Who is Coleen Thomas... and her Pleiadian Connection?


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
This almost went to Baked Noodles. Russia Today is beginning to more and more resemble the old India Daily psyop. There is a lot of Cassiopaean information in this video... mixed with nonsense. Coleen sounds like she is in regular communication with who Keel described as those tricky ultraterrestrials.

Aliens shot down California missile
Rabelais said:
This almost went to Baked Noodles. Russia Today is beginning to more and more resemble the old India Daily psyop. There is a lot of Cassiopaean information in this video... mixed with nonsense. Coleen sounds like she is in regular communication with who Keel described as those tricky ultraterrestrials.

Aliens shot down California missile

So I guess Pleiadians were on annual vacation in a very distant galaxy when 1.5 million Iraqis or Palestinians or Afghanis got killed.
un chien anadolu said:
So I guess Pleiadians were on annual vacation in a very distant galaxy when 1.5 million Iraqis or Palestinians or Afghanis got killed.

Apparently so. Looks like RT is revealing itself as a psy-op.

ADDED: I've put it on my FB page so let's all share it around and get the word out.
Apparently so. Looks like RT is revealing itself as a psy-op.

Looks like "benevolent Pleiadians" are here to save us, it sounds like this, but never mind that they work with bad guys, and it only shows that the brotherhood holds RT as well, like said in the protocols: they control both sides.
I watched a little bit of her other videos, she speaks about two kind of aliens, the good and the bad ones and that we cannot trust them when they arrive.
She also spread fear about non US military forces on US ground who will take everyone you love away and so on...
It seemed to be a lot of truth mixed with a heavy dose of disinformation osit.
On who is Coleen Thomas...

[quote author=http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=20479.msg209466#msg209466]
Colleen Thomas (Pleiadian Contactee, _Wild Colleen.com)
Home Health Administrator turned physicist who specializes in the science of creation. And she's the mother of a good race of aliens here on earth called Pleiadians.

Wild Colleen has got her Irish up!

I have it on divine authority that there is NOT going to be a next president of the United States, we will be governed by committees of people, not by a single leader. The power in this nation belongs to the people and their communities. Our centralized government is a sham and disgrace and is being dismantled. Obama blows in the winds of the Bilderberg Group's whims and they are all self-centered rat bastards who care nothing for human health and well being.

...and her Pleiadian Connection?

Pleadian shipmates

I spoke with my Pleadian shipmates and was informed that UFOs do not crash, they get shot down but I can assure you humans are not shooting down star ships with projectile weapons from helicopters and such. The recent CA downing of an apparent UFO is most likely a false flag display to frighten humans into thinking they are under attack from on high when the real enemy is below amongst us. The Pleadians are warrior protectors of innocent life. They have chased the dark for many eons through many dimensions back and forth through time.
She has some patently wacky videos on youtube, none of which are worth posting links to here. She seems to employ her physical attributes in some of these videos in not-so-subtle ways, such as a rather bizarre clip where she is wearing a skimpy bikini to see if her "skin was glowing." She also makes it a point to accentuate her chest in some of her videos, beyond what I would judge as unintentional. If she's cointelpro, she's at the veritable bottom of the barrel it would seem, for it is rather difficult for me to take anything this woman has to say seriously. It's National Enquirer meets News of the Weird.
I've seen people connect with woman with Jack Sarfatti (spelling?), and that certainly raised red flags.

She has all the signs of MK Ultra or something. Some of her rantings are really far gone. She is getting major attention on GLP and that should say it all.
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