Why Are Mantra's A "No-No"


I remember reading one of The Wave books about rituals and how/why they feed STS, though I do not remember Mantra's being mentioned. Is mantra's considered a ritual and that's why it's a "no-no" or was there another reason?

I used my search bar and wasn't able to find anything directly related to why it's a "no-no" but if there is please point me in the direction. I did find thread's with other forum members suggesting to use mantras. Did the opinion of mantra's evolve and change as the group did or is the below quote a reflection of the individual's opinion rather than the groups?

Q: (V) Next question: Is repeating the names of the symbols, which I guess is like a mantra which is a no-no here, as effective as repeated use of the symbol? Does it go either way?
Hi FRV. I don’t think it’s a no-no, providing you select the mantra or phrase properly and understand how and why it is beneficial to repeat it such that it seeps into your subconscious. Monastic traditions the world over use mantras to align their unconscious with desired attitudes and concepts. Prayer of the Soul in EE can be considered a mantra for aligning more with gaining knowledge and awareness of reality, for example.

Without that understanding of the meaning and its value, then a mantra might as well be jibberish. This applies more broadly to ritual in general as well. Ritual as in maintaining object constancy in a routine can be good for anchoring and priming the subconscious to certain activity. But anything performed without understanding why gives away your own agency.
Hi FRV. I don’t think it’s a no-no, providing you select the mantra or phrase properly and understand how and why it is beneficial to repeat it such that it seeps into your subconscious. Monastic traditions the world over use mantras to align their unconscious with desired attitudes and concepts. Prayer of the Soul in EE can be considered a mantra for aligning more with gaining knowledge and awareness of reality, for example.

Without that understanding of the meaning and its value, then a mantra might as well be jibberish. This applies more broadly to ritual in general as well. Ritual as in maintaining object constancy in a routine can be good for anchoring and priming the subconscious to certain activity. But anything performed without understanding why gives away your own agency.
Thanks for your response Whitecoast!

Something I have been researching and practicing is subconscious reprogramming and rewiring the brain, which is what I view Mantra's helping with. It helps create a new neuro pathway along with other work. I have noticed that affirmations and mantras don't work on their own but can be powerful tools when paired with other components inner work and awareness of our machine nature.

Your last sentence too empathizes the fact that intention/WHY is massively important when doing anything. If we are doing anything "Just because", "others say it's good" "culture says its needed" etc then we truly are giving our agency away (and to what?? Many times it's STS when we are unaware or on autopilot).
I think there is LOT more in between the "chanting of a mantra" and "desired result" which we are not completely familiar.
Q: (L) Is there any benefit to be obtained through the use of mantras?

A: Especially when the mind says there is. Remember, most all power necessary for altering reality and physicality is contained within the belief center of the mind. This is something you will understand more closely when you reach 4th density reality where physicality is no longer a prison, but is instead, your home, for you to alter as you please. In your current state, you have the misinterpretation of believing that reality is finite and therein lies your difficulty with finite physical existence. We are surprised that you are still not able to completely grasp this concept.

Q: (L) Well, I think I have a good grasp of this concept, but I am asking questions to obtain answers for others to comprehend.

A: That is not being completely honest.

Q: (L) Close enough. Is it true that recitation of mantras can effect spirit release or exorcism?

A: If you please.
It also depends on the source of the problem. For example,
  • if one has a problem that is their life's lesson to figure out, the chanting will not solve it.
  • If it is caused by certain entity, one's mantras may not be effective against it. But one may blindly do it hoping it will work and it may not work.
I think gathering knowledge that seeps into being is essential and chanting mantra or ritual can't be a short cut for that. Main stream religions provide these ritual sugar pills so that people won't take ownership of gaining knowledge and it generally fails.
My thoughts on using a mantra, for myself at least, runs to the tune of when my left hemisphere is running away with useless thinking and speculation and won't calm down, I give it the task of chanting a mantra to get it off of just blabbering. That usually works, for after awhile it just becomes bored, but by then it has been distracted enough to have settled back down. During those moments when left hemisphere is occupied, right hemisphere can be listened and paid attention to. Or so it seems for me.
Slippery slope. Prayers can become like mantras if repeated from the “wrong” place/mind state. Maybe it’s not the mantras themselves so much as the way they are used and, more importantly, the intent behind their usage.
I think it depends on what you want from a mantra. For me, a mantra is a tool to calm the brain. I'm not a fan of mantras, but I especially remember a beautiful mantra sung during a meeting at the Tibet House in Barcelona. In a large hall, Tibetan monks began chanting a mantra, and then the whole room joined in. The joy this mantra gave me was beautiful and simple. We weren't singing to get this or that, it was simply a group chant. And it was this group singing that gave me so much joy.

For me, a mantra is a chant that helps you to relax. There are some very pretty, very beautiful ones. It's like a prayer given to the Cosmos.
For me, a mantra is a chant that helps you to relax. There are some very pretty, very beautiful ones. It's like a prayer given to the Cosmos.
The favorite and the first one that cracked my heart open for divine when I was still a teenager and didn't belive in anything


You alone are my mother, you alone are my father
you alone are my family and my friend
You alone are my knowledge and my wealth
You are my everything oh Lord

Besides our Prayer of the soul only thing that can save the day when troubles arise :-)
And as far as I know approved by Cass
Like a mantra is an intentionally invoked self-calming mechanism. Or a buffer. Not inherently bad, but is it all that diff from smoking a cigarette or downing a shot of booze? Some sort of crutch?

The grim reaper / 4D STS is still lurking right there in the shadows as we puff out cigs or chant away. I do think the mantra gains a certain defensive power in the setting of a group alignment but still… what is the most powerful stance? That I am being who creates the space for the spirit and presence of God to manifest or I need a shot of something to remain calm in the face of the outrageous insanity? Just musing.
Like a mantra is an intentionally invoked self-calming mechanism. Or a buffer. Not inherently bad, but is it all that diff from smoking a cigarette or downing a shot of booze? Some sort of crutch?

The grim reaper / 4D STS is still lurking right there in the shadows as we puff out cigs or chant away. I do think the mantra gains a certain defensive power in the setting of a group alignment but still… what is the most powerful stance? That I am being who creates the space for the spirit and presence of God to manifest or I need a shot of something to remain calm in the face of the outrageous insanity? Just musing.
Are you implying that smoking tobacco is the same or in the same category as drinking alcohol?
I think there is LOT more in between the "chanting of a mantra" and "desired result" which we are not completely familiar.

A: Especially when the mind says there is. Remember, most all power necessary for altering reality and physicality is contained within the belief center of the mind. This is something you will understand more closely when you reach 4th density reality where physicality is no longer a prison, but is instead, your home, for you to alter as you please. In your current state, you have the misinterpretation of believing that reality is finite and therein lies your difficulty with finite physical existence. We are surprised that you are still not able to completely grasp this concept.
It also depends on the source of the problem. For example,
  • if one has a problem that is their life's lesson to figure out, the chanting will not solve it.
  • If it is caused by certain entity, one's mantras may not be effective against it. But one may blindly do it hoping it will work and it may not work.
I think gathering knowledge that seeps into being is essential and chanting mantra or ritual can't be a short cut for that. Main stream religions provide these ritual sugar pills so that people won't take ownership of gaining knowledge and it generally fails.
I agree, Mantra's can't take the place of doing the actual inner work. Learning and intergrading knowledge is imperative and mantras can be a small tool to help but not the main support beam.

What I quoted below is from FOTCM CassWiki. I reread it and understand part of my confusion. I was focused on the aspect that Cassi Wiki says they do not support "belief" instead "faith" then your quoted transcript literally mentions belief centers. I am more focused on the word of faith or belief rather than the meaning and intention which is the more important aspect.
Belief vs. faith
In FOTCM discourse, the term belief means a concept which is accepted as a given truth, without necessarily being critically evaluated. ’Belief’ often connotates emotional attachment of the believer to the belief. At an extreme, such attachment turns the belief into a ’sacred cow’, defended through emotional thinking. By contrast, the term faith may be used to connote the opposite – an openminded attitude and trust in the process of inquiry. Understood in this way, ’belief’ means having firmly decided that the world is a certain way and holding fast to this view even in the face of evidence to the contrary. In essence, one is attempting to force one’s model on the world. Since there is then no regard for truth, this involves a form of subjectivity and internal considering regardless of whether what is believed happens to be corrector not. ’Faith’, being an attitude of openness towards the truth and whatever the investigative process reveals, involves the opposite: an open and receptive attitude to the Universe. There is trust and the absence of any inflexible judgement on how things ’must be’. Faith, then, is conducive to the striving towards objectivity. Belief is in a sense controlling and scared of being wrong, while faith is adventurous and flexible. The distinction between the two is also related to the question of anticipation and non-anticipation. Even though the dictionary definitions of faith and belief are similar, the Cassiopaean material tends to make the above distinction between ’belief’ and ’faith’.
My thoughts on using a mantra, for myself at least, runs to the tune of when my left hemisphere is running away with useless thinking and speculation and won't calm down, I give it the task of chanting a mantra to get it off of just blabbering. That usually works, for after awhile it just becomes bored, but by then it has been distracted enough to have settled back down. During those moments when left hemisphere is occupied, right hemisphere can be listened and paid attention to. Or so it seems for me.
I find very useful the use you give to the mantra as a tool to anchor reality, but it is not clear to me about the thoughts that escape from the left hemisphere(?).

I understand that what the mantra does in this case, is to concentrate, to direct the energy to a certain energy center (which can be the center of beliefs) for a specific purpose which is to stop the energetic drainage and it is the mind that calms down, however, I understand that the mind is a body that is not housed in the brain but in the whole body (with reference to the physical body), I may be wrong, but not necessarily the leakage of energy, in this case, occurs in the left hemisphere but there is a connection with the chatter and that is why sometimes one relates the loop in the head-brain when it may be just a "nervous" warning that occurs in another part of the body. Then the concentration and calmness - awareness - that comes from the mantra relieves the tiredness and irritation.
Like a mantra is an intentionally invoked self-calming mechanism. Or a buffer. Not inherently bad, but is it all that diff from smoking a cigarette or downing a shot of booze? Some sort of crutch?
I believe that every excess is a defect, but in this case it could be analogous to the mantra of smoking tobacco to relax, which is similar to pipe breathing, or perhaps a glass of wine to relax but not to the point of alteration.

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