repeated efforts to be more conscious and ‘present’ to myself), and then there is an inner state that I experience which is a result of my efforts. But this new inner state (and each time its new) is not based on my expectation of it. If I expect anything from my efforts then I ‘go into my head’ and identify with my expectation of it and my very expectation of it negates those possibilities that would allow me to experience any new kind of awareness in the first place.

What I have found is that when I'm in this different state, ‘I,’ or what I normally take to be 'I,' is nothing more then an activity. There is the ‘me’ that is simply an activity (i.e., my programs, reactions, reflexes, and the interconnections between them) and then there is an observing part of me that’s in front of it all and can with greater and lesser degrees of clarity see and observe this activity for what it is… as an activity.

When the part of me that is 'able to observe' identifies with this activity then the activity becomes ‘I,’ or should I say, I call it ‘I’ because my observing part identifies with it. When I call the activity ‘I,’ then my 'ableness' to see it is lost. Essentially I lose consciousness. My identification causes me to lose that inner state which allowed me those possibilities to see it (the activity) in the first place (sorry if I'm unclear here but that's the best way I could explain it and I'm not even sure I'm describing it right).

One thing I do find is how difficult it is to maintain this kind of awareness and as you have realized this might be the most important thing to realize in this whole exercise!

But I found that the self remembering, when it is self remembering, is a real thing. It's subtle, it's a form of contact and it's not imaginary. There is a reality to it and there is even a substance, a force to it.

I think your going in the right direction and your efforts to self remember (observing, sensing, and listening to your inner world) can put you in touch with the parts of you that you are normally unconscious of and you might find that these other parts (emotional and instinctive/ moving centers) have a different kind language then the language of your mind. .

The efforts your making, when sincere, can open up and make new inner connections and new attitudes. Think with a hammer and continue with your efforts!
kenlee said:
When the part of me that is 'able to observe' identifies with this activity then the activity becomes ‘I,’ or should I say, I call it ‘I’ because my observing part identifies with it. When I call the activity ‘I,’ then my 'ableness' to see it is lost. Essentially I lose consciousness. My identification causes me to lose that inner state which allowed me those possibilities to see it (the activity) in the first place (sorry if I'm unclear here but that's the best way I could explain it and I'm not even sure I'm describing it right).

One thing I do find is how difficult it is to maintain this kind of awareness and as you have realized this might be the most important thing to realize in this whole exercise!

But I found that the self remembering, when it is self remembering, is a real thing. It's subtle, it's a form of contact and it's not imaginary. There is a reality to it and there is even a substance, a force to it.

I think I understand what you are saying, and it fits quite well. I have found that as soon as I realize that I am "self-remembering" or even remembering that I forgot to do it, I would identify with it and it slips away on me. It's quite difficult to keep the 2 apart, but that moment when you can see that there are 2, has a distinct feeling to it, substance, as you mentioned. When identification steps in, the moment is lost and is 'aborbed' into the sea of i's, thinking about whatever it wants, taking that as its own, which in that case prevents further observation. Definitely a tricky one to navigate. :boat:
Chapter 5 - Who am I? What am I? Why am I?


from wiki_
Denial is a defense mechanism postulated by Sigmund Freud, in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence.

Why is it sometimes so hard to acknowledge our mistakes? Why is that we sometimes just won’t admit we are wrong.

Well after observing this program, I have seen that it usually has a strong connection to the ego, you don’t want to feel ashamed, because feeling shame is wrong in your eyes, being corrected by someone else is evil, it should not happen.

This is what your predator tells you, and this is what you believe.

Now of course there are people who at least admit their mistakes, these people are sincere, but be very careful this kind of technique could also be used for manipulation.

There are some different stages in denial, at least that’s what I have noticed by self-observing myself. There is the ‘’go to hell, you are wrong no matter what and I am right denial’’ and ‘’okay, you are right, yes that’s true and I will work on it.’’ And yet it’s a lie, and don’t act towards what they say.

They still deny the problem, and use it to lie that they will work on a specific problem, but yet they still don’t. This way the predator sees that if he deceives the other persons by telling him a fake ‘’truth’’ that he probably will stop question him.

I will give an example,

There was a time really that I was addicted to games, I mean wow, I was behind it playing games constantly, like whole days, and I had time for nothing else, there was only time for gaming.

Somewhere deep inside I knew that I had a problem.. but I denied it, and did not want to think about it. I failed school, because I did not focus on my exams, I only focused on self-gratification, games, games, games and more games.

Even a large part of my family knew I was addicted to games, and I hated that, I really wanted them to stop saying that, but I did not realize that it is because I really do have a problem.

Everyday I had fights with my parents about me playing games, and they said that I should get a job, and at some moment I said ‘’Yeah sure I will today’’ but I did not, but at least they stopped saying something at that moment, but the next day it started again.

Slowly I started to see that my addiction only brought problems to family and friends, because one day I asked myself, why the anger is always fixed on me, why are they not leaving me alone, when I was asking these things myself, I started to slowly see that I was the source of this problem, this small realization of the problem can be enough to help me fight this addiction if it’s continued.

When I started to become responsible for my actions, and saw how much energy was wasted because of this addiction and how much anger and confusion was brought upon my family , I started slowly to feel hatred towards games, It’s kind of amazing how it all went, because at one day I just chose to stop this madness, I chose to stop denying the problem I just stopped it.

Just like that, I honestly could not even believe that I was capable of doing something like this, maybe I could stop it so easy, because I stopped denying the problem and started to face it instead. when I stopped it, a great sense of relief came over which I can not express in words, there was also sadness, but I knew that it was because I lost a ‘’great’’ source of food.

I started to look for another school, and I found one who accepted me, and finished my first year with great results, and still going fine, I found a job at a kindergarten, men rarely work there, men are actually quite rare in those fields, so my chances of getting a job in those fields were big, because more men were needed, that’s at least what I heard from females who work at a kindergarten.

I went there and got accepted.

All of these problems we have, relationships, financial, addictions you name it, most of it all are also connected to denial, we are afraid of the truth. If you learn to accept your problem, if can learn to stop denying the problems you have, because you know , you have problems , but you don’t want to listen to that part of you who is trying to tell you the truth, so you repress it and you deny it.

From wiki_
Types of Denial
Denial of fact: This form of denial is where someone avoids a fact by lying. This lying can take the form of an outright falsehood (commission), leaving out certain details in order to tailor a story (omission), or by falsely agreeing to something (assent, also referred to as "yesing" behavior). Someone who is in denial of fact is typically using lies in order to avoid facts that they think may be potentially painful to themselves or others.
Denial of responsibility: This form of denial involves avoiding personal responsibility by blaming, minimizing or justifying. Blaming is a direct statement shifting culpability and may overlap with denial of fact. Minimizing is an attempt to make the effects or results of an action appear to be less harmful than they may actually be. Justifying is when someone takes a choice and attempts to make that choice look okay due to their perception of what is "right" in a situation. Someone using denial of responsibility is usually attempting to avoid potential harm or pain by shifting attention away from themselves.
Denial of impact: Denial of impact involves a person avoiding thinking about or understanding the harms their behavior have caused to themselves or others. By doing this, that person is able to avoid feeling a sense of guilt and it can prevent that person from developing remorse or empathy for others. Denial of impact reduces or eliminates a sense of pain or harm from poor decisions.
Denial of awareness: This type of denial is best discussed by looking at the concept of state dependent learning[2]. People using this type of denial will avoid pain and harm by stating they were in a different state of awareness (such as alcohol or drug intoxication or on occasion mental health related). This type of denial often overlaps with denial of responsibility.
Denial of cycle: Many who use this type of denial will say things such as, "it just happened." Denial of cycle is where a person avoids looking at their decisions leading up to an event or does not consider their pattern of decision making and how harmful behavior is repeated. The pain and harm being avoided by this type of denial is more of the effort needed to change the focus from a singular event to looking at preceding events. It can also serve as a way to blame or justify behavior (see above).
Denial of denial: This can be a difficult concept for many people to identify in themselves, but is a major barrier to changing hurtful behaviors. Denial of denial involves thoughts, actions and behaviors which bolster confidence that nothing needs to be changed in one's personal behavior. This form of denial typically overlaps with all of the other forms of denial, but involves more self-delusion.

another article about denial.

Denial is the psychological process by which human beings protect themselves from things which threaten them by blocking knowledge of those things from their awareness. It is a defense which distorts reality; it keeps us from feeling the pain and uncomfortable truth about things we do not want to face. If we cannot feel or see the consequences of our actions, then everything is fine and we can continue to live without making any changes.
Denial comes in many forms. It is not just for chemical dependents either. If you are human, you have denial about something--your relationships, your behavior, your health, your family, etc. We all want everything to "be fine." We have denial to keep us from pain.
For persons who are chemically dependent, to keep their denial is to die. In the process, they create pain for those around them, and they have denial about that, too. To recover, they need to see their denial and see how it works so that they can loosen the grip of their addictions. Denial is replaced by the truth and acceptance. To be in denial feels like anger, fear, shame, and isolation. Instead of being cold and cut off from themselves and others, they can be warm and begin to grow again.
Defenses are the specific way we ward off attacks on our denial. Some defenses are conscious and we are aware of them. Others are subconscious. We use both to keep our denial intact. Listed below are common defenses, or forms of denial. We use all forms of denial, although there are some that become our favorites.
1. SIMPLE DENIAL: Simply denying being chemically dependent. Example: "You're an alcoholic." "No, I'm not."
2. MINIMIZING: Minimizing is admitting the alcohol-related problem to some degree but in such a way that it appears to be much less serious or significant than it actually is. "I wasn't that bad at the party," "Yes, I drink, but not that much," "I had a couple but I was OK to drive," "I only drink beer, not the hard stuff so it's not that bad" are frequently heard examples of minimizing.
3. RATIONALIZING: Rationalizing is making excuses or giving reasons to justify your behavior about your drinking or using. Examples: "I can't sleep, so I drink or use pills." "I had a hard day and was upset," "I usually don't drive after 1 drink but a friend needed a ride home - that's the last time I'm the nice guy!" are some of the examples of rationalizing. The behavior is not denied but an inaccurate explanation of its cause is given.
4. INTELLECTUALIZING or GENERALIZING: Intellectualizing is avoiding emotional, personal awareness of an alcohol-related problem by using theories about your chemical dependency, keeping it general and vague. "Are those breath machines really reliable? Just the other day I was reading about problems with them." "Lots of people have wine with meals, are they alcoholics?" "My family is alcoholic and I have the wrong genes." "My childhood was so bad, it's a way of coping with my underlying feelings." These all are examples of intellectualizing.
5. BLAMING: Blaming (also called projecting) is maintaining that the responsibility for the behavior lies somewhere else, not with us. "You would drink too, if you were married to her!", "The cop was out to get me," or "I lost my job, that's what made me drink" are examples of blaming. The behavior is not denied, but its cause is placed 'out there', not within the person doing it.
6. DIVERSION: Diversion is changing the subject to avoid a subject that is felt to be threatening. A common example of diversion is responding with a joke, such as "You wouldn't expect me to walk in that condition, would you?" Other examples of diversion: "Yeah, I got drunk last night, so what's for dinner?" "My drinking bothers you? Your weight bothers me!"
7. BARGAINING: Bargaining is cutting deals or setting conditions for when things will be right to deal with the problem. Examples: "I'll quit drinking if you quit smoking." "I'll quit when there is less stress at work."
8. PASSIVITY: Passivity is ignoring the situation, or being it's victim. "I've tried to quit before, but it's stronger than me." "There's nothing I can do." "If only I had more will power..." are examples of passivity.
9. HOSTILITY: Hostility occurs when the person becomes angry or unpleasantly irritable when the subject of his drinking or using is mentioned, scaring or threatening people away from discussing it. A classic example is the situation where the drinker asserts that his wife does not mention that he drinks too much. In fact she used to mention it, but hasn't for years because every time she mentioned it in the past he got angry and they had a fight - so, she doesn't mention it any more. Examples of hostility: "l'm lousy in bed when I'm drunk? Fine, no more sex." "Get off my back!" "You like my paychecks, don't you?"
Denial is automatic; it is not usually a matter of deliberate lying or willful deception. Most dependent people do not know what is true or false concerning their drinking or drug use and its consequences. They are blinded to the fact that their view of the situation does not conform to reality. The denial system distorts their perception and impairs their judgment so they become self-deluded and incapable of accurate self-awareness.
Denial is progressive. The denial system becomes increasingly more pervasive and entrenched as the illness of chemical dependency progresses. In the very early stages it is minimal, and with encouragement, such people can usually view their problem fairly realistically. However, by the time a person's illness is sufficiently advanced that the problem appears serious in the eyes of others, an elaborate system of defenses shields him/her from seeing what is really happening.

When dealing with smaller programs, when you deal with them effectively, you can become more depressed and relieved, because all this time, you believed you were the one in control of your own machine.

But these observations, if you do them yourself , you will see that you never had any control,
Most of our choices are probably based on emotional feelings or lack of understanding.

The more you start to know about yourself, the more depressed you become, and the more relieved.

"But there are a thousand things which prevent a man from awakening, which keep him in the power of his dreams. In order to act consciously with the intention of awakening, it is necessary to know the nature of the forces which keep man in a state of sleep.

"First of all it must be realized that the sleep in which man exists is not normal but hypnotic sleep. Man is hypnotized and this hypnotic state is continually maintained and strengthened in him. One would think that there are forces for whom it is useful and profitable to keep man in a hypnotic state and prevent him from seeing the truth and understanding his position.

Feeling special

feeling special, I think most of the people have probably felt special and chosen when they found the work, or for whatever reason.

We all feel special in some sense,

From my observations I have seen that feeling special can have dangers consequences, I will give an example.

Feeling special can give you a feeling of superiority, which makes you feel that you don’t have to do much anyway, because you are chosen, you become selfish and you don’t care about the truth because you are the special one.

When I found the work, I was also in a period where I thought that I was special/chosen and that I was special because I was chosen to find the work.

But you know, the more I thought about this, I started to realize that there is no one who chooses you or whatever, YOU are the one who makes the choices, it is you who found the work, because you decided to search for it.

It is not because you are special, or chosen but because you just decided to look for the truth, that’s really all.

Also don’t forget that feeling special is connected with anticipation and expecting rewards.
These anticipations are merely wishful thinking and lying to the self so that you feel comfortable.

Also ask yourself this, what is the reason you are doing the work?
Are you doing the work because you want rewards?

The more you get involved in self-observation and self-remembering, the more you start to really see that you really are not who you thought you were, and that you never were special but merely a sheep walking in circles.

Sadly I know people who see themselves very special and chosen, when I talk with them the conversations go as follow;

I am X , and the one I talk too is Y

X: So you say you are chosen, how do you know this?
Y: I know this, because our god is great and almighty and I am sure if we follow his way that we will be rewarded and that he will take care of us.
X: But how do you really know that it is god who says this and not someone else that made it up?
Y: It is written in the books, look at the Christians, do they also not believe that they are chosen? And that it is Jesus that will save them.
X: What if some evil people changed the real meaning of Christ and your god for the purpose of distraction and control? And I mean the books, how certain are you that honest and sincere people wrote them?
Y: You should not say that, such thing is not possible, nothing can change the words of god.
X: Do you ever question god? As in wondering who or what he really is?
Y: No, thinking about such thing is wrong! If you honour his name, and follow his way, he will open the gates to heaven for you.

And so after a few more minutes my talk with him ended, it is really sad, critical thinking is impossible for this man. But feeling special can have different forms, forms of religion, forms of love, but in the end it’s all the same, it’s all about feeling good, and you don’t have to worry about anything, because you are special.

"There is an Eastern tale which speaks about a very rich magician who had a great many sheep. But at the same time this magician was very mean. He did not want to hire shepherds, nor did he want to erect a fence about the pasture where his sheep were grazing. The sheep consequently often wandered into the forest, fell into ravines, and so on, and above all they ran away, for they knew that the magician wanted their flesh and skins and this they did not like.

"At last the magician found a remedy. He hypnotized his sheep and suggested to them first of all that they were immortal and that no harm was being done to them when they were skinned, that, on the contrary, it would be very good for them and even pleasant; secondly he suggested that the magician was a good master who loved his flock so much that he was ready to do anything in the world for them; and in the third place he suggested to them that if anything at all were going to happen to them it was not going to happen just then, at any rate not that day, and therefore they had no need to think about it. Further the magician suggested to his sheep that they were not sheep at all; to some of them he suggested that they were lions, to others that they were eagles, to others that they were men, and to others that they were magicians.
"And after this all his cares and worries about the sheep came to an end. They never ran away again but quietly awaited the time when the magician would require their flesh and skins.
"This tale is a very good illustration of man's position.

Additional information on body movements

Like I said in the previous chapter, that it’s important to combine self-remembering not only with your programs, but with your whole being, how do you move? How does your body act ? etc. etc.

From Defining body language
Movement can be equated to dance. It’s more than just the gestures themselves,
it’s about the timing of them as well. Anticipating an action and registering
that it’s about to happen before it does, gives you information that
others may not grasp.

If you read the above you can think for example about moments where your girlfriend, wife , friends or whatever had a bad day, and when people have a bad they can become angry easily.

By knowing your own body movements in connection to programs, for example; what kind of body language do you show when you are angry? If you already know this, then you can know to some extent that talking to someone who has a bad day, that person could easily turn into rage and anger.

Being able to read other’s signals is a stepping stone to effective communication.
By observing how people move and gesture, you get a glimpse into their
emotions. You can tell, for example, the intensity of someone’s feelings by the
way she stands. You can see what kind of mood a person’s in by the speed of
her gestures. By having an insight into someone’s feelings you’re forewarned
and forearmed for whatever may happen next.

Say that you’re at a party with a friend. You notice her sitting dejectedly by
herself. Seeing her in this position, with her head hanging down and her arms
wrapped around her body, you know that she needs a little tender loving
care. You gently put your hand on her arm and she begins to feel a bit better.
Later at the party you observe that some of the younger guests – who have
had more than their fair share of drink – are beginning to go from jovial to
rowdy. You notice the lads pushing and shoving one another, which is your
sign to leave.

By reading body language effectively, you can tell when you can stay and
when to go.

Appreciating cultural differences

Even though you appreciate the differences between cultures and nationalities,
you may sometimes find yourself confused, scared, or even repelled by
displays of body language that are very different from what you’re used to.
Because people in one culture act differently than people in another doesn’t
suggest that one is right and the other is wrong. When it comes to cultural
differences, the operative verbs are ‘to respect’ and ‘to value’.

Valuing behaviours that vary so much from those that you grew up with,
and were taught to believe in, can be hard. To create respectful, positive relationships
between different cultures and nationalities, you need to expand the way
you think and work, from an attitude of respect.

That doesn’t mean having to agree with all the behaviours you see in your travels.
Instead, accept that differences do exist, and then decide how best to respond.

Different nationalities and cultures use their bodies differently. An acceptable
gesture in one country may land you in jail in another. Before visiting or
moving to another country, do your homework and find out what’s suitable
and what’s not. Before making a gesture, think whether it’s appropriate and
acceptable before doing so.

The more you self-observe and try to self-remember, you will also realize how important it is to be around people, other people usually trigger in us a particular behaviour, thought etc.

And from observations I have noticed that our daily lives, interaction with other people can play a great role in understanding ourselves.

I will explain that more later on.

And I would like to end this chapter with a quote from the movie K-pax.
Prot: I wanna tell you something Mark, something you do not yet know, that we K-PAXians have been around long enough to have discovered. The universe will expand, then it will collapse back on itself, then will expand again. It will repeat this process forever.

What you don't you know is that when the universe expands again, everything will be as it is now. Whatever mistakes you make this time around, you will live through on your next pass. Every mistake you make, you will live through again, & again, forever. So my advice to you is to get it right this time around. Because this time is all you have.

Chapter 6 will be ready next week!

In chapter 6 I will also talk a bit about doing the work in our environment(friends, work, etc.)
Bo said:
By knowing your own body movements in connection to programs

There are exercises that actors use to access information when they work to create a character. These are movement exercises and they entail "leading" with a specific part of the body. For example, if one "leads" with the head, the experience in the body is completely different than if one leads with the stomach, shoulders, feet, pelvis, etc. It's very interesting to experience the feelings that are evoked when told to "...lead with the heart."

It's also interesting to try exercises using the eyes. What is the world like if the focus is right on one's nose while walking, for example. How much can one see? If one focuses on the middle ground or farther away? What happens if one makes it a point not to look at anyone? If eye contact is made?

Another exercise is to choose a portrait or painting of either just the face or of the full body and to copy the expressions and the gestures to try to pinpoint the emotions that are evoked.

It's really interesting that one can feel like one is in a completely different skin, life, just by changing the way one uses the body. I think it helps in understanding others: once one experiences how it feels to move in an isolated part of the body, it gives a sense of the inner worlds of others in a very visceral way.
Hi Bo,

And thanks a lot for this great piece of work.

While waiting for Chapter 6 here is an excerpt from 9/11 The Ultimate Truth that is dealing with denial :

In States of Denial: Knowing about Atrocities and Suffering, Stanley Cohen discusses the subject of denial which may shed some light on why the American people do not seem to be able to do what is necessary to take back their republic. Cohen remarks:
[T]he scientific discourse misses the fact that the ability to deny is an amazing human phenomenon […] a product of sheer complexity of our emotional, linguistic, moral and intellectual lives.
He then says that denial is a “complex unconscious defence mechanism for cop-ing with guilt, anxiety and other disturbing emotions aroused by reality.”
Denial can be both deliberate and intentional as well as completely subcon-scious. An individual who is deliberately and intentionally denying something is “acting from an individual level of lying, concealment and deception”. I don’t think that we are dealing with this in the case of the American people. What we are dealing with is denial that is subconscious and therefore organized and “insti-tutional”. This implies propaganda, misinformation, whitewash, manipulation, spin, disinformation, etc.
Believing anything that comes down the pike is not the opposite of denial; it is simply one of its subtle forms. When people are actively aroused by certain infor-mation, they should assess the probability of a high level of truth about a given matter. It seems that today it is difficult to arouse many Americans at all, and so this assessment never takes place. They are in denial that a problem exists at all.
The information that we receive can be 1) factual or forensic truth; that is to say, legal or scientific information which is factual, accurate and objective; it is ob-tained by impartial procedures; or 2) personal and narrative truth including “wit-ness testimonies”. In both cases, they can be spun and twisted, distorted or even made up. A healthy mind will assess it all critically and come to its own conclu-sions.
I should add here that skepticism and solipsistic arguments—including epistemo-logical relativism—about the existence of objective truth, are generally a social construction and might be considered in the terms of the hypnotized man who has been programmed to think that there “is no truth”.
Denial occurs for a variety of reasons. There are truths that are “clearly known”, but for many reasons—personal or political, justifiable or unjustifiable—are con-cealed, or it is agreed that they will not be acknowledged “out loud”. There are “unpleasant truths” and there are truths that make us tired because if we acknowl-edge them—if we do more than give them a tacit nod—we may find it necessary to make changes in our lives.
Cohen points out that all counter-claims about the denied reality are them-selves only manoeuvres in endless truth-games. And truth, as we know, is insepa-rable from power.” Denial of truth is, effectively, giving away your power.
Good ol' Denial - One of the greatest Buffers known to man. On those rare days when I actually catch a glimpse of myself, I'll remember those times during the day when denial kicks in....

"I can't really be that asleep can't I?"
"The world is not that bad a shape"
"I'm not denying that I'm in denial ok?"

Sheeesh! Then of course reality sets in...
Chapter 6 - Who am I? What am I? Why am I?

Alone? And our environment

Isolation, being away from people(like you know sitting in like a temple and meditate?!?!), that’s what I was thinking in the beginning of the work, I thought that maybe I needed to be lonely to do the work.

These were thoughts that crossed my mind, and at some moment I decided to think about it.

I started to think about, Do I have to be lonely to be able to do work?

Well, I went to my room and I was sitting on my bed and well I was thinking what now? I am lonely now.

The only thing I could think about was, ‘’aah darn gotta work tommorrow’’ ‘’hmmm I really hope john will finish his part of the homework’’ ‘’ Damn that girl I saw yesterday was fine.’’
Etc. etc.

Thoughts about my environment were crossing my mind while I was lonely in my room, and it’s only later that I understood how important our environment is to understand our different selves.
John was a tough guy and a womanizer and he liked to talk about girls all day, when I was in his presence I automatically started to act tough as well, as if we were brothers, while in reality I don’t like to act tough at all.
Sandra always asks me to explain her some stuff of our homework which she doesn’t get, and every time she asks me a question about our homework I become irritated, I soon became irritated the moment I saw her enter the classroom, it seemed that my irritation towards her evolved.
And so on and on and on.

Other people trigger us in such a way that we behave differently , or we create new I’s in the presence of other people, which means we can be influenced easily by our environment.

An example:
Jane is a 17 years old girl and she is a very shy girl and she doesn’t like to talk much in the classroom.

Rona is an 18 year old girl who is tough and likes to create trouble, and who likes to be drunk all the time.

One day Jane gets mentally abused by a group of guys who force her to make their homework for them. If she did not make their homework, they would beat her up.

Rona saw this, the next time the bullies walk towards Jane, Rona stands in front of her and scares the guys away with her friends.

For Jane, this girl Rona is an angel, a hero. Soon they hang out, and after a while the shy and quite girl called Jane had disappeared and the classroom saw a new and different Jane, this Jane was drunk all the time, wanted to create trouble all the time and act tough.

Jane was influenced by Rona, this influence created an ‘’I’’ in Jane which she did not had before, this ‘’I’’ sadly destroyed her life.

We all have seen 10000’s of examples like the above, even if it’s on a small scale

We create I’s the moment we meet new people, and we do not realize this, it just happens, and the moment we move away from these people, those I’s created usually die.

And by observations, you will see how everything just happens, there is no single I, and when you tell people that they are many and not one, they will laugh at you and start to tell you that they know themselves very well.
When you go to your work, you might for example hate your boss, because he’s so annoying!. And when you leave work, you suddenly change to a more comfortable feeling, because you know you are going home.

And while you are heading home, your wife calls you and tells you to visit the grocery, and you say you are tired, and your wife starts to yell at you, and you start to yell back, your comfortable feeling is changed to a discomforatble feeling and irritation.

You go to the groceries and get home, and an hour later you both watch a movie, and the discomfortable feeling has changed to a comfortable feeling again.
And on and on it goes.

Very often, almost at every talk, G. returned to the absence of unity in man.
"One of man's important mistakes," he said, "one which must be remembered, is his illusion in regard to his I.

"Man such as we know him, the 'man-machine,' the man who cannot 'do,' and with whom and through whom everything 'happens,' cannot have a permanent and single I. His I changes as quickly as his thoughts, feelings, and moods, and he makes a profound mistake in considering himself always one and the same person; in reality he is always a different person, not the one he was a moment ago.

"Man has no permanent and unchangeable I. Every thought, every mood, every desire, every sensation, says 'I.' And in each case it seems to be taken for granted that this I belongs to the Whole, to the whole man, and that a thought, a desire, or an aversion is expressed by this Whole. In actual fact there is no foundation whatever for this assumption. Man's every thought and desire appears and lives quite separately and

independently of the Whole. And the Whole never expresses itself, for the simple reason that it exists, as such, only physically as a thing, and in the abstract as a concept. Man has no individual I. But there are, instead, hundreds and thousands of separate small I's, very often entirely unknown to one another, never coming into contact, or, on the contrary, hostile to each other, mutually exclusive and incompatible. Each minute, each moment, man is saying or thinking 'I.' And each time his I is different. Just now it was a thought, now it is a desire, now a sensation, now another thought, and so on, endlessly. Man is a plurality. Man's name is legion.

"The alternation of I's, their continual obvious struggle for supremacy, is controlled by accidental external influences. Warmth, sunshine, fine weather, immediately call up a whole group of I's. Cold, fog, rain, call up another group of I's, other associations, other feelings, other actions. There is nothing in man able to control this change of I's, chiefly because man does not notice, or know of it; he lives always in the last I. Some I's, of course, are stronger than others. But it is not their own conscious strength; they have been created by the strength of accidents or mechanical external stimuli. Education, imitation, reading, the hypnotism of religion, caste, and traditions, or the glamour of new slogans, create very strong I's in man's personality, which dominate whole series of other, weaker, I's. But their strength is the

strength of the 'rolls' in the centers. And all I's making up a man's personality have the same origin as these 'rolls'; they are the results of external influences; and both are set in motion and controlled by fresh external influences.
"Man has no individuality. He has no single, big I. Man is divided into a multiplicity of small I's.

"And each separate small I is able to call itself by the name of the Whole, to act in the name of the Whole, to agree or disagree, to give promises, to make decisions, with which another I or the Whole will have to deal. This explains why people so often make decisions and so seldom carry them out. A man decides to get up early beginning from the following day. One I, or a group of I's, decide this. But getting up is the business of another I who entirely disagrees with the decision and may even know absolutely nothing about it. Of course the man will again go on sleeping in the morning and in the evening he will again decide to get up early.

In some cases this may assume very unpleasant consequences for a man. A small accidental I may promise something, not to itself, but to someone else at a certain moment simply out of vanity or for amusement. Then it disappears, but the man, that is, the whole combination of other I's who are quite innocent of this, may have to pay for it all his life. It is the tragedy of the human being that any small I has the right to sign checks and promissory notes and the man, that is, the Whole, has to meet them. People's whole lives often consist in paying off the promissory notes of small accidental I's.

Therefore while self observing you will slowly realize how important our environment is for self-observation and understanding about our self, because you will see how other people trigger you in a particular way or that some give you some kind of feeling etc.

The work takes place in our ordinary live, and at moments you will also see how difficult it is to be with the people you love, because you see them change every minute, by noticing their body language, change in moodiness etc.

We then mostly see life as difficult.

The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge, while an ordinary man takes everything as a blessing or a curse. (Tales of Power)

And we often make the mistake of trying to help/change the people the way we like, but how can we change people if we can’t even help ourselves?

By understanding ourselves , we will be able to understand a lot about life it self.

There is no time!!!I can’t do this!

There is no time, that’s an annoying program.

While I am doing the work, I have often the fear of not being able to finish certain lessons in time, or that I won’t have done enough, while I could have.

After giving some thought, it’s clear that when we act this way, it’s possible for us to go astray.

I think that if we force an issue, we might lose a possibility to learn from that issue.
When you are doing the work, try doing it on your own pace.

I will give an example;
At a time when this program was creating chaos, I wanted to do everything at the same time!
There was no order, I wanted to read 4 books at the same time, create posts, make movies based on the work etc. I was forcing the issue, I was forcing it so badly, that at some moment I didn’t knew what the hell I was doing anymore.

I didn’t knew if I had to go right or left.

If we do everything on our own pace, without forcing the issue, we can I think understand our issues better, then trying to force it.

G. I. Gurdjieff: The Last Hour of Life
1 Translation from Russian by Alexandra Kharitonova, with free English rendering by Reijo Oksanen - unearthed by Ilya Kotz & Avi Solomon of the Jerusalem Nyland Group
G. I. Gurdjieff: The Last Hour of Life
Imagine, that you have only a few minutes, maybe an hour left to live; somehow you have discovered exactly when you will die. What would you do with this precious hour of your stay on Earth? Would you be able to complete all your things in this last hour, do you have a conscious idea about how to do it?

And letting go your last breath would you feel satisfaction from knowing that you have done everything possible in this life to fulfill that you are constantly present, always vibrating, always waiting, like the son is waiting for the father-sailor? In the manifested world everything has its beginning and its end. In the Real World everything is always present and one beautiful day you will be allowed to forget everything and leave the world “forever”.

Freedom is worth a million times more than [political] liberation. The free man, even in slavery, remains a master of himself. For example, if I give you something, let‘s say, a car, in which there is no fuel, the car cannot move. Your car needs a special fuel, but it is only you who is able to define what kind of fuel is needed and where to get it.

You have to define yourself how to digest my ideas to make them yours, so that they belong only to you. Your car cannot work on the same fuel my car is working on. I suggest to you only the primary material. You have to get from it what you can use. So, more bravely, sit down at the steering wheel.

The organic life is very fragile. The planetary body can die at any moment. It is always one step from death. And if you could manage to live one more day, it is only a chance accidentally given to you by nature. If you will be able to live even one more hour, you can consider yourself to be a lucky person. From the moment of conception we are living on borrowed time.

Living in this world you have to feel death each second, so settle all your life affairs, even in your last hour. But how can anyone know exactly his last hour? For the sense of security make up your things with nature and yourself in every hour given to you, then you will never be met unprepared. The man has to be taught this starting from the [esoteric] school: how to breath, to eat, to move and to die right. This has to become a part of an educational programme. In this programme it is necessary to include the teaching about how to realize the presence of “I” and also how to establish consciousness.

Question: How to act if you do not feel that there is something unfinished?

Gurdjieff answered after a pause. He took a deep breath and replied:
Ask yourself who will be in difficulty if you die like a dog. At the moment of death you have to be wholly aware of yourself and feel that you have done everything possible to use all, within your abilities, in this life which was given to you.

Now you do not know much about yourself. But with each day you dig deeper and deeper into this bag of bones and start knowing more and more details. Day by day you will be finding out what you should have done and what you have to re-do among the things you have done. A real man is one who could take from 2
life everything that was valuable in it, and say: ”And now I can die”. We have to try to live your lives so that we could say any day: ”Today I can die and not be sorry about anything”.

Never spend fruitlessly the last hour of your life because it can become the most important hour for you. If you use it wrongly, you may be sorry about it later. This sincere excitement that you feel now can become for you a powerful source of the force that can prepare you for perfect death. Knowing that the next hour can become the last one for you, absorb the impressions which it will bring to you as a real gourmet. When lady death will call you, be prepared, always. The master knows how to take from each tasty piece the last bit of the most valuable. Learn to be the master of your life.

When I was young I learned to prepare fragrances. I learned to extract from life it’s essence, it’s most subtle qualities. Search in everything the most valuable, learn to separate the fine from the coarse. One who has learned how to extract the essence, the most important from each moment of life, has reached a sense on quality.

He is able to do with the world something that can not be done by an aboriginal.
It could be that in the last moments of your life you will not have the choice where and with whom to be, but you will have a choice to decide how fully you will live them. The ability to take the valuable from life – is the same as to take from the food, air and the impressions the substances needed to build up your higher bodies. If you want to take from your life the most valuable for yourself, it has to be for the good of the higher; for yourself it is enough to leave just a little. To work on yourself for the good of others is a smart way to receive the best from life for yourself. If you will not be satisfied with the last hour of your life, you will not be happy about the whole of your life. To die means to come through something which is impossible to repeat again. To spend your precious time in nothing means to deprive yourself the opportunity to extract from life the most valuable.

In this world, to live life through, from the beginning to the end – means another aspect of the Absolute. All greatest philosophers were carefully preparing for the last hour of their life. And now I will give you the exercise to prepare for the last hour on the Earth. Try not to misinterpret any word from the given exercise.

The Exercise
Look back at the hour that has passed, as if it was the last hour for you on the earth and that you have just acknowledged that you have died. Ask yourself, were you satisfied at that hour?
And now reanimate yourself again and set up the aim for yourself. In the next hour (if you are lucky to live one more) try to extract from life a little more than you did in the last hour. Define, where and when you should have been more aware, and where you should have put more inner fire.

And now open your eyes wider, and by this I mean – open more possibilities for yourself, be a little more brave, than you were in the previous hour. Since you know that this is your last hour and you have nothing to loose, try to gain some bravery - at least now. Of course, you don’t have to be silly about it.
Get to know yourself better, look at your machine as if from the outside. Now, when you are dying, there is no sense to keep your reputation and your prestige. And now onwards, until the real last hour, aspire with persistence to receive the most you can from life that is of value, develop your intuition. Take just a few moments each hour to watch at the hour that passed, without judgment, and then tune yourself to extracting more from the following hour.

If we look at each hour like at a separate life unit, you can try to do as much as you can to use every unit totally. Force yourself and find the way to make the next hour much more than the one before, but also be aware that you have taken care of the debts you collected till now. Increase the self-sensing and self-knowledge of yourself, and also increase the ability to master yourself, this will change the work of your machine, which is always out of your control. And these abilities can become the indication of the real changes. And it is absolutely unimportant what the machine is thinking about this.

...To live the rest of your life rehearsing your death hour by hour – is not at all pathological. None can receive more from life than the cancer patient, who knows approximately when he will die. And since he already recognized how he wishes to spend the rest of his life, he will not have to make the total change in it, but he will be able to go somewhere, where he always wished to go, but would not do it in other circumstances.
The man who knows that he will die soon, will try to use to the maximum every hour of the rest of his life. This is exactly what Christ meant when he said that the last days will come soon – the days before the Last Judgment. We are all standing in front of the Judge, but it is not the others who are judging us, but we ourselves do the last estimation of our life. We do not have to fail the most important examination, where the most serious judge is ourself.

Each moment, taken alone, represents the particle of the eternal Creation. Therefore each moment we can extract the most subtle substances, that we can call ”the essence of life”. Imagine yourself the substance “air” or the substance “impressions”. Finally, draw in your mind the substance “moment”. Yes, even the moments of time are the substances.

If we will be able to extract the finest substances from the coarser, sooner or later we will have to pay for it. This law is called The Law of Balance. That is why we will learn how to pay immediately for those that we receive from life. Only then we will not have any debts. To pay immediately – this is what is called “real doing”. “To do” – is to think, to feel, to act, but “real doing” – is to pay immediately.

To do – may mean only one thing: to extract the essence from each moment of life and at the same moment to pay all the debts to the nature and yourself; but only when you have “I”, can you pay immediately. Real life is not a change of activity, but a change of the quality of the activity. Destiny – is destiny. Each one of us has to find himself in the whole order of things. It is not too late yet to start doing it now, although you have spent the greater part of your life in sleep. Starting from today you can begin to prepare yourself for death and, at the same time, to increase the quality of your living. But do not delay with the start – maybe you really only have just one more hour of life.
Question: Can we share this with others? I think it is very important what we have heard about this evening.

- You can retell it word by word, but until you will [can?] do this [exercise] yourself, it would mean nothing for others. Existence is the means, or the instrument, for action. Think about this and you will find out why it is so.

Question: Therefore, we cannot pay the debts, if we do not exist, or if our “I” is absent?

- Why do you have such a need to pay? Pay for what? If life is only a coincidence, then there is no sense to go on. This does not mean that you have to end your life with a suicide. Opposite, you have to put all your effort into ‘to live’. Ordinary man always lives, just going with the flow. He is not just sleeping, he is absolutely dead. To really live, it is necessary to support the efforts of nature, to take actively from life, and not to act passively – wherever it flows.

Extracting from life the most precious, you have to be able to operate your emotions. See how fairly you can estimate yourself. Look attentively at yourself and you will see many remarkable ways to be fair. Each time notice for yourself different moments when the desires appear. Act as before, but always be aware of their presence. Transport to the world the part of your blood, but one of the higher level.

At the end of each hour after you have estimated its usefulness, imagine that you just woke up in the absolutely unknown in comparison to the previous one gone by. It is important to note that the apparent continuation of the last hour is in reality changing with every hour, although things and people seem the same as before. With the time you will learn to see yourself as a spirit of a special substance, who is coming from one world to another, as an uninvited guest of nature.

Looking from this point of view evaluate everything you do in your life. Looking at the results of all your efforts of the past and think what sense they all have now, in the last hour of your life. Those who are engaged in the Work, are dead to this world and at the same time they are more alive in this world than anyone else. Work… something strange, imperceptible, but for many it is impossible to live without it.
The ordinary way of understanding life is vanity of vanities. However big the result is according to earthly measures, sooner or later it will fail. Even the sand is being rubbed into dust by time. Even the most significant people of history are being forgotten. To understand the real possibilities of this world, it is necessary to find what we can reach in this world that will be very useful in the Real World.

Attentively look at the lives of all the greatest people, those who were commanding armies, who had power over others. What is the benefit for them from all their great actions now, when they are dead? Even when they were alive, all these great actions were no more than empty dreams. We are not here to praise ourselves and to prove ourselves, the most disgusting in the ordinary man is the ability to quickly satisfy his flesh.

The majority of people find many excuses not to work on themselves. They are in a complete prison of their weaknesses. But right now we do not speak about them, but about you. Understand me right, I do not need followers, I am rather interested in finding the good organizers, the real warriors of the new world. I understand 5 the weakness of the organization, because right now we do not speak about the usual organisation which would consist of initiates.

I remind you once again, learn to live each of your hours with a bigger benefit. Create a detailed plan of the last hour of your life. To understand how one should die, you should grow deep roots into life, only then you will be able to die like a human being, not like a dog. Although, it is not given to everyone - to die. You can become manure for our planet, but it does not really mean do die. To die to this world forever - is an honour. For this honour you have to pay with Conscious Labour and Intentional Suffering. You have to earn this right.

Try to imagine yourself relatively clearly the last hour of your life on earth. Write a kind of a script of this last hour, as if you were writing the script for a film. Ask yourself: “Is this how I want to dispose my life” . If you are not satisfied with the answer, rewrite the script until you like it.
Look at life like at business. Time is your money for life. When you came into this world, a definite amount of money was given to you and this you cannot exceed. Time is the only currency with which you pay for your life. Now you see, how you used the biggest part of it in a stupid way. You have not even reached the main goal of life – to have rest. You failed as a businessman, and as a user of life – you deceived yourself. All your life you thought that everything is given to you for free, and now suddenly you discovered that – it is not free. You pay for using the time, that is why each moment of your stay here costs something.

So how would it be possible for you to reimburse [recover] at least somehow these losses? Check, if the deficit on your bank account is only temporary or is it perhaps constant? Did you loose the time or could you invest it successfully? If you have spent all your money on vacations, then there is nothing to do but to be sorry about the past. For many years you have been spending you life as if your parents gave you a bank account with unlimited credit. But now the amount is used and you see that you are all alone and that there is none to rely on. There is no more time on your bank account. Now you are forced to earn each hour of your life. All your life you behaved like a child and spent time just like a newly married couple on their honeymoon.

Our main enemy, which is hindering us from applying the necessary efforts – is hopelessness. I know, you will have many excuses not to prepare yourself for the last hour of your life. The habit is a big force, but starting once, you can learn to do each time more and more.
Do not fiddle all day, force yourself at least one hour a day to make an effort, otherwise you will loose everything. Think about the rehearsal of your last hour as if it was ballet exercises – you have to do it all your life.

I dedicate four hours a day for this exercise, but when I was young, I spent on it two times longer.

When we are doing the work, we become so excited, because we start to see these several I's inside ourselves, that we want to share this truth with everybody we meet!, sadly...this is not a very smart thing to do, more on this in chapter 7!

Bo said:
If we do everything on our own pace, without forcing the issue, we can I think understand our issues better, then trying to force it.

And Don Juan said:

If a warrior is to succeed in anything, the success must come gently, with a great deal of effort but with no stress or obsession.

A warrior must focus his attention on the link between himself and his death. Without remorse or sadness or worrying, he must focus his attention on the fact that he does not have time and let his acts flow accordingly. He must let each of his acts be his last battle on earth. Only under those conditions will his acts have their rightful power. Otherwise they will be, for as long as he lives, the acts of a fool.

interesting chapters btw :)
Just some thoughts that I'd like to share, any input is welcome:

There is probably an I inside of you or maybe a demon if you like and it does things you (?) do not want to do. And yet you do it every time. You promise yourself that it is the last time you do it or let it do it, but then you make the same ''mistake'' again, again and again.

This I, I's or ''demon(s)'' might notice your struggle and so they will come up with new tactics to make you ''give in'' to their desires. Perhaps the desires of the predator. They will come up with excuses that you might agree with; ''just this small amount would not hurt'' or ''just this time, you're not gonna do it anymore'' or ''maybe it's beneficial on some level'', whatever that can make you think that the act that you do not want to do suddenly might seem a good thing to do. And you do it.

And after you did it, you might feel disgusted, you might feel angry, angry at yourself. Why did I do it? Why did I fell into that trap again? Why make that mistake? Maybe you will start hate yourself. And this is when you need to stop!! Don't hate yourself, don't be so angry at yourself, yes maybe for a ''moment'', maybe let the anger out, but don't stay angry with yourself. Breath and have faith that you will overcome this. Never give up.

Did you expect you will win the battle at once? Or after a few mistakes? You are a machine, you cannot Do.
Or maybe you can ''eventually''... but don't be angry at yourself, it is expected that you fall over and over again. It is I believe, part of the lessons you're here to learn (by own choice).

Some moments you do Decide over your ''desires'', you act against this ''power'' that normally decides for you and sometimes you succeed. And when you do, you feel powerful and happy that you overcame it that ''time''. You've gained some energy by that, which you might have lost if you didn't ''succeed''. Or maybe it's better to say that you did not gain energy, but more likely, you've Seen what was inside of you all this time. Strength, perhaps.

But how do you win every time? Is it possible? To be able to Do continously, or perhaps only that thing that you want to overcome, to stop doing it/to not do it every single time the desire comes. To not make that mistake ''ever again'', is it possible? Maybe.

Well I've tried possibly every thing I could think of. Some times I won, some times I lost, some times I lie, some times I don't. It's a continuous battle... and nothing really seemed to work. The ''demon'' I sent away kept coming back.

So I've been experimenting all kind of methods to be able to ''win'' that battle every time. I couldn't do it... not alone.

I don't think you have to do it alone.
You can't do the Work by yourself, you need others, but perhaps not only others, ...perhaps you also need help from your Higher Self. That's what I've been thinking.

I've been reading the Wave and I read this (ark wrote this in his journal during the time he met one of Gurdjieff's students):

Where is the way out? What purpose do humans serve? This is an experiment! What originates in me does not count. The only thing I can do is to allow something more powerful to speak through me. To allow something more knowledgeable to talk to me and through me. To allow something more powerful to act through me. To allow something more powerful to use me. I am just a shell, I am a machine. I am a device. I am a means to an end. I am a possibility for something more powerful to be in me and to act through me. I am a place that waits to be filled. I am a carriage without a driver and without a master. True, there is brain, there are body members, there are senses. But I am just a carriage. With no driver and no master. A personality that pretends to have rights. Which play the roles - sometimes of a driver, sometimes of a master - which says "I" contininously. Yet I am just a carriage which goes nowhere, and is doomed to crash in some ditch.

To allow something more powerful to speak through me''... wow. What if we don't let the predator act through us, what if we try to let Ourselves, our Future selves act through us?

I have been experimenting with the Prayer of the Soul and I want to share this:

The moment you want to do something You do not want to do (or when You want to do something, but other I's tell you you should not do it), STOP immediately and recite the Prayer, at least three times, breath in and out with each phrase. And try to Be, try to Ask for assistance. Try to Know what you are reciting. Be that what you are reciting. And then ''come back'' to reality and see if the desire is still there.

I tried that and I checked and the desire was gone, the ''demon'' was gone or actually: I didn't let the demon ''get in'', there was only me and I laughed!! It worked! I felt as if something was acting through me, something strong. (I might be totally off though).
I will keep experimenting with this. Perhaps you can try this as well, it might work for you as well, I really hope so.

some excerpts from Bringers of the Dawn that might relate to this:

You are not alone. You could not do this alone. Even when we say to you
that you are the standard bearer of your soul, there are other aspects
of yourself that have figured the story out and are coming back into
your time period to create this vortex of energy that is going to affect
all realities. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of these times
and the excitement and joy of what they hold-as /long as you are willing
to change./

As members of the Family of Light, you are here to anchor frequency and
allow the mutation process to happen inside of your bodies so that you
can make it available to the planet. You live this process, then you
broadcast it to the planet. What does that mean? It means that
eventually your reality is going to change and that how you deal with
reality will change. You will stop being you, as you know you, and will
become more connected with all of the other yous who are looking to make
the same leap in consciousness as /this /you!

This process involves meeting and merging and using the multidimensional
self. As you reach higher knowledge, you realize you are not alone and
that there are multitudes of selves; you are challenged to understand
this. There is no reaching higher knowledge without going through the
multidimensional self. This means coming into full realization and
experiencing, meeting, and merging with a collective of intelligence
existing in the ever-expanding now, beyond space and time.

If you are stuck on the idea of love and cannot comprehend what is going
on with it, your difficulty is that you are looking for love outside
yourself. You are looking for somebody else to put meaning in your life
and validate you. If you do not have that person, you become angry or
feel you are worthless. This is a pattern you grew up with, which your
parents and your society showed you. We have said over and over again
that the most important thing you can do is love yourself and honor
Earth. But you keep forgetting this and looking for the next
relationship to make you whole or complete. You feel that without a
relationship you are perhaps less than an acceptable citizen. Then you
feel lonely. You must learn how to be alone. Loneliness is simply a
state of mind. You are never, never alone. You have multitudes of
entities around you. If you would stop feeling sorry for yourselves, you
would find that there is so much data constantly being blasted at you
that you may want to be alone so you can have a good time receiving the

You are all afraid of being intimate with yourselves-of being alone with
the self. Once you develop an intimacy, a silence, a self-love, and a
containment of your energy, then you will want to make that aspect of
intimacy your standard for intimacy with someone else.
Thanks for sharing this, Oxajil!

Repeatedly doing things one actually does not want to do anymore, as well the whys and probable attachments, or simply aspects that are not of one's choice anymore, is something I'm especially struggling with at the time being.
I can't however offer any input other than the same experiences everyone else is going through in this respect. So thank you for sharing this idea of reciting the Prayer in such situations, and for quoting the excerpts. :)
I'm going to try that one out and report back on results/observations.
Thank you Bo for this work. It has helped put somethings into a clearer place for me. Especially self-remembering & denial. I hope that one day you will post a chapter 7.

Oxajil, I am going to utilize your exercise in regards to POTS. Been working on changing my diet and I have this small "i" that lives on my tongue and find that I give in to it's voice a lot. Then another "i" comes in and is angry that I ate what I did. So using this technique I may be able to thwart the voice of this "i" and stick to cleansing and eating properly. Thanks
Bluestar said:
Thank you Bo for this work. It has helped put somethings into a clearer place for me. Especially self-remembering & denial. I hope that one day you will post a chapter 7.

Oxajil, I am going to utilize your exercise in regards to POTS. Been working on changing my diet and I have this small "i" that lives on my tongue and find that I give in to it's voice a lot. Then another "i" comes in and is angry that I ate what I did. So using this technique I may be able to thwart the voice of this "i" and stick to cleansing and eating properly. Thanks

I know I promised to post the other chapters last month, I want to apoligize to everyone, because at that time I had also taken other projects and I am doing a lot of stuff at the same time and the priority on this wasn't as high as the other projects, and I didn't get to finishing my chapters, I will do my best to get them up as soon as possible.

Thanks for your patience guys.
No worries, Thank you for what you have posted already.

Since my last post, I have noticed another thing that I do. Even though I may not verbally or act out an action, my facial expressions & body language do. Example. While driving and I encounter someone on the road doing something that could be potentially dangerous to those around them. Like cutting someone off or the likes. I have notice that I do not yell at the person so much anymore (can't hear me anyway), but I roll my eyes. Or make a face of utter dismay. So in otherwords I am still feeling the same thing, anger, disbelief, but I am expressing it differently. Now I can see this, will work on it more.
Puzzle said:
Repeatedly doing things one actually does not want to do anymore, as well the whys and probable attachments, or simply aspects that are not of one's choice anymore, is something I'm especially struggling with at the time being.
I can't however offer any input other than the same experiences everyone else is going through in this respect. So thank you for sharing this idea of reciting the Prayer in such situations, and for quoting the excerpts. :)
I'm going to try that one out and report back on results/observations.

Does repeating something is just an another form of our mechanical response to the reality? It seems to me like a battle that can easily end up with another illusion that we accomplished something as time passed, but there is a still a real chance that we may face in the future a similar situation that is strong enough to wake up again a same old "demon" (as Oxajil called it) in us that will push us once again to act in the same fashion as before?

I'd like to share my experience that is not based on reciting the Prayer of any kind (don't want to suggest that such activity is fruitless), but on some new techniques that allows one to actually find out the source of the problem, identify the "demon", remove it and finally retrieve a "part of you" (soul?) that was gone due to the traumatic event that cause the problem. That final part of integrating a lost part give you a new and previously unknown inner strength, something that simply enable you to act in the completely different way when facing the same problematic situation. This time you can simply feel that there no previous tension exists and that is no space for "demon" to shows up. I was pretty skeptical about results after first couple of sessions but as time passed, only what I can say is that it works! Needless to say that I struggle previously a lot with some specific aspects, some obsessions, compulsiveness, and tried different approach like active fighting against, then ignorance, then acceptance and self-observation but nothing worked for longer period of time. It was just a question of stimulation strong enough to initiate an old habit (action, emotion). So, I'd like to suggest that today there is a tools available that can help us to really resolve, not just mask a real problems that looks as impossible barrier for us and our development.

Regarding the initial question of this thread "Who am I?" I'd like to highly recommend to everyone who is in search for the answer to try, if possible, a direct experience of this question using "Enlightenment Intensive" technique which is pretty well known in former Yugoslavia region, where two enhanced versions are available called "Gnostic Intensive" and the latest one called "Individual Gnostic Intensive".

Gaining an answer to that question and two other very important: "What is life?" and "What is another [being]?" helps me a lot on my journey!

Here is some links:

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