The Living Force
Actually, these are two articles, both by the same writer. The first is a short, scholarly, but very readable and lucid review of the hazards of aluminum adjuvants, which asks why it is that on the one hand, the medical literature is literally crawling with studies that demonstrate the risk of autoimmune disease and autism that accompanies vaccination, while on the other hand, we're constantly assured by "official" science that, don't worry, it's all perfectly safe:
The second draws upon a 19th-century thinker, Gustav Le Bon (whom I had not heard of before), to explain how it is that not only large sections of the public, but also solid majorities within the scientific community, come to defend beliefs that are simply wrong ... and not just defend them, but behave in a vicious, intolerant fashion towards any who dare question their sacred cows.
Sounds to me like this Le Bon character has been extremely influential (on all the wrong people) ... and yet somehow, he's not particularly well-known. Funny, that.
The second draws upon a 19th-century thinker, Gustav Le Bon (whom I had not heard of before), to explain how it is that not only large sections of the public, but also solid majorities within the scientific community, come to defend beliefs that are simply wrong ... and not just defend them, but behave in a vicious, intolerant fashion towards any who dare question their sacred cows.
Our normal expectation that these collections of individuals have determined their beliefs and practices by a logical, scientific process, is empirically proven wrong. Instead the observed facts are explained much better by the model espoused by Gustav Le Bon in his 1895 book The Crowd, the first work on group psychology, and arguably the most insightful. Although largely forgotten today, this work has had extraordinary influence. By their own accounts it was on Theodore Roosevelt’s bedside table, and dogeared by Mussolini. Lenin and Stalin took from it, and “Hitler’s indebtedness to Le Bon bordered on plagiarism” in the words of historian and Hitler-biographer Robert G. L. Waite. Sigmund Freud wrote a book discussing Le Bon, which we will quote from below, and Edward Bernays, the father of modern public relations, acknowledged his deep debt, as Goebbels did of Bernays’ reflected insights. So this wouldn’t be the first predictive power displayed by Le Bon’s model: every one of the above luminaries was very happy with their practical applications of Le Bon.
Sounds to me like this Le Bon character has been extremely influential (on all the wrong people) ... and yet somehow, he's not particularly well-known. Funny, that.