Who is Leed Skallen?

A sudden thought comes to mind:

Since human levitation might be caused or 'generated' (if I use the word correctly) by sound, would any UFO crafts use this 'sound' as a way to 'pick' up humans? By using our own untapped ability to levitate, UFO do have that ability to use on others in order to abduct? It might be possible that they themselves don't have the power, but they use our levitation power through sound to be used against ourselves. I may be off here, but it's just a thought.
Zadius Sky said:
would any UFO crafts use this 'sound' as a way to 'pick' up humans?
In the LKJ NSPN 2001 interview I am currently transscribing and revising and soon posting, there is this passage that relates to your question:

M: Hm, I would like to get into that later in our show, this whole concept of the manipulated matrix. Before we go to a break, which is pretty shortly here: Besides that people have been abducted, who have no inkling at all, because of no missing time; What about like someone, like myself? I had no real obvious signs, you know, weird signs on my body when I wake up in the morning, or nose bleeds, or certainly no missing time that I can remember, any episode of that. Would there be any solid signs that would indicate that you've been physically abducted?

L: Physical abductions occur rarely, you know...

M: So you think most abductions occur like, what they call OBE abductions...

L: Right, they are soul extractions. In fact there's a considerable amount of evidence that demonstrates this to be so. I mean there've been people who have been in the [...] middle of an abduction experience where there were people [present], because there were certain effects going on in the building where they were sleeping. They went rushing to the room and they saw this person sitting in the bed, surrounding in a glow of blue light and [saw] that this individual was frozen and there was kind of a force field. The two individuals who were observing this were unable to [come] to her aid. They themselves became almost paralyzed by the effects of this blue light that surrounded the person. After it was all over with and the blue light faded and the person dropped back down on the bed - I mean, partially sitting up - an entire abduction experience was described that was so completely bizarre; and clearly something that had happened.

I had a case later myself where the blue bubble of light was involved, so we came to some idea after researching a bit further, that this blue light indicates what you call a "dimensional curtain" is being breached. When that happens, these soul extractions can occur.

And then what happens is, that after the soul is extracted (or the frequency body) in this alien reality - which I remind you is a physical reality in a very real sense - a new body is molecularized around this pattern and all the operations of the abduction scenario then take place on the molecularized body which is then demolecularized, technologically, and the soul is sent back. The frequency of the soul has been changed and the frequency of the changed soul then changes the frequency of the physical body, you know, it's home, and therefore the things that were done to the remolecularized body in the other realm manifests in the physical body.

M: I never heard that before, either the theory that abduction can be described as soul extraction or an astral abduction, that they create an physical body for you in this other realm and work on you through that and then they demolecularize and send you to your home body.

L: This is something I have gotten from people under hypnosis by asking right questions under right circumstances. [...] though that when they are in this demolecularized state or when they are in this point of transition between, you know, molecularized and demolecularized, usually there is some kind of a memory block. Some perceive it as a wall of fire.

M: Interesting. Well, Laura, at this point we're near to our break here so just let hold that thought with the wall of fire and we'll back here soon to continue our interview here with Laura Knight on Night Search. Stay tuned!
A: What about iron as an element?

Q: Okay, let's see: Iron - derived from early Celt 'iserno,'
via Illyrian 'eisarno' from the IndoEuropean base 'eis,'
which means to 'move vigorously; strong, holy.' It is a
white, malleable, ductile, metallic chemical element that
can be readily magnetized, rusts rapidly in moist or salty
air, and is vital to plant and animal life; it is the
most common and important of all metals, and its alloys,
as steel, are extensively used. Symbol: Fe; atomic
weight:55.847; atomic number: 26; specific gravity: 7.86;
melting point: 1535 degrees Centigrade; boiling point
3,000 degrees C. The electron shells are thus: 2,14,8,2.
Iron is an element of blood, hemoglobin, and is easily
magnetized... there is some new work about iron and
magnetite in the brains of people who are psychic or have
'abduction' experiences... is it the magnetism?

A: Yes....

Q: Is it something that holds one more firmly in 3rd density,
and the elimination of it enables one to switch
densities... or...

A: Tis magnetite that acts as a conduit, and perhaps, just
perhaps, allows for transference back and forth at will?!?
And what about the legend about the alchemists? Is not
the key term there really transformation?!? And has not
the "smoke screen" really been delivered so effectively by
all the concentration upon the substance?!? And does not
this remind one indeed of all the misguided concentration
upon substance rather than meaning that one finds so
regularly on 3rd density??
So iron is more important than gold? Just not as 'rare'. Maybe that calls for 3rd and 4th density STS to 'push' vegetarian and vegan diets. I do wonder about these things sometimes. It wouldn't surprise me at all if such a simple thing had rather a large impact.
LKJ Interview said:
I had a case later myself where the blue bubble of light was involved, so we came to some idea after researching a bit further, that this blue light indicates what you call a "dimensional curtain" is being breached. When that happens, these soul extractions can occur.
Oh crap. I had experiences or recurring thoughts of 'blue light' itself when I was in college (but not since 2004). That's when I wrote this: Mystical Night. Maybe I was abducted, just not physically. But, I had no memory of such occurance. Can't be sure, though.

Recently, I've researched on the subject of 'blue light,' only medically, to which it basically to make you more alert. But, I didn't formulated a thought of being related to UFO.

Thanks, Data, for posting that interview. That helps alot.
Regarding water and waves, you may be interested by the work of Dr. Jacques Benveniste (Jacques Benveniste was a French immunologist. March 12, 1935 - October 3, 2004).

Extract from his website Digibio

Overview of DigiBio

The principal mission of DigiBio is to develop and commercialise applications of Digital Biology, the new scientific area opened by Dr. Jacques Benveniste's observations of what has come to be known as «the memory of water» phenomenon, that is:

- that water is capable of carrying molecular information (biological messages), and
- that it is possible to record, transmit and amplify this information, as can be done for sounds and music.

We consider the indicators and the stakes to be such, that it would be irresponsible not to bring forth the earliest possible explanation.


Dr. Jacques Benveniste is at the origin of this work. Doctor of Medicine, former Resident of the Paris Hospital System, Research Director at the French National Institute for Medical Research, known worldwide as a specialist in the mechanisms of allergy and inflammation, he distinguished himself in 1971 by his discovery of Paf (Platelet Activating Factor), a mediator implicated in the mechanisms involved in these pathologies (for example, asthma).

In 1984, while working on hypersensitive (allergic) systems, by chance he brought to light the so-called high dilution phenomena, which were picked up by the media and labeled «the memory of water».

The phenomenon referred to involves diluting a substance in water to a degree where the final solution contains only water molecules. With the hypersensitive systems he was using, however, he observed that this highly diluted solution initiated a reaction, as if the initial molecules were still present in the water: water kept a trace of the molecules present at the beginning of the dilutions (see 'Publication Details').

International scientific reaction was undoubtedly a match for the implications of this discovery: incredulity, even rumors of fraud, though an investigation made by experts came to the conclusion that it might be an artifact, but it was under no circumstances fraudulent.

From a scientific standpoint, we dismiss all of this, for the history of science has already shown us that the more a discovery runs counter to intuition and "good" common sense, the more its acceptance is long and difficult.

He even automated experiments (using robots) to prove his claim : Video of the automated Plasma Coagulation experiment here

Zadius Sky said:
LKJ Interview said:
I had a case later myself where the blue bubble of light was involved, so we came to some idea after researching a bit further, that this blue light indicates what you call a "dimensional curtain" is being breached. When that happens, these soul extractions can occur.
Oh crap. I had experiences or recurring thoughts of 'blue light' itself when I was in college (but not since 2004). That's when I wrote this: Mystical Night. Maybe I was abducted, just not physically. But, I had no memory of such occurance. Can't be sure, though.
Oh heck, reminds me of a post I wrote on QFS a week or so ago:

Something strange happened the night I watched Evidence of Revision. As I mentioned, sleep was the last thing I wanted to do with all of those aroused negative emotions and thoughts, so getting up seemed like a better idea. When I opened the door, I noticed that the landing was illuminated by a dim blue light which suddenly blinked off. It wasn't coming in through the window because that's facing the neighbour's house, it seemed like it was just "there" with no source. Got downstairs and within about five minutes, something made a loud bang/crashing sound in the kitchen.

Obviously, I started thinking it had something to do with watching that documentary and the emotions acting as an "attractor". It's happened before and I've fallen into the phenomena trap.
I was having a bit of a "dark night of the soul" so maybe there was some slurping of energy going on. Who knows?
Craig said:
I was having a bit of a "dark night of the soul" so maybe there was some slurping of energy going on. Who knows?
Perhaps a 'bleed-through' moment?

Your experience was quite interesting. Thanks for sharing. Now, I'm glad that I'm not going nuts over this "blue light" phenomenon.
Hi All,

Many thanks to all of your contributions that acted as an "electric" fence to shock me just as I was getting to dangerously close to that precipice! I had erroneously thought that because it wasn't the actual substance of ORME but the patterned substance through the water that it would be beneficial yet "safe." What a seducing deception indeed!

Tenten, the video you referenced from Dr. Jacques Benveniste was very convincing to show that yes indeed, that water would have also taken over my mind, body, and soul ala others I have met in person that left me with my internal radar sounding strong. I can understand how seeing physical proof would be a lure though... even a severed tail of a cat regenerating fully can be strongly convincing. Later as I thought this over, I was reminded of how convincing the physical too must have been to our original souls in order to trap them.

In checking more about iron, Dr. Hulda Clark said in 2003 that iron can be held in two states in the body. "In its healthy form, iron is chemically Fe3O4 (=magnetite). In this form iron has a north polarization associated with it. The unhealthy form of iron is Fe2O3 (=ferrite, or rust). Ferrite has a south polarization. White blood cells pick up the oxidized iron (ferrite) and put it into ferritin. The ferritin, as I understand it, is an iron storage molecule--a compound made to recapture and recycle the bad iron. Later the iron is reduced and put back to work as magnetite by our white blood cells. The problem which Dr. Clark found is that white blood cells cannot convert the ferrite back to magnetite when the body is full of chlorine."

Now it made sense why these people are having such positive health responses with this ORME because irridium also helps to correct the polarization of the ferrite. "Dr. Clark theorized that tetra-irridium dodecacarbonyl may be our healing factor in cancer and other illness. Irridium goes to our ferritin collections of oxidized iron and changes the iron back to Fe3O4 (magnetite), our healthy form, north polarized. (The accumulation of ferritin is a problem in aging and hence this is an anti-aging process). Where do we get irridium dodecacarbonyl? Dr. Clark says that these complexes are part of the cosmic dust and they fall down with rainwater!"

Another interesting note from this page is that Dr. Clark said most of our drinking water has a polarity associated with it and again from chlorine, is mostly oriented toward the south! In order to balance our water, she suggested that we place our drinking water on the north end of a magnet for 2-5 min. Looks like I don't need that chemical lab stirrer after all! ;)

Hulda Clark on Magnetic Properties

One question about the page that VulcanWelly reference on the levitating people though: was there every any proof of this? It doesn't list any references though and I'm not sure what to think about that one. Laura, do you think they fused their magnetic centers as a result of suffering in their life or perhaps was it their soul's purpose to reach that state?

Well, again I can see how my positive side of my negative emotional center is barely functioning. Looks like I really need to design more experiments and/or scenarios in order to learn to use these emotions to uncover my own lies and stop making everything so nice and rosy! Damn, I'm really getting sick of that part of myself. :mad:
SophiaSpeaks said:
Well, again I can see how my positive side of my negative emotional center is barely functioning. Looks like I really need to design more experiments and/or scenarios in order to learn to use these emotions to uncover my own lies and stop making everything so nice and rosy! Damn, I'm really getting sick of that part of myself.
I would say it is the other way around: the negative half of your emotional center is not working correctly. When it ought to sound an alarm, it doesn't... instead, the positive half puts a "nice spin" on things and shoves the doubts under the rug. It's the old "be nice, make nice, everything is coming up roses, there are no psychopaths who can lie and deceive us" program.
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