Why are the 4D STS beings creating so many new timelines ?


The Force is Strong With This One
Throughout the WAVE series, the C's have stated over and over that one of the big reasons we are locked in a matrix is that time traveling greys and 4D STS beings go back in time to alter an event that benefits their dark agenda. To my knowledge after reading alot of literature on time travel(Seth material, John Titor, etc.), a new timeline would be created at the point of entry into the past that branches off of the orginal time line. This new timeline or parallel world or alternate universe, what ever you want to call it, does not effect the original timeline. The altered event does not happen in the original timeline.
So how does it benefit them to create many new timelines ? It certainly has no effect on all of us involved in this forum and living in the original timeline. Or does it ?
It's certainly a mind-bending topic. I'll attempt to explain to the best of my ability.

One way to look at it is, from a certain hyperdimensional perspective, it's all happening simultaneously, and there are several disparate branches of a timeline that are possible, based on life-altering decisions, or something as small as the flapping of a butterfly's wings. Until things have happened and are "present", the future is open, but once they have happened, they are set in stone, because "time" as we know it, that is, past, present, and future, are all an illusion. There is no time, there is only what is present.

From the Lizzies' perspective, they're not going "back" in time, they're just going to certain specific space-time locators and manipulating events in such a way so that at the end of the time cycle, which is apparently within the next few years, they are able to reap the maximum harvest in terms of soul energy.

Also, these C's transcripts may prove informative:

Session: 970104

A: Deja vu comes to you compliments of 4th density STS.
Q: (L) Is deja vu a result of some sensation of the universe having
A: Or... some sensation of reality bridging.
Q: (T) As you move into the new one, you have leftovers?
A: No.
Q: (L) What is reality bridging?
A: What does it sound like?
Q: (L) Is it somewhat like merging universes? (T) A bridge is
something you put between two things...
A: You wish to limit, wait till 4th density, when the word will be
Q: (L) That still doesn't help me to understand deja vu as a
"sensation of reality bridging." Is deja vu because something comes
into our reality from another?
A: One possibility..
Q: (T) Didn't we talk about this? That it is a bleed through from other
dimensions... that when we think we have been someplace before, it
is because in another dimension we have...
A: Yes.

Session 970104
(T) It is like a program loading onto a computer. Some programs just
load straight in. Others need to create a space on the hard drive to put files that they need to
LOAD the program, but are not PART of the program, and when it is finished loading, it
erases all the "loading instructions." The hard drive is still the hard drive, but for a time,
the program used a sector of the hard drive, and created a temporary dimension, let's say.
(L) Is this what we are looking at here?
A: Close. And remember, we said "true" dimension!
Q: (L) So, it is like one hard drive, many programs, loading instructions for new programs
that are then erased, etc. If there is one "true dimension," and infinite universes within it,
does one particular universe exist, of and by itself, at any given time, until it is merged into
a new one, or is there within this one true dimension, multiple universes as real as ours is,
to which we could go, and could be there alongside ours, so to speak?
A: Yes to the latter.
Q: (L) And, can infinite numbers of "dimensions" exist within each level of density, even if
A: Yes. If you want to go back and change "history," either for individuals or for universal
perception, you must first create an alternate universe to do it. Your 4th density STS
"friends" have been doing this a lot.
Q: (L) If you, being a general term, create an alternate universe, does the former one
continue to exist, or does the former one merge into the new one?
A: Both.
Q: (L) If the former one continues to exist, does it exist and evolve on its own,
disassociated with the second one, or this offshoot?
A: Clarify.
Q: (T) The universe you are in: you are going along and say, "I think I will create a new
Universe." You do it, and move to it, and you bring your universe with you. That is the
merging of realities. But, when you move to the new universe, you are no longer in the
original one which continues along on its own. The pattern of the old universe, you bring
into the new one, and when you become part of the new universe you have just created, you
are no longer part of the old one you just left. It just goes along with everybody else there.
(L) Is this correct?
A: Sort of... remember, one can create all ranges of types of alternate possibilities.
Q: (L) So you could create a new universe with a new "past," even?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, in that way, both actually occur and you can change the whole thing?
A: When merged, the former never existed.
Q: (T) Not for the person creating the new universe, but the former will continue for
everybody else.
A: Close.
Q: (L) So, for the person creating a new universe, the former never existed, but the other
beings who are satisfied with that old universe, and "go" with it, are still continuing along
as though...
A: Your 3rd density mind restrictions limit the scope of your comprehension in this area.
deluz said:
Throughout the WAVE series, the C's have stated over and over that one of the big reasons we are locked in a matrix is that time traveling greys and 4D STS beings go back in time to alter an event that benefits their dark agenda. To my knowledge after reading alot of literature on time travel(Seth material, John Titor, etc.), a new timeline would be created at the point of entry into the past that branches off of the orginal time line. This new timeline or parallel world or alternate universe, what ever you want to call it, does not effect the original timeline. The altered event does not happen in the original timeline.
So how does it benefit them to create many new timelines ? It certainly has no effect on all of us involved in this forum and living in the original timeline. Or does it ?

I could be misunderstanding you, but my impression is that when whatever changes are made in any of the 'created' 4D timelines are complete, it is blended back in to the 4D level of what you are calling the original timeline.

If this is the case, then strange things like deja-vu could be explained by slightly imperfect areas where the timelines blend back together and the thing that was changed (or the consequences) begins to manifest on our 3D timeline. If you are occupying 4D, then you need not be concerned about what manifests on the 3D timeline, in a sense, because you see things in a different way and because you're no longer limited by 3D concerns. But this is just the way I'm seeing it and I'm not even sure about it.
deluz said:
So how does it benefit them to create many new timelines ? It certainly has no effect on all of us involved in this forum and living in the original timeline. Or does it ?

Who said we are living in the original timeline, and who is to determine the original timeline. Like what Jakesully said, the Lizzies go back in time to alter an event in such a way so that at the end of the time cycle they are able to reap the maximum harvest in terms of soul energy. So the Lizzies can see possible futures as they take place and tweak with past events (through high strangeness) then feed on the new cooked recipe :evil:
you know... you might want to read the Hathor's on "the art of jumping timelines". I think they provide some kind of understanding to this...
here is a link to about halfway through the thread where the relevant conversation starts:

To be honest, I have accepted that the lizzies have been messing with our timeline but never really through about how it works.
So how does it benefit them to create many new timelines ? It certainly has no effect on all of us involved in this forum and living in the original timeline. Or does it ?

With our linear perception of reality it I don't think the "origional timeline" would matter a lot since you wouldn't remember it. I guess the little hints we get in the way of Deja Vu and the like are a good indication that something has changed or gone on with our reality, and to make decisions in moments proceding those events with the knowledge that something has gone on.

To be honest, I have accepted that the lizzies have been messing with our timeline but never really through about how it works.

As the C's have said on several occasions regarding 3D minds fathoming 4D concepts. It'd be like teaching Algebra to a dog although it hasn't stopped me from trying to conceptualise it in my mind.
So how does it benefit them to create many new timelines ?

What are the 4D STS's aims and objectives?? What is the purpose of all there manipulation??

It certainly has no effect on all of us involved in this forum and living in the original timeline. Or does it ?

It effects everyone living in 3D - under the control of 4D STS.

My understanding if that time in 4D is of little or no consequence, so altering time lines is as easy for 4D STS as changing the paint on the walls of our house for us.

As for a 3D analogy of how it works, you have to start from the perspective that being 3D with only have a linear view of time....such as snails (2D) have a linear view of space.

So....to 4D we are but snails (in our view of time). Imagine our universe and all its history/future as a bunch of connecting paths (in the form of connecting poles), our perception of time would be like a snail travelling along the pole, able to travel only in one direction and perceive only one 'point' on the pole. 4D is able to move around the poles, and can freely replace and divert poles in front and behind us. To us (as snails) we perceive no change as we are still navigating a pole (moving forwards in time). We have only the one point of reference.
The pole we have travelled down represents our past, and the poles (not pole - as the future is open) ahead represents our future. When a pole behind us (the past) is altered, so is our perception (memory) of it.
It appears however that as you grow in awareness, these changes can be picked up on more easily....Laura has remembered what was changed on a few occasions as recorded in the wave series.

Not sure this analogy helps (watch a snail crawl up a plant stem if you are unsure....then imagine transplanting the plant onto a different root with the snail still on it. The snail doesn't know things changed even thought its now in a totally new location).

On a side note....having used that analogy I now see us not as 'sheep' but as a bunch of time snails being herded by 4D STS. :lol:

*edit - fixed quote and added the following*
To illustrate the 'bunch of connecting poles' there is a toy you can get that lets you join straws together. All you need to do now is put a snail on it and watch it go :)
One day, I saw some person and I felt like I knew that person, like hey we know each other or something at looking at her eyes, but how do I explain it, I didn't knew that person lol, totally unrelated person to me.

It felt like deja vu.
RedFox said:
As for a 3D analogy of how it works, you have to start from the perspective that being 3D with only have a linear view of time....such as snails (2D) have a linear view of space.

So....to 4D we are but snails (in our view of time). Imagine our universe and all its history/future as a bunch of connecting paths (in the form of connecting poles), our perception of time would be like a snail travelling along the pole, able to travel only in one direction and perceive only one 'point' on the pole. 4D is able to move around the poles, and can freely replace and divert poles in front and behind us. To us (as snails) we perceive no change as we are still navigating a pole (moving forwards in time). We have only the one point of reference.
The pole we have travelled down represents our past, and the poles (not pole - as the future is open) ahead represents our future. When a pole behind us (the past) is altered, so is our perception (memory) of it.

Thanks for this very good analogy RedFox, and I think this hits the nail on the head. I've often wondered about this, and what really happened when we were genetically altered to perceive time in the way we do:

11/26/94 said:
Light waves were used to cancel the first ten factors of DNA by burning them off.
3/11/95 said:
Q: (L) At one point we were told that time was an illusion that came into being at the “time” of the “Fall” in Eden, and this was said in such a way that I inferred that there were other illusions put into place at that time...
A: Time is an illusion that works for you because of your altered DNA state..

I wonder if it's possible to make a direct analogy between time and spatial dimensions, and if this could correlate with perception in the various densities. If so, you might say that time in 1D could be like a point (dimensionless). In 2D, it would be like a line -- linear (one-dimensional). Following that analogy, in 3D it would normally be like a plane, so that you could 'look down' on linear time from a higher point on the plane. In 4D it would be like a cube, and in 5D like a hypercube. Since we only perceive time linearly, maybe this means that in destroying some of our DNA, 4D STS regressed our perception of time back one level, so that we only have the equivalent of 2D perception -- essentially making us 'time-retarded'. It's speculative, but do you think it could be possible?
This all makes me think of watching ants. They go about foraging, dragging stuff, fighting other ant species, caring for the young, going about doing what ants do. They seem completely oblivious to me being there, watching. I think when my hand or body shades the sunlight, i wonder how they perceive that. Do they notice a change in their environment caused my me blocking the sunlight? And as I child, I remember stomping on them. :cry: Using lighter fluid & matches, starting fires on their ant hill. Did they recognize I was the cause of their anguish? :cry:

There's gotta be some life form far, far advanced than we. Our arrogance lends thought to us being top of the food chain. Yep.
About those advanced beings that may interact with our environment, or us even...
Are we as blind as those ants I used too look "down" upon.?.?.?
Al Today said:
There's gotta be some life form far, far advanced than we. Our arrogance lends thought to us being top of the food chain. Yep.
About those advanced beings that may interact with our environment, or us even...
Are we as blind as those ants I used too look "down" upon.?.?.?

Hi Al, just a note, remember that being advanced goes both ways, STO and STS. Although some of the things 4D STS entities do seem to us despicable, in dimensional terms they are still one level ahead of us, just further ahead on the STS scale.

The same would go for ants. Hypothesising here, 2D ants are learning basic instinct survival lessons, maintaining of the species, and as they get closer to advancing to 3D gaining/increasing self consciousness. STS versus STO dynamic which we humans experience with great intensity, seems to be a lesson and choice for 3D level and above.

I'm with you in that they often seem more advanced, and I think that they seem so because they are much closer to their instinctual nature then we are, it is their lesson, osit. You also won't see a dog going through the sts versus sto dynamics that are so at play with us, at least not with the same intensity. Although animals may show signs of a tendency (or what we perceive as that...), it doesn't reach the extreme it does with humans. Following my hypothesis, it may be that this is one of the very things that trigger such empathetic and loving reactions coming straight from our hearts when seeing, for example, a dog play or ants doing their thing. It may well be the absence of that dynamic.

Sorry for going off topic here!
Hi Gertrudes,
I was trying to build an analogy illustrating the difference between 3D & 4D is at least as wide as between 2D & 3D.
Lately, I've been conscious of my lack of ability to read between the lines, (comprehension), from other peoples postings on the web. I tend to jump to conclusions and what not. In rereading my post, I could've been a little more descriptively precise in what I was trying to accomplish.
Al Today said:
Hi Gertrudes,
I was trying to build an analogy illustrating the difference between 3D & 4D is at least as wide as between 2D & 3D.
Lately, I've been conscious of my lack of ability to read between the lines, (comprehension), from other peoples postings on the web. I tend to jump to conclusions and what not. In rereading my post, I could've been a little more descriptively precise in what I was trying to accomplish.

Oh I understand now, thanks for clarifying Al :)
There's gotta be some life form far, far advanced than we. Our arrogance lends thought to us being top of the food chain. Yep.
About those advanced beings that may interact with our environment, or us even...
Are we as blind as those ants I used too look "down" upon.?.?.?

I think this is where the work comes in, multiple times the C's have said knowledge protects and one way it helps protects us from arrogance is by helping us to reflect and see things from a different point of view. It also helps us perceive when the control system is "acting" upon us by way of psychic attacks, agents and the like which can trigger programs, affect our environment and can even our own biology. Awareness and knowledge can protect us against such things and it is that which the ants lack, they go about their lives run by their biological instincts and (I can't speak for the ants but) probably didn't think any more of your actions as a child than we do of what we see of the weather or current events happening in the world.

One day I was stuck by a moment of understanding of what the disparity between the actions of different levels of awareness, density and ability might be like.

I was heading out one day and wanted the cat to go outside, so I stood with the back door open and called over to her and managed to rouse her from her slumber. One minute passed with me still standing at the door trying to coax the cat out and she'd respond by standing there and blinking at me, my patience ended and I decided to take action, so I walked over to her, picked her up and put her out side. It occurred to me then, why and how the 4D STS might interfere with our will and it was the same reason I could interfere with my cats will, because I can. I have more evolved physical and intellectual abilities which allow me to assert my will over that of my little 2D friend like it is the same way the 4D STS have greater physical and intellectual abilities and the knowledge of how to use them to interfere with our will. Without the limits of linear perception of time they are free to tweak our realities and lead us down a certain path that they have set up, probably depending on us letting our programming or fear directing our decision making. Which is where beauty of knowledge comes in, we are able to see what lead us to a choice, what our available options are and what consequences can happen and choose independently regardless of what the situation was set up to do. I guess if they were desperate enough they could still “pick me up and put me outside” or use some kind of 3D agent to.

Well that is how I see it at least, I know the whole scenario is a lot more complex and there is a lot more to it but just because it's beyond my comprehension doesn't mean I can’t try :headbash:. And as far off topic as I think I may have gotten I don’t think we are completely blind to it, not all of us at least as evidenced by those in this forum seeking answers.
Ivecky said:
[...] I don’t think we are completely blind to it [...]

Methinks we have, at least, the potential to learn and open our eyes. I think a major problem is the ability to come across information that is "true". One(1), we have to Work at gathering information, and then two(2), we must sift though, discern the validity of the information. And that's not even speaking to Being within this mechanical flesh with all the chemical soup of emotions and false "thoughts" we gotta live with day to day... This makes The Work that much harder...

Finally, at least we "TRY", keep trying and this is of utmost importance, intent and desire if you will...
(whoa - I get the feeling that again, I'm being too simplistic. But that came out anyway.)
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